pear / 1503 posts
Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been on much lately. I've been keeping up (more or less!) during feedings and daytime naps while cuddling with my little guy, but haven't really had much to say. Or rather, haven't been able to articulate what I wanted to say. But here goes:
I am absolutely loving being a mom! Q is so sweet and amazing! He has the sweetest smile and most delightful coos and crazy little gurgle noises. When we are sidelying for his first feed of the morning, he wiggles his hands and feet, and his skin is so soft it tickles. He's wonderful while we are out in public. If he's not sleeping or fussing because he's hungry (pretty rare that he gets to the crying stage), he's looking around and so alert, I'm constantly wondering what he's thinking!
Of course, it's not all unicorns and rainbows. Haha! We did have a difficult couple of difficult weeks with breastfeeding. I remember crying on two occasions because of how painful my nipples were, but we've overcome that and are doing well. He's been thriving from the start - back up to his birth weight by day 5. And now he has the most adorable rolls. At 8 weeks, I'm thinking I need to wash his 3-6 month outfits soon. Some of the 3 month onsies and pjs are getting too short on him!
Anyway, I'm glad to hear that everyone is doing well/better. And I hope you are all getting out of the house as much as you can. Q and I went to a mommies and me movie screening (Avengers) last week, and have yoga tomorrow.
pear / 1580 posts
The board is pretty quiet these days! Everyone must be busy with their gurgly, cooing, snuggly babies!
Something awesome happened last night, and I want to shout it from the rooftops! LO is 11 weeks, and has had pretty good stretches of sleep (~5 hrs), but last night, he was mommy's little rockstar and slept 8 HOURS! I know some of you are already there, but this was huge for me! I hope this is the beginning of a new pattern and not just a fluke!
Anyone else have any successes they wanna share??
pomelo / 5041 posts
@ineebee: I am so jealous!
Sorry for not writing more often. As you can imagine, things with 3 under 2 are insane. The boys are finally taking stretches of sleep at night that go past 3 hours (up to 6 or 7 on occasion) but it's still really rough having no sleep and being back at work - I started this week. The boys are growing like weeds! Unlike ds1, the twins are 75th and 50th percentiles and big chunky kids. We're already wearing 3-6 month clothes. Pumping exclusively has worked really well for us and at least only one of the twins is a spitter. Ds1 absolutely LOVES his brothers, and is constantly kissing on them and saying hi to them. It's so cute to watch! I can't wait for the twins to get older and be able to interact more with each other and their brother. For now we're just delighting in their smiles and coos every now and then.
Hope all is well with everyone and that you're all loving the time you have with your little ones! I'll get on my phone and post a pic of the twins in a second so that you can see how much they've grown.
honeydew / 7303 posts
@marionberry: they are getting so big!!! My little guy is already wearing 6 month clothes. Healthy baby boys!
@ineebee: amazing!! I always, always celebrate sleep victories!
I've been struggling with C the last couple days. He's been so so unhappy! I took him to the ped and they diagnosed severe reflux. Got some mess and he's doing better today thank goodness. He never spits up, so it didn't really occur to me that he could be refluxing.
pear / 1580 posts
@marionberry: Adoooorable!! How many weeks are they again?
@yellowbird: Severe reflux! Good thing you went to the doctor and that the meds are helping. Is it something he might grow out of?
pear / 1503 posts
@Marionberry: So cute! Love the little cleft chin. I can't seem to remember, but are they fraternal or identical?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Astro Bee: I'm pretty sure fraternal. They don't look alike enough to be identical.
apricot / 306 posts
@marionberry: oh my, your boys are GORGEOUS!!! do they interact with one another at all yet (smiles coos etc)? I'm so fascinated by twins!
@yellowbird: so sorry to hear about the reflux, we are going though it too. I feel SO BAD for my LO when he is suffering from it - he is such a cheery guy normally and you can tell he is crying in pain when it happens luckily the zantac combined with me quitting soy and dairy has helped. Hopefully the meds will do the trick for you!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@lulu22: They don't really acknowledge each other yet. They smile and coo at us but not each other. I can't wait until they become buddies!
honeydew / 7303 posts
@ineebee: the ped said he will def grow out of it. Usually by 6-9 months!
