Hellobee Boards


April 2015 Mamas!

  1. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @As Time Goes By: I hope today is the day!

    @brownie: @Astro Bee: my LO is SO low I've been walking, drinking hibiscus and rose hip tea and bouncing on a yoga ball. I'm getting antsy!! lol

  2. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @Astro Bee: I hear you in terms of a means to an end! We DTD last night but still no baby! Your walk sounds lovely! I get so tired, I don't think I'd make it too far! More contractions tonight but they didn't last. Come on, baby!!

  3. brownie

    grapefruit / 4110 posts

    @SunshineMcC: I am so ready. We have walked, we have sat, we have slept. I just want this baby out. I know it's early and baby will come when ready, but I am ready now. I'm not sure what else to do to encourage.

  4. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    @Astro Bee: I was feeling the exact same way at the end. I was a huge beached whale! Sex was totally out of the question for me, I just couldn't make myself! I hope labor starts for you soon!! Can't wait to see his face!

    Sending labor vibes to all the April mamas. The end of pregnancy truly feels like eternity!

  5. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    Kudos to you all who are having sex at the end! My body wants none of that nonsense at all!

    I'm still here pregnant at 40+3 with no labor signs at all. My in laws are coming in town today and staying with us for two weeks. It'll be a long visit, but I'm grateful to have help once DH has to go back to work.

    I hope we have some more April babies this weekend!

  6. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @Boopers: oh I hope your little squish shows up soon !!!

  7. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    Oh goodness, I got in the scale this morning at home for the first time in awhile. I've been weighed at the doctor's office but either not really paying attention or assuming their scale was off. I've officially gained 48 pounds since the start of pregnancy! On the one hand I'm like, OMG that's a ton, how will that ever come off??? And on the other hand, thinking "oh well, I'm growing a human and my body is doing what it needs." I've definitely indulged more in terms of eating but not to a crazy point, so am a little surprised as it seems like a lot!!!! Oy.

  8. meredithNYC

    pomegranate / 3314 posts

    @SunshineMcC: I gained that much with my first and I'm 40 pounds up with this one, despite having been "good" for the most part, with both diet and exercise. It sucks, but like you I have just kind of accepted it and tried to be at peace with it since there's nothing I can do at this point. One thing I have been told is that I have a lot of fluid, which does contribute. Could that be the case for you, too?

  9. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @meredithNYC: ah yes, I'm so super swollen my feet and hands are hurting most of the time now too. I called my mom this morning as I was a little upset and she was so sweet and said, "Sweetie, there's really nothing you can do about it now!" I just cleaned up the house and vacuumed (again) and did 2 loads of laundry. Next up: a walk!!!

  10. As Time Goes By

    apricot / 346 posts

    No baby here. TMI- I did lose my mucus plug yesterday and I have been having bloody show this morning, but no real contractions. I'm at least moving in the right direction. It's a full moon tonight so maybe the old wives tale will hold true!

    @ AstroBee & @Boopers: I feel like we get to be part of the statistics that balance out the early babies in this group. I hope you both have your babies in your arms soon!

    @yellowbird: congratulations on your son! It sounds like it was a pretty wild labour and delivery, but it's so exciting he's here!

    @SunshineMcC: The weight gain is so difficult to come to terms with and what is healthy for you can be so different from other people. You are so close to the end and have grown a healthy baby and that's what is important now.

  11. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @SunshineMcC: I'm sure the swelling is the reason for the number on the scale. Don't worry about it! You're at the end and baby will be here soon!

    @As Time Goes By: Super exciting!!! Sounds like your body is almost ready! Please keep us updated!

    We walked around today and when I got home I had some light spotting and my back was hurting. I hope this is the start of things! This is the most my body has done so far to show me labor could be on its way. Fingers crossed!

  12. Rockies11

    persimmon / 1363 posts

    @As Time Goes By: @Boopers: fingers crossed for you ladies!

    I am 38w 2d, and there's nothing really going on for me at all. This whole last part is very boring!

  13. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @As Time Goes By: @Boopers: good luck ladies sounds promising!

