grapefruit / 4028 posts
@Jess1483: thank you! Did you spot at all with your current pregnancy?
@GoGoSnoGirl: ugh, every day feels soooooooo long right now. Thanks for understanding. ️
nectarine / 2834 posts
@LulaBee: what a beautiful experience. I found that trusting my little one that I lost at 9 weeks to take care of the new little one helped me through a lot of anxious moments. We even made dd2's middle name "Mae", for a
Few reasons but one being the month we lost that baby.
nectarine / 2641 posts
@Crystal: Just saw this. I did not spot with my newest LO. Hoping things are going well for you!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@simplyfelicity: I'm doing well, I had a great dr appt yesterday. I'm a little anxious for our next ultrasound to confirm everything is ok (didn't get one yesterday), but luckily no other issues have popped up. How are you?
@Jess1483: thanks for sharing!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@Jess1483: @GoGoSnoGirl: thank you so much friends! I don't think my dr quite understands my anxiety. He wants me to relax, which is way easier said than done.
apricot / 320 posts
Hi! I'm dipping my toe in the water here...
Your story: Conceived my 2.5 yo DS at age 34 fairly easily, and though I had spotting throughout the first tri and had to go through additional testing after a bad 12 wk scan, I had a relatively smooth pregnancy and healthy baby. I got pregnant for the 2nd time in february at age 37. Lots of morning sickness but no spotting, which calmed my anxiety. It turned out to be a blighted ovum, diagnosed at 8ish weeks. D&C at 9 wks. I was somewhat ok afterwards, disappointed but optimistic. I found out last week that I'm pregnant again.
Due Date: March 29
LO #: 2
How are you coping with pregnancy after a loss: I think it's triggered the anxiety and sadness that I didn't fully experience with the loss. I'm so worried that this is going to end the same way. No spotting, morning sickness starting to kick in a little but otherwise no huge symptoms.
Is your doctor recommending different care after a loss: I go to a midwifery practice (but they deliver only in hospital), and once you've had a loss they offer beta HCG and an early dating ultrasound for subsequent pregnancies. I'm going to do the ultrasound but am unsure about the beta tests since my HCG was in the normal range with my BO. Thoughts or suggestions?
Thanks to everyone who's shared. Your stories are very comforting, and it's wonderful to see your new babies!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@MoreCoffee: hCG Is Just a way to confirm its progressing normally. It helped me feel more secure, but if it will give you more anxiety, opt out.
Im sad you had to join us here, but welcome and congrats.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Crystal: I see! Glad to hear your appointment went well. Things are pretty good over here, I just miss sleep a little.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@MoreCoffee: I am sorry for your loss but congratulations on your pregnancy! I opted out of betas because I didn't want to stress out over them and now I have a four week old son. Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@morecoffee: congratulations on your new pregnancy! The mix of emotions a post-loss pregnancy brings can be overwhelming. For me, the betas gave me something tangible to hold on to in those first couple weeks before my 7wk scan. I'm a person who prefers to know things rather than being in the dark, being hopeful... part of what stung after my loss was looking back on those first couple weeks and thinking how naively optimistic I was; and I honestly wanted to be more guarded the 2nd time around (this was after 7 more months of trying and IF diagnosis). I hope whatever you do, it ends up being the right decision for you
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@DesertDreams88: ugh, I miss my naivety. It can definitely overshadow things for me sometimes, much as I try not to.
@simplyfelicity: Awwww! At least you aren't sleeping for all the best reasons.
pomelo / 5129 posts
@Crystal: I'm with Crystal. I wish there was a way to go back to being naively, blissfully excited!
@MoreCoffee: Congratulations on your pregnancy! My doctor did an early beta test at my first appointment, but no follow ups to make sure it was doubling. they simply looked at the level and it was adequate and that was it.
Honestly, in my circumstance, I think it would have been more stressful. With my MC I had an empty sac at our first US, and they said either my math was wrong or I was MCing. Instead of making me just wait for the follow up a week later, they ran Betas, but I got false hope because I was told they were "Doubling perfectly!"
So I don't think I can ever really trust them.
The only things that have helped my anxiety are trying to remember that just because I've had a loss, that doesn't mean I'm more susceptible to a second one. MANY people have one MC, and ALL pregnancies are different.
Up until I passed the point at which I MCed (around 8 weeks) I reminded myself daily that I was pregnant today, and that's a good thing. Whenever I get stressed, I tell my baby how much I love it. I think even though I've been more freaked out this time around, I've done more to bond with the baby because I know how quickly it could all be gone.
