hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@2PeasinaPod: good luck tomorrow! her 2-month shots were a nightmare but her 4-month (yesterday) were a total difference. She was only upset when they stuck her! Mild fever last night and this morning but happy mood. and unfortunately for me, did not sleep the day away like everyone says they will!
her 4-month stats:
15 lb 11 oz (75%)
24.5" (50%)
16.25" head (dunno!)
ped said no orajel and only tylenol for teething, and then said no solids til 6 months. she wants me to start her on poly-vi-sol for Iron, since I'm breastfeeding, but not sure what to do there. I've heard some people do it and some don't, but I don't want to lie to the dr - told her I'd go get some. Not feeling it though
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@sorrycharlie: it is interesting to me the difference in doctors. Our dr said to go ahead and start solids but that we didn't need to do an iron supplement even though we are EBF.
Didn't mention T's stats before: 15lb 8oz and 27 1/4". He did great with his shots only crying when they did them and then wasn't fussy or feverish from them.
grapefruit / 4442 posts
Just wanted to say Hi! My DD Audrey was born in sept.
LO's name: Audrey
Due Date: 9/22
DOB: 9/18 @ 1:33pm, 7lbs 12oz 20 inches
Age: 4 months 2 weeks
Audrey just started solids I'm not sure if she likes it LOL
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@bunnylove08: hello!! your daughter is adorable! that is the coolest spoon/packet gadget..what is it?
grapefruit / 4442 posts
@sorrycharlie, thank you. Its a Plum Organics Dispensing Spoon you attach it to pouch food and it squeezes food into the spoon. The spoon is a little deep for DD but it works
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@bunnylove08: so cool! gonna buy that for when we start solids..seems easier for travel than bringing a bowl!
grapefruit / 4442 posts
@sorrycharlie I also just bought some green pouches. I plan on making my own baby purees. They were cheaper on the green pouch website vs amazon.
grapefruit / 4442 posts
Hi September 12 mama how are your babies doing this month? Just wanted to wish you all a very happy first valentine's day!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@BunnyLove08: Awww - same to you!
BabyGloss is doing great, although she is still waking 6-8 times (on average) a night due to her reflux. We are finally getting to see a Ped GI specialist tomorrow, so hopefully my baby girl (and her mama!) will get more sleep with better meds!
I still hate leaving her during the day . . . I don't know that I will ever feel like I made the right decision to go back to work. I think it is the right decision in the long run, but the short run is heartbreaking for me.
How is your LO?
grapefruit / 4442 posts
@mslipgloss DD use to sleep through the night but for some reason now she wakes up twice, usually around 1:30 and 3:30am. At the 1:30 waking I can put a binky in her mouth and she falls back asleep but the 4:30 she needs to feed to go back to sleep.
I'm wondering if she could skip the feeding and STTN. I have a feeling we might need to sleep train her
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@bunnylove08: aww happy valentines day! My LO is in the 4m sleep regression and is up every 3 hours! Blah
@MsLipGloss: let us know how your appt goes!! I Hope for some answers for you guys!
O is sleeping ok but not great. We're up to 3 hour stretches now from 1-3 which is a plus but she's all of a sudden decided she's totally into waking for the day at 6:30 am! Not cool! She's got two distinct white swollen spots on her lower gum so she's been iffy with teething - sometimes content, sometimes cranky, and usually clingy. She's officially fully in Carter's 9m clothes and 6-9 for everything else! Where'd my baby go?!
She just discovered she can kick her legs straight into the air and leave them there too which is kind of fun. Lol.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@SorryCharlie: Awww! Just last night I switched BabyGloss to her 6 month clothes (pretty much all Carters). . . she was getting too tall for her 3 month clothes, but otherwise still had plenty of room in them. She is swimming in her 6 month clothes, but now she has the room she needs to pull her feet in all the time. Her feet are the best.things.ever. for her to nom on!