    @Rockies11: I feel you, I'm 38weeks too and I know it is still early but I feel like this baby will never come! These last weeks are brutal for anticipation and patience.

    @SunshineMcC: I went up 6lbs in a matter of days and it coincided with some crazy foot/hand swelling, but a few days later I was back down and my swelling was gone.

  14. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @SunshineMcC: I'm up almost 40 pounds and I gained almost 50 last time. It all came off no problem last time and I wasn't eating nearly as healthy or being even half as active. Your body will do what it needs to do. My OB predicted that I would only gain half as much this time but it's looking like he was mistaken. At first I was disappointed but I know ice done all I can to keep my eating clean and stay active and I'm at peace with the amount of weight I've gained!

  15. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @As Time Goes By: oh that's exciting! A good sign that things are moving along! I've been thinking the same thing about the full moon tonight!

    @As Time Goes By: @Boopers: @Banana330: @Mrs. Sunshine: thanks so much for the reassurance ladies! XO

    @Boopers: oh, exciting! Those could definitely be signs!! Keep us posted!!

  16. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @yellowbird: did I miss your birth announcement????

  17. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    @SunshineMcC: I had baby boy on Thursday evening! I posted my birth story on the birth stories page!!

    @Boopers: @As Time Goes By: sounds super promising for both of you!

  18. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    Fingers crossed for all of you still waiting to go into labor! My babies are now 11 days old - crazy to believe. I am crazy exhausted but hanging in there. We took newborn photos this Monday. Thought I would share the sneak peak.

  19. meredithNYC

    pomegranate / 3314 posts

    @marionberry: 11 days?! Crazy! They are such adorable little guys, too.

  20. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @yellowbird: I found it! Congrats!! What a story!! So happy all is well.

    @marionberry: 11 days?!?! Wow! Those pictures are darling, thanks for sharing! I'm still booking our newborn photographer. I found someone I love but DH thinks her rates are too high ($600, includes about 65 photos). I have nothing to compare it to - do you mind sharing the cost of yours? I can only imagine how tired you are but glad to hear you're hanging in there! Do you have family in town helping? I hope so!!

  21. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    @SunshineMcC: That's quite expensive. We live in a pricey area and we're paying $250 for two hours of shooting, outfit changes, and full rights to the entire gallery.

  22. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @PawPrints: thanks for weighing in! We live in a pricey area too, but even so, $600 seemed pretty high!! I appreciate your perspective!!

  23. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    I was just checking in to see if anyone else had a baby

    @marionberry: I them! Hope you're holding up okay!

    @SunshineMcC: Just fyi, our NB photog was pretty in line with most of the ones in our area - within $100-$200 although the one we went with was more expensive. We live in a pricey area as well, and we also paid a similar fee for NBs for my first daughter when we lived in a different, but also pricey, area. Here's our details, but it does include all edited images:
    NEWBORN $650(Needs to be within 5-14 days old)*
    Session Fee • $100 of it due at the time of booking (Siblings and Parents are included)
    – 2 to 3 blanket setups with various poses, 2 prop setups & parents/sibling shots
    – All props are included
    – Download link Gallery with printing rights. Easy for sharing and downloading to anyone you wish.
    – Price covers photographer’s editing, proofing and time.
    *** Note: could take up to 4 hours or more.

  24. As Time Goes By

    apricot / 346 posts

    @marionberry: those are so sweet and I love the top right one... They look so precious together

    Things are moving pretty slow here I've been having contractions on and off all day/night with lots of cramping but it hasn't turned into anything.

  25. Astro Bee

    pear / 1503 posts

    @Marionberry: I love those photos, your little boys are so adorable!!!

    Well, officially lost my mucus plug, right after we DTD tonight. And 40 mins later I had my first contraction! Anyway, DH is sleeping away next to me while I time these on my Ovia app. If they continue to progress I'll update the other board and head to the hospital.

  26. Astro Bee

    pear / 1503 posts

    @As Time Goes By: I hope things speed up for you. Cramping and contractions are a good sign!

  27. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @Astro Bee: yay! I hope that you start progressing! Keep us updated!