But at 15 weeks, so far so good!
pomelo / 5129 posts
Generally poll...
I know I've asked about us allowing ourselves to get excited, but when did y'all feel like other people (close family) got really excited for you?
I feel like my whole family is on eggshells. I said something to my mom when she visited last month about how underwhelming her reaction was when I first told her, and she said "but you were so scared and I didn't want to make it worse!"
DH's sister waited until I was 14 weeks to call and congratulate me. My sister hasn't called or anything...until yesterday when I saw her randomly and she talked to my stomach. But she's told my mom (and SIL has also told me the same) that she won't buy anything for the baby until I'm 7 months along.
I feel like that only solidifies my own fears! I finally had the talk with DH that I needed him to be more excited so I wasn't as anxious, so thankfully at least he's talking about the baby more now.
Did people around you make it harder to be excited?
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Crystal: Completely agree!
@MaryM: 15 week!? That's so awesome! What's funny, is my family as so excited but I wouldn't allow myself...I even told my sister not to congratulate me. All the way to the end, it made me nervous when people got really excited.
As far as your family, I am guessing they are just trying to not put pressure on you. When they see you get excited, I am sure they will reciprocate.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@MaryM: mine got excited after we had our 2nd good ultrasound, I guess, but I think it's mostly because I allowed myself to get excited then too.
pomelo / 5129 posts
Maybe if DH is more outwardly excited things will catch up. I hope so, because it's 5 weeks to our next sono!
I think he put the fear of God into his family and probably forbade them to get too excited. I appreciate it to a certain extend (they can go REALLY overboard to the point of being annoying), but *some* excitement would be nice at this point.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@marym: like @simplyfelicity said, my family and friends were very excited from the start and baffles by my nervousness. So, no idea! Like you say, at 15 weeks in, I think it's time for some celebration!! Most women with no history of loss get to celebrate right away and I think we've waited long enough..... hopefully your family and DH's get excited soon!
pomelo / 5129 posts
I think my mom is coming around, probably just because I see her more than the rest of my family. The fact that our baby's room is almost cleared out (it was a dumping room during the move) is probably helping make it more real!
She and I talked names over dinner Friday when she came, so that was nice (but confusing because we both ended up sort of liking one of my joke names that no one in our family has ever used!)
grapefruit / 4028 posts
We haven't told anyone yet, so I will be curious to know how they react.
As for the IRL few friends I've told, they don't bring it up at. all. They are super excited and happy to discuss it when I do, but I think they are afraid to say something. One friend is also struggling with fertility, and while the other is childless by choice, she knows how hard this has has been on me. I love that they are being sensitive, but want to he able to gush about squishy baby things sometimes.
apricot / 288 posts
@Crystal: So glad to see you here!! Congratulations!
I'm very early (4wks tomorrow) but joining this thread for as much optimism and as many good vibes as I can get.
Your story: DH and I have been ttc since Dec 2012. Naturally pregnant Dec 2013; ended in m/c at 5.5wks. Began IUIs in Feb 2014; chemical with 2nd. Naturally pregnant May 2014; ended in m/c at 5.5wks. Did a few rounds of frozen sperm + clomid while DH was deployed. Moved and switched doctors. Currently on Lovenox and Metformin. First cycle monitored clomid + trigger + IUI = BFP!
Due Date: 4/4
LO #: 1
How are you coping with pregnancy after a loss: I've asked for lots of prayers and support this go round. I understand it's out of my hands at this point. I'm terrified of getting betas and waiting to hit the first of many milestones for us
Is your doctor recommending different care after a loss: The Lovenox was added by my new doctor for a micro clotting disorder which they can only guess may have caused my early losses. Also getting an early scan at 5.5wks
Something interesting about you: I'm 6'1".... And no I don't play basketball
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@MaryM: and it's one of the many reasons I love you so dearly! ️
@Kelli_Deluxe: thank you! Congratulations to you as well, I am so so excited for you!!!
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@Kelli_Deluxe: so sorry to hear of your losses and struggles, but congratulations on this pregnancy! Fingers crossed that the Lovenox does the trick!
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@MoreCoffee: Congrats!
@MaryM: My family was, for the most part, immediately wildly enthusiastic...which made me crazy because I was feeling pretty guarded. Good on you for asking your DH for what you need! And there's no time like 15weeks to start feeling excited! Pretty soon you'll be feeling your sweet baby!