And the kicking! BabyGloss just figured out she can kick and splash in her tub . . . looks like mama will no longer stay dry!
grapefruit / 4442 posts
@sorrycharlie wow 9m is you LO tall?
I just bought a ton if Carters sleep and plays for DD. she is now in 6 month clothing. I cant believe how big she has gotten.
@Mslipgloss i think DD will be swimming in her 6m clothing too since she is a stringbean.
Oh carters is having a 50% off sale and 2.5% cash back on ebates. if you wanted to buy more clothes LOL
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@BunnyLove: I just bought LO more clothes (from Carters) earlier today!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@MsLipGloss: hahaha we have the splashing too! I have to move from the counter into the big tub!
@bunnylove08: not really I don't think! At her 4m appt she was 24.5" but she's over 16 lbs, lol!
grapefruit / 4442 posts
just checking in! DD had her 5 moth check up and is 14lbs 15oz . she is loving solid foods, is sitting up on her own and is now trying to crawl!
how are your little ones doing?
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@bunnylove08: aww so cute! I am jealous, we don't go again til 6 months! I'll probably weigh her at home just for the baby book. We aren't starting solids til 6 months but she just learned to sit this week I stashed away the rock and play, but she still likes the swing and bouncer, so those are still out.
5 months a week from today! cannot believe how fast time flies. I'm getting baby fever! eek!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@bunnylove08: @sorrycharlie: We had an appointment with a GI specialist last week, and LO weighed in at 15lbs 3oz . . . she will be 6 months on March 1. She is trying to roll over and can almost sit up in a tripod (a few seconds before face planting - lol). We are starting solids tonight (oatmeal cereal in BM for her bedtime feed), and are still working our way through her reflux. *sigh*
ETA: We are starting solids based on the recommendation of the Ped GI specialist. Otherwise, I had planned to wait until 6 months.
I will post a pic for a little while, and then will take it down later.
grapefruit / 4442 posts
@sorrycharlie I think we might break out the jumperoo soon! She still loves to sit in her rNp but doesnt care for her swing so I think I might try to sell it online. my DH swears the rNp helped her learn to sit up.
@Mslipgloss your DD is ADORABLE! I hope she likes her first taste of solids. DD was a little confused by it. I also hope her reflux gets better!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@bunnylove08: Thank you! I can't believe your cutie patootie can sit already!
nectarine / 2878 posts
Carter will be 5 months in a week! Time is flying So far this month we have had a ton of belly laughs (he is very ticklish) and his newest trick is squealing, it is ear piercingly cute! ha! He has no desire to roll over but is getting close to sitting unassisted.
As far as solids, we have tried rice cereal once and sweet potatoes for the first time last night...he is more intrigued by the spoon though! He actually eats it pretty well, probably because he is always watching us eat, lol.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@lilyann: What a handsome boy! The picture of BabyGloss was actually taken mid-pterodactyl squeal - lol.
nectarine / 2878 posts
@Bao: Thank you
@MsLipGloss: Thank you!! I call it his pterodactyl squeal too! I have a little video of him doing it that I might upload in a few. Sometimes he will do it for an entire car ride and I feel like I can't focus! Crazy babies!
grapefruit / 4442 posts
@Lilyann OMG Carter is so handsome! @MsLipGloss I also call her squeals pterodactyl squeals! her new nickname is little dinosaur!
cherry / 178 posts
This is fun! Love all the photos of your adorable babes!!
My son's name is Michael.
Due Date: 10/1/12 based on LMP
Birth Date: 9/27/12 10:23pm
Stats: 7 lbs 10 oz, 20 inches
At his 4 month wellness visit he weighed 18 lbs 9.9 oz and was 26 inches long. He is EBF and I am feeling pretty good about it especially since I didn't know if I could do it or not.
