nectarine / 2461 posts
@mrsroo, thank you for telling me that I am a googling fool. Nausea is back in full force. I saw a girl walking down the street in Brooklyn today eating hummus and I don't think I've ever been so disgusted.
Weirdest symptom so far: my ears are clogged and no amount of yawning will fix it--I can hear my own voice echoing when I talk and can hear my heartbeat. Is anyone else having this? Google gods say it's common.
@jennylayneaz, congratulations! I wonder if you're only a week late if it's just a little early for the morning sickness to start??
@mrslemon-lime, YES, I am exhausted too, and too tired and nauseated to go to the gym. At work today I was dying to crawl under my desk and take a nap, and people, I slept for almost eleven last night. Just realized on the train home that if all goes well we have 5 or 6 more weeks of this? Whoa. I can't believe some of you are taking care of toddlers while doing this!
cherry / 204 posts
@LCTBQE: I hope you get some good rest!
I think taking care of the toddler helps me not focus on being super exhausted and nauseated. He's busy, but lots of fun and cuteness. I feel like the dead when I wake but an hour of active play with him helps.
Is anyone still nursing? My 22 month old is now nursing around the clock. It's a little painful and I don't know if he's doing it because my supply is dropping or what. He is an extra picky eater so breast milk is still a large part of his diet. He refuses all other liquids besides water.
pear / 1632 posts
@akcoffeebean: yes I am! Still nursing my 26 month old and my nipples just started hurting yesterday. Ouch!!! It hurts so bad!! I'm trying to limit him to 3 times a day. I've read that they may wean because the taste changes Or supply drops. I'm hoping he'll wean soon. I have no desire to tandon bf a toddler & newborn. Oh hell no!!! Lol
@LCTBQE: my nausea is getting bad and it's earlier than last time!! :0 but I agree with @akcoffeebean that having a toddler keeps you busy so I'm hoping this 9 months goes faster. I took a nap when he napped today...perks of a SAHM!!
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: I hear ya! I feel like my energy level gets zapped at about 11:30am and 7pm. Maybe also dropping to only one cup of joe too is doing it too. I teach fitness classes and I'm seriously wondering if how I'm gonna do this...but walking and some exercise should definitely help you feel better but it's just getting yourself to do it and not nap instead, that's the hard part
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@LCTBQE: I can hear my heartbeat too! I also had two very dirty ears, but can't hear my echo lol.
Yesterday I noticed a bug bite and think its from a mosquito my husband let in through the front door. I Googled West NIle symptoms and so far so good, but I'm still a little worried. Irrational a bit, yep?!
@jh524: what kinds of classes are good for pregnant women? When I muster up some energy I'm going to start back my couch to 5k, but I really love group fitness. Today's goal is ti circle the grocery store three times and then buy tonight's dinner.
pear / 1622 posts
I am nervous to join so early on but so excited to get a
Location: North Carolina
EDD: April 22 - but I think it will be moved to a little later in April
How far along: 5 weeks
First child? No. I have a LO who will turn 1 in less than a week.
First doctor appointment: Sept. 9
Any symptoms so far? I am not sure - since I am weaning from EP, I am not sure if the tingling in the breasts is due to that or the pregnancy. I am more tired but I haven't been sleeping well.
Who have you told? DH and y'all
nectarine / 2690 posts
@LCTBQE: Im sure it is early. I don't actually know for sure how late I am tho because my first 2 cycles were different lengths and I didn't chart lol oh well I will find out soon enough!
@autumnleaves: welcome and congratulations!! I feel the same as you in regards to "I feel more tired but haven't been sleeping well". It's annoying right?! I can fall asleep in a snap but once I wake up to pee its at least an hour before I can sleep again!
Eta: edited a typo
pear / 1632 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: lol. That's hilarious!!
Well when it comes to exercise and pregnancy, your fitness level determines what classes you should be doing. I wouldn't recommend starting a new fitness program but if your use to doing cardio and wieghts, then continuing that should be just fine. I have removed High impact exercises from my classes, like jump tucks and burpees. I think cardio, light/moderate weight training like power pump, step aerobics, PiYo, Pilates, Zumba are all great classes that most should be able to do throughout a healthy pregnancy. It is important to observe your heart rate and not get too over heated and stay hydrated!!!
