pea / 18 posts
@auggiefrog my first appointment is August 27, but they're calling that the confirmation of pregnancy appointment. That seems a bit late, so I'll probably call tomorrow and make sure that's what they meant. She said they'd use the blood test results to schedule my dating ultrasound.
I'm feeling alright so far, a little heartburn but nothing too bad. I know that could change soon so I'm trying to enjoy it while it lasts rather than worry about it
kiwi / 631 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: @rinna9: I'm jealous of your early appointments and getting betas done. My OB wouldn't see me until 10-12 weeks. She mentioned something about betas when I met with her when I was trying to get some testing done, but there is no mention of them now. I had to be annoying to get an earlier appointment, and it's just a few days before I move into week 10. It would be nice to get in earlier, even if I didn't get to see anything, just so I could feel like I had somewhere to go and a doctor who is supporting me, not just after I get through my first trimester. Urg. It's kind of late for me to be looking around for a new OB, so I'll just keep her for now.
cherry / 204 posts
Location: Alaska
EDD: 4/20/2016
How far along: 4weeks
First child? This is baby number 2. I have a 22month old son.
First doctor appointment: not yet scheduled
Any symptoms so far? Bloated
Who have you told?the Internet, my husband and my bff
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@auggiefrog: I'd be on pins & needles having to wait that long. Hang in there! My doctor's office is grating my nerves too. They have about 4 or 5 doctors there, but refuse to schedule anything out of order to make it convenient for the patient. I actually have to go to urgent care today. No blood work on Saturday and I'm out of town the rest of the week. The good thing is I'll have some betas to compare five days apart.
@akcoffebean: welcome & congratulations!
cherry / 152 posts
I finally got a "3+ weeks" on a cbd @ 6 weeks and 4days. Okay I'm officially done testing! Lol I can wait till Monday for my first ultrasound. Praying everything is perfect.
cherry / 204 posts
@mrs.lemon-lime, Thank you! I hope things improve with your doctor!
I'm using a different clinic than I did with my son, I meet with a midwife tomorrow for bloodwork and a quick hello. With my first I didn't have a first appointment until 12 weeks!
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts
Bit of an update. Saw a different doctor on who saw what we needed, things are much more promising. I an going in Monday for another u/s so that we can see the fetal pile and hopefully a heartbeat. Still struggling a lot worth being diabetic but even that is moving in the right direction.
cherry / 204 posts
@MaisyMay: I'm glad things are improving! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
pear / 1642 posts
@MaisyMay: that's a good update! Fingers crossed that you continue to hear positive news!
pea / 18 posts
@maisymay that's a great update! Hope everything goes well for you at your appointment!
@amommythang I've been trying to save my last CBD to see if I can get the 3+ too! Luckily I still had a ton of wondfos so I've been testing once or twice a week just to see it get darker. I know it's silly but I already bought them so I might as well use them!
cherry / 152 posts
Ahhhh!! First ultrasound in 5 hrs! I am like 80% excited and 20% nervous. I am just going to be searching for that flicker of a heartbeat. Of course, I had a nightmare last night about going in and seeing nothing there. Fingers crossed for a strong heartbeat. I will update later
pear / 1632 posts
Hello future April 2016 mommies!!! Congratulations!! I'm so excited to be joining this board and to get to share our experience together!
Location: Idaho
EDD: 04/19/2016
How far along: 5 weeks
First child? 2nd child, I have a 2yr old son (July '13)
First doctor appointment: Sept. 17th. That seems so far away!! It'll be our 1st OB appt + Ultrasound!!! I'll be in my 10th week
Any symptoms so far? Headache but we have really bad smoke outside from all the forest fires right now!! I've had mild cramping, stomach looking bloated & extremely thirsty .
Who have you told? DH & lo We keep telling him to say Big Brother, it's so cute! We won't say anything to anyone until after the 1st appt.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
I can't believe this, but then again it is my doctor so maybe I can. Lol.Nothing happened (exam/ tests) on today's pregnancy confirmation visit. But at least I visited Urgent Care last week and my beta were 1435.
@AMommyThang: I can't wait for an update from you!
cherry / 152 posts
So I'm measuring 6+6 instead of 7+1 but its so early it can be off. Heart rate was 116. I go back 9/1 for another ultrasound at that point we will get a better measurement and set due date and c-section date. What a sigh of relief!
pea / 18 posts
@amommythang so cute already!
@mrs. Lemon-Lime so sorry to hear about your visit! Do you have another scheduled soon that will actually be something helpful??
kiwi / 631 posts
@AMommyThang: What a great update!
