I guess I've reached that lovely stage in pregnancy. Two days in a row people have specifically wanted to have an entire conversation with me about how huge I am. Not just one sentence. A whole conversation. I realize this may probably be some sort of off-handed compliment, but goodness. No one wants to be told this, myself included!

Yesterday it was my mom, so I was able to immediately express that I didn't appreciate being spoken to that way and to not make comments like that to me ever again. Today it was someone down in the hall in the office building I work at, so I didn't really want to be rude/short with her about it so I just smiled and nodded along as she went on about how she can't believe I still have two more months to go, she got super huge with her baby just like I am right now, etc.

Sigh. I really try to be a good cheerleader and encourage people to not dwell on comments like these when other pregnancy women are bombarded by them, but it is hard to extend myself the same courtesy I guess. I'm just kind of bummed out about it. It is also combined with the fact that my third trimester weight gain has been nuts (I've gained 15 lbs in 6 weeks). My doctor isn't concerned (thank goodness) but I've gained so much weight lately that I really don't need anyone commenting specifically on it, while I sit here and balloon uncontrollably.

I just will never understand how anyone thinks it is okay to comment so specifically on another woman's body. I would never, in a million years, ever tell a woman (pregnant or not) anything other then "YOU LOOK GREAT!". That's all. There's not much else that can be said because telling someone they are too big OR too small can hurt someone's feelings/stress them out unnecessarily.

Phew. Thanks for listening to my rant.