Hellobee Boards


April 2015 Mamas!

  1. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @PawPrints: we have just told most people that we hang out with socially. The one exception is one of our really good couple friends. The husband was weird about my pregnancy last time. Everything was "Because NeekieRose is pregnant" which just got awkward. And we are going on our annual weekend trip to a cabin at the end of September. We had joked (although I was serious) about trying to get pregnant during the cabin weekend, and they thought that was awesome but told me not to get pregnant before....well we know how that has turned out. They had a party last weekend and I fake drank a beer. I think we are going to tell them when we get to the cabin, "surprise!" Ha.

  2. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @NeekieRose: @loki: You guys are crazy!! I'm over here excited but super scared - I know how hard being pregnant was on me last time. I have a petite frame and the last month ended up with hypertension and blurry vision. Doubling that is going to be rough. It's also going to be insane handling 3 babies basically with just 2 parents. And we're going to have to get a lot of extra gear (and clothes if they're not both boys) not to mention other expenses. The fun parts though, that I do look forward to are my kids getting to be instant best friends, designing the nursery and getting double the loves. I'm also hoping for at least one girl. I'm a super girlie girl and this will likely be my last pregnancy now so I really hope I get to experience having a girl.

  3. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @marionberry: ya there are definitely things that don't sound SO great about a twins pregnancy... but when it's not actually you, you just focus on the good things! i just hope your pregnancy is happy and healthy... i'm mostly jealous you get to pick out two names!!!

  4. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @marionberry: I hope you get a girl! I know the feeling, I was so relieved last time that it was a girl. This time, I'm truly fine with either since I already got my girlie girl!

  5. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @loki: Thanks! That is a perk. I was thinking about that yesterday. DH and I have talked about some names we like (both boy and girl) but don't have anything decided for one, let alone two. I'm trying to decide whether I'd want to do the "start with the same initial thing" but I think not. I actually have brothers who are twins from IVF and they share the same initial but are SO different (don't look alike at all, one is active the other is timid). I hate that they're always lumped together as the twins. I really want to ensure my kids feel like individuals.

  6. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @NeekieRose: I thought last time when I found out I had a boy I was going to be upset but surprisingly I wasn't and I have LOVED having a boy. It would be cool for my son to have brothers to play with but I worry that since they're twins they won't include him as much anyway, so maybe it'd be better if they were girls.

  7. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @marionberry: It is going to be great no matter what. Protective big brother to baby sisters! All boys (OMG..but boys are so protective of their mamas)! Or one of each this time (super cute)!

  8. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @marionberry: that's crazy you have twin brothers! what an odd coincidence. that's nice that your babies will have uncles that understand what it's like to be a twin! everyone possible scenario is great but i have a feeling you're having one of each. (it's normal to have a feeling over the internet, right?)

  9. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @loki: Well if your feelings are right then you're having twins too! They do say that having twins really increases nausea, exhaustion, and insomnia. I've felt way worse this pregnancy compared to last pregnancy where I didn't have a single complaint. With your puking, it could certainly be a good sign.

    Speaking of which, is anyone's insomnia horrible? I keep waking up at 3am (starving, so that's probably the twins) but I can't get back to bed until 5am. And I already wake up tons and toss and turn the whole night. I was not this bad last time!

  10. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @marionberry: haha man i'm convinced. i have lost 8 lbs but have suuuuuch a pooch.... and it's my first pregnancy! and it's funny you mention it because last night i went to bed super early then woke up like every 2 hours and couldn't get back to sleep... and i usually sleep on my train commute but the last two mornings i have NOT been able to even though i'm exhausted. the last two nights i've actually slept in the guest bedroom because i find it more comfortable and then i didn't have to worry about tossing and turning and bothering DH. twins for sure. hahahaha jk jk jk.

  11. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @loki: Could be! When do you go in for an ultrasound again?

  12. HappyBluebird

    clementine / 957 posts

    @marionberry: Ugh I've been waking up at 3am too also extremely hungry! (Only 1 baby for me though!) Also toss and turn and can't get comfortable and I imagine it's only going to get worse!

  13. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @marionberry: just booked an appt for next wednesday. feels so far away! they don't tell you anything though which i find so annoying... will it be obvious if there are two in there?

  14. lulu22

    apricot / 306 posts

    @marionberry: I'm so happy to hear that you were happy to have a boy, even though you wanted a girl! I've always wanted a daughter and I feel scared about how I will feel if it is a boy. It's my major reason for finding out... I will need time to mentally prepare if it is a boy.

