apricot / 346 posts
@ineebee: also it seems like some babies need less sleep. Is yours happy while awake or cranky/fussy?
ETA: @MrsSunshine... great minds...
nectarine / 2433 posts
@ineebee: I'm surviving... S is almost 5 weeks and she gets between 12 and 15 hours a day but it is a struggle. She is a slow eater 40 min to an hour and then she is difficult to settle. It is recommended that they be getting a min of 15 hours of sleep per day. The only way I can get her to 15 is if she does a longer stretch 4+ hrs and then I wake her every 2 hours during the rest of the day. Some ladies suggested that she might have low sleep needs but I didnt think that was the case because she was miserable and overtired. How is your LOs mood??
persimmon / 1363 posts
Mine sleeps about 11 overnight and then naps a lot during the day. I don't really keep track though. She has these long periods of wakefulness during the day where she's just awake, hanging out, not crying, which LO #1 never ever did, lol. I think she's a pretty easy baby so far, which is nice since my toddler is not easy at all.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
Baby girl is six weeks old today. She had the same problem you guys described with screaming at the boob after a couple minutes of eating. We went to the lactation consultant and she says it is likely a developmental spurt, a "wonder week." I haven't read the wonder weeks book but this chart was super super helpful:
Baby is sleeping long 4-6 hour stretches at night and long afternoon naps, but I'm not tracking her hours of sleep so not sure exactly. It seems like she's always asleep or eating or needing a diaper.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
Has anyone heard from @loki? She had that health scare after her LO was born and now it looks like she's been away from the boards for weeks. Hope everything is okay. I feel like she was the driver that kept this thread hopping for nine months!
apricot / 346 posts
@PawPrints: I've been thinking about her too... I hope everything is ok!
nectarine / 2317 posts
We have a similar problem with day time sleep. She's pretty alert and gets over tired quickly then Fights sleep like crazy. She's a month old now, our biggest stress is getting her to gain weight. She's a slow gainer and lazy feeder. I've been feeding her every 2hrs in the day but my supply is struggling. I've started taking domperidrone to help my supply and I've been pumping but not getting much so we've added in some formula too. At a month old she's 7lbs 5oz up about 1lbs from her lowest weight. She's still in newborn everything but hopefully that won't be for much longer. Feeding her more frequently has reduced her sleep as she typically takes a while to fall asleep then would sleep for 3-4 hrs.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
I'm trying to get into babywearing it's supposed to help babies with development and make them less fussy and of course it's easier to be hands free all day. I like the Moby but just bought a mei tai which I think I'm going to love. Anybody else doing babywearing?
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@Banana330: I'm sorry to hear that you're still struggling with your supply and bf'ing, I hope you guys find yourself in a good space soon!
@PawPrints: my little guy LOVES being worn and spends most mornings asleep in the wrap or the Ergo! I find my stretchy wrap to be supportive for LO but he's a big baby (over 12lb!) so he's much easier to get in and out of the Ergo.
In terms of sleep, LO will do an eight hour stretch at night (yay!) but doesn't crash out till after 2230 so it's hard to get him back to sleep once he wakes and the household is up for the day. I would say his sleep maxes out at about 13-15 hours a day but he's a reasonably happy chap...
honeydew / 7303 posts
@PawPrints: baby wearing has been a savior over here! He takes 1-2 long naps in my k'tan everyday. It's awesome because then I can go outside and play with my toddler, make lunch, etc and not have to worry about him. He passes out cold in the carrier and Nothing wakes him.
He's not really liking my neck Gemini yet. I want to look into some other carriers too
honeydew / 7303 posts
@Kemma: my lo was 11lb7oz at his 6 week visit! We've got some healthy boys, huh?
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@yellowbird: @Kemma: Wow nice big babies, you guys! I'm excited my little girl is up to 9.5 lbs now. I got my infantino mei tai in the mail yesterday and wore her for a 3.5 hour outing, and plan to do it again today. It's annoying having to roll the waist, cinch in the panel, and stuff a blanket behind her head though, so many adjustments for a newborn.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@PawPrints: we babywear...I did with LO1 as well. I love the hands free aspect but living in Texas and taking my toddler out to play while wearing her sucks lol but its really helpful to wear her
persimmon / 1363 posts
@PawPrints: we babywear - I wore LO#1 for about 12 months straight. My new LO I wear for the playgroups and gymboree and classes I am in with LO#1 - we have the Boba. She's still a little floppy on the neck control, so I don't wear her for super long periods of time yet.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@Rockies11: @Mrs. Sunshine: Nice! These days I am mostly putting her in the Moby for a few hours in the morning while I do laundry and get things done around the house, and doing the mei tai for outings, but I think this week I'll probably do some mei tai around the house as well. I am really hoping that the claim that babywearing reduces fussiness is true. She's pretty much asleep 100% of the time that I wear her so I guess any impact must be on a biological level, like her feeling my heartbeat etc. kind of thing. Or just getting better daytime sleep! Since, man, does she ever conk out hard when she's being worn. Like she took a sleeping pill.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@PawPrints: oh yeah we totally babywear for errands!! I feel like it makes them so much easier. LO1 had a long rough patch of sleep from 3 to 7 months so while I personally don't feel like it help with fussiness, it definitely helped her nap and u was able to accomplish tasks during that rough period!
