apricot / 306 posts
@loki: yes! getting out of bed to go to the bathroom really is the worst! My pelvis hurts so much when I do and sometimes I feel like my legs are going to give way underneath me!
@PawPrints: I am also getting hot at night and have started to use a fan next to my bed! Granted it has been a bit warmer here lately, but I've never used a fan at this time of year before! I CANT BELIEVE no one got up for you on the bus!! So rude! I kinda get it when you are 25 weeks and still looking "maybe, maybe not" pregnant but at 8.5 months - show some decency people! I find it's hit and miss... yesterday at USPS I was in a super long line (and feeling very uncomfortable) and totally thought people would usher me forward or send me to the front... no one did... but a few weeks back I was in a long queue for shopping center bathrooms and all the ladies INSISTED that I jump to the front. At the very least I hope you get a seat on the bus home tonight!
pear / 1503 posts
@Neekierose: Thanks for the suggestion. I've been scouring the web for anything I may have forgotten. My hospital doesn't provide the "extras" like diapers, wipes, etc. so I feel the need to be super prepared for everything.
@Pawprints: I eventually stopped taking the bus because it was so uncomfortable, plus the motion sickness. I spent a fortune in parking, but that's besides the point! If I couldn't get a seat, I had no problem asking people to give up theirs. The front seating on our city buses specifically states that they are for disabled, elderly, pregnant or parents with small children. No one ever gave me a hard time, especially when I said how pregnant I was (with my big uniform parka, I didn't always look very pregnant, just bulky).
nectarine / 2317 posts
@PawPrints: Honestly, i'm not surprised any more that people don't offer their seats. I usually stick my bump way out, but most people don't even look up from their smartphones any more. I now just go to the special disabled/pregnancy seats and ask people if I can sit down. It sucks but hopefully it teaches them to be a bit more aware.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@Banana330: @Astro Bee: @lulu22: Yeah those seats are for elderly/disabled on our buses, no mention of pregnancy, though I'm sure I could claim one. Normally I beeline for the back of the bus since there's a good chance of just finding an empty seat way back there. And normally if the seats are all full, someone gets up. It's totally true about it being hit-or-miss, I have definitely been offered some very sweet, kind gestures in 2nd trimester when I didn't really need them, but I sure as hell do now. My feet!! @Astro Bee: That is great that you don't mind asking people for a seat, that is probably what I should have done. I only have six more days of commuting so hopefully this was the last experience. And fortunately there are always seats available when I get on for the ride home, I *really* could not handle standing at the end of the day.
kiwi / 563 posts
@lulu22: @PawPrints: So hot at night here too - though I've been having night sweats on and off for my entire pregnancy, though they are REALLY bad the past month - like I get up to change undies (sorry if that's TMI) at least 1-2 times a night, and have to lay a bath towel down so I can go back to sleep. I've never done so much laundry in my life - must be preparing me for when LO gets here! I cannot even remember what it's like to sleep straight through the night anymore!
pear / 1503 posts
@SunshineMcC: My being okay with asking probably had something to do with only not being able to find a seat in the evenings when I'm exhausted. It's an hour long commute for me. And conversely, I never had a problem getting a seat in the mornings, living so far out in the burbs. You know, I read that on the London Tube, you can request a button that says "I'm pregnant, can you give up your seat?" or something like that. I thought that was genius, especially for us northern ladies, whose bumps are hidden by coats half the year. @Banana330: Yeah, people suck! I've had to tell kids to stand up and let elderly people sit down. How do you need to be told these things!?!
@SunshineMcC, @Lulu22, @PawPrints: My DH sets the thermostat at 62 at night, no way I'm getting sweaty. I do feel for you though! I would randomly get the sweats during the day at work. It's an old building with bad airflow, and I work in the basement with no windows, so if it was an "off" day, there was never any relief.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Astro Bee: I have one of those buttons! My friend sent it over from the UK. It says "baby on board" with the london underground symbol. Even with that and a panel adapter in my coat I still didn't get a seat! I would have to ask and point to the button. I do agree coats make it hard for people to tell if you are pregnant or just wrapped up.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@loki: @lulu22: Getting up to pee in the middle of the night sucks! When I finally get my fat belly rolled over to even get up I always feel this intense vaginal pain. It's always the worst in the middle of the night for some reason.
@sunshinemcc:@pawprints: I've also been ragingly hot lately. I'm always the cold one whining at DH to turn off the air but on top of AC and a fan in our room right now I've been opening up the windows for a cool breeze too. Thank God I haven't had a sweating problem though. I do agree that this is a great preparation for when baby gets here though because you honestly don't get much sleep in the beginning - at least this way you don't remember what you had, to even miss it.