One more week until my first prenatal appointment. I'm a little excited, but nervous. I'm not sure if there will be an ultrasound, but one of my biggest fears right now is not finding anything. But three and a half more work days, then we go to my parents cabin for a few days, then my appointment.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@rinna9: yes, we are scheduled for my 8th week, which is what I tried to do in the first place lol
@AMommyThang: great update!
cherry / 204 posts
@AMommyThang: how exciting! Did they have you drink a ton of water beforehand? Mine is scheduled for tomorrow morning and they asked me to drink at least 32oz of water before I come in. I don't remember that from my first, but I'm at a new clinic now.
@auggiefrog: the waiting is the worst! I hope your wait flies by quickly and you get a gorgeous pic of baby.
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: glad they fixed it! I'm sorry they ate up so much of your time this week without any real use.
How are you guys managing the first trimester anxiety? I am trying to stay busy to keep my mind off of worrying. It's only a halfway decent solution
I'm pretty bummed about my appointment tomorrow. It's a dating ultrasound, which is exciting. But my husband is out of town for work and he will miss it, as well as my appointment on Friday. I was super lucky that he was able to go to almost all of my appointments with our first. He's gone for most of the next four weeks, just a few stops at home to switch out his luggage.
Hope everyone is having a good start to the week!
cherry / 152 posts ma'am. I think that's what I love about my doctor he's so down to earth and relaxed about everything. Now I'm sure if it was the anatomy scan he wouldve asked. He just asked me to bring a flash drive next week so they can upload the ultrasound to it
cherry / 204 posts
I'm not sure what to think after my ultrasound today. Last week when I went in for my preliminary blood work I explained that I ovulated 7/30 based on OPKs. They scheduled a dating ultrasound for today since I haven't had period for 3 years due to pg, BF and a mirena. I had my IUD out July 15th. I asked if we could do the u/s next week when I'd be further along. No, they like to do them ASAP when you haven't had a period in a long time. Ok.
So today the tech looks and says she only sees a thickened endosperm and nothing else (abdominal ultrasound) and a midwife will call me later. Ok. A midwife called me this afternoon and begins to tell me she's so sorry but they didn't see a sac or baby, have I started my period yet?
I go through again that I'm not yet five weeks pregnant, would they even be able to see anything? She sort of backtracks and says we need to test your hcg levels this afternoon and Friday, and then we'll talk again. She also tells me that none of the information that I have to the nurse last week about my ovulation date or IUD removal was in my chart but it's standard to get people in for an ultrasound ASAP if they haven't had a period in over a year.
I'm cranky and frustrated and I had to bring my toddler to the clinic twice today and he was scared both times. Anytime someone tried to examine me he flung himself over me and started crying and saying, "no, my mama, no, no, no". I'm a little scared since the tech and midwife were both treating me like I had a chemical pregnancy.
My honey and my bff are both out of town for a month for work and I really wish at least one of them was home to talk it through with.
Sorry to be such a downer tonight.
papaya / 10570 posts
Hey! Can I join please?
Location: UK
EDD: 27th April 2016
How far along: 4 weeks
1st child? No, second. I have a 2 year old daughter.
Symptoms: The nausea has kicked in already - it was that which made me test! I didn't have any with E so its a bit of a shock!
Who have you told? Just DH and HB.
papaya / 10570 posts
@akcoffeebean: I'm so sorry you're getting awful advice and going through this alone. You must be so stressed out. Fingers crossed for your blood tests.
nectarine / 2461 posts
Hello all, pretty terrified to join this early, but doing so!
Location: New York City
EDD: April 12
How far along: 6 weeks
First child? yes
First doctor appointment: August 17
Any symptoms so far? tender breasts, light cramping, light nausea
Who have you told? husband and two friends
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
Hey @Cherrybee: congratulations on #2!!
@LCTBQE: Welcome & Congrats!
@akcoffeebean: <<Hugs>>
cherry / 204 posts
@Cherrybee: welcome and thank you :)@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: thank you!
Update: my HCG numbers more than doubled over a 36 hour period. Baby bean is there, we just weren't able to take a peak since it's so early. I have another ultrasound in two weeks and by then I should be able to see bean! I'm so relieved. And, not to trivialize the anxiety, but I had brought up my maternity clothes and ordered some maternity tights right after I found out I was pregnant and I was going to be super bummed if I had to redo my closet again.
Is anyone doing anything fun this weekend? My husband will be home for part of it and I plan on sleeping in while he watches our toddler. Little one has been waking up at 5 every morning and not napping well. I am pooped. I'm hoping the weather turns nicer so we can go to the park too. Hope you all are doing well.
pear / 1632 posts
@Cherrybee: welcome & happy we're doing this together again!! #2 baby!!! We got this
I also have bouts of nausea here and there. First pregnancy it didn't start until 8 weeks!
@LCTBQE: congrats & welcome!
