nectarine / 2530 posts
@Boopers: @annem1990: welcome!
I keep on falling asleep at 8pm and waking at 3am/4am. blah
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@annem1990: Welcome! I feel very similarly. I'm really happy we were able to get pregnant, but I feel like its jinxing it to get too excited when loss is so common. If this pregnancy is viable, it's going to be a very long couple of months until the second trimester arrives.
@StrawberryBee: I've been waking up around 4am and having a difficult time going back to sleep. I haven't been able to fall asleep that early, either, and it's exhausting. I was ordering sea bands yesterday and Amazon suggested I order magnesium flakes for pregnancy. I googled it and learned that magnesium deficiency is very common in early pregnancy and can disrupt sleep. Last night before bed I had a lukewarm bath with epsom salts, and I think it helped. I still woke up at 4 to pee, but was able to eventually fall back asleep and sleep until 7.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@periwinklebee: Thanks, I'll keep that in mind if it continues! I actually haven't slept through the night since my miscarriage (in November). At first it was just my thoughts jumbling up my mind, and now I'm afraid it's just become my body's habit. I am actually getting 7 hours sleep, but the timing stinks because I'm literally going to bed right after my 3 year old is, and then I can't accomplish or do anything in the middle of the night when I wake up.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@StrawberryBee: I'm sorry, that sucks. I hope it will resolve soon!
nectarine / 2317 posts
Yay! September Mama's!
Sept 8 - Banana330 (#2)
Sept 13 - theotherstark (#2)
Sept 14 - StrawberryBee (#2)
Sept 18 - Periwinklebee (#1)
Sept 22 - annem1990 (#1)
Sept 24 - Boopers (#2), Lazypanda (#2)
TBD - Kemma (#3)
Jan 19 - Banana330
Jan 27 - StrawberryBee, theotherstark, Periwinklebee
Jan 30 - Lazypanda
Early Feb - Kemma
kiwi / 636 posts
Location: CA
EDD: based on LMP would be 9/11; based on ovulation would be 9/24
First child? 2nd
Any symptoms? None.
Who have you told? DH & 3 close friends
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I'm timidly dipping in but feel that if I add my name here, it'll make it feel real. I struggled with infertility to conceive LO1 so a lot of fears & worries are surfacing. I'm super excited but having changed jobs & insurance plans when we decided to be more serious of ttc #2 is leaving me a bit nervous since I have to find a new medical practice. I'm so used to the handholding I got from my old RE's office that I'm baffled I don't have betas ordered (no PCP yet) already & my first appt is not lined up until 1/30 with a new ob.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@lazypanda: Welcome! Sorry about the insurance issues, I hope you can get your providers worked out soon.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@lazypanda: Welcome and congrats! i've added you as the 24th but we can move it after your appointment as needed.
@annem1990: Welcome and congrats!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
I was going to buy the clearblue test with weeks estimator - I know it's not very accurate compared to a blood test but still I thought it might provide some reassurance. However, it looks like they've discontinued it. It's not on amazon, and when I put it into google the amazon, cvs, and wal-mart links to it are broken and it no longer mentions it on the clearblue webpage. I saw in one of the google links something about a lawsuit over it by the company that makes FRER. I grabbed a box off ebay b/c it wasn't very expensive there and there weren't many left.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@periwinklebee: Ya, apparently discontinued in the US but available outside the US (hence how I got them.). I find they provide some reassurance but I needed to be pretty confident i'd be in the 3+ range before I would test.. ie. don't do it too early they an be a bit finicky.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Banana330: Thank you! I was hoping it might help me to relax a bit if I am nervous before my first appointment. Fortunately I don't think I'll be able to be tempted to use it much sooner since the projected arrival date is not for another week and a half. Did you take it in the afternoon or the morning?
I've been finding it hard to focus lately. I think part of it is that I haven't been sleeping great, and part of it is the uncertainty over viability and what symptoms will be like. Working on being better about it, because I have a lot I need to get done! Hoping for a long nap over the weekend...
nectarine / 2317 posts
@periwinklebee: I always took them in the mornings... but I drink a TON of fluids during the day
nectarine / 2530 posts
@periwinklebee: Thanks! I think I just have to force myself to stay up late ;). I just get so cold and tired in the evenings I need to crawl into bed.
