apricot / 306 posts
@SunshineMcC: oh, you poor thing, that's so stressful! I would be pretty mad too if I were you - especially because you are getting contractions!! It's so frustrating... my DH is not very "present" at the moment because he is working non-stop (gets home eats dinner, works till the wee hours) last night he was still not in bed at 4.30am - I had to get mad at him for him to come to bed! I feel bad being annoyed because I know he is working SO HARD just to get everything done before he goes on paternity leave... but I feel like I dont have his support at the moment because he is ALWAYS WORKING and has no time for anything else.
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@SunshineMcC: well, I got a call back for the second interview so fingers crossed (typically at the second interview they Are down to two or three people so good chances). Spent most of the day with my SIL and her kids. My son loved it. Heading home after the interview today.
As for husband support it is hard because the pregnancy is all encompassing for us. Hubs don't have the same relationship. I've been stressing out because he has been so sick the last few weeks that more is falling onto me. And I just don't have the time or energy for it.
On another front, I bought my son a sleeping buddy that is like a squishy ball (but mike from monsters). And the last three nights I haven't had to share my body. Of course he asked to nurse yesterday (weaned for nearly 2 years now), so I had to tell him he doesn't do that anymore.
kiwi / 563 posts
@lulu22: @brownie: thanks for the sympathy ladies! We talked a lot last night and he apologized profusely, so I feel better today. I agree that it is hard for them b/c it's not so all-encompassing like it is for us.
@brownie: congrats on interview #2 - that is a great sign - good luck and keep us posted. Hope your DH is feeling better soon, and hooray for having some nighttime space!
@lulu22: sorry to hear you're feeling the same way - not being present is a hard one for me to experience too. Once your DH is on paternity leave, it'll all be worth it, right? How much time will he get to take off?
kiwi / 563 posts
Hey all, hope you had a great weekend. Nesting is in full effect so I was pretty productive this weekend! I had a couple of really painful contractions last night that were different from those that I have had thus far. For a few minutes DH and I thought we might be headed to the hospital but thankfully they passed and then everything was fine!
My hospital bag is almost completely packed which is a good feeling, and we're heading to target soon to buy our car seat and a couple other items.
I still have a project that I'm hoping to wrap up at work in the next few days and then once that's done will really feel ready for baby to come!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@SunshineMcC: I've had a few hours of painful contractions this weekend too so I feel your pain. Glad you're not in labor yet. I'm also trying to finish up things at work. I'm intending to work half days from here on out where possible.
Today ds lost his car/house keys and we can't find them anywhere. It was not a stress we needed and we've turned over the whole house and found nothing. Hope you're all having a better day!
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@SunshineMcC: I wish I could nest. All I want to do is rest. My goal is to work really hard over spring break and when my mom gets here. I am still sort of in the wait and see period. I should know within 2 weeks if I got the new job which means we will just be moving this summer. So it's hard to get motivation to do a lot of work that I will just have to do over.
As for contractions, I work 3 hours on Saturdays and it wipes me and the baby out for the day. She barely moved all day yesterday but has been super busy today (barely taking a nap).
kiwi / 563 posts
@marionberry: ugh, sorry to hear about yours too! Half days sound great. I don't have much PTO so am planning to work as long as I can, though 2-3 days/week are home, which is nice. When I'm in the office I'm a good hour or so from the hospital, which is the max my doctor is comfortable with. I hope your DH finds his keys!
@brownie: oh I hope your spring break is a good mixture of rest and getting things done. I can't imagine waiting to hear about a new job and a move, on top of getting ready to have a baby. You're a trooper!
pear / 1787 posts
wow crazy you guys are getting contractions! hope everyone's babies stay put for a while! and i totally commiserate with the husband frustration... now that it's getting down to the end i think my husband is finally starting to get it and is trying to be a bit more engaged. but he just does not care about feeling the baby or the nursery or anything and it's frustrating me!
question for you guys... have you gotten/are you going to get your pertussis vaccination? i couldn't sleep last night and ended up finding out it is recommended when you're pregnant to help pass immunity onto baby... but my OB hasn't mentioned anything about it! i'll definitely be asknig her about it tomorrow but i'm curious if you guys have talked about it with your providers at all. and is DH/your parents/anyone else going to get it?
i had a decently productive weekend... cleaned my washing machine so i could do some baby laundry. tried to figure out my gallery wall with no success. and did a tooooon of stuff for my friend's baby shower, which is this upcoming sunday - i am totally dreading it.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@SunshineMcC: I made my hospital bag list this weekend, but really haven't started packing it!
