It has been much warmer here this week and I noticed the other day that my pants seemed a little more snug in the calves than usual, but my calves didn't look larger when I pulled my pant leg up. Yesterday it was 92 and I worked all day (teacher) and then went to a cocktail event where I had to stand quite a bit. In no time my feet looked like Fred Flintstone and could barely fit in my heels. The swelling had gone down this morning but my feet still hurt from being crammed in those shoes. Most people who mention swelling seemed to start around 35w or so and I'm only 24. Did anyone have swelling in the second trimester? I'm hoping this was an isolated incident at least for a while, but I'm getting worried about the heat this summer. I go to the midwife on Monday and I'll talk to her about it but I was wondering if this happened to anyone else.