Omg, you guys! C just rolled over belly to back 5 times!!!
apricot / 306 posts
@yellowbird: wow that's exciting! was he on his back when he first did it? Clever little guy! I'm so excited for when my LO starts doing that, but then, I'm also kind of dreading it because then we have to stop swaddling and at the moment that's our only guarantee of sleep!
honeydew / 7303 posts
@lulu22: he rolled from belly to back and then I'd put him back on his belly and he would do it again. I think we're still safe swaddling since he's not even close to going back to belly yet!
pear / 1580 posts
How's everyone doing? I know it's hard to write a full update because there's just so much to report on, so I thought it might be fun to catch up with everyone with a short survey!
How old is your LO now? Almost 13 weeks
Latest development? Cooing and sucking on his hands!
Biggest joy? The cooing is AWESOME. I love how it's so obviously his attempt at communication with me.
Biggest challenge? Short naps! Sometimes 10 or 20 minutes.
How often does your LO eat? About every 3 hours during the day.
How does your LO do during the night? Generally sleeps 7:30-2am, nurse, sleeps again 3am-6am. Pretty sweet!
Where does your LO sleep? In the RnP in our room. Moving him to the crib very soon now that the basement/his room is finally finished! (2.5 month delay. Grr!)
Anything else? Love him!
persimmon / 1386 posts
How old is your LO now? 12 weeks on Tuesday
Latest development? Rolling belly to back. Also her two bottom teeth are starting to come in (ridic)
Biggest joy? Her smiles are amazing. Completely heart melting. Also seeing big sister and her interact.
Biggest challenge? Starting daycare? More of a challenge for me, she is doing fine.
How often does your LO eat? Every 2-3 hours during the day.
How does your LO do during the night? She sleeps 8:30pm-6:30am almost every night with no wakeups. If this lasts, I will be so happy.
Where does your LO sleep? Been sleeping in her room in the crib for a few weeks.
Anything else? I go back to work on But that means I will likely be more active on here!
grapefruit / 4110 posts
How old: 9 weeks
Development: she's getting a personality
Biggest joy: smiling at me and watching brother love on her
Biggest challenge: she still wants me to hold her at all times which makes it hard to do anything else
Eating: whenever she wants typically after a nap and before a nap with about 1 hour of awake time
Sleep: haha she will do two hours at a time. And mostly on me. Sometimes side lying breastfeeding if I'm exhausted
Anything else: I have two weeks to pack our home and it looks like we are moving over Fourth of July. And she is barely tolerating the 8 hour drives.
pear / 1548 posts
How old: he'll be 11 weeks on Sunday
Development: lots of smiling and cooing
Biggest joy: when he gives me big smiles and extra cuddles
Biggest challenge: breastfeeding is still very painful. We went to his 2 month appt and he only weighed 9 lbs 10 oz which I think was due to us using the nipple shield for 5 weeks. He was averaging a .5 oz a day gain with the shield. I've gone painfully cold turkey off the shield and he's back to gaining 1 oz a day. We go back for a weight check at 3 months.
Eating: During the day it's pretty much 2 hours like clockwork, but I think he's trying to catch up on his weight.
Sleep: he's been giving up some good stretches and will give us about 5 hours in between his last feeding before bed and his motn feeding. I don't feel nearly as exhausted as I thought I would.
Anything else: I'm off for the summer and enjoying every second with my sweet LO.
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@Boopers: have you looked for a lip or tongue tie? My new one had a posterior tie and upper lip tie and we got them clipped just over a week ago. I didn't think I was in pain but after the procedure it was a million times better.
I hope you get relief soon.
pear / 1548 posts
@brownie: Yep, he got revised at 4 weeks. My nipples were so beat up I used a shield for 5 weeks but now I'm not using it so we can get his weight back up. I've noticed a bit of improvement since I stopped using the shield last week, but it's not pain free yet. I've been taking him to a chiro to see if that helps too.
I'm glad the revision worked for you!
nectarine / 2317 posts
How old is your LO now? 9 weeks
Latest development? Cooing, sucking on his hands, kicking legs.
Biggest joy? I love seeing her do tummy time, she can lift her head so high!
Biggest challenge? Daytime sleep is hit or miss, sometimes she'll sleep for an hr sometimes 10 min. And growth spurts are pretty crap.
How often does your LO eat? About every 2 hours during the day.
How does your LO do during the night? Sleeps 8pm-1or2am, then 5am then 7 or 8 am.
