coconut / 8234 posts
@cvbee: He looks riveted by that book! What book is it?
@skibobrown: She looks like she knows she's cute in that outfit.
@stiffaknee: Little Diva!
@Mrsbells: Thanks
nectarine / 2039 posts
@mrsjazz: I think the series is called 'happy baby' and we have an ABC book, a 'Colours' book, a Counting book and a book of animals. They all have real photos and photos of babies. Some Moms of older kids said that babies love books with real photos, so I actually registered for these. Who knows if he actually prefers it. He also might just look super-interested in the book because he has googly eyes like me.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@stiffaknee: baby Banz! Sooooo cute! 12 hours already?! whoa Is she formula fed?
nectarine / 2039 posts
@regberadaisy: onesie twins! (Is it from dollarama? Can't remember if mine is but I have one set of baby clothes given to me from dollerama and they are my favourite. Nico is wearing one of them today: just blue stripes: so classic. Go dollar store!)
pineapple / 12526 posts
C was supposed to be a March baby, but she came April 3rd!
State of the union:
~We are 16 weeks old today! She'll be 4 months next Friday. I can't believe it.
~We sleep 12 hours straight through the night. Hallelujah!
~She has started grabbing and laughing in the past month.
~We was weighed at 3 months and was 15lbs7oz and 25.5in. I would guess she's probably 16lbs and 26 inches now.
~She is still formula fed but we've started putting 2tbsp of rice cereal in her final bottle of the night to start her getting used to a thicker food. We're planning to start solids around 5 months. She's handling it like a champ.
~Her little personality is really starting to show through and she's a total doll.
Took this photo today on our first beach outing, she knocked out on the blanket. lol. We had to jerry-rig up a blanket on a stroller to shade her.
apricot / 290 posts
@cvbee She is, but she was a pretty good sleeper before I stopped breastfeeding. She started sleeping 10-6 at around 4 weeks, so I've been very, very fortunate (in that regard).
clementine / 814 posts
Hey cant believe I just stumbled upon this post! I hope Im not too far behind.
Abby was born 4.4.12
she turned 17 weeks yesterday.
Sleep: Babygirl sleeps pretty well. She is usually ready to go to sleep anywhere from 7:30pm -8:00pm and she will sleep until anywhere from 4:30am - 6:30am where she gets a feeding and then remains asleep until we wake her to go to the sitters house.
Eating: Babygirl has been formula feed since she turned one month. My milk supply never caught up to her needs. She already seems interested in food because she just stares and stares. I will be asking her ped next week about starting her on solids!
Milestones: she rolled over from her tummy to her back four times in a row. not sure if it was by accident but 4 times seems like too many accidents! She also just started laughing and screeching. Its the cutest thing ever to hear her happy yelling :-).
Caregiver: I have been back at work for close to a month now. Luckily my aunt who is like my second mother watches her for us.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@JustlikeHeaven: omg soo adorable!!!
I love M's high pitched happy screeches!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@regberadaisy: I remember you saying something before about your LO doing 'sit ups' in her reclined chair and you wondering if she was uncomfortable or something. Well, I was thinking of you yesterday, as Nico just got 'obsessed' with doing baby situps. Everywhere I put him, he works on baby sit ups. He doesn't even care about toys anymore! I think he's a little behind on the moving milestones (he is far from rolling over in any direction) so I'm pretty excited about his new interest in mobility. Had to share! Here is a pic of him doing a baby sit-up.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@cvbee: haha that is so cute! I honestly don't remember saying that but I can see M doing sit ups! hahha
M isn't rolling over yet either. Just the other day she lifted her head during tummy time for 1min20seconds. She hates tummy time so hopefully rolling is next!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@regberadaisy: maybe it was someone else? We April baby ladies are slacking off on our updates. What is everyone else dealing with this week?
For me, it is trying to figure out why Nico is sometimes having some extra midnight wake-ups to eat. (Well, who knows if it is hunger, but I do feed him any time he wakes up). For many weeks he was doing at least a 6 hour stretch and usually 8 hours of sleeping. Now it's sometimes 6, but other nights 5 or 4. At first I thought growth spurt, but it has been on and off for 8 nights now. He used to be like clockwork, night time was 8-8 and every nap was 1 hour, and awake sessions were usually 2 hours plus sometimes 30 minutes of fussing to sleep. Now he'll have one day of 'normal' and the next day he's all over the board. Today he's already starting 'off', as it's 9am and he's still sleeping away.
coconut / 8234 posts
@cvbee: We call them baby crunches in our house It's so cute to watch her in action. And I'm also having the same issue--LO would sleep through the night from 9:30 to 6 or 7 a.m. but now she's up for a 3 a.m. feeding, and sometimes it's been 3, 4, and 5! I don't know why my husband is always surprised to see her in the bed with us when he wakes up in the morning!
coconut / 8305 posts
@cvbee: I know I've been slacking FOR SURE! lol
Everyone's lo are getting SO big already! I can't believe how fast it's going!
4 month update:
Miss Penelope weighs 11lb 4 oz and is 23.5 in long! She's still a petite one but doing great moving up the chart.