@akcoffeebean: love your happy update!! Congrats!!
nectarine / 2461 posts
Hi ladies, a question for those of you who have been pregnant before (this is my first time):
I've had light nausea in the mornings pretty consistently for the past week or so, but noticed it wasn't bad yesterday, and today I feel totally fine, which is freaking me out a bit. I've read that symptoms will go away with a missed miscarriage, but do they come and go through healthy pregnancies, too? Still having the usual cramping, light headache, and not a spec of blood. I'd love to hear what your experience has been in the symptom department
@akcoffeebean, that's great news!!
pear / 1632 posts
@LCTBQE: I think bouts of nausea, coming and going, are very normal. That's how it goes for me anyways.
pear / 1642 posts
@AMommyThang: yay, congrats, seeing that little blip and heartbeat for the first time is so amazing!
@akcoffeebean: glad they did betas and your numbers were good! 5 weeks is way too early to try and see anything transabdominally.
@Cherrybee: congrats!!
@LCTBQE: congrats, and yes, with my first and with this one so far, I have symptoms come and go.
AFM: I'm still in limbo with insurance and my job, so no OB appointment for me yet. Hoping I'll hear some news Monday so I can schedule my appt.
nectarine / 2461 posts
@jh524 @mrsroo, Thank you for the reassurance. It's ironic that I know so many people who have miscarried and have had healthy pregnancies or both, but I can't ask any of them for advice now that I really need to. Do you guys feel as if you're white-knuckling it through these first couple of months, or is everyone pretty calm?
@mrsroo, BEEN THERE with the insurance gig. Hope that you get it resolved quickly and easily!
papaya / 10570 posts
@akcoffeebean: I'm so, so happy to hear that!
@LCTBQE: Yes, totally normal. The symptom I always worried about was sore boobs. Some days they hurt and other days they didn't and I panicked every time!!!
@jh524: I'm relieved yours has started early too - I was starting to think there might be twins in there!
pear / 1642 posts
@LCTBQE: I definitely felt that way with my first pregnancy! I was worried about every little thing- pretty sure my entire Google search history was "is______ normal in early pregnancy?"
pear / 1632 posts
@MrsRoo: I think I've googled every possibly pregnancy symptom;)
Well ladies, the Nausea & smell aversions have officially struck and oh my gosh is it bad!! I didn't have nausea or smell aversions until the start of my 8th week in my first pregnancy so this is 2 weeks early!!! Ahhhh! Anyone else in their second pregnant getting much earlier pregnancy symptom?!!
nectarine / 2690 posts
Ok I'm pretty sure I fit here
Location: Arizona (Phoenix area)
EDD: ? sometime in April! I'll update after the Dr.
How far along: see above.
First child? Yes
First doctor appointment: 9/15/15 ultrasound, then check up.
Any symptoms so far? mild cramps, lots of bloating, slight breast tenderness.
Who have you told? uh, everyone. My DH can't keep his mouth shut. ETA: except my work. I'll tell them later.
cherry / 204 posts
@jh524: @LCTBQE: @MrsRoo: @Cherrybee: Thank you so much. I'm definitely relieved. @JennyLayneAZ: welcome and congratulations!
This week I'm nauseous and tired, I've started taking naps with my toddler. How is everyone else doing?
pear / 1632 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: so excited your here!! Yay!!!
@akcoffeebean: I'm tired too & getting bouts of really bad nausea. My toddler has a double ear infection, so I've been having a tough time these last few days with a sick kiddo and myself not feeling very well.
kiwi / 631 posts
@akcoffeebean: I really haven't had any 'big' symptoms. My boobs are a bit sore, I've been a bit more tired, been pretty bury after eating, and I guess I've been going to the bathroom more. I kind of wish I would just get MS already!
My appointment is tomorrow. I hope I get an ultrasound, but anything that reassures me that there is a baby in there, and it's growing would be good!
@JennyLayneAZ: @LCTBQE: @Cherrybee: Congrats and welcome!
pear / 1642 posts
@jh524: omg, yes! My first pregnancy was literally the easiest pregnancy in history. I was wishing for symptoms at 6 weeks. Now I haven't eaten all day thanks to nausea and food aversions. Glad to know it's not just me!
@JennyLayneAZ: congrats and welcome!!
nectarine / 2690 posts
@akcoffeebean: @jh524: @auggiefrog: @MrsRoo: Thank you ladies! I'm guessing my due date will be in the middle of the month, but I'm just going to wait for the doc to tell me.
@auggiefrog: I'm kind of wishing for some MS too. Which is ridiculous I know, but I feel like my symptoms are so mild! I really thought I was going to start my period last week, not get a BFP!
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
So this pregnancy is kicking my ass. I'm exhausted!! I read walking helps with fatigue, but I'm too tired to even go around the block. My only other symptoms are tender boobs, dry mouth (?) and mild cramping.
@JennyLayneAZ: congrats!
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