I have a history of miscarriages and am currently TTCing.
I have O- blood and DH is B+
When the doctor realized I would miscarry for the first time I got a Rogam shot and all was well. My second miscarriage was unexpected and during the weekend so I couldn't get to the doctor until four days later and I got my Rogam and the midwife said something along the lines of "you should have gotten this shot within 48 hours, but I guess giving it to you know couldn't hurt." I've been haunted my these words, I'm afraid that I waited too long to get the shot and that my antibodies will forever be on the defense.
So, this month I think I am pregnant again (I always think I'm pregnant the days leading up to AF. It's half crazy half hope) and I am worried about my antibodies. Should I make an appointment to get the shot ASAP, will that help me? Am I worrying too much? Did I ruin my chances of ever having a child because I didn't get my last shot until 4 days after the MC?
What were your experiences with having an negative RH factor?