kiwi / 563 posts
@PawPrints: OMG, 2 hours! Crazy! I'm starting to rethink continuing to go downtown to work an hour away this week, since my due date is tomorrow. SO, so happy for you - can't wait to hear more and see pictures!!!
@Astro Bee: Yay for another Easter bunny boy! So happy for you! Can't wait to hear your story and see pics of your sweet LO. 12 hours start to finish is fast - yay for you! Take care of you!!!!
nectarine / 2433 posts
@lilyofthewest: Hahaha, thank you for summing up my feelings so completely!
apricot / 346 posts
It's been a whirlwind few days but Winston is finally here. He was born today (April 7) and is absolutely perfect! I'll update with more info later.
pear / 1548 posts
@As Time Goes By: great news! I hope you and baby are resting and enjoying getting to know and love each other!
pear / 1548 posts
Here is our birth story. I'm typing it up on my phone while my LO is cuddled on my chest, excuse any ramblings or typos
On Saturday, at 403d, DH and I decided to walk around and see if we could get things progressing. At my appointment a few days beforehand my doctor said I was 1 cm and 40% effaced. I hadn't been having any signs of labor, but I wanted to take advantage of the last weekend we'd have without a baby.
As we were walking I started feeling what I'm pretty sure was the "lightening" sensation as baby drops lower and more engaged. We enjoyed lunch and when I went to the bathroom I had some very light spotting and a bit of cramping. I got excited but didn't want to get my hopes up that anything was truly happening. We got home, I took a nap, cleaned the house, and we went on another walk around the neighborhood. My DH's parents drove into town that day to stay with us and got to our house around 7 pm. We were sitting around talking and getting ready to make dinner and I felt stronger cramping and noticed my belly kept changing shapes and tightening, but I thought LO was being really active. I realized after drinking water and moving positions that the pain and tightening weren't going away and the and decided to time what I thought were possibly contractions. They were happening about 4 minutes apart so I called my OB and she said to come to L&D to get checked out. Thankfully it was her weekend to be on call and we met her at the hospital. The nurses got us set up and said that I was 1 cm, 60% effaced and having contractions about every 3 minutes. After about 3 hours of monitoring they checked me again and I had no cervical change so they sent me to labor at home. I wasn't really thrilled because I was so unsure about the fact that I was having contractions in the first place that I wasn't sure I would know when it would be time to come back or not. Everyone at the hospital kept saying "oh, you'll know when it's time!"
At 1 am we got discharged and I labored at home. I slept for about 2 hours from 2-4 am and woke up from the pain of the contractions. I tried moving around as much as possible because being confined to the bed made the contractions feel worse. I kept timing them and they ranged anywhere from 2-4 minutes, but I hadn't gotten to the point where I felt it was "time".
Finally by noon I told my husband I was calling and called the on call line to speak to my doctor. There was a mixup with the on call schedule the on call nurse had so an hour later I finally spoke to my doctor who said if I felt it was bad enough to come on in to L&D.
We got to L&D and checked in around 1:30. I kept telling my husband that I hoped to be at least 3 cm so they would admit me and we could at least stay at the hospital. When the nurse checked me she said "you're about a 5-6!" I was SO relieved and happy that we were really in active labor and getting ready to meet our baby.
From there things progressed fairly quickly. I got my antibiotics and epi placed within 45 minutes of the check. I was shaking pretty badly during labor and staying still during the epi was difficult, but it was the sweet relief I needed to continue to progress.
When I got to 9 cm the nurse noticed that my contractions were starting to stall so I got a very low dose of pitocin to keep them going. She ended up going up a little too high and baby's heart rate went down. She turned the pitocin down a bit and baby did much better. I also started feeling a breakthrough pain right in my labia and was really worried that it would get worse. They called the anesthesiologist and he gave me a boost to my epi. It worked and I didn't feel the pain but it made my legs completely numb which led to a very odd feeling while pushing.
At 6 pm it was time to push. I did a few practice pushes which was difficult because I couldn't tell how hard I was pushing due to the epi boost. I had an awesome nurse who coached me through each contraction and an hour of pushing later LO was born! He was 6 lbs 7 oz and 20 1/4 inches long.
I did end up with a 2nd degree tear but it's been totally manageable and not really painful.
Overall we are adjusting and are really enjoying each other's company. We are having some difficulty breastfeeding so I am using a hospital grade pump as well as some formula to supplement because while he has a good latch, he does not want to suck at all. I worked with 3 different lactation consultants while at the hospital, but I still don't really know why he isn't sucking. I hope when my milk comes in it'll motivate him to suck and we can be more successful. I am planning on working some more with a consultant to help us.