Eating: We're still ebf & I'm now dairy, soy, egg, tree nuts, peanuts, and wheat free! Yay for eating healthy right?... lol She was doing pretty good going 2-2.5hrs between feeding then we got a case of the "distractible baby" & we went back to demand feedings. <-- This also affected sleep. Yay. =/
Sleeping: After a week of her waking up an obscene amount of times, we're back to her waking around 1 and 5 am. Only now at 5 she stays up for a bit, talks and then poos. lol. I'm so glad to be past the 4-month sleep regression, which was accompanied by wonder week metal leap 3, AND her just not getting good feedings in during the day. I actually started thinking we were doing some reverse cycling there for a minute, but thank God it's leveled back out! She still starts off in the pak n play (which is in our room) and then moves into our bed when she wakes. I figure we'll co-sleep/bed till around her first bday or so, if she continues to wake through the night.
Milestones: Well, she officially a rollie pollie rolling in both directions, and she's FINALLY starting to engage more & look at us! I swear for the first 3 1/2 months it was like she was purposely ignoring us! She grabs for toys if they're hanging over her but still doesn't have alot of control over them... she could care less about reaching for something while doing tummy time. Oh, and her new favorite past time is eating her feet! lol
Here's her updated pics:
grapefruit / 4582 posts
DD was 4 months old on the 23rd. She is 16lbs 9 oz and 25 1/2 " !
She rolls from back to tummy, loves to laugh and smile, sleeping 11 hours a night in her crib, and just started some rice cereal to help with her spit up.
Im staying at home with her but my MIL watches her 3 times a week while I go to the gym. She loves her Grandma!
(this is a old picture, she was maybe 2 months here. need to dump my iphone photos onto computer!)
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@runsyellowlites: omg I am waiting for that light at the end of the tunnel! It's there right???
@anacarlin: So adorable !
grapefruit / 4817 posts
Good to hear some updates, ladies. My son was 4 months on the 17th, and weighed in at 15lbs 12oz. He's only in the 20th percentile for height, though. He's not chunky at all and my doctor says its because he's all muscle. She said he is one of the strongest babies she's seen in a long while and quite socially advanced, at well. He's been rolling tummy to back since 2.5 months and started rolling back to tummy last week. He also has his 2 bottom teeth. I'm actually kinda sad he's hitting milestones early because he seems less like a baby every day.
I think we are in a bit of a 4 month sleep regression now. He goes down around 8, but chooses a random time to wake up to eat. Really any time between 1 and 4 am. After his night feeding, he's suuuper restless and fusses while sleeping until he finally wakes up between 6-7. I don't know what the deal is but it's like he can't get comfortable and rolls back and forth between back and belly. He also gets gassy then. As far as naps go, he typically takes 3-4, 45min -1 hour naps. He has to be rocked to sleep, but it literally takes like 2 minutes.
He's eating about 5 oz every 3 hours, and we just decided to see if he was interested in food tonight and holy cow did he like it. We tried sweet potatoes and it was like he knew exactly what to do with a spoon. We'll see how it goes.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@bree72: Yay for check-ins. Mine was 4 months on the 17th rolling and no teeth here.....16 pounds 1 ounce (75th percentile), 25 inches long (50th percentile). I love that we have birthday exact-os.
My guy is losing his hair....anyone else's?! I'm so sad to see it going because I've always loved his downy head of hair. Bye hair.
grapefruit / 4817 posts
@cvbee: Oh no! I didnt realize they could lose hair this late. My son's is actually just starting to grow. He's been a baldy other than a terrible mullet in the back.
And don't get in any sort of hurry for teeth or rolling. His sleep has been so restless from both. He'll get stuck in one position and then cry for me to come flip him. It's a constant battle since he's not great at back to tummy flipping or maneuvering himself in a position to get himself where he wants to be. Turns out everything is harder once they start having an opinion.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@bree72: oh geez! that does sound tricky. Maybe mine will always sleep like a sack of potatoes?
And yes, about the hair, it can definitely change late in the game. My friend has a 6 month old who just lost her dark newborn hair and now she's a blondie!!
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@bree72: wow! I can't believe he already has 2 bottom teeth! M has been teething for probably a good month but no teeth poking through yet. Did you ask your ped about starting solids or did you just decide to go with it? So awsome that he loves it!
And yeah her sleep has been horrible for like almost 3 weeks.
I'm waiting for M's 4month appointment next week before updating.
@cvbee: M's been losing hair since probably 1.5 months? It's finally starting to grow back in. Still black.
grapefruit / 4817 posts
@regberadaisy: At my 4 month visit, my ped said since he has teeth already and sits up really well, that we could start trying some foods from a spoon if we were interested. I didn't really care to since it's not something we need to do yet and it was just one more thing to add to the list, but my husband really just wanted to try it and see where he might be. So we tried peas this weekend and he hated it and kept gagging, so I insisted he wasn't ready. But yesterday I went to the store and my husband asked to get something else to try and I grabbed sweet potatoes. Well, they were a hit and he acted like he'd been using a spoon forever. Baby bird mouth all the way. I don't know how dedicated I feel to it, though, still. Maybe we'll just try it here and there for fun. I'll do the 3 days of sweet potatoes to check for allergies, but other than that, we'll just see.
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