@SunshineMcC: @marionberry: I had some crazy braxton hicks yesterday, 45 seconds long every three min for an hour. They weren't painful but they did take my breath away and uncomfortable. They stopped eventually, but I still get them randomly at rest and everytime I move.
@marionberry: sucks about the car keys, those kind of things drive me crazy. I always find the lost set once I go get a new one!
@brownie: My baby has been doing saturdays as her lazy day, and scaring me then yesterday was moving up a storm.
Fingers crossed on the job!
@loki: Nobody has mentioned it here, maybe post natal? How often do you need to get it done? I can't believe you're hosting a shower that late in your pregnancy! I can barely do daily tasks without needing a nap.
I have one of my day's off today, I woke up at 4:30am and couldn't sleep so read until 7am when I drifted off again, only to be woken by our neighbours reno at 8am sharp! ugh... I can't wait for them to be done. I can't imagine all the banging with a baby.
pear / 1787 posts
@Banana330: i've read different things... i've read that some dr's suggest it for every pregnancy! i'm very interested to see what my OB says tomorrow when i ask... i have heard of them giving it in hospital once the baby is born. so we'll see what she says and i'll report back.
i'm not really hosting per se, it's at a hall. but i am doing a game and centrepieces. and like an idiot i took on some extra stuff... i made a ribbon garland and a birth stats chalkboard (since she had the baby on the 8th). so it's my own fault, really.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@loki: cool... let us know. You got your pump at the target liquidation right? I was thinking about getting a single, cause i'll be home for the year and will hopefully only have to leave the occasional bottle. What did you get? I'm always interesting in other Canadian mom opinions on this. My friend got a single and my other friend had a double but never really used it cause her son wouldn't take a bottle.
pear / 1787 posts
@Banana330: ya i got the medela freestyle double... who knows if i'll actually use it but i figured if it's covered by insurance, i might as well go all out. i got it for 30% off so after tax it was $347... not bad considering it is normally $450 pretax. i reeeeeally am hoping my baby will take bottles and i can both BF and bottle feed interchangeably, even at home. i want to be able to leave her with family and with her dad. but i also know it might not go according to my plans! I think if it wasn't covered i might have waited and tried a manual pump first or something and see how she takes bottles before i committed to such a purchase.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@loki: Ya my insurance doesn't cover it. So i'm thinking a single. I just saw one on sale and considering just buying it to stop driving myself crazy!
pear / 1503 posts
@Banana330, @Loki: I got the Medela Swing during the Target liquidation, when it was 25%. Probably should have waited, but it was the last one at that Target. I saved $100 on that trip alone just on baby stuff, so that just goes to show what I spent in total. Yikes! I hadn't gotten anything practical (only cute outfits, really) the day before at my shower, so I loaded up on stuff like toiletries, bath stuff, and swaddle wraps; and of course, my pump. I figure I'll be home most of the year too, and just want to build up a small stash for nights "off."
@SunshineMcC: I just finished my bag, too. Except for some toiletries, my going home outfit, pillows, and a change of clothes for DH, we're all set.
@Loki: I plan on spending this week on my gallery wall, and nursery decor. And doing all sorts of baby laundry. Thanks for the reminder that I should clean my washer first. Also, my doc hasn't mentioned the pertussis shot. My next appt is on Thursday, so I'll ask her then. Let us know what yours says.
