Hellobee Boards


April 2015 Mamas!

  1. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @SunshineMcC: I have the AlgelSounds fetal doppler. It appears they have come out with a newer version since I got mine:


    Mine looks like this: http://www.bestmedicaldirect.com/baby-doppler-fetal-heart-rate-monitor-angelsounds-jpd-100s.html

    I loved having it and able to hear the heartbeat before I could feel her move. Although for some it would cause more anxiety if you weren't able to find the heartbeat. They aren't as high powered as the doctor's ones so you probably won't be able to hear until 15 weeks or so.

  2. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @SunshineMcC: oh, and for what it sounds like...hmmm, kinda a wooshing sound? And it's very fast. You can also hear your own heartbeat because there are blood vessels pumping into the uterus (not sure that's the exact medical term, but kinda). It is a lot easier to hear your heartbeat, which is much slower and very wooshing sounding.

    I don't know that I'm describing it well. Maybe some other second time moms can chime in! Ha

  3. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @NeekieRose: oh wow, that's so neat! I can't wait to hear it. I love the idea of the fetal doppler too - thanks so much for sharing!!!

  4. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @NeekieRose: omg i totally imagined they were super expensive! that is totally reasonable, i kinda want one now. but i do worry it would cause a lot of anxiety...

  5. HappyBluebird

    clementine / 957 posts

    @Astro Bee: Hehe, my DH is the same way! I told him how tired I've been and just feeling generally kinda blah and he said we should go the hospital. I had to reassure him that it was all normal!

  6. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Astro Bee: My DH had been amazing. He knows how sick I was last time so he's doing all the cooking and cleaning, even things like scrubbing out the compost frequently to keep smells at bay. I feel pretty bad that I can't help out more without gagging or puking. He's pretty exhausted from picking up all the slack around the house and work. I'm hoping to surprise him with some take out on his birthday next week.

  7. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @loki: I think more reliable ones are more expensive. But this one was totally reasonable. I loved having it and it didn't cause any extra anxiety for me.

    @SunshineMcC: no problem!

  8. Rockies11

    persimmon / 1363 posts

    @loki: they wouldn't let me do the NT before 12 weeks exactly, but it was only 1 blood test and the scan, and the results came back within a couple of days. I had the results back before the end of the 12th week.

  9. Rockies11

    persimmon / 1363 posts

    So after a relatively worry free half day yesterday, I was getting ready to pick up LO from daycare, went to the bathroom, and saw all kinds of spotting. Flipped out, called the nurses line, they told me to go to the doctor. So LO had a glorious pasta and sauce dinner in the carseat on the way to the doctor, but fortunately we were triaged to the front, so it wasn't a long wait. The doctor, who wasn't our regular doctor, was basically like - what do you want me to do about this - if you're going to miscarry, you're going to miscarry. I said that the last scan had identified some bleeding, and the results from the scan that morning were in, so we had a look at them and there was a clear diagnosis of a small subcutaneous hematoma, which would account for all the bleeding. It was in the results from all the scans, and would account for the bleeding all the way through. So nice to have an explanation, but weird no one really told me that before. I also made her check my cervix, which was closed, so that's good. The subcutaneous hematoma does raise miscarriage risk, especially early on, but it seems like it's shrinking and the baby is growing so the most critical risk has passed. This little baby must be some tough little fighter to have made it this far with all the odds stacked against it, so I am feeling confident that we will get through this.

    Because of all the uncertainty I really don't want to tell anyone at work, but I look 20 weeks pregnant - and clearly pregnant shaped not like she's maybe getting chubby shaped, so I don't know what to do there.

  10. Rockies11

    persimmon / 1363 posts

    *subchrionic not subcutaneous

  11. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @Rockies11: omgoodness, you have been through so much! i can't imagine that stress. the doctor sounds pretty insensitive but glad you got some good answers and there's a reason for the spotting! that little baby is definitely tough... so sorry you've had to deal with all of this!

  12. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @Rockies11: Wow, I am sorry you are going through all this but I'm glad you have an explanation at least. Sending good thoughts that this baby continues to be safe and healthy!

  13. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @Rockies11: ugh, so sorry to hear this, but like the others - glad that you have an explanation for what's going on. Are you able to take it easy and rest this weekend? Sorry that doc was so insensitive, that is the worst. Your baby is definitely a fighter -saying prayers for you guys!

  14. lulu22

    apricot / 306 posts

    @Rockies11: oh gosh, what a roller-coaster you have been on! I think you are doing amazingly dealing with all these stresses! Hoping you get to relax and enjoy being pregnant VERY SOON!