  28. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    @marionberry: those pictures are just amazing!!

    @As Time Goes By: hoping things pick up!

    @Astro Bee: yay!!! Hope this is baby day!!

  29. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @marionberry: so cute! The pictures are fantastic!

    @Astro Bee: hope you got some rest!

    I woke up with a wheezy cough...ugh the last thing I want right now is to get sick!

  30. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @SunshineMcC: We paid $375 for ours. A friend paid $600. I did a lot of research prior to choosing ours and thought the price was fair. I never choose a photographer who doesn't include the images in the price, so we get those too. As far as help, it's primarily been DH and me but next week my parents are helping. I'm scared for the mornings when I don't have help because the twins plus my ds is a lot of work for only two hands.

    Thanks everyone for admiring our photos. I hope the rest are just as good!

  31. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @PrincessBaby: thanks for the info! I emailed the photographer to see if there was any way she'd give us a discount or do less images. we'll see!

    @Astro Bee: you're giving me more motivation to DTD, given your experience!! Ha!

    Happy Easter, all! DH & I went to a sunrise service this morning that was really nice, then came home and he went for a run and I had a nice, long walk! Baby has been rolling (literally) around since I got home! I might try another walk this afternoon as well as DTD! I'm ready! I'm debating whether or not to go into work tomorrow (it's an hour+ commute into downtown), but my doc felt I'd have plenty of time to get back to the hospital even if contractions started and my water broke at work. I also think it'll keep my mind off things as I'll be busy. DH goes back to work tomorrow as his Spring Break is over. We'll see how I feel! Hope everyone has a great holiday!

    @neekierose: Hope all is going well at home!!

    @yellowbird: Hope you and LO are doing well and that your recovery is easy on you!

    @As Time Goes By: sorry to hear things are still moving slowly!! Hopefully things pick up for you soon. Any contractions today?? When is your next appt?

  32. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @marionberry: thanks for sharing the info about pricing! Glad to hear you'll have your parents in town helping soon!

  33. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @marionberry: omg. Those pictures are beyond adorable!

    @SunshineMcC: things are going well for us! DD is so cute with the baby.

    Hope more babies come soon!

  34. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    Hi guys, I've been totally MIA... Can't catch up on everything I've missed but I hope you're all doing well and can't wait to hear about more babies...

    Afm... Things aren't great. After Gemma was born my blood pressure was still high but they released me anyways. In the following days I was feeling terrible. On Friday I couldn't catch my breath all day. Finally at about 10pm I called 911. My blood pressure was 227/135 when the paramedics arrIved. Long story short... I have been in hospital since and will likely be here until at least Tuesday. I was diagnosed with severe pre eclampsia and congestive heart failure. I had to have a blood transfusion. Now I'm getting tons of iv drugs to get rid of fluid on my lungs and around my heart and to reduce my blood pressure. It's still really high. The worst is the catheter I have in and how much it hurts with my stitches and hemmorhoids also... Beingaway from my daughter is legit breaking my heart. So that's why I haven'tbeen around but hoping to get caught up soon! I've been thinking of you all!

  35. brownie

    grapefruit / 4110 posts

    @loki: I am so sorry to hear this. That is so scary but you are in the best place now.

  36. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @loki: yikes! That's terrible they let you go without monitoring. Hope they can control it now and meds improve your blood pressure.
    So sorry that you have to be away from her.

  37. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    @loki: oh my gosh.iam so sorry you are going through that! That sounds just terrible. You will be in my thoughts and prayers while you recover.

    Is Gemma able to visit you at all?

  38. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @loki: oh no!! praying for you!

  39. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @loki: oh goodness, I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm glad you are back in the hospital though, and being monitored! What a scary time for you - I will send up prayers for you and hopefully you'll be home with Gemma soon. Hang in there, mama, you're a strong lady!!! XO

  40. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @loki: oh my gosh I am so sorry you are going through all that on top of being postpartum!! We are all thinking of you and hope for a speedy and healthy recovery. I'm sorry you have to be away from your sweet baby girl. Please keep us updated when you can.

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