@Kelli_Deluxe: So happy to see you here!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Kelli_Deluxe: Congratulations!!! So happy to see you here after all you have been through.
apricot / 320 posts
@MaryM: Thanks for your feedback! I talked to my DH last night and I think I'm going to skip the betas...similar to your experience, my HCG levels were on-target with my blighted ovum so they were falsely reassuring. Congrats to you on your pregnancy!
To answer your poll question, I think I"m the one who is always caveating our news with "but don't get excited YET". DH is cautious, too. I'm sensitive to my parents' and IL's excitement and don't want them to be disappointed, either. In my head I think of the first tri milestones we have to pass before I can "let" myself be excited...I do try to focus on the present moment a lot but the underlying anxiety is still there.
Welcome to the other new BFPs! So glad to be here to cheer you on!
coffee bean / 33 posts
Hey y'all, I'm currently 5.5-6.5 weeks along with my first due the end of March after two miscarriages. My first loss was at 10 weeks and my second at 7 weeks. My doctor believes my problem was low progesterone and now has me on a supplement.
I haven't told anyone but my husband and my doctor, I've essentially been pretending I'm not even preganant with my self. I keep referring to the baby as " my stomach problems" to my husband and my doctor wanted to see me on the 30th and I still haven't even made the appointment yet. I'm not sure when I'll feel ready to see the doctor, I know they'll do an ultrasound but I'm just to scared to find out if everything looks good or not.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Travelinmoon: I am sorry for your losses but glad you have made your way here. I have SO been there. I, too, had two losses and was pretty much in denial the third time I got pregnant. Now I have a one month old son asleep on my lap. I used to refer to him as "if this situation works out..." It WILL happen for you but it's just one day at a time. As we say here, today you are pregnant and it's 9 months of telling yourself that.
This thread is the perfect place to vent everything that people IRL might have trouble understanding.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@Travelinmoon: I am so sorry for all you've been through, but I can totally relate with trying to protect yourself. I believe it will work out for you. ️
pomelo / 5129 posts
Since we have several new moms, I thought we needed an update to our roll call. If you're not listed or your EDD has changed, just let me know!
Anyone know if the end of July moms have "graduated"?
July 29: MrsJYW
July 31: GinaBean3
Aug. 13: Fliegepilzhut
Aug. 24/25: 2PeasinaPod
Dec. 4: HappyBluebird
Dec. 6: LulaBee
Jan. 4: TravellingBee,
Jan. 5: Lauren0817
Jan. 13: Sera_87
Jan. 14: MaryM
Jan. 19: DesertDreams88
Feb. 28: Crystal
March 29: MoreCoffee
End of March: TravelinMoon
April 4: Kelli_Deluxe
nectarine / 2641 posts
@FliegepilzHut: I just noticed how close you are!!! I'm so excited for you!
That list just makes me happy.
pomelo / 5129 posts
@Jess1483: It makes me happy too That's why I wanted to update it. So much hope there!
kiwi / 631 posts
Hey girlies. I was going to try and pace myself, in order to help myself ease into this pregnancy, but instead I've decided to put some faith behind it and hope for the best.
Your story: We started TTC in June of '14. It took me 6 cycles to finally conceive. My first pregnancy ended in an early mc/ cp just shy of 6 weeks. After taking my MC cycle and the next cycle off, I started TTC again in February. In April I started acupuncture, and I started O'ing earlier. I got another CP in April and in June, and yesterday I finally tested after being a few days late for AF and I got lots of lovely BFP's!
Due Date: I've been getting many early April dates from different sites, but I will say April 3rd for know.
LO #: 1
How are you coping with pregnancy after a loss: Right now I still am strangely excited and calm about everything. I feel like this has to be the one for me. I'm planning on starting to read Game of Thrones and dive into lots of projects in the next few weeks to keep me busy.
Is your doctor recommending different care after a loss: I haven't called yet. When I went in to try and get testing she was pretty admit about not testing early, so I will call next week sometime as long as all is well.
Something interesting about you: Umm... my whole family was born in the same hospital, a hospital that doesn't exist anymore. I lived in a town with about 6 streets in it until I was about 9, then lived in a larger small town until after HS, and now I live in an area with a metro population of over a million.
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@Jess1483: Very close...and it seems like things are moving along (FWIW). Little guy may make it here before his due date yet!
@auggiefrog: FX hard for a H&H 9months!!!
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