  15. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @SunshineMcC: A home doppler does allow you to hear the heartbeat at home around 12 weeks or so. I bought one for my last pregnancy and loved it. If you're the kind that worries about whether the baby is moving enough or something, it's a perfect way to know he's alive and well. Mine was the sonoline handheld and I would totally recommend it.
    @Rockies11: I've heard of so many women on HB having one of those and a totally healthy baby. Glad it was good news.

  16. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    I can't reply to everyone personally because I just had catch up on like 3 pages of updates but I'm happy to hear all the good news even if it was proceeded by bad at first.

    My morning sickness actually hasn't been too bad this week, hallelujah. &the drive wasn't bad but it was no vacation. Our LO is a little high maintenance plus my in laws ask many many questions, are very nosy & get confused easily. We had some nice moments but all in all we are happy to be heading home tonight, we will wait until our LO (soon to be LOs) are older before we go thus far from home again & will definitely be keeping it just our family unit! Way too many personalities & needs on this trip

  17. brownie

    grapefruit / 4110 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: Ugh that sounds miserable... Even without morning sickness.

    Update 9w3d met with an OB. Luckily we can visit the hospital so that is exciting. Otherwise the OB tried to convince me to leave one of my jobs and told me to be on bed rest after a pap... Not possible as I have to work all weekend.

    Baby looks great with a strong 172 heartbeat.

  18. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @brownie: So happy to see you had a great u/s and a strong heartbeat!

  19. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @brownie: it was an adventure that's for sure. I feel like a jerk saying that because we don't have a lot extra & were very lucky to be able to go but I really didn't want to go in the first place & my instincts were proven right! lol oh well.
    Great news about your ultrasound! Congratulations!

  20. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    Eeeek I'm so behind!

    @SunshineMcC: the pregnancy pillow is the best thing ever. I haven't stopped using it since giving birth to my daughter.

    @PawPrints: I'm already getting looks and questions about not drinking. I'm definitely one of those people that typically drinks at all social outings, and has wine with dinner nightly.

    @Jenn23: @marionberry: @Mrs.Pinecone316: it's so awesome you're all having twins! That brings our April baby count up a little, it was a little low!

    @Rockies11: wow this pregnancy has already been so eventful for you. I hope baby continues to settle in nicely. I had a lot of spotting last time with DD and she turned out just fine! Hugs.

    AFM, this week has been crazy. We moved on Saturday, I went back to work, and LO started daycare (and got a high fever her second day!) I'm pretty sure she was just reacting to her one year vaccinations and is better now.

    I also had my scan Friday which was very disappointing. The tech refused to do a Transvag even though I was <7w. All she could point out was a gestational sac, nothing else. My google research has led me to believe this is totally normal for 6w3d on an abdominal scan, but it would have been nice to have seen a HB. I have to go back in a couple weeks. I feel like crap though so I'm hopeful things are progressing the way they should!

  21. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @delight: So weird that she wouldn't do a transvaginal. I've heard it's way too early to see anything on an abdominal ultrasound. I'm sure everything is fine. When do you go in again?

  22. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    Can I make a recommendation? I know we have our calendar with due dates and eventually sexes, but it's really hard to remember who's having their next appointment and when. On my last due date thread we had a list of all members with their next appointment on it and then we all were in charge of updating it and reposting when we had new information. It really helped you know what was going on or to wish someone good luck. I'd be happy to go back and try to put together this list for everyone if people agree it's a good idea.

  23. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    Here's what I'm talking about. I tried to guess on dates based upon comments of "a week from now", etc. so feel free to edit these. Thoughts??

    Next Appointment

    9/8 – Pawprints
    9/8 – Loki
    9/10 – Mrs.Pinecone316 (TWINS)
    9/11 – SunshineMcC
    9/17 – Astro Bee
    9/18 Nuchal Scan – Astro Bee
    9/23 – Marionberry (#2, TWINS)

    Due Dates

    3/29 – Neekierose (#2)
    4/1 – Boopers
    4/2 – Astro Bee
    4/3 – As Time Goes By
    4/6 – Lulu22
    4/7 – HappyBluebird
    4/7 – Pawprints
    4/8 – Ineebee
    4/8 – Dancingbee
    4/8 – Brownie
    4/9 – SunshineMcC
    4/10 – Windswept
    4/11 – Marionberry (#2, TWINS)
    4/12 – Loki
    4/13 – Mrs.Sunshine
    4/15 – Mrs.Pinecone316 (TWINS)
    4/17 – Banana330
    4/18 – MeredithNYC
    4/19 – Lilyofthewest
    4/21 – Rockies11 (#2)
    4/24 – Jenn23 (TWINS)
    4/28 – Delight (#2)