@autumnleaves: hi!!! Welcome and congrats!!!
cherry / 204 posts
@jh524: I'm ready to start to wean him. He wakes up so frequently at night to nurse that I'm having nightmarish visions of tandem nursing him and a newborn at night and freaking out. The day nursing doesn't bother me, but I can't keep waking up ever hour to nurse him. Ps- I'm sahm too. Toddler naps are the very best.
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime:
Everything freaks me out right now. I get low blood pressure when I stand up too quickly, and I have all my life, but now I'm convinced it's a terminal illness. Really I just need to drink more water.
@autumnleaves: congratulations!
papaya / 10570 posts
Ugh! So I took a day off work today to spend with E. I was so looking forward to taking a 2 hr nap in the middle of the day..... but E fell asleep for 20mins in the car on the way back from the aquarium and then refused her nap. Gutted!!!
pear / 1632 posts
@Cherrybee: oh no isn't that how it always works?! The day you need them to nap, they throw you a curveball. Been there many times! Maybe lo will need a later nap and you'll get lucky!?
papaya / 10570 posts
@jh524: No, its,3pm now so if she naps now she wont sleep tonight! How are you feeling? I'm feeling really nauseous today! I'm only 5+1!
pear / 1632 posts
@Cherrybee: it's 8am here! I feel good this morning so far. Just extra sleepy and lots of nausea yesterday! Thanks for asking I really can't wait for my first appt.! I want to see one healthy baby in there. Healthy most importantly and One secondly
lol. I don't know but this early nausea is putting the thought of twins in my head but I'm sure chances of that happening are very slim.
papaya / 10570 posts
@jh524: Haha!! Yes, two is a scary prospect. My friend is expecting twins in October - it was a complete shock. My doctors surgery wont let me even make an appointment yet, they said to call back when I'm 8 weeks to make a midwife appointment for 10 weeks. Then the midwife will arrange my first scan for 12-14 weeks. Thats aaaaaaaaages away! I paid for a private scan last time - I might have to do that again! X
pear / 1632 posts
@Cherrybee: agh!!!! Guess we have to work on patience! Good thing we have busy toddlers to keep us preoccupied
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@akcoffeebean: oh no! You have to ease on up! Lol
@jh524: good advice thank you.
nectarine / 2461 posts
@cherrybee bummer about the nap-less-ness and the doctors putting you off! seems like 12-14 weeks is so late for a first scan (isn't that when people get a CVS if need be?) I don't really know what I'm talking about, but that IS a long time away.
I have total confidence in not much right now, but I have a strong, positive gut feeling that no one here has west nile or a terminal illness
So, I am almost 8 weeks and just tonight realized I am SHOWING-- I can't believe it. tummy above my belly button is jutting out very slightly! Is anyone else seeing anything yet??
nectarine / 2690 posts
@LCTBQE: not yet. I'm a bit overweight though and I carry like all of my weight in my tummy and out front. Like staring at me straight on I'm hour glass, but if I let my tummy out and you look at me from the side I could probably pass for at least 3 or 4 months pregnant at any time. LOL so, it'll be a while before I show I'm sure!
I'm feeling a little better today. Feeling less bloated, finally had a good bm, a little less crampy, and today is the first day that I don't have a horrible sinus headache. So, yay
How is everyone else feeling?
papaya / 10570 posts
@LCTBQE: I got asked if i was pregnant today! I have a could-pass-for-pregnant belly at the best of times but its really sticking out at the moment. Its all bloat though! I'm only 5+2 (basically, I'm just fat!)
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@LCTBQE: @Cherrybee: a few people that knew we have been trying have flat out asked me if I was pregnant. One person said my boobs look bigger than usual (I'm a 34F) and another said I was glowing. If you ask me though on any given day my pooch warrants the question. LOL
coffee bean / 26 posts
Ok, i'll join! We tried, and tried for 6 months to have a second baby…Then we stopped trying and I got pregnant!
Location: B.C. Canada
EDD: April 21
How far along: 6 weeks, 1 day
First child?: Second, I have a 2 yr old daughter
First doctor appointment: I see my OB on Sept 3, and my midwife on Sept 10. First ultrasound is Sept 8!
Any symptoms so far?: Nausea, terrible nausea. It starts when I wake up in the morning, and lasts all day. Fatigue, like no other. I am exhausted all the time. I loathe early pregnancy.
Who have you told: My family, friends, a few co-workers. We were too excited to keep it a secret this time!
kiwi / 631 posts
@autumnleaves: Welcome and congrats!