@lazypanda: welcome and *hugs*. The waiting is so, so hard. Better to have company while doing it
@periwinklebee: @Banana330: Wow, was that recently? I'm pretty sure I still have one left over from September.
kiwi / 636 posts
@periwinklebee: thanks! When I spoke to the ob office, they said that because I'm a new pt, the ob is unable to order labs for me. They also suggested that the ob can also refer a PCP for me since I have an EPO & would need to find a physician who would be in the same medical group as the ob. I've had losses before and totally understand the apprehension with not knowing for certain. But what I keep reminding myself now is to believe that it's gonna be fine & enjoy the moment. I can worry & wallow later if need be so no point in getting ahead of myself now.
@Banana330: thank you! I just have to get through the next few weeks, luckily I'm armed with plenty of internet cheapies to test with.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@lazypanda: I hope it gets all worked out soon and that you can get betas if you want them. I agree that it's super important to focus on now and not what could go wrong...Easier said than done, but I figure now is a great opportunity to get better at that!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@StrawberryBee: I'm pretty sure the last time I ordered tests a few months ago that I saw them come up...
grapefruit / 4466 posts
Question - are you guys seeing an ob or midwife?
My betas and first scan were ordered by an RE office, but I need to choose a regular practice to be transferred to. I'll probably go with the OB practice in the same hospital as the RE - the hospital has a bunch of MFM specialists should complications arise and a fantastic NICU should anything go wrong, and gets really good reviews for L&D. However, near my office (and house) there is a birth center attached to a community hospital, and people rave about the midwives there, so I'm also considering that. Downsides are it's small enough that you might have to deliver elsewhere if it's a busy night, and if something goes wrong that the attached hospital can't handle, it would require a transfer.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@periwinklebee: OB here. Their office is around the corner from my work, it's a practice of all women, and they helped deliver my first. They're also affiliated with a top local hospital.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@periwinklebee: I'm hoping a midwife again, but my last pregnancy ended in an emergency c-section and I'd like a repeat c-section but an immediate skin to skin one which I'm hoping the midwives can help me get. If not I'll go with an OB who does them here. I really like the aftercare we get from midwives here. Can you meet with both then decide?
pear / 1548 posts
@periwinklebee: I did the same exact thing this morning with the Clearblue weeks estimator tests. I had no idea they were discontinued!
We are using an ob again. I really liked the practice and doctor that we used and I feel confident that any of the doctors in the practice would be able to help deliver our baby safely.
kiwi / 636 posts
@periwinklebee: I previously had Kaiser so I went back to the ob who had referred me to an RE for my LO. I liked my previous insurance because it was so easy to transition from different clinics if needed & go to several different labs. I also had the option for a midwife if I chose to deliver at the hospital closer to my home. For my new insurance, it took me awhile to decide on an OB since I now need to find one who delivers at the specific hospital I would want. Along with that, I have to find a primary doctor in the same practice so I can no longer choose to have my primary care in one city & specialist in another. While we live near a reputable large hospital, it makes more sense for us to be at the reputable hospital near my parents' house. When I give birth, it would be easier to have LO stay with the grandparents as they are unable to drive to our house.
It also felt a bit jarring to go from weekly visits with an RE to a regular OB with only once a month checkups for prenatal care.
For everyone on their 2+ pregnancy, do you feel like the belly is expanding more rapidly? I was changing this evening & my pants just felt tighter all of a sudden. I couldn't wait to get into my lounge pants once I got home!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
Thank you all - I love hearing what everyone is doing! @Banana330: - I really hope you find someone who does immediate skin to skin and @lazypanda: I hope things line up between primary care and the hospital you want to use.
It would be great to try both but I think with my insurance referral process that it's not very realistic. I think I'll just choose one and not worry too much about it I feel super lucky to be in an area with lots of good options.
@StrawberryBee: I did exactly the same thing as you - passed out at 8pm and was wide awake by 3. Passing out at 8pm did feel wonderful, though!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@periwinklebee: I'm sorry to hear you following in my sleep footsteps!
@lazypanda: I just feel bloated lol. I switched into mat pants pretty early last time.
nectarine / 2530 posts
Well, I decided to use my other clearblue week estimator only to discover that the two pack only had one of those, the other was just a normal test. So I peed on it anyway . Yup, body still thinks it's pregnant!