grapefruit / 4110 posts
My 4 week old has been sick (congestion) so sleep has been really really rough. She can be very sleepy and other days she hasn't slept at all. The baby wearing is helping (and she can nurse in there). She has about 2 hours between feedings with one 3 hour stretch at night. Totally different than my first baby who screamed all day, slept for 5 hours, 4 hours, 3 hours rinse and repeat.
Also unlike my first she is gaining weight well. Up almost a pound from birth.
kiwi / 563 posts
Hi all! So good to hear how everyone is doing!
Our little guy is great! He was at 11 pounds at his 1 month visit! I'm pumping and bottle feeding and supplementing with formula but my supply is increasing so thinking I may get to the point still not to need to supplement.
He eats every 3-4 hours so we tend to get a 4-5 hour sleep stretch at night, then two 3 hour stretches and then about 2-3 more naps during the day, between 1-3 hours, depending what we're doing. If I'm out and about and he's in his car seat, he'll sleep more than if home.
I've done just a bit of baby wearing but not too much - he's not a fan of the ergo with the newborn insert because he's so crunched up - he loves to be spread out a bit more (we don't even swaddle). He is okay in the moby but depends on his mood. Do you guys wear anything under the wraps when you're wearing? Or is one of the advantages the skin to skin?
We are doing well - DH has 2 weeks left to teach then will be off for the summer so I really can't wait for that. 10 hour days on my own have been a lot! I'm still working on finding a balance between interacting with LO (holding, singing, reading, talking to him) and letting him chill. Any advice or input in terms of what your days look like with that? I feel bad if I let him chill out in his swing or in his back on the floor for too long, but he tends to be happy as a clam, cooing and moving his arms and legs during that time too, so it's hard to tell!
pomegranate / 3314 posts
@SunshineMcC: My first LO was like yours in that she did not like the swaddle and loved to just chill out in the swing. LO #2 is generally more content, but loves to be swaddled and held and doesn't really care for the swing beyond hanging out for 10 or 20 minutes so I can shower or do some chores super quickly.
As far as your question re: the swing, I think if baby is happy then you have nothing to worry about. There probably are moms who dump their kids in the swing or the rock n' play for most of the day, but it doesn't sound like you are anywhere close to that. So enjoy the peace and silence! Trust me, so many people would kill to be in your position with a newborn
ETA: And remember that everything is new to a newborn so even activities that would seem boring to us are super stimulating to them (like staring at the dangling animals on their activity mat, lol).
grapefruit / 4291 posts
Has anybody else had AF return already? Wee man was 6w3d when mine came back last week and we're ebf too!! I'm totally feeling like Mother Nature has ripped me off because I got to 15 months pp without AF with my first baby.
Wee man is doing some great stretches overnight but still not going down till after 10pm and he's not so keen on napping in his bassinet during the day. He sleeps awesomely in the Ergo or on me but seems to need to be sucking to sleep during the day - problem is he can't keep his dummy in his mouth - anybody have any suggestions / tips?
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Kemma: wow! I can't imagine getting AF already. I can't get her to keep it in either! My midwife suggested going up to the next size to help them open their mouths wider. For now I just keep popping it back in unless she's asleep or uninterested
@SunshineMcC: letting her chill on the floor is how I shower! And she occasionally naps in the swing.
apricot / 306 posts
Hi! Sorry I have been absent from these boards for so long, life as a mama has really taken over and I feel like I barely have 2 seconds to get online (or shower, or eat, etc etc)! I've had fun catching up on how everyone is going with their little ones!
My boy will be 10 weeks tomorrow! Crazy how fast it's gone! We're doing pretty well but he has some fairly bad reflux/gas issues so that has definitely had an impact on his sleeping and overall mood. He has been on Zantac since he was 3 weeks old and although it helps, it doesn't cure the reflux completely. I'm starting to think that the reflux might be linked to my diet (specifically dairy products) so I am currently experimenting with cutting out certain foods.