@JennyLayneAZ: I have a similar body type, so I look forward to actually start showing. At least I wouldn't just look fat! I think thought that I've noticed some one and off bloat more, or that I'm gaining more weight to my belly because I'm eating more.
@lauraeva: Congrats and welcome!
kiwi / 631 posts
I had to look back as to the last time I updated you all. My first appointment went well. My Dr checked me out and I got lots of blood taken. So far so good. I found out that I am A+, and I always thought for sure I was a negative blood type. One less thing to worry about. I have a UTI, so I got antibiotics to take for a week. Boo.
They don't have an ultrasound machine at my clinic, and my doctor only orders an ultrasound at 20 weeks. If I decide to do the genetic testing at or around 12 weeks I can get another ultrasound, so I'm leaning towards it just to reassure me that everything is okay. I did get betas, and they were at 29,477 at 8 weeks, 0 days. They were a little low based on my hospitals expected numbers, but only by 3,000, and they didn't seam to concerned, or ask me to come back in to make sure it's doubling. At the next appointment she will try to find the heartbeat with a doppler, I am looking forward to that.
I still haven't had too many symptoms. Most of the time I don't feel pregnant. I do have some on and off sore breasts. They are the worst when I get up in the morning, if I sleep. I've also had a lot of hunger pains. I ate pancakes before bed (great pregnant meal!) and I woke up around 2 or 3, and I'm getting them again.
And for the past week I've started to get pregnancy insomnia. I've been waking up around 1-4 am. One night I didn't fall asleep until almost 4 am. At least it's the weekend and I can get some naps in during the day!
pear / 1632 posts
@lauraeva: welcome & congrats!!
@auggiefrog: oh pancakes sound so good! I've been much more hungry & the smell aversions are starting. Bouts of nausea, sore breasts and very thirsty. Yay for the weekend and some relaxation!!
cherry / 152 posts
9 weeks today!! I'm A- so I'll have to get a few shots I believe but I did the same with my first little one. I have another ultrasound on Tuesday so I can schedule my csection! I'll update with another pic then
pear / 1632 posts
Well morning sickness is in full effect! I can't even stomach my morning cup of coffee. Everything smells so intense and my stomach is so unsettled. I hope this doesn't last long. Ugh!!!
Anyone else have MS? How are you dealing with it?
I also have pregnancy brain because I posted this in the Aug poas board .... Wow
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@jh524: @ mommy brain.
@ MS. How many weeks are you?
@AMommyThang: what's with the blood type thing again? I remember being tested to rule out that as a cause for my mc last year, but can't remember why it mattered. I think I'm B+.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@jh524: sorry about the ms! I'm feeling...not wonderful today. I've been feeling like I waited too long to eat. So, a little shaky, a little sick to my stomach, whether I just got done eating or not. So, I'm wondering how far this is going to go!
@AMommyThang: I'm also curious about the blood types. I'm pretty sure I'm A- also. I gave blood in high school (a million years ago) and my foggy memory is telling me I'm A-. So does that automatically mean I'm RH negative then?
How was everyones weekend? DH and I went on a shopping spree. Oops. We bought a crib, stroller, car seat, diaper bag, video/audio monitor, glider, and a pack n play. LOL Everything gender neutral of course
cherry / 152 posts
Apparently if you are a negative blood type and your baby turns out to have a positive blood type (obviously we dont know yet) but as a precaution your doctor will give you a shot to counter act your blood "attacking the fetus" because its a foreign blood type. Google Rhd negative and it will explain everything.
nectarine / 2797 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: Yup, pretty much what @AMommyThang: said. So in a normal pregnancy if you are negative you get Rhogam shot at 27 weeks, and again after birth if baby is Rh positive. But if you have bleeding you also get extra shots, good times! Between my mc in April and bleeding early this pregnancy I've had three shots already this year!
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: dang, you guys had fun! So far I have only been able to get mine to agree to everything on my Babylist registry. We're going for gender neutral too since our family plans are not set in stone.
kiwi / 631 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: wow! That's great! We're going for gender neutral as well, but I don't think we'll make too many big purchases just yet.
Things are pretty boring here. I was tired and acid-y all weekend, then didn't sleep well last night. No MS or nausea yet though, and I'll be 9 weeks tomorrow.