Where does your LO sleep? In the bassinet in our room. She's getting big though so we'll have to move her soon.
Anything else? Shes started spitting up a bit, doc thinks it's relux but since shes happy they are just going to leave her for now.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Boopers: It took me until 7 weeks of nursing before it stopped hurting when she latched. so if you just stopped using the shields you might need some time still to toughen them up.
@brownie: Can you wear her? I find it so helpful!
@NeekieRose: Teeth already! that's amazing. The sleeping through the night is super impressive.
@ineebee: I feel you on the short naps. Makes it harder to get stuff done during the day but I wouldn't trade it for night sleep. I much prefer sleeping at night.
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@Banana330: yeah she does great in the beco we just haven't had much downtime. We just spent 4 days up north looking for a house and preschool and job stuff. When things settle I'll get her on a schedule
grapefruit / 4291 posts
How old is your LO now? 11 weeks
Latest development? Grabbing at toys and almost holding onto things, sleeping through the night!
Biggest joy? Definitely the smiles, giggles and chat, he's a great conversationalist
Biggest challenge: getting the wee chap down for a nap, he's generally not too difficult to get to sleep but it can take 2-3 attempts to get him to stay that way.
How often does your LO eat? every 2-3 hours but he's not a booby baby like my big girl was. I feel like he takes a decent amount of milk in at each feed.
How does your LO do during the night? Bedtime has finally shifted back to a more sensible 2030 and Felix will usually sleep through till at least 0600 (touch wood!). Wee stinker will self- settle at night but not during the day...
Where does your LO sleep? In the cot, in his room
Anything else? love my wee guy and I could happily spend all day playing and cuddling with him
apricot / 346 posts
It's so nice to read everyone's updates! I'm finding it so much harder to get online now that W is so much more awake during the day but I do read regularly.
How old is your LO now? 11 weeks tomorrow
Latest development? He's been kicking up a storm and regularly sucking his thumb. He's started bringing our hands to his mouth too.
Biggest joy? when I go into his room first thing in the morning and I can see his smile grow as he realizes it's me!
Biggest challenge? He's been fighting going to bed the past few days. I try to catch him before being overtired but I think he's adjusting his sleep and it's been huge screaming meltdowns before naps and night time sleep. Thankfully middle of the night he nurses to sleep so I don't have to deal with it then.
How often does your LO eat? We seem to be moving towards every wake up and before every sleep so anywhere between 1 hour to 3 hours between feelings.
How does your LO do during the night? Usually 8:00-3:30/4:00 then up for the day between 6 and 7 (knock on wood!)
Where does your LO sleep? The crib in his room (he's been there since 1 week old).
Anything else? I can't believe how fast time is flying by! It's such a cliche and I rolled my eyes when people would tell me, but I still can't get over how fast he's growing and developing. Sometimes I miss my squishy newborn, but i Ali enjoy interacting with him so much
persimmon / 1386 posts
Great to read everyone's updates!
12 weeks today and look what popped through yesterday....
persimmon / 1386 posts
@Boopers: @yellowbird: Thanks ladies; I agree that she is pretty cute
That second tooth that you can see just below the gum in the picture.....broke through yesterday too. So crazy!
pomegranate / 3658 posts
How old is your LO now? 11 weeks
Latest development? She is grasping objects, babbling up a storm of ooohs and aaaahs, picking her head up, and oh yeah grabbing my fingers pretty hard!
Biggest joy? Her smiles and chatter.
Biggest challenge? She gets angry and yells at my boobs sometimes during feedings and I'm not totally certain why. I think it's gas, and simethicone drops seem to be helping a bit. It's discouraging but she is still producing a ton of diapers and gaining weight so I'm not worried about her getting enough.
How often does your LO eat? As often as she wants! I stopped tracking feedings for the sake of my mental health. I feed her when she wakes up from naps and whenever she seems hungry.
How does your LO do during the night? Still a few regular wake-ups, typically once at 2-3 and again around 5-6. I'm trying to back off of picking her up unless I actually see her eyes open - most of the time she wakes me up just from loud grunting in her sleep, which I interpret to mean she's angry about a wet diaper or empty belly. But being proactive like that does mean she doesn't wake up all the way, so, she always goes right back to sleep when I put her back down. That is nice.
Where does your LO sleep? Arm's reach co-sleeper next to our bed. Naps in her crib in the nursery.