@SunshineMcC: if your guy is happy chilling by himself I say make the most of it! My little guy would probably be happy chilling by himself if not for his reflux/gas issues.. he seems to only last 5 minutes or so before he starts fussing and I have to change his position/burp him/do leg stretches etc to help relieve the refulx/gas pain. It makes doing basic things like eating and pumping so difficult... I plan to let him chill alone more once the gas and reflux issues pass, mostly so that I can get stuff done (and take care of myself!)
@Kemma: have you tried a "wubbanub"? it's a dummy with a weighted toy on the end and the weight of the toy helps it stay in place. I wasn't really a fan of the idea but my LO can't keep a regular dummy in but the wubbanub stays put so I am now a convert!
Here are my guy's 1st and 2nd month pics.... it's crazy how much they grow and change!
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@lulu22: I have been dairy and soy free since January and did it for 2 years with my older son. Let me know if you need any support it tips/tricks. My little one is 5 weeks and there is something in my diet that is a bit rough on her but nothing to that level (some tiny mucous occasionally in poops and gas). So we aren't eliminating more just yet. She is most definitely a happy spitter which is unlike my son who never spit.
She is also a very good eater and I don't think we will have to worry about failure to thrive (my son).
nectarine / 2317 posts
@brownie: @lulu22: my LO definitely reacted when I ate tofu and had lots of dairy. So far I've just cut back on both and seen an improvement. Cutting them completely out would be hard for me as I'm vegetarian but if she needed it i'd do it.
@lulu22: when did you start using the wubbanub? I can't believe how big he looks! We're not quite 6 weeks here and there's quite a difference!
honeydew / 7303 posts
@lulu22: What adorable pictures!! He is getting so big! Cant wait to compare my little mans 1 and 2 month pictures soon. He'll be 2 months on June 2.
@Kemma: My LO uses his pacifier to fall asleep for naps but he spits it out when he is almost asleep every time. If he's not quite asleep and it falls out, I have to put it back in. I have a wubbanub like @lulu22 suggested, but it doesn't really help him at this point. Maybe when he's a little bigger.
@SunshineMcC: My LO loves chilling on the floor. That's usually how we eat dinner! LOL He's chilling in the living room and we're at the kitchen table. Whatever works!
apricot / 306 posts
@Banana330: we started using the wubbanub at around 4 weeks. Before that we were using the gumdrop preemie pacifiers that they gave us in the nicu. The wubbanub has a 0-6month pacifier so that part was fine at 4 weeks but yeah, the toy looked kinda huge on his little body, haha!
@brownie: @Banana330: interesting that you have both had dairy/soy issues. I am a "near vegetarian" (only eat meat once a week) so I am also hesitant to cut them completely, but I am definitely going to cut back. This might be a silly question but if LO has soy sensitivities should I cut edamame or is it more the processed soy that is a concern? Also, do you find that some dairy products seem to be worse than others? Just wondering what "major culprits" I should cut first...
nectarine / 2317 posts
@lulu22: I found tofu for sure and I was eating a protein bar that had soy protein that seemed to cause issues . I haven't tried edamame yet. Dairy wise I can have milk in coffee and one meal a day with some cheese (not a lot of it though). But yogurt, glass of milk and ice cream seem to be no no's. It's been about a week now and I've noticed a difference and happy not cutting it out completely. That said she's just sensitive to it and not allergic, so not blood in diapers etc.
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@Banana330: @lulu22: so my son is 4 and still cannot have a drop of soy protein without issues. He can tolerate hidden milk and even a bite if cheese and some ice cream BUT he was low weight at his last appt so we tried bulking him up with kids shakes (like ensure). It stopped him up so bad he was having poop accidents at school. So we are back off of milk again.
So, going off of some didn't help him, so we are completely off for her. He was miserable and I don't want to do that again. We will try some dairy with her when she starts solids and hopefully I can add it back in again. But it takes two weeks to clear from the system so I don't want to try it in my system in case she reacts.
Luckily he can tolerate soybean oil and soy lecithin because those are in everything!!!!
kiwi / 563 posts
@lulu22: oh my! He's just adorable!!! Sorry to gear he's having some tummy troubles. Hopefully changes in your diet will help! I love the pictures you shared! Thanks for your input on letting him chill - I'm getting more comfortable with it and remembering it's important to take some time for me too!
@yellowbird: @Banana330: so glad to hear that works for your LO too! I'm trying not to be a helicopter parent already!
@meredithNYC: I was so surprised that our LO didn't want to be swaddled as I totally expected him to love it! Each baby truly is different!
We are working on getting LO in his crib - but I think he's probably more OK with it than I am! At 4 weeks he slept in there once but I haven't put him back in yet - am going to try this week. He did give me a stretch of 6 hours and 15 minutes last night!!!
nectarine / 2317 posts
We're almost hitting the 6 week mark and I've found the last few days LO is sleeping a ton more and growing a lot! She's grown out of her newborn stuff and in to her 0-3month stuff and she just looks bigger. Did anyone else notice this around this time?