Had another NST today which went well. My BP has certainly gone up but it isn't within scary range so my OB didn't seem to care. She's still planning on my scheduled c-section date. It was weird for her to say today, "another NST next week, we'll fill out your c-section forms and then babies are here on Monday." Man it's coming quickly!
apricot / 306 posts
So I am still at the hospital after getting here 7 hours ago for my NST! Basically they couldn't get a good heart rate for the baby as he was jumping around too much and they were concerned about possible late decels... So they sent me off to labor and delivery where after a few hours they finally confirmed that his heart rate is great. BUT within those few hours I started getting contractions which have been getting worse over time... They think probably because I am dehydrated and have low blood sugar... Which is because they won't let me eat or drink because the baby is still breech and in case I need a c section! Such a catch 22, it sucks! So now I am hooked up to iv fluids in the hope that will ease my contractions... Hopefully it does and I can go home and eat!!
pear / 1503 posts
@Lulu22: oh no, so sorry to hear that! I hope the IV fluids do their magic and the contractions ease. So frustrating for you. You are almost there! Hand in a little longer, baby!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@lulu22: when I was in the hospital for the flu having bad contractions, the IV fluids helped so much. Wishing the same for you! Keep us posted.
apricot / 306 posts
@Astro Bee: @marionberry: thanks so much! I think they are easing so hopefully I will get to go home soon!
pear / 1787 posts
@lulu22: wow crazy, must've been a long day! hopefully the iv helped and you were able to go home and relax!
i was just thinking about how lucky we've been that it's so late and no babies have made early appearances. knock on wood!
i've decided to talk to my boss about leaving a week earlier than planned. i was trying to work until april 2nd (due date the 9th) but my commute & being at the office is killing me. so i'm going to try to get next thursday mar 26 as my last day... the thought of it is making me ecstatic, just need to get through these next few days!
pear / 1580 posts
@lulu22: I hope your night went okay and that you'll be able to go home to rest soon!
@loki: I hope your work gives the green light so that you get the rest you need!
pear / 1580 posts
AFM, I had my 37w appointment yesterday, and I went from 2cm dilated last week to 3.5cm! My OB said that instead of calling and going to the hospital when contractions are 5 min apart, I need to go in when they're 5-8 min apart because things could move quickly! With DH working an hour away from home and not being accessible by phone all the time, and the hospital being 30-50 minutes from home depending on traffic, I'm a little anxious! But I gotta believe that everything will be fine!
persimmon / 1386 posts
@loki: I would love to stop working early. I am so exhausted today. It is barely 9am and I want to take a nap. But anytime taken before the baby comes is less time I get to spend with the baby when she gets here. Which is pretty good motivation.
@marionberry: March 30th is your scheduled c-section, right? Mine is the 31st. Less than two weeks for us now! So soon.
persimmon / 1386 posts
@ineebee: Exciting! I am definitely going to ask for a cervical check at my appointment tomorrow. Is there any way your DH can have his phone on his during this time? I would be freaking out if DH wasn't available.
pear / 1580 posts
@NeekieRose: He's at court in the mornings, and phones aren't allowed! I have the office number, though, so he's confident I'll be able to reach him somehow! =\
pear / 1787 posts
@ineebee: wow 3.5cm is pretty far along! i had my appointment yesterday and asked about cervical checks and my dr doesn't do them until 39 weeks because she says this early it doesn't tell you too much. but it's good you have a plan just in case! i am making DH work from home in the week leading up to my due date because i would hate not being able to get a hold of him. also he works downtown (an hour south of us) and there are no northbound trains midday! your DH better be on high alert! haha.
@NeekieRose: @marionberry: can't believe we're gonna have our first "april" babies so soon!!! we should start a labour & announcement thread soon, i imagine!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@lulu22: hope you got some sleep!
@loki: good call on leaving work early! Can you your husband drive to work, so he has the option to leave whenever?
@ineebee: wow that sounds like a lot dilated. Good thing you have a plan.
pear / 1787 posts
@Banana330: he COULD technically but it would be miserable... probably 2+ hours each way in the car. if i go early he'll cab home even if it's expensive. and then the last week or so he'll work from home, which will be nice!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@NeekieRose: I know! I can't believe it's so close for both of us! Are you excited or nervous or both?
persimmon / 1386 posts
@marionberry: Probably both? It's good to have an end date, but I am conflicted in that I still have so much to do at work that I do not want her to come early, at least not this week. But I am also thinking more and more that a successful VBAC would be probably the best case scenario but what if she doesn't come until the scheduled c-section....basically, I just have too many thoughts! Ha
What about you excited, nervous, both?
pomegranate / 3658 posts
I can't believe we are getting so close to a couple of you guys having your babies!! @loki: My last scheduled work day is the 27th (so I'd basically be taking off one week before due date) and I am also feeling like it would be really nice to move that up a week.
I hung up all our newborn-6 mo size clothes on those little baby hangers last night in LO's closet and it kind of finally hit me that it's going to be a lot of work getting everything washed, since I'll have to put everything away all over again. Same with the crib sheets, changing pad cover, etc. I need to do that.
pear / 1787 posts
@PawPrints: the 27th will be here before you know it! countdown is on. i talked to my boss and the 26th is my last day and i'm working from home that day. sooooo... feeling pretty great today! i also have this friday off so only 4 more work days! wooooo. i'm feeling the same way as you about laundry... a bit overwhelmed. i have all the stuff that is bigger than 3 months hung up but everything smaller is folded in drawers. i'm going to have to wash evvvvvvvverything and put it all away again. this extra week off work is going to be helpful!
also, we had our hospital tour last night and it was SO informative and i'm really glad we went. but i'm so sad, i found out that the semi private rooms have nowhere for dads to sleep. we are obviously requesting private but they're first come, first served so if we don't get one i'll be alone in the middle of the night with babe that makes me sad. is this the case anywhere else?