Anything else? She is long! She's going to outgrow the length of her swaddles soon and I have no idea what to do about that.
pear / 1787 posts
hi everyone! I was feeling insanely guilty about basically abandoning the boards but it looks like everyone has been pretty busy and is in the same boat. phewf! glad to read about all your little one's and their development. when I get a chance i'll go back through the last few pages to look for photos! and i'll post a couple of my girl when I can!
after my health scare it was great to get back home and just spend time together with our little family of three. at the time I last wrote I don't even think I realized how serious it all was... it really shaped the beginning of my time with Gemma and we still get choked up when we talk about it. it was a really crazy time but we got through it and my little one is so resilient. there were a lot of silver linings... her and her dad bonded like crazy and he's an absolute champ with her. after how sick I was the first 4 days everything after I got better felt soooo much easier. we were lucky and breastfeeding came pretty naturally and she's a very laid back baby thus far. here's my summary:
How old is your LO now? 13 weeks on Monday.
Latest development? She is trying to constantly pull herself up in her carseat/swing. She has found her hands and I think she has really started to recognize me. She always looks for me when someone else is holding her.
Biggest joy? Her smiles feel like an absolute gift. I love snuggles and feeling like she needs me.
Biggest challenge? Figuring out sleep. It's just so unpredictable from one night to the next... it's hard figuring out what is working/what to do. Getting her down at night is a bit of a job and I think we are going to start doing some gentle training in the next month or so.
How often does your LO eat? every 3-4 hours during the day for the most part.
How does your LO do during the night? I think we've been pretty lucky, her first stretch is usually about 6-7 hours. but she has gone 8.5 before! woo. she's doing pretty well but wakes up crazy early no matter what time we put her down at. she mostly seems to only wake up because she gets out of her swaddle.
Where does your LO sleep? she's been in her crib in her own room since about 5-6 weeks and it's been a dream.
Anything else? She has insane hair that everyone comments on and it's so precious to me. I hear people in the mall saying "that baby has so much hair!" and it's so funny to me. she's super alert and calm and I just feel so lucky in general.
I've missed you guys and there's definitely been so many times I've thought about you and been like AH I need hellobee right now! so i'm gonna try to be in better touch because i'm gonna have lots of questions soon, I imagine!
give all your beautiful babes kisses for me!
pear / 1548 posts
@loki: I was totally thinking about you and your LO today! I'm glad you are both doing so well. We were worried about you! What a relief that things are going so well after the huge scare you had after her birth. Don't be a stranger!
persimmon / 1316 posts
How old is your LO now? 10.5 weeks
Latest development? started to grab things
Biggest joy? Love the smiled and cooing. I swear we understand each other when we talk
Biggest challenge? Figuring out what food allergy is causing her eczema
How often does your LO eat? Every 3-4 hours during the day
How does your LO do during the night? Only waking up once at night.
Where does your LO sleep? In the rock n play by my bed
Anything else? Finally fitting in her 3 month summer clothes. Too cute for words. Also started her on a schedule this week which has made life so much easier and predictable. Hair is falling out which makes me sad because it was so cute but I know it will grow back.
pear / 1787 posts
@Boopers: thanks for thinking of us! Ill be around much more often now!
@Mrs.Pinecone316: glad to hear things are going well. Everyone keeps telling me my Gemma's hair will fall out and I'm dreading it so I get it! And yes summer clothes are the cutest!
Some pics:
pear / 1548 posts
@loki: hahaha I hope that didn't make me sound creepy! Lol. Your LO is so so cute!! My sister's kids all were born with a lot of hair and it didn't fall out, so don't despair!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@loki: good to hear everything is ok! she's super cute! Mine has hair too( but not that much!) and I always get comments on her hair and eyes. She looks so big, but I guess she's 3-4 weeks older than my LO.
Are those minimocs? We got a pair in navy but she's only just fitting in to them now.
pear / 1787 posts
@Boopers: not at all, I think of you guys often!
@Banana330: I know I feel like she's growing like a weed! Her little arm on the chair looks so adult to me haha. I got those mocs from Etsy I think the shop is called maeli bug or something. It's in Canada so shipping isn't crazy. She already outgrew her first pair so this is her second. She has them in gold too!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@loki: it does look adult! It's funny the poses they do.
Here's my LO at 10 weeks
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