Here is a picture of our sweet little nugget!
pomegranate / 3314 posts
@As Time Goes By: Yay! And how adorable is the name Winston? Can't wait to see a pic and hope your recovery is going well.
kiwi / 563 posts
@As Time Goes By: congrats! Been thinking about you! I love his name! Can't wait to hear more and see pics!!!! Yaay!
@Boopers: aw, he's so adorable! Thanks for sharing your story and his picture. Here's hoping that breast-feeding it's a bit easier for both of you soon. Sorry to hear that you had a tear but glad that it's not been too painful for you. Take care of you and that sweet little guy!
nectarine / 2317 posts
April births
3/18 - Lulu22 - Charlie James
3/20 - anonysquire (#2) Pirate E Merlin, Ineebee
3/24 - marionberry (#2+3)
Hudson and Benjamin
3/30 - Loki Gemma Dawn
3/31 - Neekierose (#2) Ryan Elizabeth
4/5 - Pawprints , Boopers
Marco, Astro bee
4/7 - As Time Goes By Winston
April Due Dates
4/7 – SunshineMcC
4/8 – Dancingbee , Brownie
4/10 – Windswept
4/11 – BCHossley
4/12 - MaryMary (#2)
4/14 - Mrswin
4/15 – Mrs.Pinecone316
4/16 – Banana330
4/17 – Rockies11 (#2)
4/18 – MeredithNYC (#2)
4/19 – Lilyofthewest
4/23- Mrs. Sunshine (#2)
4/24 – Jenn23 (#2)
4/25 - Travelbee
4/28 - MrsCastro (#2)
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Boopers: he's so cute! Hopefully the breastfeeding gets better. All of my friends who had a baby recently have had some sort of struggle with breastfeeding!
pear / 1787 posts
so happy to hear about all these beautiful, healthy babes! glad you're all doing well!!!
honeydew / 7303 posts
@Boopers: @As Time Goes By: congrats ladies!!!!
@Boopers: omg, he is sooooo cute!!!
apricot / 346 posts
Thanks everyone! I've been feeling pretty good and trying to take things pretty easy.
The short version of Winston's birth is that I was planning an unmedicated hospital birth using hypnobirthing. I ended up with a 37 hour labour that required pitocin and an epidural and eventually vacuum assist because my uterus was not able to contract hard enough to progress labour and eventually get him through the birth canal. My midwife believes had I not taken the pitocin and epidural it would have been a c-section because I was not able to sustain strong contractions long enough.
I'm surprisingly at peace with what happened and I do think hypnobirthing helped me get through the 28 hours before the epidural.
Here are some pictures of Winston...
apricot / 346 posts
Congratulations to all the new mamas! It has been a busy week on this board and I hope everyone is settling I with their babes!
kiwi / 563 posts
@As Time Goes By: Congratulations! You're a trooper!!! What a sweet, sweet little boy! Glad to hear you're at peace with how everything happened, and that you didn't have to deal with a C section. Take care of you!
pear / 1548 posts
@As Time Goes By: I'm sorry you didn't get the birth experience you wanted but it's great that you are both healthy and feeling good! His cheeks are so stinking cute I would be kissing on them all day!
pomegranate / 3658 posts
Baby PawPrints' birth story:
I was hanging out at home cooking a dish to take to an Easter potluck, getting ready to take it out of the oven and get in the car with DH to head over, when I felt something kind of pop. It was my water breaking, though that took me a few minutes to fully realize. I had tested GBS positive so that meant I had to go in for IV antibiotics. I had prepared for a long early labor at home using our Bradley method techniques so was a little bummed to have to go in for what I assumed would be a long wait for labor to get going. In retrospect, thank GOD for the GBS positive because otherwise I don't know if I would have made it to the hospital in time.
We walked into the birth center, I waved and said hello to the nurses' station, and they told me later they all thought "yep she's going to be here for a while" since I clearly was not in active labor. I was feeling mild contractions at that point but not much pain. Pretty much the instant I put on the hospital gown, things went from zero to sixty in no time flat. I immediately started having incredibly intense contractions right on top of each other that did not let up. My relaxation techniques must have been working well because the midwife and nurses still thought that I had a while to go at that point, given how quiet I was.