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@Banana330: we turn 6 weeks tomorrow and she is a little chunker (which makes me so happy because brother was failure to thrive). I don't know about sleep but she definitely looks bigger and older.
kiwi / 563 posts
@Banana330: yes, I'm noticing this too! We hit 6 weeks yesterday and LO is definitely getting bigger! He's in some 3-6 month clothes already and has grown 3/4 of an inch in the last 2 weeks! He's more alert, staying awake for longer stretches and his cheeks and legs are getting chubby!
nectarine / 2784 posts
Hi April mamas, I created a spring postpartum chat thread for anyone who is still around or needs something to read during MOTN feedings
apricot / 306 posts
@brownie: @Banana330: thanks so much for the dairy/soy advice. I initially just cut back but he was still struggling so now I have completely cut out all soy and dairy and he is doing better (it's been a week so far). His pediatrician recommended doing it for at least a month then once is is 3 or 4 months old I could try introducing some things back in and see if he has outgrown it.
@Banana330: @brownie: @SunshineMcC: yes LO also had a spurt during the 6-8 week period and I noticed him grow a lot longer and it was also during this period which he started sleeping for much longer stretches at night. He is currently in 0-3 month clothes but I could probably start putting him in a few 3-6 month items I think. I hope he stays in 3-6 for AGES because I have so many 3-6 month clothes, it's what everyone gave me!
He is now almost 11 weeks and again things are changing.... the main things I've noticed in the last week are that he feeds much more efficiently (like 5-10mins each side instead of 15-30mins each side) and has started sleeping through the night (from 10 or 11pm till 6am, give or take) - both good things for you ladies to look forward to!
kiwi / 563 posts
@lulu22: I think our LO is going through a growth spurt now too! The last 2 days he's been eating a lot more, and more frequently, is sleeping more and is a bit more fussy. However we've had two nights of 6.5 hours+ of him sleeping through the night!
Anyone else experience a growth spurt? Do those things sound familiar?
I was curious about his weight as it's been over 2 weeks since his last appointment (he was 11lb at his one month), so weighed him today (me first, then me holding him) and he's at 12lb, 6oz!! I love that he's growing and gaining weight.
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@SunshineMcC: there are a lot of growth spurts this young, but also wonder weeks. Sometimes just putting a name to them made me feel less crazy.
@lulu22: I am so glad it is helping. I have been off soy and dairy since January. Hard when we go out like to the two birthday parties this weekend. If you need any tips please feel free to ask.
pear / 1548 posts
There are a few of you here cutting out dairy- what were some signs you saw that dairy was bothering your LO?
@brownie: do you mind sharing some of your tips?
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@Boopers: things to avoid that you wouldn't think of include : tuna (the water/veggie broth includes soy), bread is often made with milk and soy flour (we have good luck with sourdough bread being safe), many pizza chains are unsafe
Things that we have found that work great include: gluten free cpk pizza crust is safe and I get the pizza without cheese, wacky cake is dairy free and I make frosting with water instead of milk and shortening for butter, enjoy life brand is allergen free and I love the cookies from the back of the package, popcorn with olive oil and balsamic vinegar is delicious.
We check every ingredient for everything. We eat. We eat a lot of veggies and meat.
When babies start on solids, happy times and plum both make a lot of safe snacks. But we spend a lot of money on the freeze dried fruits and veggies at target. Gerber has fruit and veggie drops which are safe (instead of the yogurt drops).
apricot / 306 posts
@Boopers: I'm not sure if these are the "normal" signs, but I started to notice that LO was much fussier and uncomfortable the more dairy I ate. He would be fussy while feeding (sometimes even pulling away and crying after a few sucks) and after feedings. Often he would be in visible discomfort after a feeding and cry out in pain... eventually he would spit up and then seem a little better. Sometimes I would put him down for a nap then he would suddenly wake up after half an hour and cry and then spit up. Also, when I eat dairy his spit-up is a little different to the 'normal' spit up - kind of like clear mucous with white chunks and not usually right after a feeding. He still spits up sometimes now that I've quit dairy and soy, but it's usually right after a feeding and just normal milky spit-up and he doesn't seem bothered/in pain/upset by it.
apricot / 306 posts
@brownie: oh thanks for the tips I would never have thought about tuna and bread! Luckily I buy bread at the farmers market so it's safe I think.
Because I don't eat much meat, I've been eating a lot of eggs for protein... and using coconut oil in baking (my main snacks are boiled eggs, veggie sticks/snow peas and lactation cookies made with coconut oil)
I'm so hoping that this is something my LO grows out of!
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