ETA: I just checked our immunization booklets, and I had the Tdap in 2009 (2013 for DH). I think they are good for 10 yrs, but if you want to confer immunity on the baby, they need to be given during pregnancy.
pear / 1787 posts
@Astro Bee: ya my washing machine was disgusting so i didn't want to do any baby clothes until i washed it... i really hate HE front loaders cuz they get so musty! i am fairly certain i've had my dtap in the last 10 years but i do want to pass on immunity to the baby if possible so i'm shocked my OB hasn't mentioned it. i definitely want to get it if it's recommended.
when it comes to baby stuff... do you guys wash EVERYTHING? like bibs and hats? i only did one wash with crib sheets, change pad cover and the stuff i plan on bringing to the hospital - swaddles, onesies, etc... but i got a bit overwhelmed thinking about the fact that i need to wash everything!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Astro Bee: good to know.. ours had tons at 20% then none by 30% I wish I had just bought it then. Interesting.. I'll have to see when I had mine. I'm sure I got it before I went travelling.
@loki: I washed everything fabric. It ended up being many loads but I figured why not. Dried it on low or air dry depending on what it was.
pear / 1503 posts
@Loki, @Banana330: I plan on washing everything that touches the baby's skin, but not right away, only when it's needed in case I need to exchange it. So, for clothes, I'm only washing newborn stuff, and maybe some of the 0-3 mos. but with the sheets, change pad covers, and muslin blankets, that still leaves a lot if laundry to do this week!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Astro Bee: I should say I only washed 0-3 and newborn.. everything bigger is still unwashed.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
Wow I'm surprised you haven't all been offered tdap, I did not think it was optional!
persimmon / 1386 posts
@loki: I didn't get the dTap this time since I got it during my last pregnancy, and it had been only a year when they offered it back in the fall. The midwives told me that they do normally recommend it for every pregnancy but since mine were *so* close I didn't need to. Last time they very strongly urged that DH also get the vaccine since he would be around the baby so much. That hasn't been mentioned this time but not sure if it's because they know he just got it too or because this baby isn't being born in winter?
nectarine / 2317 posts
@loki: @Astro Bee: @PawPrints: I just googled it...
looks like it's not a mandatory or universal vaccine during pregnancy here.. Only given if there is an outbreak
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@Banana330: I definitely would get it regardless, you hear about whooping cough outbreaks around here from time to time - we have an insanely high rate of non-vaccination. Very scary.
apricot / 306 posts
Hi Ladies! Hope everyone's week is off to a good start!
@SunshineMcC: you are right, it will totally be worth it once DH is on parental leave. I actually feel super bad for complaining, because he gets 4 months off which is amazing. He will take 2 months at the start and 2 later in the year when we travel back to Australia to visit family and friends. I'm just trying to focus on that while he is working 18 hour days and I'm left to pick up the slack around the house! Only a few weeks left!
@loki: I got the tdap... I also had it one year ago but they said to get it again and I wasn't going to push back seeing as there is a whooping cough outbreak here in California. All of my extended family who will be visiting the baby are getting it too, mostly just because of the outbreak here... we are trying to create a protective barrier around the baby! I agree with @pawprints, being in an outbreak area is scary! Measles is also a problem here, but not much we can do about that till the 12month mark
@loki: I've been washing everything fabric. I'm not bothering with things like car seats/bouncer pads etc though, but I've been doing all clothes, sheets, swaddles... I have only reserved a couple of things that I think I MAY need to return, depending on how the baby likes certain things (swaddles, sleep sacks etc), in most cases I've opened and washed one of each type and once I know what he likes best I will wash the unopened ones and return the others.
pear / 1787 posts
@lulu22: ya i really want to get the dtap and i want to make our parents get it too, i just can't believe my OB hasn't mentioned it! even if there isn't a current outbreak, i would think it'd be prudent to get it!
sounds like i need to get washing more stuff! lots to do!
kiwi / 563 posts
@loki: our practice strongly recommended the TDAP for us, and any family that will be spending time with the baby, so we've asked all of our immediate family to get it, and got it too. I washed everything that could touch the baby's skin, even stuffed animals.
