Hellobee Boards


April 2017 moms!

  1. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @lilteacherbee: I agree that counting days versus weeks is so helpful! I had a scare at 29w1d and I was like omg I just need to make it to 36 weeks and that's forever away I'll never make it. But I started a little days countdown at my desk and it was way easier to count down the days. And now it says 8! which is nothing! woohoo!

  2. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @psw27: Yes! When I was teaching, I used to have a countdown from spring break until the last day of school and it was especially helpful on difficult days So glad you've made it this far!! I know you were anxious about it!

  3. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @psw27: Yes to the waking in the middle of the night and just laying there. I don't even have anxiety to blame, just randomly can't sleep through the whole night any more. Last time I thought it was because I couldn't get comfortable, but I'm plenty comfy this time around. Shrug?

  4. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @lilteacherbee: 28 days to be exact!!! I cannot WAIT! Whaaaaaaa! I don't think I missed it the first time and this time I can't wait to be done

  5. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @bubblegum: @lilteacherbee: I definitely did not miss it immediately. Maybe 6-9 months later. For a long while I was just so excited to be getting smaller, eat most things guilt free, have some wine, and take some good meds!!!

  6. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @lilteacherbee: thanks, so far so good! Next Wednesday I'll probably be dancing when I wake up

    @JennyPenny: It is so annoying!! The anxiety doesn't wake me up, but once I'm up I'm like "hey this is a good time to think about random twinges/feelings/contractions I've had and wonder if they meant anything".... Hopefully tonight is a straight through night.

  7. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @JennyPenny: Amen!!! WINE!!!!!!

  8. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @JennyPenny: WINE, I can't wait.

  9. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @bubblegum: @psw27: Too bad we're all so spread out. I can imagine us all sitting outside somewhere in beautiful spring weather, with newborns and wine

  10. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @JennyPenny: That would be sweettttttt!!! We would all have the time of our lives after being on lock down lol

  11. MissLace

    apricot / 311 posts

    i have a dilemma...

    my husband just accepted a new job offer that starts April 10th, but his last day at his current employer is March 31st (they wouldn't let him work until April 3rd because then they would have to be covering the whole month of insurance). all three of us are currently on his insurance which means there will be 10 days where we are uninsured and i am currently 36 weeks pregnant and my daughter was diagnosed with pneumonia this morning. i just feel like those 10 days are super risky when I'm due the 22nd. we could do cobra but we would have to pay for the whole month which is about $2000 plus whatever the deductible is if something comes up. has anyone dealt with something similar? any advice?

  12. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @MissLace: I *think* there is some cobra loophole that you don't have to pay in advance or it can be purchased retroactively. So if nothing happens in those 10 days you can just not pay the bill. It's definitely been asked or discussed on the boards before! Search around, there are lots of HR bees who gave good advice when someone asked.

  13. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @psw27: Yes - I've been waking up at night, and at first I'll think I have to pee and then I realize, nope, I'm just awake for no reason. I'll blame DH and his snoring....but I don't think it's that. And yea, I also have major anxiety normally...and it's been ramping up the past few days.

    @bubblegum: @lilteacherbee: When I had DS1, I immediately missed being pregnant. I remember holding my newborn and thinking to myself, "why do I miss him when I'm holding him???"! It was the strangest feeling. With DS2, I didn't have the same feeling (prob cause I was sick for 32 weeks with him), but I did miss it a few months later.

    @JennyPenny: I literally dream about wine at this point.

    @MissLace: I don't know much about insurance, but I wouldn't go without ANY insurance if you can avoid it. Too risky!

  14. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    I had some crampy contractions in the middle of the night last night, which felt like how very early labor started with DS1. But they petered out and nothing since waking up. I know I really should hope too keep this guy cooking since he'd still be a preemie at this point, but I so badly want to go early this time. With DS every day I thought "I'd be happy to go today, but if not it means I can get X done and that's good too." and I just don't have that feeling this time, even though there's still a lot I ought to get done...

  15. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @ValentineMommy: You are a trooper! I was soooo happy to have my body back lol what I can say is I seriously miss the baby stages! So excited to finally have another baby in the house. DS runs away if I try to kiss him too much, this baby can't

  16. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @JennyPenny: I feel the same way!!! I'm so ready for it to be over but then again I'm like please stay in there, there's too much to do!

  17. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    I had an internal done last night and nothing! DD isn't even head down yet! I was also told how little she'll be and DS was almost a 10 pounder so that's going to be a huge adjustment. I can't believe I'm already having the weekly appts! Feels so soon.

    My new bedroom set is being deliver today and DH said he's finally going to paint our room, which I've had the paint for over 10 months. Nothing like waiting until the last minute to get things done. MEN!

  18. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @ValentineMommy: Haha I got super emotional when DS1 turned a week old. I happened to be looking at the clock at the exact time he was born the week before and I lost it! I don't remember that stuff happening last time- partly because I probably didn't have time to obsess over it because I also had a toddler and partly because I was on meds for PPA as a precaution (I had a rough time after DS1 was born).

    @bubblegum: Yay!! DH literally painted the entire house the week before DS2 was born. That's why when he complained about the ONE room he had to paint this time (the nursery), I was like dude 😆

  19. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @ValentineMommy: Ah anxiety. Such a great midnight companion... ugh.

    @bubblegum: Do they think she will still be able to flip? She has enough room? I am excited for weekly appointments too - mine start next week!

    @JennyPenny: I'm still in the 'please stay in there' phase. Once my mom gets here in 12 days (36w5d) I don't care if he arrives!

