Hellobee Boards


Vaccines and Autism?

  1. MomOnTheGo

    pea / 6 posts

    No. We vaccinate on schedule.

  2. erinpye

    pomegranate / 3706 posts

    We pick and choose which vaccines to give (no hep B since she's not sexually active or sharing needles, no flu, no chicken pox, etc), and delay some (no MMR until right before school). There are other, proven things to worry about from vaccines besides autism. Just google "vaccine injury" and you'll see stories of the millions in damages paid to parents of permanently hurt children.




  3. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @erinpye: which vaccines did you choose for your lo?

  4. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @Mrs. Jacks: I sooo badly wanted to message you and have you chime in on this annoying Facebook debate I was roped into the other day! There was a woman asking about vaccines on a crunchy but mixed page and people were going insane talking about how they cause autism and kill babies! Then an anti vaccine pediatrician came on and talked about how vaccines gave problems to her children and seemed to validate everyone's insanity soley because she was a ped or claimed to be.

    I was scared before because i wasnt educated and there is a lot of conflicting information out there. its hard to trust our government on anything when in the past they have steered us wrong (such as BPA and endocrine dsirupters in plastics). Anyone who does their research like i did will see that the study linking vaccines to autism was hugely discredited! My take is this: there are risks with everything! I hate some of the nasty ingredients in vaccines and I do sometimes wonder about them, particularly if they are newer and less of their effect is known. If you look at the statistics though the pros of vaccinating seem to far outweigh the cons. Some babies do have bad reactions but that can be true of almost any medicine and even certain foods. Diseases like measles and whopping cough are returning and mutauting all because Jenny McCarthy had to have something to blame her sons condition on. Most autism seems to be genetic and some increase in chances linked to things like induced labors, older moms, male children or having pregnancies closer than 18 months apart. The jury is still out on all of this stuff though and no one for certain knows the cause.i know a woman who never vaccinated or circumsized and who breasted and did everything in that natural way and her son is on the spectrum. I totally feel scared all the time abou everything I do and how it affects my child but in the end I think you just have to do your research, weigh the pros and cons and then follow your instincts.

    It does bother me that unvaccinated children can affect my child and my world but I also don't feel like its something we should require at this point.


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