Hellobee Boards


April 2017 moms - Bumps!

  1. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @bubblegum: Now she's taken to simultaneously kicking/punching my lady bits and butt somehow. It's REALLY unsettling lol

  2. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @ValentineMommy: YES to the lady bits! same here! Like how are you doing this? The other day she kicked on opposite sides of my stomach at the same time...like hello little lady are you raising the roof in there? What's going on?!

  3. MissLace

    apricot / 311 posts

    31 weeks tomorrow!

  4. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    32 weeks 1 day

  5. mrsmacSLP

    apricot / 308 posts

    34 weeks (Sunday)

  6. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    All the sudden, my bump feels more...compact and tighter. So weird!

  7. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Can we post "bump on the way back down" photos?

  8. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @yellowbeach: Go for it! But you're gonna make the rest of us super jealous. I can't wait to start shrinking instead of expanding!

  9. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @mrsmacSLP: You look amazing!!! Super jealous!

  10. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @ValentineMommy: So small and adorable!

  11. mrsmacSLP

    apricot / 308 posts

    @bubblegum: aw thanks! I feel huge in real life, and definitely found out patterns are not my friend 😂

  12. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    32 weeks and 1 day! We're getting there ladies!

  13. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @mrsmacSLP: of course!! aww well you look great to me

  14. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    Monday's 33 week bump

  15. mrsmacSLP

    apricot / 308 posts

    And a whole 38 weeks ladies!

  16. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @mrsmacSLP: You look fantastic!!! I can't believe our babies are going to start showing up soon!

  17. MissLace

    apricot / 311 posts


  18. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    Welp, just when I thought I couldn't get any bigger 😂😂😂

  19. mrsmacSLP

    apricot / 308 posts

    And hopefully the last bump photo from this momma at 40 whole weeks!

  20. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @mrsmacSLP: looking good mama!!

  21. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    36 weeks before my sprinkle.


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