kiwi / 583 posts
@MrsKRB: Oh no! That's no fun, but I'm sure baby is fine.
I feel like I'm just in a holding pattern. I don't have another appointment until Oct 1 when I'll be 13 weeks (we are going on vacation for two weeks at the end of the month, so this is really my "12 week appointment"). It seems like forever away, and I'm worried something will go wrong and I just won't know for a month. Ugh. Also, the nausea has really kicked in. I haven't actually thrown up yet, but I'm so sick. Between that and the fatigue, working full time is really tough.
clementine / 828 posts
@MrsKRB: That is no fun, I hope you are feeling better. My nausea got worse starting yesterday, and is continuing today. I still have almost two weeks until my first appointment. I am really dragging at work. At least the weather seems to be cooling off.
coffee bean / 38 posts
Hi Everyone! I'm excited to see that a board for April 2019 babies. I'm still in the process of accepting that I'm pregnant. I had a dr's appointment a few weeks ago for a regular checkup and had my dr run a pregnancy test (urine). It was negative. I decided to take test a few days after because I still felt sick and it was positive. So I'm still feeling some shock and have yet to call my dr with the update.
Location: Arkansas
EDD: around April 15th
How far along: I'm guessing 8 weeks.
First child? Third
First doctor appointment: I should probably call my doctor.
Any symptoms so far? extreme nausea and fatigue
Who have you told? my husband is the only other person who knows so far.
nectarine / 2465 posts
@mrs. eagle: wow! Did you eventually want a third or did this come totally out of nowhere?
pomelo / 5257 posts
@MrsKRB: Ughhhh that's the worst! If it's any comfort, I had some kind of horrible stomach bug or food poisoning around 14 weeks with my son--I had to go in to get fluids and meds, it was awful. But everything pregnancy-wise was totally fine! I was nervous about it, too, at the time, and they were very reassuring.
@mrs. eagle: Yay, welcome!
nectarine / 2465 posts
@MrsSCB: thanks for saying that! I keep reading about how some can cause miscarriage, but it was really only for a day so hopefully everything is ok! Can’t wait for my 12 week scan in 2 more weeks!
cherry / 116 posts
@MrsSCB I'm sure everything is good. I had a stomach bug 2 weekends ago that I got from my toddler. I was worried too but at my 8 week scan, strong little heartbeat. I only threw up twice but they were vicious, I had sore abs the next day, lol! I was worried because I thought I must have some kind of crazy HG beginning, because I was so sick and so wiped out. Then when I felt better I realized what probably happened.
pomelo / 5257 posts
I feel like my lower abdomen is a bit sore. I mostly notice that if I rub my hand along my lower belly, it’s almost like sore muscles. I assume maybe it’s things stretching, but anyone else notice this? I think I’ve forgotten everything about being pregnant
kiwi / 583 posts
@MrsSCB: Yes!!! I noticed this same thing yesterday and was about to google it this morning! haha! It seems to be totally normal.
nectarine / 2465 posts
@MrsSCB: no, but if I sneeze when I’m in a weird position or ma be to quickly, it hurtsssss!
pomelo / 5257 posts
@Lahela017: Glad it's not just me! I guess a lot of things are shifting around in there, haha.
@MrsKRB: omg, yes. If I feel a cough coming on, I have to get in a good position for it or I get that round ligament pain!
cherry / 215 posts
Ugh you guys, I'm so tired! I work part time and am in grad school full time, and I just felt over done when my alarm went off at 5 am. I took a sick day from life (as much as one can) today. I still had DH take DD to daycare, and I just layed around. (And did the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, studied, did some laundry. Let face it, mom's don't have time to lay around all that much.)
And a couple of you have talked about the nausea where you are hungry and nauseous at the same time. That's definitely what I have going on. And then I try to eat, but I can only eat a little or I feel sick.... And heartburn? Forget about it. I'm already on Nexium 40 mg in the morning. I'm sure by the end I will be on 40 mg twice a day.
It is interesting, the first time I was pregnant I felt like my whole life revolved around pregnancy and babies. I thought about it 1000 times a day, did all kinds of reading and research. I was pretty much obsessed. This time I think about it, and know I am, but it is way more low key. I don't have my first ultrasound until next week (10 weeks), and I am just like, OK, no prob.
Anyhoo, boy, I can't wait until the second trimester! I hope my symptoms improve and I get a little life back in me!
clementine / 828 posts
@rockinghorse: I am also exhausted, I think that is the worst symptom. I work full time (well slightly more than full time, but better than my last job) and am with my kids when I am not working, which is often more tiring. I have a cold, which is not helping the exhaustion or the nausea. I was on a prescription for heartburn even before getting pregnant (this time, I did not need it before I had any kids), but fortunately so far it has not gotten much worse. The only problem is that drinking water at night really triggers my heartburn, but sometimes I am so thirsty I need to drink some. I am still very nervous about my ultrasound next week (at 8 weeks), especially because of my age (38).
pomelo / 5257 posts
@rockinghorse: The exhaustion this time around is SO much worse than I remember! Probably because I'm either at work or in parenting mode, I guess, but it's rough. I'm 10 weeks now, though, and I do feel like it's been tapering off a bit. So I'm hopeful the second tri will bring at least a little more energy! I'm glad you got to take a day to relax, hopefully that helps a little.
nectarine / 2465 posts
@rockinghorse: I second the exhaustion, but on the bright side I’m 11 weeks today and I’m feeling much better so there is light at the end of the tunnel! I’m also not as obsessed with this pregnancy, I actually forget that I am a lot. I think I just don’t want to get my hopes up until the 12 scan!