After what seemed like an eternity, the initial monitoring strip was complete and the dose of IV antibiotics was done (I think really this took maybe 20 minutes but I was in a ton of nonstop pain and did not appreciate the monitor pressure on my stomach) and the midwife offered to fill the jacuzzi tub for me. I said YES please. Maybe a minute later I had a contraction that was so overwhelming I started to really vocalize, and the midwife suggested they do a cervical check. (They had not done one when I came in because my water was broken). She announced, "So, you're at an eight. How about instead of getting into the jacuzzi, we have a baby."
I'm not sure at all how long I pushed, but DH thinks it was maybe 30 minutes. All total, from the time my water broke to the moment I was holding my daughter was less than two hours. Holy moly!!
I'm lucky that after such a fast labor I got away with no major tears, just a few minor ones. Recovery is going really well and we are beyond in love with our little Easter LO.
apricot / 346 posts
@PawPrints: wow! good thing you went in when you did!
@simplyfelicity: I just saw this! Thanks! It's crazy that just over a year ago we both started TTC and now he's here and you will have your boy in your arms in a couple of months!
nectarine / 2433 posts
I will try and post the birth story Ina couple of days but the short version is that Savannah Claire arrived on the 13th at 3:30pm weighing 6lb 13oz!
nectarine / 2317 posts
April births
3/18 - Lulu22 - Charlie James
3/20 - anonysquire (#2) Pirate E Merlin, Ineebee
3/24 - marionberry (#2+3)
Hudson and Benjamin
3/30 - Loki Gemma Dawn
3/31 - Neekierose (#2) Ryan Elizabeth
4/5 - Pawprints , Boopers
Marco, Astro bee
4/7 - As Time Goes By Winston
4/9 - Jenn23 Allison
4/13 - Mrswin Savannah Claire
April Due Dates
4/7 – SunshineMcC
4/8 – Dancingbee , Brownie
4/10 – Windswept
4/11 – BCHossley
4/12 - MaryMary (#2)
4/15 – Mrs.Pinecone316
4/16 – Banana330
4/17 – Rockies11 (#2)
4/18 – MeredithNYC (#2)
4/19 – Lilyofthewest
4/23- Mrs. Sunshine (#2)
4/25 - Travelbee
4/28 - MrsCastro (#2)
coffee bean / 36 posts
Congratulations to all of the April mamas! Beautiful babies!!! I dropped off of this board, but I wanted to at least pop back with an update that I had a baby boy on April 10! C arrived after 36 hours of labor and was 9 lbs, which surprised everyone. We're adjusting and getting to know the little guy, and the snuggles are so worth it. Best wishes to everyone!
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@brownie: YAY!!!!!!! So happy for you; I'm sure you were losing your mind waiting on her!
nectarine / 2317 posts
April births
3/18 - Lulu22 - Charlie James
3/20 - anonysquire (#2) Pirate E Merlin, Ineebee
3/24 - marionberry (#2+3)
Hudson and Benjamin
3/30 - Loki Gemma Dawn
3/31 - Neekierose (#2) Ryan Elizabeth
4/5 - Pawprints , Boopers
Marco, Astro bee
4/7 - As Time Goes By Winston
4/9 - Jenn23 Allison
4/10 - Windswept
4/13 - Mrswin Savannah Claire
4/16 - Brownie Emily
April Due Dates
4/7 – SunshineMcC
4/8 – Dancingbee
4/11 – BCHossley
4/12 - MaryMary (#2)
4/15 – Mrs.Pinecone316
4/16 – Banana330
4/17 – Rockies11 (#2)
4/18 – MeredithNYC (#2)
4/19 – Lilyofthewest
4/23- Mrs. Sunshine (#2)
4/25 - Travelbee
4/28 - MrsCastro (#2)
nectarine / 2317 posts
@windswept: congrats and on your due date too!
@brownie: that was quick! Congrats on little Emily!
grapefruit / 4110 posts
Baby brownies birth story:
One thing is it was similar and different from my sons birth.
At 2 am on the 15th I couldn't sleep anymore and was having contractions around 10 min apart. These were the real ones like menstraul cramping. That went on most of the day getting closer and further apart. We went out for a walk around 2 pm for a while to try and kick thing a up. Went to bed with my son at 9 ish. Was up every 20 to 30 minutes with horrible contractions and urgent need to sit on the toilet. I have up sleeping and sat on the toilet for a while. My contractions tend to be in my hips and thighs so finding a comfortable position is difficult. I can't really sit or lay because that makes them worse. They got to 6.5 minute apart while sitting there. We called the midwife and she said to wait until 4.5 minutes apart. I thought she was crazy because she wanted 30 minutes head start.