  20. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @lilteacherbee: hahahahaah! It's like be happy I'm not asking you to do the whole house again! I'll have to tell DH so he can feel better about only having one room left.

    @psw27: I have no idea but I am a repeat c-section so I guess it doesn't matter either way. I was the opposite! I was excited for weeklys with DS but this time around it feels like more of a pain in the ass. Maybe because I go after work so it makes me day so long!

  21. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @bubblegum: I'm probably only excited because 1) I never made it that far with DS 2) It means I'm out of the real danger zone and I can relax a little bit about how this baby is doing! 3) It's almost over! If I went after work though I would probably be exhausted. I go on my "lunch" so its not a big deal since its 10 mins walk from my office. Although the 10 mins are starting to feel like forever! I go every week for a shot and I'm getting pretty pooped from that!

  22. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @psw27: ohhh I get it! You totally should be excited then. That's a good deal but I'm sure your lady bits are dying afterwards!

  23. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @bubblegum: It is definitely uncomfortable and causes my belly to get really hard to walk anywhere these days! I used to be so fit.... I ran a dang marathon less than a year ago.... sigh. Someday I'll be "me" again right?

  24. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @psw27: Yes! Soon enough you'll be in control of your body again. Hang in there mama!

  25. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @bubblegum: I've done this before, I think you just forget how big you are and how weird your body is for a while haha... It's all worth it

  26. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @psw27: YES!! After having my first and my bump "disappeared" I felt great and then I realized holy crap I'm still huge! It was soooo great when I went back to my new mommy normal.

  27. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @JennyPenny: I feel the same way. I keep thinking the same thing about going early! I'm just ready for her to be here and for my body to be able to function again!

    @bubblegum: Omg yes. DS2 is not super affectionate (although he's becoming moreso lately) and I'm longing for those baby snuggles! My weekly appointments start next week - I can't believe it! My DD is also breech (and repeat csec)....it's so uncomfortable!

    @lilteacherbee: The more I learn about you, the more I see how much in common we have! I had RAGING PPA after DS1 (but not DS2)!

  28. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @ValentineMommy: hahahaha yes like please let me love you!!! It makes it seem like time is flying right. Sucha pain! Yes isn't your c-section the 19th? That's my original due date

  29. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @bubblegum: Yes, the 19th! I am seriously counting down the days. On one hand, I'd love for her to come earlier, but on the other hand, the 19th is my mom's birthday and I really want them to share!!! Those newborn cuddles don't last nearly long enough!

  30. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @ValentineMommy: Super soon!!! I know what you mean I'm in the same boat as you. But hey the best part is we know it won't be pass those dates!! They really don't so heartbreaking! Considering this is my last, I have to soak it all in with her

  31. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @psw27: @bubblegum: I've been totally freaking out about this cause DS2 wasn't head down at 34 weeks and all my googling said "baby should have turned by now" But then my pregnancy app said something about how 2+ babies turn much later, even after labor starts! I did googling of that and its true! I guess all my initial googling of "when should babies turn" is aimed at 1st time moms.

  32. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @JennyPenny: interesting! I'm "pretty sure" that LO is head down this time (based mostly on the feeling of his kicks and jabs) but I'm not too worried about it. There is really not much we can do except hope that it happens. But I am a little worried about how uncomfortable it would be for him to flip - not a lot of room in there!

  33. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @JennyPenny: Well that's good to know!

  34. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @bubblegum: I'm having a hard time with the notion that this is the last one......but it is. I try not to think about it, because it really upsets me!

    @JennyPenny: Oddly, I googled the same thing (with the same result) this morning! Like I said, as a rcs, it doesn't really matter...but I think I'd be much more comfortable without the softball sized head sticking out of my side! Lol!

  35. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @ValentineMommy: Hahaha yesss! I wish we lived closer And I'm feeling surprisingly okay with this being the last. I think part of it is because 3 has always been my number. We TTC for DS1 for 13 months, with a m/c in there, so there was a time when I wondered if it would ever happen for me at all. Then, the next two babies were first tries (crazy how that happens!). I just have a "complete" feeling this time that I haven't felt before. I'm sure I'll have newborn nostalgia when she gets past that stage (and I know I'll be emotional over every last "first"). I've been pregnant, nursing, or both for literally 4 years straight at this point, so when that's over, it'll be a little weird!

    BUT there's also the fact that this pregnancy has been wayyy harder 😬😫

  36. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @ValentineMommy: Awww well think about it this way, now you'll be able to focus on your three babes and your family will be complete in the best way!

  37. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    More crampy contractions last night from 4pm - 12am. Then nothing. I'm 90% sure this means nothing in terms of labor starting but boy its hard not to get excited/nervous when it happens...

  38. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @lilteacherbee: I feel you! I was just talking to DH about how long I've been pregnant (with our 3 kids plus 1m/c). I am excited to be getting my body back, but I'm going to miss those kicks and feelings of closeness when they move in my belly! I'm also now going to be more accountable for getting my body back into shape since we are done....and I'm not really excited about that, lol! But it'll be nice to get back to one wardrobe, instead of my pre-baby size, maternity, and post baby size.

    @bubblegum: I know it's true...it just feels like...if I'm done having kids, I must be old (which I kinda am lol)! I know that's irrational, but it is what it is. I sure will be happy to get a lot of the giant baby gear out of the house though!

    @JennyPenny: Do they wake you up at night? I never went into active labor, so clearly I don't know much. But I would think if they're waking you up from sleep, that it totally could be gearing up for the big show!

  39. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    Is everyone set on a name?

  40. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @JennyPenny: no way!!! I would be on the edge of my seat! When's your next doctor appt or internal?!

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