Hellobee Boards


Talk to me about the advantages/disadvantages of one LO

  1. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @QueensBee: If we have another, no way will we start TTC before Dec. So then R would be 2.5 at the earliest. I think we aren't going to make any decision until then. I told DH last night that I don't want to talk about it till he gets his raise in Oct. Last year they weren't great, and I have a feeling even with his promotion it won't be this year.

  2. alohaorchid

    persimmon / 1404 posts

    We don't have kids and we don't know if we will have any but if we do, we will stop at one. We have IF but have still discussed permanent BC if we able to have one child. For us, finances are part of it but so is lifestyle and the life we would be able to give to a child. We both have great careers and we are not willing to sacrifice them for kids, with one child we feel as though we wouldn't have to. We would be able to give our child the best of the best and that's important to us, as well as being able to give them as much time and attention they need. We don't want to have to divide it between other kids (I come from a huge family so this could be part of that). We have no desire to have to always do child vacations, or go to child friendly restaurants and we feel as though we would be happier in our marriage with only one child.

    It's all such a personal preference and everyone has their own reasons for how many kids they do/don't want. I feel for you, it really sucks that the cost of daycare is what is keeping you from your dream family.


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