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@loki: Wow that really sucks that there might not be anywhere for your DH to sleep. I was just having this conversation with my parents a few days ago, they were surprised that we would pack things for DH in the hospital bag since back in the 80s the dads all just went home every night. I guess it made more sense at that time, since the babies were all whisked away to the nursery and the moms just slipped into the role of hospital-patient and slept all by themselves. I was appalled though and kept yelling at my dad "You just LEFT her there??" Now that we're all being encouraged to keep our babies in our rooms with us, instead of taken off to the nursery, I can't imagine being left to spend those first nights without DH. Does anybody ever bring in a groundpad/sleeping bag at your hospital, maybe?
pear / 1787 posts
@PawPrints: i know i was sooooo sad. dh is sad too! they said there just isn't any room... the semi private rooms are tiny. we didn't see one but we saw a ward room and she showed us the dimensions of the semi private and i can see how it would be impossible for someone to even sleep on the floor with the two beds and two bassinets. dads can stay late (after visiting hours) and come back early but still... waking up in the middle of the night to feed and being alone makes me SO SAD to think about. i feel like i'm going to be really emotional and really overwhelmed and i'm just going to want him there
persimmon / 1363 posts
@loki: I was super worried about it too, but it turned out fine. The time that they have to be away for is so short, and I was really out of it anyway. My husband left at 3 am and came back at 8 am, and the baby and I pretty much slept the whole time he was gone. The next night I actually sent him home early because he was a total exhausted wreck and needed some rest! He could have stayed until very late and been back very early again - like out for just a couple of hours.
I am working a week longer than anticipated because I haven't wrapped up a project, boohoo! I had scheduled myself to be off at 36 weeks, so I still will be off at 37 weeks, which I can't really complain too hard about.
pear / 1787 posts
@Rockies11: ok that makes me feel better! we live about 20-25 minutes from the hospital and the thought of him going back and forth makes me sad. also my parents will be staying at our house and i know he'd rather not be with them! haha. but i guess if he leaves once i'm asleep and comes back super early it should be okay.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@loki: ours has uncomfortable chairs for the partner to sleep in I think. If I remember correctly the ward ones your partner can stay only if the other people in your room agree... I'm hoping for private or just to go home!
pear / 1787 posts
@Banana330: ya ward seems miserable. do you have a midwife or OB? i forget. but i've heard often if you have a midwife they'll let you go really quickly. they say we stay for 24-32 hours. i am hooooooping it's a slow day and we get private! that would be ideal.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@loki: Midwife, so if things are uncomplicated I could be discharged in 3-4 hrs!
pomegranate / 3314 posts
@loki: I gave birth in a huge NYC hospital and the only way to get a private room is to pay $500/night, which I was not willing to do. The shared rooms are super, super tiny (like, big enough to fit hospital bed, baby's bassinet, tiny side table and chair) so my husband didn't stay with me. Honestly, it really wasn't bad. I didn't get much sleep with the shared room situation and I remember thinking it was actually good that one of us would be rested.
pear / 1503 posts
@Loki: I have my hospital tour this evening. I'm with Blue Cross and they cover a semi-private room only. However, there are a bunch of private rooms at my hospital and it's likely one will be free, even though they say first come, first serve, too. Any idea how likely it is at your hospital? You may be worrying for nothing? When I pre-registered, I requested a private, and was was told the difference was either $50 or $75 a night. Totally worth it in my opinion.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@NeekieRose: Excited and nervous too! I can't wait to meet them but I know my life will be a different kind of chaotic once they're in it. I thought long and hard about a VBAC but after reading that you're at increased rate of uterine rupture if it's been less than 2 years since your last c-section I decided against it. Since you really want one, could you ask your OB to push out your c-section?
pear / 1503 posts
@PawPrints: I remember being surprised hearing that the partners could stay with the moms now. And until a few months ago, I didn't know that the policy had changed to have the babies stay with the moms, too. When my mom had me and my brother back in the early 80s they only had ward-style rooms (4 to a room), and my mom had the same room and bed after both deliveries (she has an amazing memory for little details). Now, in that same city, they are regularly 8 to a room, plus babies, for a similar sized room!!! I can't even imagine how hectic that must be. But cutbacks and hospital closures there are the reason. Definitely no room for dads.
pear / 1548 posts
@ineebee: that is awesome that you are already that dilated!!!
@loki: ahhh total bummer about the hospital room. I would be feeling the same way you are!
As for me, I had my 38 weeks appt today and I am not dilated at all I know that I have two weeks before my due date and anything can change, but I have a feeling I'll be in this for the long haul!
I'm also totally jealous of all of you who know when your last day of work is. I am working up until I have this baby and not knowing how much longer I have to work is making work draaaaaag.
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