AFM, we had our 37 week appointment this morning and all looks well - good fluid level, and the NST was good too. Cervix is soft, but still closed - though they explained that could change at any time! A gal in my office is 40 weeks tomorrow and is still here working - while I could use another week or week and a half to get ready, I can't imagine 3 more weeks!
I was up from 4-6am this morning b/c my hips and legs were aching so badly - sleep is just getting harder and harder. I may try sleeping in a recliner - the NP suggested that this morning. Joy.
pear / 1503 posts
@Loki: I mentioned to both my parents and in-laws about getting their immunizations up to date. My parents were pretty accommodating, although I think they've only gotten their annual flu shot so far (must remind them again). My in-laws, especially my MIL, were not so open to it. I'm pretty sure she thinks I overreact to safety- and health-related stuff, however.
pear / 1503 posts
@SunshineMcC: I had about 2 hours cumulative sleep on Friday night. Everything from bad heartburn, leg cramps, sore hips, bathroom trips, kept waking me up. The heartburn and leg cramps were especially bad. I basically sleep had to sleep on my left side propped up on 2-4 pillows, with a dose each of Zantac and extra-strength Tums, IOT keep the heartburn at bay. Once when DH was away, I woke up crying and spent an hour at the toilet bc the indigestion was so bad! I may try the recliner if it gets that bad again. Glad you had a good appt!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@loki: It is recommended that you get one every pregnancy; it's also called the TDAP vaccine, so you may not have recognized that you got it. I knew someone whose baby died from pertussis (aka whooping cough) so I'm very strict about it. I made sure that my mom and my sister and DH got it as well since they'd be around the baby a lot last time. I probably need to send my stepdad to go get it too this time since I think he'll help out a fair bit too. You can usually get them at any doctor's office or even clinics in grocery and convenience stores. Oh and I swear by a double pump even if you're staying home because it just takes way less time that way.
I'm sorry to everyone about the heartburn and general discomfort. I've done pretty well since being on Pepcid, but if it starts rearing its ugly head again I'll be back on omeprazole in a jiffy! And sleeping really goes either way - some nights I'm in horrendous pain and others are not so bad. I put three pillows behind my head and practically sleep upright at this point.
@lulu22: I have my NST tomorrow again. Glad yours are going well!
@astrobee: My family all thought I was crazy when I asked them to get the whooping cough vaccine last time but I don't care. I was adamant about it and didn't care what people thought. Others who didn't get it I just made sure they sanitized their hands and stuff a bunch before touching ds and if someone had been sick I would've discouraged them from even coming around until they were better.
pear / 1503 posts
@Marionberry: DH and I had an argument about this a little while ago. I think it's totally reasonable to request our parents to get the Dtap, given how dangerous pertussis is to babies. My parents live across the country, but his parents live quite close, and will see him quite often. DH and I have to be up-to-date with all of our vaccines (except for yellow fever, and then only if we go to a region where that's a concern) for our jobs, but DH thinks that most adults either don't know or don't care about adult boosters. But he doesn't want to make waves but forcing the issue with his parents. I suggested we check with my doctor on Thursday and if she recommends it, present it as such. Hard to argue with medical advice. So much more relevant than crazy, overreacting daughter syndrome!
grapefruit / 4110 posts
I made everyone who saw the baby before 8 weeks (not many since we didn't do visits for the first month) have an updated tdap. And I think it is 5 years so everyone is still covered from when my first was born. We didn't worry much about flu because April isn't strong flu season.
Ugh it is so hot right now in Cali where I live. I am melting. I am so glad I'm not preggers on the middle of summer.
pear / 1697 posts
@loki: My midwives don't offer the Tdap just because of the onerous vaccine storage requirements, so, I got it from my primary care doc instead.
kiwi / 563 posts
@Astro Bee: oh gosh, so sorry to hear about your sleep troubles! Hopefully we both get some good sleep soon! I told DH that I wish I could take something tonight to get some good sleep!