    When we were TTC I was even trying to 'swing' a little for a girl (avoiding certain foods, timing etc) but since I got pregnant I just have a feeling that it's going to be a boy.... and actually I'm not as terrified as I thought I would be.... time will tell I guess!

    I've been having the insomnia too. I NEVER used to get up in the night to pee and now I do every night and then I can't get to sleep again... then I get hungry. I sometimes eat a little tub of applesauce which seems to actually help me feel better and go back to sleep.

  15. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    @loki: You'll definitely be able to tell immediately in the ultrasound if it's twins. There will be two of them! One of the purposes of the ultrasound in early pregnancy is to confirm that it's a "singleton." Or not.

    @marionberry: I had one bad night of insomnia a couple nights ago, and the following day was a nightmare. I need way more sleep than normal these days, so not getting enough made me feel crippled at work. Fortunately I slept a lot last night so I feel a million times better.

  16. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    So far the only thought I've had about our next pregnancy has been to feel grateful I'm not having to chase a toddler while feeling so exhausted and nauseated. I'm not even going to start picturing what TTC for #2 will be like. I really hope it will be easier. For now I'm just so happy to be done with TTC at least for a few years. Goodbye OPKs and BBT.

  17. HappyBluebird

    clementine / 957 posts

    @PawPrints: I second being so glad to be done with TTC for awhile! I was so happy to put the BBT away!

  18. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    @MARIONBERRY: @NEEKIEROSE: @LOKI: @SUNSHINEMCC: Thanks all for helping to calm the nervous "next TTC" worries.

    I am glad, very glad, that I haven't had much nausea. But, basically since that day I POAS, food has just seemed "blah" to me. And it is getting old. I'm making good food choices because it is easy, but, it would be so nice for something to seem genuinely appetizing and tasty. Right now I feel as if everything is just different varieties of cardboard.

  19. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @PawPrints: Oh gosh, so sorry to bring that up about last time. I didn't either, but we're here now, right!? They are still going to do the measurements that typically come with the NT scan - my doc explained the NT scan and blood work as "screening" and the other as the actual "testing", so it might be overload, but at this point I'll take it!

  20. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @loki: I'm actually a little nervous b/c I really want a boy, and have a feeling that there's a girl in there! I always wanted girls, but my younger sister has two little guys and I just love them to pieces and want one of my own! Maybe you will have twins!!! So excited for your appointment!

  21. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @PawPrints: I hear you on the social drinking - I've just been staying home and not going as much as possible. I went to a Labor Day party on Monday and DH even played along, asking me if I wanted a glass of wine in front of everyone, and I said, "I'm not sure if I'm going to drink, I think I'll start with water". But I think at least one of my friends saw through it! I've been trying to meet people out for lunch lately, so at least I'm still being social and seeing people, but don't have to deal with the alcohol factor!

  22. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    Has anyone bought the long maternity pillow-y thing yet? Does it help you get comfy? I just have a bloat belly, but nothing else so far, but am normally a back and side sleeper, and just can't get comfy on my side anymore. I'm curious if that might help?

  23. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    @SunshineMcC: I haven't, but, I'm thinking of giving in to the purchase. I've been having trouble getting comfortable on my side because my breasts are so swollen and tender that it seems like I'm always smushing them somehow. I'm hoping the added support would let me lean back off of them or hold my arm up or something. anything. It is messing with my sleep more than I'd like.

  24. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @lilyofthewest: that's the SAME thing that's happening with me! I told DH that I needed to rearrange things to try to sleep on my side and get comfy these days. I wake up in the night and am so sore based on how I've been sleeping. I can't imagine how sleeping is going to be in the next few months!

  25. Mrs.Pinecone316

    persimmon / 1316 posts

    Hey Everyone! Glad everyones appointments are going well but sad so many of you are dealing with MS! Hoping it is short lived. Nothing much going on here with me. My next ultrasound is in 1 week so just killing time until then!

  26. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @loki: Super obvious! Two big sacs with two things floating in them.
    @lulu22: I always thought I'd need time to prepare too but literally just a minute after I found out it was a boy I was kind of excited, which really surprised me. So I think you'll be more ok than you think.
    @PawPrints: This is why I'm drinking half caffeinated drinks at work still. I couldn't live without them.
    @lilyofthewest: Nothing ever sounds good to me. It's just accepting things that are ok sounding. I've eaten a lot of toast.
    @SunshineMcC: Last time I just used one of our king size pillows and it worked perfectly. However, at Target they have the long ones on sale for college days, so I picked one up to try this time. I wouldn't go out and spend a ton on those big fancy ones unless you really want to.
    @Mrs.Pinecone316: Are you so excited for your ultrasound?! They're the best part!