Also we are eating at a friends and there dog was all over me. Usually he likes me, but tonight was insane.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: @auggiefrog: Yeah we got more than I planned on lol I thought we were going to go "look". I should've known better, my husband likes to get stuff done right away.
persimmon / 1114 posts
Ok so I am (very tentatively) going to jump in here. This is our third frozen embryo cycle since my son (and our third pregnancy since him as well). However we had a scan today and things looked ok so I am going to give this a try!
Location: NJ
Edd: April 24
How far along?: 6w2d
First child?: no. We have a son from Ivf who is 2 years old.
Any symptoms?: tired. Although I think I always am!
First dr appt: we are with an re, so we already had 3 scans. Today baby was measuring 6w1d and they could see the heartbeat, although it was too small to measure
Who have you told?: a lot of people knew about our cycle so more than I wish.
Very exciting to be joining here!
cherry / 152 posts
Due date is still 4/5 Will probably still deliver in March but I'm staying on this board! lol Heart rate was 158 at 9 weeks, any guesses on the gender? I have another ultrasound in 3 weeks but it will be abdominal (hopefully) just to check that my placenta looks great since I've been taking progesterone since day 1 of pregnancy. Oh and baby was moving around crazy, makes it all seem real! lol
pear / 1642 posts
@jh524: oh man, I'm right there with you. I've already had to switch to tea because I can't handle the smell of coffee.
Also I'm drinking my weight in lemonade because for some reason the sourness makes me feel less nauseous?
@JennyLayneAZ: sounds like an awesome and productive weekend! Those are all super exciting purchases.
@auggiefrog: I'm convinced dogs can sense pregnancy. Mine have been all over me, too!
@bloved: welcome and good luck!!
@AMommyThang: congrats!! That age is my favorite to see on ultrasound. I've been sneaking scans of my little bean at work, but I'm only 7 weeks, so no movement yet. But it's got a good heartbeat, so that's what's most important!
I finally have a Drs appointment on the 15th with my *hopefully* new OB. I'll be nine weeks, and I really hope I like the drs as much as I loved the practice that delivered my daughter!
pear / 1632 posts
@AMommyThang: awesome! I can't wait for my appt.!! I've got a ways to wait....
@MrsRoo: lol I told my hubby the kuerigs going in they garage. I did manage a frozen coffee drink today though. The lack of my usual one Cup of joe is giving me a headache
Been really nauseous today & bit short with my toddler I'll try anything to feel better!!Maybe I'll try lemonade! I have been sipping on 7 up & that helps a bit. But I'm not a soda drinker.
nectarine / 2461 posts
@lauraeva @bloved welcome and congratulations! This board is getting better and better like a good tv show
I haven't told anyone yet, but I kept catching my closest co-worker staring at my stomach yesterday and today… kind of reminds me of when you're talking to asshole men and they stare at your breasts, except not disgusting (yay?)
My first sonogram (8 weeks and 3 days) is tomorrow and I am pretty nervous, but so glad to be on here--@amommythang and @auggiefrog, your posts are like cliffs notes for what to expect and ask about, so thank you! Glad to hear all is well.
@mrsroo @jh524 I've also been getting morning sickness relief from tart and sour stuff. I weirdly walked all over Midtown Manhattan yesterday looking for Lik-a-Made Fun Dip or Pixy Stix, to no avail. Instead of lemonade I've been drinking seltzer water with huge lemon wedges or Granny Smith apples cut into it--it's a poor man's lemonade but very refreshing Pancakes are happening this weekend, YES.
So jealous that all of you are getting extra dog love! My dog doesn't seem to care, so woof
kiwi / 631 posts
@LCTBQE: My sister was staring at my stomach yesterday. I'm planning on telling my Mom and sister in a little over two weeks.
I'm having some annoying cramping today. I've read that it's just probably my muscles and body adjusting, but it's still unsettling. No blood though, and they aren't really constant, just like tiny bursts. I can't wait until the end of the month. I scheduled my first trimester testing for September 24th, and my next appointment is on the 29th. That babies heart better be beating!
nectarine / 2461 posts
@auggiefrog I have been having almost-daily, off-and-on bursts of light cramping since 4 or 5 weeks. They're noticeable and annoying but not painful the way that period cramps are. According to the Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy, it's the uterus beginning to expand (ultimately stretches to 1000x its original size), so I'm taking it as a good sign to feel them!
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