@marionberry: thanks for sharing what you did when you had visitors who didn't get the vaccine. I was curious!! Good luck with the NST tomorrow!
persimmon / 1386 posts
Random suggest as everyone starts packing their hospital bags. Last time I had a c-section and came down with a cold right after (unrelated). Anyways, one of the most painful things about the c-section was that I had a damn cough and it hurt so bad to cough. And I had no cough drops. I don't remember exactly why DH couldn't get some, I think he tried the gift shop and they were already closed. And getting them from the nurses was literally an hours long process because they had to call my doctor and get a prescription for them! Anyways, long story short, I will be throwing some cough drops in my bag just in case this time (especially since I am currently coming down with a cold. Ugh).
pear / 1787 posts
I just left my OB appointment so wanted to fill everyone in on what she said re dtap. She basically said the US has gotten much better than us about their vaccine schedules and it isn't mandatory or required here but it can't hurt. And seeing as I have a horrible persistent cough I've had for over a month she's recommending I get it. I asked about my husband and our parents getting it and she didn't think it was necessary as long as they adhere to the normal recommended vaccination schedule. I imagine they are not up to date so I'm going to ask them to get it... But I'm currently waiting on my family doctor to discuss my cough so I'll get her opinion on it too.
pear / 1503 posts
@Loki: That's really interesting, especially since we seem to have such a good system (and high percentages of vaccination) for school-age children. I would almost guarantee though, that most adults don't adhere to the recommended schedule, unless it is a requirement for work. Which seems crazy, given that it's free. I'll bring it up with my doctor on Thursday.
@SunshineMcC: I'm less concerned about sleeping through the night now that I can nap during the day. I still wake up with DH before 6, but it is so nice to go back to sleep for a few hours. Honestly, with my hips as uncomfortable as they are the last few days, a few hours is a blessing. I also just came back from prenatal yoga, which always helps. I hope your sleep improves. And if not, it's good practice for baby!
pear / 1787 posts
@Astro Bee: ya i'm certain our parents aren't up to date. but they're going to get up to date so that's good! i'm just so surprised that dr's here don't push the dtap during pregnancy more, especially based on my OB and family doctor's reactions! they both said it was a good idea... so it's odd they waited until i brought it up!
my sleeps have been awful because of hip/pelvic/rib pain too. i find the woooorst i feel is when i'm getting up out of bed in the night to go to the bathroom. i'm SO SORE and miserable... also my feet/ankles are ENORMOUS... super cute.
we have our hospital tour tonight and for some reason i'm crazy excited about it!
kiwi / 563 posts
@Astro Bee: ah, naps are great - lucky you! Last night was much better - still up several times to go to the bathroom, but was able to go back to sleep. And yes, I agree - I think it's LO preparing me!
@loki: I hear you on getting out of bed in the night - I was thinking last night that I can't wait until I can turn or roll over without any pain! I told DH last night that my calves and feet look like tree stumps. My hands are swollen and are a bit sore too - not fun. Glad you'll be seeing someone soon about your cough!
@NeekieRose: oh, good suggestion - thanks!
pomegranate / 3658 posts
Just purely FYI, Tdap and DTap are different vaccines - DTap is the one that kids get, and Tdap is the booster for adults.
I am starting to get really warm at night which is very unusual for me. I'm normally freezing all the time. I have had to start turning on the ceiling fan in our bedroom, which bugs DH since he doesn't like the sound it makes. And yeah, turning over and getting out of bed a million times is getting so uncomfortable. Now that we are past the 37 week "early term" mark, I'm getting pretty ready for pregnancy to be done.
Oh and best thing ever: I had to stand on the bus ride in this morning. 8.5 months pregnant, huge belly busting out of my maternity coat, and nobody got up. I had to sit down on an aisle step, and still nobody moved. Pretty amazing.
persimmon / 1363 posts
I didn't get DTAP here either - they don't offer it, but I think that you can maybe request it? I asked my family doctor about it with my previous pregnancy, and she said that they only worry about it when there's an outbreak. There hasn't been any pertussis in our area for years. There was a measles outbreak when my LO was under 1, so we got special vaccines for her that she was eligible for after 6 months of age, so I know they do a good job when there is an outbreak!
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