He just rolled over for the first time 2 weeks ago from tummy to back. He seems to want to turn from back to tummy but hasn't been able to do so yet... He is a very happy baby, loves to smile and laugh out loud. We took him for his first trip to visit family in San Francisco just last week. He did very well on both flights and was unfazed by all the new, unfamiliar faces and the chaos that is my family. I was so glad!
Here is a picture of him in the midst of trying to roll over to his back for the first time... he was kinda stuck! Haha!
grapefruit / 4442 posts
You DS is ADORABLE!!!.Wow you're brave taking him on the flight, what did you do to prepare? I think we have the same playmat.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@jetsettermomma: omg so cute! we have birthday twins!!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@jetsettermomma: Your LO is too cute! It's amazing how different babies can be . . . my LO was a little over 13lbs at her 4 month appointment!
cherry / 178 posts
@bunnylove08: Thank you! We love that playmat! We had no idea what to expect so SO and I armed ourselves with lots of his fave toys, books, a bottle of pumped milk, and, even though we binky weaned him a month ago, about 5 binkies! I would say the most challenging part of both flights (to and from HNL/SFO) was trying to nurse him while wearing my nursing cover. I just wanted to remove the darn thing!
@sorrycharlie: I saw that! Your baby girl is so adorable! I love her eyes and chubby cheeks!!
@mslipgloss: I know, right?! We have friends whose son is a month older than ours and he weighs a little less than Mikey but is so much longer!
Would any of you happen to know how I can try to encourage him to roll from back to tummy? He seems to want to sometimes but I think he stops when he feels his arm is getting pinned?
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@jetsettermomma: BabyGloss has recently started rolling over with reckless abandon! Her arm(s) would get in the way too, so to practice, I would help her position her arm and then just give her a little shove. She LOVES rolling over! I also put her favorite toys to the side juuuust out of reach. She rolled over by herself once, and then didn't do it again for a day or so (she seemed to get stuck). But then, it was like the floodgates opened, and she just started rolling back to belly and belly to back over and over again. Now I'm terrified to take my eyes off her!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
Just wanted to give you all an update! BabyGloss just had her 6 month check-up yesterday (3 shots instead of just 2 *augh*), and she is weighing in a 15lbs 4oz and (I think) she was 26 3/4 inches long. So, we're still right around 29th percentile for weight, but we are in the 50th for height (and 55th for head) - woot woot!
I am planning to start purees this weekend . . . or this week if I can get to the store! I would love to be able to make all of her food, but it just isn't going to happen. If I didn't work, I would be all over the Baby Bullet! I may try to do some, but most days, I am doing well to get myself to the office in clean clothes. And I am so relieved when the weekends roll around that all I want to do is play with BabyGloss and take her on walks and stuff. I don't want to be bogged down in the kitchen during our together time.
papaya / 10560 posts
@MsLipGloss: our babies aren't only birthday twins but a lot alike in stats!
DS had his 6 month check up on fri and weighed 14 lbs 8 oz and was 25" long. He is 10th for height and weight. He got a nasty viral infection around 5 months and wouldn't nurse so he lost some weight and is still rebounding.
His first tooth popped through a couple weeks ago. Now I'm just waiting for the one next to it to come through. We are still nursing around 7am, 11, 2, and 6. He gets two bottles at daycare. We started purées slowly and now he is eating squash, sweet potato, peas, prunes, pears, and apple. He loves to eat and reaches for the spoon and gets mad if I don't feed him fast enough. We are battling some constipation issues but I think the will get better.
DS was sleeping through night but between the virus and cutting a tooth I've had multiple wake ups per night since.
He's rolling back to tummy and tummy to back and scoots
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@matador84: I forget that our LO's have the same birthday! Blue Moon babies FTW! @YellowBird also has a birthday twin . . . so I guess they are all Blue Moon triplets?!