nectarine / 2465 posts
My 2 year old spilled the beans to her Daycare class, I didn’t think she would really care about it but I guess everyday she’s been telling her teachers that she has a baby sister speaking of sister - who is team green vs finding out? My dh does not want to know, so I’m going to find out and hopefully keep it a secret!
cherry / 215 posts
@MrsKRB: we will find out.... I am way too much of a planner! I'm curious too because the Chinese gender predictor has been spot on for me and 4 of my friends. According to that we are having a girl
kiwi / 583 posts
We'll find out the gender. I asked my husband if he wanted to know, and he got really confused and asked why you wouldn't want to know. I tried to explain to him being team green and the the surprise factor, but he just didn't understand. haha! I'm glad we are on the same page though. There is no way I'd be able to handle not knowing.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@MrsKRB: Definitely finding out! I'm planning to do the NIPT at our 12 week appointment, so then we'll know shortly after that. With my son, we did an elective ultrasound at 15 or 16 weeks. We're impatient
nectarine / 2465 posts
I am way too impatient too which is why I need to know even though dh doesn’t. I don’t understand team green, is a surprise either way haha
clementine / 828 posts
@MrsKRB: We will find out. We found out for our first two, and neither of us has a desire to wait.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@mdf106: Yay, congrats!
I was just talking to the nurse at my OB over the phone, and I asked if I'd be doing the NT scan at my next appointment (12 weeks). She said, "No, they don't usually do another ultrasound then unless they can't find the heartbeat. But you will schedule your 20-week anatomy scan." Um, what?? That's news to me... I did mention we plan to do the NIPT blood test, though, so maybe you just need one or the other? I believe the NT scan looks for physical markers of what the blood test is testing for, so that makes sense. But damn, I'm disappointed, I thought we'd see the baby again next week!
nectarine / 2465 posts
@mdf106: yay!
@MrsSCB: oh no! My ob doesnt do it standard either, but I requested it so go to the hospital to have it done. That seems strange that they don’t offer it, how do they make sure everything looks normal?
pomelo / 5257 posts
@MrsKRB: I believe what they look for in the 12-week scan is basically what they’re testing for with the NIPT blood test—chromosomal defects, etc. So I guess they don’t need the visual if they’re testing the blood? Kind of a bummer to not have another US until 20 weeks, though. They will still listen to the heart at least.
nectarine / 2465 posts
I had my NT scan today and everything looked great! The MD guessed girl, has anyone had guessed this early? We didn’t last time.
Excited I can start telling people now, although I wouldn’t be surprised if they already suspected because it’s getting really hard to hide
clementine / 828 posts
@MrsKRB: Great news! I know I am going to have trouble hiding my pregnancy another four weeks, although most of my coworkers are men who are less likely to notice. We do plan to tell our parents and siblings after the good 8 week scan.
cherry / 215 posts
We had our first appointment and US this Wednesday at 10 weeks. Everything looks good! My blood work did show anemia and elevated WBC's, so I need to start taking iron (yuck) and I also need to start taking Aspirin 81 mg because I had preeclampsia in my previous pregnancy. Interestingly, my OB doesn't doppler the heart rate until after 12 weeks because of the energy it emits or something. We were able to see the heart beat though, and she guessed it was around 160.
I'm still completely worn out, get winded so easily with just walking, but I suppose the anemia isn't helping matters any. Nausea has been better, but I just feel off. And, I feel super hormonal.... emotional, depressed, anxious. I think I am going to start trying to use a meditation app every day. Oh, and my TMJ is ridiculous, and I have had a tension headache basically every day. Enough complaining?
nectarine / 2465 posts
@rockinghorse: the iron should definitely help! I have been *trying* to use the Headspace app for meditation and I like it (when I remember!), and doing yoga helps!!
clementine / 828 posts
@rockinghorse: I am glad you had a good scan. I hope the iron pills help you feel better.
nectarine / 2465 posts
So my bloodwork came back for increased risk of Down’s syndrome (1 in 185). I know it’s still a tiny chance but I’m kind of freaking out, on the plus side now we get to do the Counsyl test, just praying everything is normal!
pomelo / 5257 posts
@MrsKRB: Absolutely, still a low chance! I'm sure it's stressful, though, I'm sorry. I hope the counsyl test can bring you peace of mind!
pomelo / 5257 posts
I have my 12-week appointment this week (thursday) and I'm really hoping it eases my anxiety. I just don't *feel* pregnant, other than being super exhausted. I haven't gained weight yet (instead I've lost a few pounds), I don't have a bump, which I thought would come earlier with number two...ugh. I just want to know things are OK.
nectarine / 2465 posts
@MrsSCB: I was the same way, I feel like my pregnancy started at 12 weeks before I didn’t feeel pregnant at all before that. Good luck!!
pomelo / 5257 posts
@MrsKRB: thank you, that makes me feel better! I did start this pregnancy about eight pounds higher than with my son. Maybe my body is like, “you got a head start, we’ll hold tight here for a bit.”
pomelo / 5257 posts
I had my 12 week appointment this morning! No ultrasound, but we heard the heartbeat at a rate of 155. I gave a ton of blood for the NIPT so we should hear about that in the next couple of weeks. I'll be anxiously waiting for those results, but it was a relief to hear that little heart beating!
pomelo / 5257 posts
@MrsKRB: yes, definitely gonna feel like a long wait! They said two weeks max 🤞🤞 I’m also trying to figure out the logistics because my husband wants to find out the sex together, but I’m assuming they’ll call while I’m at work....
nectarine / 2465 posts
@MrsSCB: I think they email you the results, as long as everything looks ok. At least that’s what they’re doing for me.
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