My doctor has been really great throughout my early pregnancy. Since I had a miscarriage last year, he had my hCG monitored every other day for 3 days after my BFP. My levels were 65, 277, and 524. The nurse said everything looked great. Well, I started spotting light pink last night night. This morning it continued and turned red. I called the office in a panic today, knowing full well that they couldn't do anything. The doctor just called me back, and was nice, but blunt. Basically said there's nothing to do but wait and see (I'm so early on, 4 weeks 3 days), and he thinks my third beta level wasn't that great, it should have doubled and it barely did.

So, now I'm just crushed. I'm hoping for the best, but prepared for the worst. Has anyone else gone through something like this? I just feel so hopeless at this point. It just sucks to sit and watch the same pattern of events that happened when I m/c over a year ago.