Going to go drink some hot cocoa and watch the first episode of season two of Colony.
pear / 1548 posts
@StrawberryBee: @periwinklebee: everyone in my house is awake at 5:45 on a Saturday morning I usually am able to sleep a lot very easily but since I found out I'm pregnant I've been sleeping a lot less and waking up a lot more easily.
pear / 1548 posts
@StrawberryBee: that's a great line!! I've been testing still to see if my lines are progresssing since I'm only 14 DPO and haven't even missed my period yet. I need to step away from the tests though!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@StrawberryBee: @Boopers: I haven't taken a test since Monday but decided to take one when I woke up in hopes it would calm my nerves waiting for my beta draw results today. It showed up immediately and was dark - yay! Waiting for my beta draw now.
I hope we all get enough sleep over the weekend - I was expecting pregnancy to make me tired but I thought the trouble sleeping wouldn't start until much later!
pear / 1548 posts
@periwinklebee: with my first pregnancy I had no trouble sleeping at all. This time it's already really different!
For US bees, do you have to work on Monday? I have the day off and I am so grateful for a three day weekend!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Boopers: thanks! Everyone's awake now (7am). Got halfway through my show!
@periwinklebee: good luck with your beta draw today!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Boopers: yep, workday. I have a long dry spell for days off after New Years. I don't think the next one is until the end of May. And I guess I'll be banking vacation days now.
apricot / 477 posts
I wasn't going to join until after my ultrasound this week but I'm giving in.
Location: Ontario, Canada
EDD: Sept 5th. Although I highly suspect this will change
First child? no
Any symptoms? Food aversions, peeing constantly, overheating
Who have you told? DH and three of my coworkers (three managers who noticed right away)
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I lost my last pregnancy at 24 weeks in July. I also usually have insane morning sickness that I haven't had yet so part of me thinks I'm just crazy and not pregnant. I have my ultrasound on Wednesday to date the pregnancy so I'm pretty sure I'll feel better once I see it.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@YouGotMe: Welcome! I'm so sorry about your loss I have my fingers crossed that your scan goes well.
@Boopers: Unfortunately working Monday as well...
My beta came back, and it increased from 217 (17dpo) to 487 (19dpo). Yay! I've also been feeling better the past couple of days. They took twelve tubes of blood with my first beta on Tuesday - to test for blood type and other things that could cause complications - and I think that may have made me extra tired...
I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
nectarine / 2317 posts
Yay! September Mama's!
Sept 5 - yougotme (#2)
Sept 8 - Banana330 (#2)
Sept 13 - theotherstark (#2)
Sept 14 - StrawberryBee (#2)
Sept 18 - Periwinklebee (#1)
Sept 22 - annem1990 (#1)
Sept 24 - Boopers (#2), Lazypanda (#2)
TBD - Kemma (#3)
Jan 18 - yougotme
Jan 19 - Banana330
Jan 27 - StrawberryBee, theotherstark, Periwinklebee
Jan 30 - Lazypanda
Early Feb - Kemma
nectarine / 2317 posts
@YouGotMe: sorry for your loss. I put you down for the 5th for now. Will this be #2? Good luck at the ultrasound on wed.
nectarine / 2317 posts
How's everyone feeling? I'm 6w2d and starting to get nauseous in really hoping it won't be as bad as last time!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Banana330: I really hope that it doesn't hit you too hard this time! I'm 5w, and feeling pretty good. I start to feel nauseous when I'm hungry, but it's bearable and goes away with food. I'm sure it hasn't really started yet... Still waking up at 4am and finding it hard to fall back asleep.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@YouGotMe: welcome
@periwinklebee: congrats on your beta doubling!
@Banana330: no nausea yet, but I know it's just a matter of time. I'm starting to wake up with my hands asleep (something about circulation and pregnancy, I forget the particulars).
Sitting in a parking lot across the street from our house, waiting on another showing. It's been on the market three months and this is probably our thirtieth showing, and I'm just over it. Someone, PLEASE, buy our house! Keeping a house clean and dragging a three year old and a dog out of the house is just no fun.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@StrawberryBee: Thanks! Ugh, that sounds like a lot of work. My husband keeps wanting to move to a bigger place, but I'm very resistant, it will have to happen eventually but I'm not looking forward to it!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@periwinklebee: it sucks. They showed up more than a half hour late and only stayed for 10 minutes . Whole day was lost, plus had to completely skip nap time.
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