I decided to try the shower for comfort and found some coping positions that really helped (mostly standing, pushing my hips forward and leaning on my toes). I was figuring out how to relax through them which was nice. It wasn't very long before we hit the 4.5 minute apart mark.
Called the midwife and headed to the birth center. We got there right after her. Stood through some contractions and sat on the toilet a bit. I was checked and 6cm. Then decided I wanted the shower again. Was in there for some period of time working through contractions. But after a while it was hard to stand (contractions across thighs and just tired legs). I was getting a few double peak contractions but they never really got closer than a few minutes apart.
So we decided to try the labor tub. They filled it and I found a position and fell asleep for maybe 10 minutes. Long enough for hubs to think he could lay down and rest. I had a contraction and told him he was failing on the job. In the middle of it I felt like a kick and a pop and I knew my water had broken. Because of my post partum blood loss with my son, I couldn't birth in the tub. So through the contraction we worked on getting out of the tub and the two steps to the bed. Practically throwing myself on the bed. As soon as I was down I knew I had to push and she was pretty much already there. One push to crown and a few to work her out. It was incredible (and this was different than my son who I pushed down but then literally shot him out).
She got right on me and it was amazing. No extreme blood loss so that was good. Had stitches for a tear. We got all ready to leave 4 hours after birth and I made it all the way outside before passing out. Resting up and taking care of baby mostly.
My son is absolutely in love "my baby is born". "She is so cute". So a picture
kiwi / 563 posts
Hi ladies! Sorry for the delay in posting, it's been a crazy week. Was admitted Sunday night for induction, started pitocin on Monday morning, got an epidural and the doctor broke my water Monday around 3pm. I labored through the night but was only at 4cm on Tuesday morning so the doctor decided on a c section. At 9:30am on 4/14, Charles Robert was born! 9 pounds, 4 ounces and 22 inches long. We love him so much! I'll post more when I can!
apricot / 346 posts
@windswept: congratulations!
@brownie: yay she came, and on her own! Congratulations! Your son is adorable with her!
@SunshineMcC: I'm sorry you had a tough labour but so happy he made it here safely!
nectarine / 2317 posts
April births
3/18 - Lulu22 - Charlie James
3/20 - anonysquire (#2) Pirate E Merlin, Ineebee
3/24 - marionberry (#2+3)
Hudson and Benjamin
3/30 - Loki Gemma Dawn
3/31 - Neekierose (#2) Ryan Elizabeth
4/5 - Pawprints , Boopers
Marco, Astro bee
4/7 - As Time Goes By Winston
4/9 - Jenn23 Allison
4/10 - Windswept
4/13 - Mrswin Savannah Claire
4/14 - SunshineMcC Charles Robert
4/16 - Brownie Emily
April Due Dates
4/8 – Dancingbee
4/11 – BCHossley
4/12 - MaryMary (#2)
4/15 – Mrs.Pinecone316
4/16 – Banana330
4/17 – Rockies11 (#2)
4/18 – MeredithNYC (#2)
4/19 – Lilyofthewest
4/23- Mrs. Sunshine (#2)
4/25 - Travelbee
4/28 - MrsCastro (#2)
nectarine / 2317 posts
@SunshineMcC: congrats! Sorry you had such a long labour, but glad he's out safe and sound.
nectarine / 2317 posts
April births
3/18 - Lulu22 - Charlie James
3/20 - anonysquire (#2) Pirate E Merlin, Ineebee
3/24 - marionberry (#2+3)
Hudson and Benjamin
3/30 - Loki Gemma Dawn
3/31 - Neekierose (#2) Ryan Elizabeth
4/5 - Pawprints , Boopers
Marco, Astro bee
4/7 - As Time Goes By Winston
4/9 - Jenn23 Allison
4/10 - Windswept
4/13 - Mrswin Savannah Claire
4/14 - SunshineMcC Charles Robert
4/16 - Brownie Emily
4/17 - Banana330 Sadie
April Due Dates
4/8 – Dancingbee
4/11 – BCHossley
4/12 - MaryMary (#2)
4/15 – Mrs.Pinecone316
4/17 – Rockies11 (#2)
4/18 – MeredithNYC (#2)
4/19 – Lilyofthewest
4/23- Mrs. Sunshine (#2)
4/25 - Travelbee
4/28 - MrsCastro (#2)
nectarine / 2317 posts
Ladies Sadie arrived yesterday via emergency c section after I went in to labour at 2am! I'll write up her birth story as soon as we escape from hospital
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