pomegranate / 3414 posts
We go for DS' 6m checkup on Thursday so I'll have stats then although I think he's at least 20lbs. He was supposed to be today but DD busted her forehead and had to get stitches on Saturday and since those have to come out Thursday I combined appointments. DS can roll both directions but tends to get "stuck" going front to back since he doesn't like to pull one of his arms out from underneath himself. He can sit if supported but tilts over when not.
nectarine / 2878 posts
@sorrycharlie: I am taytay1031 on IG
Baby Carter is getting over RSV, Bronchiolotis and a double ear infection. Stupid daycare, so sad! Luckily it hasn't kept him from eating so he didn't have to go to the hospital but is doing 2-3 breathing treatments per day. He was 17 lbs 10 oz (5 months, 1 week) at his doc appt last week.
grapefruit / 4442 posts
@sorrycharlie: what is IG? is it instagram? my username is the same as HB.
did you by any chance have a FP seahorse? DD loves her seahorse, it does not put her to sleep but when she is hysterically crying, it magically makes her stop for a little and we're able to put a bottle/boob or medicine in her mouth.
We too have a craine frog and i agree with the mold issue. I bleached the heck out of it and now we run it with vinegar in the tank. So far so good. We actually have two humidifiers because our apt is so hot, but my DH broke the cap on the other one and I cant find a replacement cap so we have to buy a new one... womp womp.
papaya / 10560 posts
Omg on the crane! I have the teardrop looking one. Where did y'all find mold? I need to look!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@sorrycharlie: No I don't have the Bullet - but what you described sounds so much more doable than I thought! Maybe I should just order a Brezza . . . I really like knowing what my babe is eating!
ETA: Yep, total control freak here!
papaya / 10560 posts
@MsLipGloss: I have a friend that just steams or roasts and then purées the veggies in a food processor. I have an immersion blender and that can be used too. I would love to make my own baby food but solo mama and too much already going on!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@matador84: Working full-time has been really tough . . . I already feel like I need to more at work, but I just can't bear to spend any less time with LO. And I don't want that time to be spent in the kitchen! Now if only I could get her to sleep so I could do more for her at night! I think I will start with prepared purees and if I have time make some of my own. I may be able to give her more variety if I do both (don't know if prepared purees have things like squash and other different veggies). I also like the idea of prepared purees for fruits/veggies that are out of season!
papaya / 10560 posts
@MsLipGloss: I totally know what you mean. I feel like all the time he spends at daycare I barely see him on weekdays. Plus with DH gone all week I have to keep things simple. I have been buying gerber and earths brand baby foods but at night and weekends I give him avocado and banana. If LO didn't go to sleep early life would be way hard!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@purrpletulips: oh no! hope your daughter is OK!
@lilyann: just requested you! aelastname hope your LO is feeling better, wow!! poor thing
@bunnylove08: we have a glowworm, which she does like but when she gets like that, nothing snaps her out of it except nursing - or medicine! lol but then she starts up the second the syringe is empty. She just did it for her nap, and she was overdue for her nap, so I'm wondering if it's an overtired thing...if something wakes her up and she can't fall back to sleep and freaks? but why only that time period, haha, that's the confusing part! when she isn't overtired she can put herself to sleep. sigh. maybe we'll try an earlier bedtime! I just requested you on instagram too
@matador84: i found it on the cap to the water tank, which in the frog is on the underside (sits in water the whole time!). i was pretty good about cleaning it, too I'm just going to buy a vicks warm mist one for like $15. I don't mind pitching and replacing if I have to for that price. The woman I nannied for used that with her girls, and they never went near it (it was plugged in on the floor away from the crib) so it wasn't an issue that it wasn't cool mist.
@MsLipGloss: I'm a total control freak too, HAHA..I actually threw away the entire cup of mashed peas last night because I realized it wasn't organic peas and felt guilty! oy!
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@sorrycharlie: She is fine, the only indication that something happened is the 5 stitches above her left eye (apparently she was "twirling" in our bedroom and ran into my dresser drawer knob but since DH and I were in the other room at the time we really aren't sure what exactly happened)
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@sorrycharlie: My LO has a hard time staying asleep right around the hour mark . . . she wakes up crying too. Usually I can get her to go back down by just picking her up, but we go through that cycle 3-5 times a night (the subsequent wakings occur at shorter intervals) before she will go down for about 2-3 hours stretch. For us, I think her wakings were originally caused by her reflux, but now with her new meds kicking in, I think it happens because she now associates sleep with pain? I have been told that the 45 minute mark is the time when babies transition into deeper sleep, and that if they are waking around that time they aren't transitioning. I wish I had answers! I at least wanted you to know that you're not alone!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@purrpletulips: Bless her heart! And ((hugs)) to you too mama!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@matador84: Being on your own with a LO is so hard! My DH travels quite a bit, and even when he's not travelling, he regularly works (really) late. It can be really draining and really lonely . . . I love feeling like LO and I have a special bond (and our own little inside jokes), but I wish he were home more and with her more so that he could have that feeling too. BabyGloss will likely be our only baby (I am 37(!) . . . although I used to not look it until the sleep deprivation hit!), so there is that too.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@MsLipGloss: that sounds EXACTLY like what we have going on! LO was never diagnosed with reflux so I felt like it had to be something else, but no freakin' clue what. That may explain her 40-minute to the minute naps, too. sigh. problem is - when I go in to help her go back to sleep (binky, pat her, hold her, etc) she'll go back in her crib, whine for a few minutes (i watch on monitor), then go ballistic. It's like she's thinking, "NOOO I'm falling asleep!" or something. Just go to sleep kid! I'd pay someone to make me sleep!