  24. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @marionberry: I guess they only do Transvag if there are problems, and I haven't had any issues this time really. When I had Transvag before it was at an early pregnancy unit and I had a mc a couple months prior. I have to talk to my doctor Monday but I think I'll have another scan in a couple weeks. I guess I should just be happy she saw a sac, cause at least I know something is happening.
    Great idea about appointment calendar! Thanks for setting it up!

  25. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @marionberry: my appointment is 9/16

  26. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @marionberry: my appt is Sept 11

  27. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    Here's the calendar with the latest updates.

    Next Appointment

    9/8 – Pawprints, Loki
    9/10 – Mrs.Pinecone316 (TWINS)
    9/11 – SunshineMcC, Boopers
    9/16 - Mrs. Sunshine
    9/17 – Astro Bee
    9/18 Nuchal Scan – Astro Bee
    9/23 – Marionberry (#2, TWINS)

    Due Dates

    3/29 – Neekierose (#2)
    4/1 – Boopers
    4/2 – Astro Bee
    4/3 – As Time Goes By
    4/6 – Lulu22
    4/7 – HappyBluebird
    4/7 – Pawprints
    4/8 – Ineebee
    4/8 – Dancingbee
    4/8 – Brownie
    4/9 – SunshineMcC
    4/10 – Windswept
    4/11 – Marionberry (#2, TWINS)
    4/12 – Loki
    4/13 – Mrs.Sunshine
    4/15 – Mrs.Pinecone316 (TWINS)
    4/17 – Banana330
    4/18 – MeredithNYC
    4/19 – Lilyofthewest
    4/21 – Rockies11 (#2)
    4/24 – Jenn23 (TWINS)
    4/28 – Delight (#2)

  28. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    Just changed my due date and added appointments in.

    Here's the calendar with the latest updates.

    Next Appointment

    9/8 – Pawprints, Loki
    9/10 – Mrs.Pinecone316 (TWINS)
    9/11 – SunshineMcC, Booper, Banana330
    9/16 - Mrs. Sunshine, Banana330
    9/17 – Astro Bee
    9/18 Nuchal Scan – Astro Bee
    9/23 – Marionberry (#2, TWINS)

    Due Dates

    3/29 – Neekierose (#2)
    4/1 – Boopers
    4/2 – Astro Bee
    4/3 – As Time Goes By
    4/6 – Lulu22
    4/7 – HappyBluebird
    4/7 – Pawprints
    4/8 – Ineebee
    4/8 – Dancingbee
    4/8 – Brownie
    4/9 – SunshineMcC
    4/10 – Windswept
    4/11 – Marionberry (#2, TWINS)
    4/12 – Loki
    4/13 – Mrs.Sunshine
    4/15 – Mrs.Pinecone316 (TWINS)
    4/16 – Banana330
    4/18 – MeredithNYC
    4/19 – Lilyofthewest
    4/21 – Rockies11 (#2)
    4/24 – Jenn23 (TWINS)
    4/28 – Delight (#2)

  29. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @marionberry: @Banana330: oh yeah, it's baby #2 for me ladies!

  30. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: Sorry! I just copied the calendar for that info. I'm away from my computer right now but you can copy it, edit your info and then repost if you are.

  31. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    Next Appointment

    9/8 – Pawprints, Loki
    9/10 – Mrs.Pinecone316 (TWINS)
    9/11 – SunshineMcC, Booper, Banana330
    9/16 - Mrs. Sunshine (#2), Banana330
    9/17 – Astro Bee
    9/18 Nuchal Scan – Astro Bee
    9/23 – Marionberry (#2, TWINS)

    Due Dates

    3/29 – Neekierose (#2)
    4/1 – Boopers
    4/2 – Astro Bee
    4/3 – As Time Goes By
    4/6 – Lulu22
    4/7 – HappyBluebird
    4/7 – Pawprints
    4/8 – Ineebee
    4/8 – Dancingbee
    4/8 – Brownie
    4/9 – SunshineMcC
    4/10 – Windswept
    4/11 – Marionberry (#2, TWINS)
    4/12 – Loki
    4/13 – Mrs.Sunshine (#2)
    4/15 – Mrs.Pinecone316 (TWINS)
    4/16 – Banana330
    4/18 – MeredithNYC
    4/19 – Lilyofthewest
    4/21 – Rockies11 (#2)
    4/24 – Jenn23 (TWINS)
    4/28 – Delight (#2)

  32. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    Reposting, let me know any corrections!

