I've heard of women who are used to exercising and then when they get pregnant they are discouraged by how much less they can endure--I have also heard, however, about this second trimester energy burst that should be kicking in right about now.
We all have things that we are juggling in life, whether you have toddlers, work, school or family obligations--or in my case three out of four. Last Wednesday, I began to realize that I could not endure the hectic 12-16 hour days of running from point A to point B to point C and still make sure healthy food is packed and prepped for me and my husband everyday. I thought if I took some time to relax over the weekend (Queue: Girls Night In ) that would suffice, but alas, here we are again three days into the week and I had to call in sick because for the first time in my pregnancy my crazy schedule made me physically ill yesterday and I woke up feeling awful. Feeling better (but, fragile) at the moment and I really don't know what to do.
My husband tells me not to stress out about food (but, when he's supposed to pick something up for dinner, he forgets and asks me "What's for dinner?") then he says don't worry about grades in your last semester, but I have to pass my comprehensive exams because my next opportunity to take them will be one month into motherhood. I can't cut back on hours at work, because of insurance and honestly, I am at a loss.
How do you all do it? My body keeps telling me to slow down and my mother keeps telling me "Don't push yourself too hard, when you are pushing yourself, you are pushing that baby," but what other option do I have?? Do I just call in sick to work every Wednesday to recuperate from my failed attempt to juggle life?
Any advice or experiences would be greatly appreciated!