grapefruit / 4442 posts
@sorrycharlie: just accepted you and requested to follow you too.
I think it could be over tired. DD goes to bed at 7pm. We gets all fired up during her bath and when we're doing a diaper change she starts to rub her eyes and we have to whisk her to the bed to nurse. she will fall asleep on the boob and I put her in bed and she will wake up maybe in an hour and fuss and we put the paci in her mouth and shes out again. Then she wakes up around 1 to feed.
I think DD sometimes freaks out when she wakes up and has no idea how she got into her crib. So we put her seahorse and a paci near her. Sometimes when she wakes up in the middle of the night she talks to her seahorse. Its the cutest thing. She is trying to put the paci back in her mouth but has not perfected that yet.
@MsLipGloss: I do love the seahorse and turned my sister on to it
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@sorrycharlie: That's exactly what BabyGloss does . . . FWIW, our Ped GI specialist says that reflux peaks between 4-6 months. I hate that for you and O!
After the first wake up, I will hold BabyGloss until she is asleep again (sometimes it takes like 15-20 minutes!), put her down and hope that she doesn't wake back up again right away. She usually doesn't stay down until around midnight or so.
And yeah, BabyGloss fights naps/sleeps like a prize fighter defending her title! It is soooo frustrating and exhausting!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@bunnylove08: the first week we transitioned to the crib, she'd take the binky and go back to sleep with some rocking..but now it's nursing or bust. which is so frustrating because it basically means I have to be present at bedtime or it's hellish she's asleep by 6:30 most nights - I feel bad making it any earlier, but maybe she just needs a lot of sleep? sigh. these kiddos! maybe i'll do solids at 4 tonight, bath and etc by 5, nurse at 5:30 and see how she does. we usually don't do bath before bed, either, so maybe that will help!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
just got an email! it had this little tidbit:
Keeping baby up too long. “If baby’s under 6 months old, within two hours of waking, she should be asleep again,” says Wu. “Some parents don’t realize when their baby’s overtired. They may show it if they seem to have gotten enough sleep but are cranky when awake.”
hmm. she's definitely past 2 hours by bedtime. okay - trying something new tonight! wish me luck haha!! here's the article if anyone is interested -
papaya / 10560 posts
@MsLipGloss: You are so right. It can be extremely draining! I don't have family close by, but I have a ton of friends who are very sympathetic and helpful. I will be the first to admit it can be frustrating often! DS and I definitely have a special bond. A couple weekends ago DH was watching him so I could take a nap. He wouldn't stop crying and finally brought him in the room to me. I was still asleep, and DH put DS on the bed, he took one look at me and started laughing! It was the funniest thing ever. I told DH if something were to ever happen to me, he is screwed...he knows it too!
cherry / 178 posts
@mslipgloss: DS rolled over form back to tummy for the first time and SO and I MISSED IT! We left him alone for 30 seconds on his playmat and came back to him on his belly with his left arm pinned! Like your LO, he didn't do it again right away. Today, he did it twice and rolled back and forth from back to tummy and tummy to back. I'm thrilled
I'd love to follow you guys on ig too! Babies make the world a happier place
Now to catch up on the rest of the posts on this thread!
PS - How do I remove my LO's picture?
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@jetsettermomma: Sneaky sneaky! It's moments like that that make me wish I had eyes in the back of my head, and make me feel like I will need them when LO gets older! And YAY! BabySetter! It's so much fun to watch them accomplish something - the look on their beautiful chubby little faces is just so precious!
We can request up to 3 deletes from @MrBee. I forget how to do it exactly (I bet @SorryCharlie knows - haha - nothing like putting you on the spot, eh?-don't hate me!), but it's easy to do.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@jetsettermomma: you can post a request to Mr. Bee here, http://help.hellobee.com/ , and include the link back to the page where the photo is to be deleted I will private message your wall with my IG name! It has my last name, so I don't post it on the boards
@MsLipGloss: @bunnylove08: oh my lord. last night. I will screenshot my baby connect app to give an idea. The app reads from bottom to top, sorry about the confusion haha!