  33. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    @loki: Was it you was thinking of going to prenatal yoga class soon?

    I just went yesterday and was the least pregnant person there -- it was a little weird, but, it was still fine.

    The yoga studio that I go to has semester-like blocks of classes that you sign up for. I figured I would sign up for prenatal yoga in this semester since I'll be 23 weeks by the last class of the session. If I like it and it is feeling good, I'll probably sign up for next semester as well, but, unless I stay pregnant for 44 weeks, I'll miss the last few classes.

    So anyhow, the next smallest preggo was 16 or 17 weeks. I did feel weird being the only belly-less person there. But, in introducing myself I just explained that my suddenly enormous breasts are already getting in the way of where I'm used to my arms and legs fitting in poses, and that I'm hoping to learn modifications early so I can maintain my regular yoga practice.

    The instructor was really good, so, awkwardness or no, I'll keep going.

  34. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @marionberry: I like the list and the calendar. The calendar is nice to see visually, but I think it is great that we can update the list ourselves! My edits and additions are below.

    Next Appointment
    9/8 – Pawprints, Loki
    9/10 – Mrs.Pinecone316 (TWINS)
    9/11 – SunshineMcC, Booper, Banana330
    9/16 - Mrs. Sunshine (#2), Banana330
    9/17 – Astro Bee
    9/18 Nuchal Scan – Astro Bee
    9/23 – Marionberry (#2, TWINS)
    9/30 – NeekieRose (#2)
    10/30 – NeekieRose (#2) Anatomy Scan!!

    Due Dates
    3/28 – Neekierose (#2)
    4/1 – Boopers
    4/2 – Astro Bee
    4/3 – As Time Goes By
    4/6 – Lulu22
    4/7 – HappyBluebird
    4/7 – Pawprints
    4/8 – Ineebee
    4/8 – Dancingbee
    4/8 – Brownie
    4/9 – SunshineMcC
    4/10 – Windswept
    4/11 – Marionberry (#2, TWINS)
    4/12 – Loki
    4/13 – Mrs.Sunshine (#2)
    4/15 – Mrs.Pinecone316 (TWINS)
    4/16 – Banana330
    4/18 – MeredithNYC
    4/19 – Lilyofthewest
    4/21 – Rockies11 (#2)
    4/24 – Jenn23 (TWINS)
    4/28 – Delight (#2)

  35. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    I just scheduled the anatomy scan! It was a little bit of an ordeal. The midwives said that I could go as early as 18 weeks, but the scheduler at the antenatal testing center (where they do the anatomy scans) said they won't do them that early. After explaining that it wasn't a *huge* deal, but meant the world to me to be able to do a gender reveal on Nov 1, she checked with the doctor who said that they would schedule it for Oct 30, but that there was a chance they wouldn't be able to see everything they needed to see. And if that was the case I would have to come back at my own cost. I said that's fine. But I had my anatomy scan at 19 weeks last time, which was when they scheduled it. So I'm not really too concerned.

  36. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    @pawprints: @loki: Hope y'all have great appointments today!

    I also have one in a couple of hours. I don't actually know what's planned for it, but, I guess I'll find out when I get there.

  37. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @NeekieRose: how exciting!!!

    @PawPrints: @loki: @lilyofthewest: can't wait for reports back from your appointments!

  38. meredithNYC

    pomegranate / 3314 posts

    Hi, everyone! Once again I have been missing for a while with traveling and general life busy-ness. But I'm glad to see all the appointments have generally been going well. I had my first last week and it was pretty uneventful - just moved my due date to 4/20.

    In other news, I started on diclegis at the end of last week and it's really helping! I had a bachelorette party in Atlantic City over the weekend (yikes) and it definitely took the edge off of the morning sickness so that I wasn't miserable. If anyone is on the fence about trying it, I say go for it.

  39. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    Guess who else is due in April - Will and Kate! I'm betting the royal baby is due in April anyway, since they have said she is less than 12 weeks now. Exciting!

  40. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @lilyofthewest: That was one of my worries about starting prenatal yoga.. i'm feeling too crappy right now to start anyway but hoping to start around 13-14 weeks.

    @PawPrints: Ha! I was thinking the same thing.

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