  27. Mrs.Pinecone316

    persimmon / 1316 posts

    @SunshineMcC: I really want to buy one!
    @marionberry: Excited and nervous. I think it will really make me feel better and more excited if all looks week. I think them measuring differently worries me (even though it didn't worry my doctor) And btw.. just saw you have twin brothers. So crazy, I do too!

  28. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs.Pinecone316: Well it makes sense if twins run in your family. My twin brothers were just due to ivf. On my mom's side there are absolutely no twins!

  29. Astro Bee

    pear / 1503 posts

    Hello everyone, it's been over a week since I've been on. We're currently visiting my parents halfway across the country (a trip planned before we found out we were expecting). One of my two best friends from my home town is getting married on Saturday, and last Saturday we had his bachelor party (yes, my two best friends from high school are guys!). Tomorrow I'll be 10 weeks along, and although we certainly aren't telling everyone at this point, I did tell him and my other best bud that night. They were very cute about it, and really excited. One of them had tears in his eyes at one point, and the other one made a big show of kissing my belly (he was always the goofy one!).

    @PawPrints I understand the frustration of being in a social drinking situation and not wanting to let anyone know. There were a few goodbye luncheons this summer, and I know people were watching me like a hawk to see whether I was drinking or not. Plus, next week, I'm going on a week-long business trip, and there there are typically a few evenings out. I'm not ready to tell anyone from work yet at all.

  30. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @marionberry: oh, twins! How exciting!!
    Sorry yall, we're still on vacation. I'll try to get caught up with everyone's news!

  31. Astro Bee

    pear / 1503 posts

    @Marionberry @Mrs. Pinecone316 Congratulations on your twins! My mom is a fraternal twin, and there are fraternal twins in my husband's family, too. No indications yet that I'm having anything more than a single. I haven't had an US yet, but haven't had any MS at all. I've always heard that MS was worse with twins, but like a lot of pregnancy related things, like how high you carry for a girl or boy, that could also be an urban legend. How do you both feel?

  32. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Astro Bee: Welcome and congrats on your new lo! I've read in all of the pregnancy books that symptoms are much worse for twin pregnancies so it must be true. From personal experience with my last baby I had no MS at all and felt fabulous. This time I barely feel like I can eat, so I do think there's been a difference. Very cool that you have twins in your family. They don't run in mine but I do have twin half brothers via IVF.

    @mrs.sunshine: Yes, very! I hope you're enjoying your vacation!

  33. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @Astro Bee: congrats! telling your friends must've been so fun!

    @marionberry: i want to join your twin mom board

    so i took diclectin for the first time last night... pretty subtle how it has a picture of a pregnant woman on it. i'll have to be careful about not leaving it around haha. anyways, maybe it's a coincidence, maybe it's placebo but i feel fairly great today! this is the first time in WEEKS i haven't felt gaggy/pukey! i am superrrrr tired but that's the norm... so, so far... awesome!

  34. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @loki: I'm glad the medicine seems to be working! You're so funny...you may get to join the club, you never know!

  35. Jenn23

    persimmon / 1085 posts

    Hi ladies!! I'm 6w6d and just saw two heartbeats this morning!! We did IVF, so we knew there was a decent chance of twins, but I am still in shock! And excited!! My due date is April 24th. Glad to be here and share with you all!

  36. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @Jenn23: Yey!!!! that is sooooo exciting, congrats!!! another twin mom!!! and great you were able to see the heartbeats!

  37. Jenn23

    persimmon / 1085 posts

    @loki: I got a script for Diclegis from my RE today to start tonight and hopeful that it will help my morning sickness. So glad to hear it helped you!!!!

  38. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @Jenn23: ya i was sufferinggggg and miserable. it seems bizarre it would help so immediately but i feel pretty great today. food still seems blah to me and i don't really want to eat much. but i'm not constantly on the verge of throwing up! so that's great. hopefully it helps you just as quickly!

  39. Jenn23

    persimmon / 1085 posts

    @loki: Thanks!! You are a twin mom, too? I guess I should read back through this thread to catch up. Yep, we had a scare because two days ago we couldn't see either heartbeat, so we went back today and there they were!!!

  40. HappyBluebird

    clementine / 957 posts

    @Jenn23: Welcome! Another twin mom! Congrats! Are we up to three now??

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