Also, when it says, "Olivia slept 30 min in crib" "6:30" means she woke up at 6:30.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@sorrycharlie: *augh* that looks a lot like what BabyGloss's sleep pattern (or should I say unsleep pattern!) looks like . . . We usually get a 45min-1 hour stretch after she is first put down, then she is up and down every 10-20 minutes for the next couple of hours, and then she finally goes down for about 2 hour blocks thereafter. I wish I knew what to tell you! Have you considered she might have silent reflux? The waking screaming and wanting to be nursed to go back to sleep is what makes me think it might be a possibility (nursing can soothe/coat a sore throat/esophagus).
pomegranate / 3414 posts
6-month checkup today: DS is 17lbs 10oz, 28 3/4" long and doing great. I've been given the ok to make chunkier babyfood and to try yogurt. He rolls great both directions and tilts to the left when sitting supported, he has great leg strength and can actually hold himself standing for a few seconds.
pomegranate / 3414 posts
I forgot that DS sprouted his first teeth (both bottom front) yesterday morning. Apparently he screamed loudly then when he opened his mouth drool poured out of his mouth, when the sitter checked she could just feel them through the gums.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@purrpletulips: His first tooth - gah! That seems so *grown up* to me now! Glad to hear he is doing so well. It is bittersweet to me to see them grow . . . I want my LO to grow up and be a happy healthy lady, but I also want her to stay small forever so she can by *my baby* forever.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
Hi ladies! A September 2013 mama here looking for some advice. What did your LO wear for the first little bit after birth? I live in Atlantic Canada (similar weather to the northeast) and September is such a weird time...it can be really warm, or start to get cool quickly.
I'm seeing a lot of cute short sleeved onesies but wondering if those will be too cold for LO to wear.
Thanks in advance for any advice you might have!
Um. And PS - your babies are totally adorable. September babies might be the cutest (but I'm biased :). I can't believe I will have one of my own in a few months!!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@char54: Of course they are the cutest!
I live in the SE, so it was still pretty hot here when LO arrived (September 1). Most of the time, she wore a kimono shirt, a beanie cap, and a diaper (so.many.diaper.changes!), and I kept her covered in a blanket to keep the chill off her legs/feet.
I would probably have a few short and long sleeve options on hand . . . longer sleeves might be better (the advice I got was have one more layer on LO that you are wearing) in terms of not needing to keep her arms covered (whether from cooler weather or from the AC). I don't know whether this is helpful, so I will stop rambling for now!
grapefruit / 4442 posts
Hi Ladies,
DD is starting to crawl and shes actually really fast. She also learned to stand in the crib, so we're going to be lowering that soon.
She is still not STTN, wakes up only once now (thank goodness) but her new wake up time is around 6am and will play for 1.5 hours and then wants to nap.
How are your LOs doing?
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@bunnylove08: wow!! My daughter is nowhere near that, she still gets on her knees and falls back down, lol!
C is getting really long, and thinning out a little (already!) She looooves food and I've started making my own baby food (not all of it though.) Still no teeth but I can see one on its way. Shes been chewing there incessantly for weeks (months) but nothing out yet! She's overall a happy baby and sleeps 2-3 naps and about an 11 hour night minus some random wake ups when she can't find her paci. She used to not have one going down but took a liking to it..oh well. Things are good!
pomegranate / 3414 posts
Had DS' 9month check-up today so I thought I'd post an update. He is 21.12lbs (75%), 31 1/4" (>95%), has 5 teeth with more on the way and has started biting. He still nurses at home and gets pumped milk at the sitters house. He loves solids and has liked everything we've given him except pumpkin, which he will eat but makes some pretty funny faces. Still gets up at least one time a night to nurse but I'm hoping that isn't going to last much longer because there is more time between the wakings each night. He is a very happy and easy going baby who loves to put everything in his mouth. Recently he started holding toys with his feet and playing with them.
nectarine / 2667 posts
I didn't know about this thread! @purrpletulips: your son sounds like he's doing great!
We won't have our 9 month checkup until July, but he's around 28 lbs, 28 inches. He still doesn't have any teeth, although we keep thinking one is around the corner. He can scoot all around, but will move his body ANY way to avoid learning to crawl :). He's also not keen to put weight on his legs or sleep through the night. But he likes to turn pages of books, splash in the pool, eat all sorts of solids, and talk talk talk.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@purrpletulips: BabyGloss just had her 9 month appointment last week (so she was 9.5ish months) . . . she weighed in at 17lbs 9ozs and still doesn't have any teeth! I can't remember her height and head circ, but I know she was in the 50th percentile for those. She is on the smaller side for weight.
I will say that she is more fun every day! Her little personality really seems to be blossoming more and more . . . I never knew I could love anything so much!
ETA: She also crawled for the first time last week . . . it was a total belly/army crawl, but she got where she wanted to go! I really think she is hoping to skip most, if not all, of the crawling and go straight to walking!
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@MsLipGloss: they are all getting so big
DS has started sitting up on his own and can pull himself up to standing in his crib but not anywhere else.
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