Your LO is soooo cute (he looks like such a happy little guy too)! And I love his green sneakers! I am glad to know he is making a come back with regard to his stats . . . having a sick LO is the worst! BabyGloss doesn't have any teeth yet . . . and while she is a little drooly, it doesn't look like any teeth are right around the corner. It may sound silly, but we have her 6 month photos scheduled for next Friday, so I just want her to keep her gummy little smile until then. And then bring on the teeth!
We're still dealing with multiple wake ups each night . . . but her reflux has really wrecked her sleep, and until her surgery, I am not going to try to do any sleep training. It just seems like too much effort, and all I want to do is keep her happy and relaxed as much as possible until then. I worry a little that I might be creating bad habits, but yanno, they are only small for such a short time. Like they say, babies don't keep.
I will post a picture of her for a little while and then take it down, just so you can see her.
grapefruit / 4442 posts
Hi Ladies,
How are the little Sept 12 munchkins doing?
DD is on Brocoli and loves it. She is also trying to crawl.
sleep- she is waking up about 2x during the night. Have you tried to sleep train? Which methods did you use?
Picture of DD mastering sitting up
papaya / 10560 posts
@MsLipGloss: baby gloss is sooooo cute! I need to take my pic down too...I get paranoid. He is a very happy baby!!! That was the day of his six month appt before shots! Sneakers are from old favorite for cute boy clothing!
I did get sad when he cut his first tooth! I wated the gummy smile to stay also!
When is surgery scheduled? I know that is a huge stress for you. Keep us posted!!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@MsLipGloss: do you have the baby bullet already? I have the baby brezza and it's SO easy - last night I just dumped 2 cups frozen peas in, pushed the 'steam and blend' button for 20 minutes (according to the recipe booklet) and it did it all itself! those are great stats, too! Olivia always gets 3 injections + rotovirus shots suck! we are also doing 6-month photos next weekend. are you winging it, or do you have any inspiration shots or anything? I'm not sure what to do.
@matador84: ahh he is so cute! love his little jeans and shoes! poor guy with the constipation yay for teeth, too! he sounds ahead of the game!
we have about 4 nighttime wakeups right now too, if you count from 6:30 when she goes down. She has a rough start, then will do 3/4/3/2. sigh.
@bunnylove08: we haven't sleep trained because LO can put herself to sleep, when she wakes she's actually I can't bring myself to sleep train her. Our house is so, so dry from the heat that DH and I wake all night with dry mouth, so I'm wondering if she does too! We need a humidifier. I had to return our Crane frog because it was growing mold..ugh.
Olivia is only 5.5 months, but as of yesterday (we had a visit for height/weight for a study) she was 16 lb 10 oz, and just shy of 26" long. Her bottom two teeth are not through yet but you can see them just under there! She is working on back to front rolling, but sits really well. Yesterday was her first day in the big girl stroller! She looooved looking around Kohl's, haha! I also let her lick a pickle at lunch yesterday and she tried to stuff it in her mouth. She's only had oatmeal, bananas, peas - and we did sweet potatoes for the first time last night. She loves it all!
We're having what I (think) are overtired/night terror issues. She goes to sleep really easily at night (6:30) but wakes up within the hour screaming inconsolably. Nothing works - she'll calm down when she tastes the tylenol or gas drops, but as soon as the dropper is empty she ramps back up. She cried so hard (for 25 min last night) that her whole face is red and swollen
Eventually nursing her gets her back to sleep, and she'll usually wake another time in the first 3-hr block (before 10p). After that, she's fine for the night - she'll wake, but just wake talking or whining, nurse, and go right back out. I can't figure it out and it makes me feel so terrible
ETA - what time do your babies go to bed? wondering if I should try putting her to sleep earlier?
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
btw, is anyone on IG? I think I'm following @matador84 but not sure! I'd love to keep up with the cute babies!!
papaya / 10560 posts
@sorrycharlie: Im on ig hook me up with your user! DS goes down between 630-7 every night but there are random nights he gets tired around 6.
He isn't much of a daytime napper when he's at daycare. At home it usually isn't a problem.
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