cherry / 215 posts
@MrsKRB: @MrsSCB: I am actually not doing any of the blood work screenings.... My OB has always sorta talked it down because of the false positives, so I just haven't done it. But now I'm getting nervous not doing it!
And I have definitely gained weight.. I was so nauseous in the beginning, and the only thing that I seemed to be able to stomach was carbs. I had literally just gotten to the weight I wanted to after having my DD, and then, wham, pregnant. Oh well, it's a blessing, right?
nectarine / 2465 posts
I got my counsyl back and everything is low risk thankfully! Also we are having another girl!
Officially in the second trimester, up 5 lbs and look about 20 weeks pregnant haha.
kiwi / 583 posts
@MrsKRB: Congrats! How exciting to find out already! We have to wait until the 20 week US (scheduled for the day before Thanksgiving!) so it'll be a long couple months. We did have an US earlier this week though and everything is looking good so far.
I get to 14 weeks this weekend. I'm feeling better now compared to a few weeks ago, but I really hope that the second trimester treats me well. It would be nice to be able to stomach vegetables again and have the energy to do more exercise that just a short walk after dinner. I think I'm going to sign up for a prenatal yoga class at a local yoga studio soon.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@rockinghorse: Yeah, I'm a little nervous about that. If it's negative, that will be comforting. A positive would be devastating, but I'd be glad to know. A false positive, though, that would be so incredibly stressful, and then all for no reason
@MrsKRB: congrats, yay for low risk and another little girl!
pomelo / 5257 posts
Still waiting on NIPT results over here. I did meet with an HR benefits person this week to make sure I understand all the STD/FMLA stuff correctly. FMLA is 16 weeks where I live, so my plan right now is to be out for that long. However, STD will only pay me for six weeks (or eight with a c-section) and then I'd be unpaid. So that's a bummer. I'm also pretty pissed we have to exhaust all sick time before STD kicks in, so I can't just save it up and add it onto the end. I can use vacation time to get paid after STD, but I've only been here for a year now, so I don't have much. Ugh, this country sucks. I know that's probably even more than a lot of people get in the US, but I got 16 weeks full paid with my first sooooo it's kind of a let down.
kiwi / 583 posts
@MrsSCB: I completely agree. This country needs to do better with maternity leave!! I should get 12 weeks with FMLA, but like you, I only get 6 weeks of any kind of pay from STD (and have to use any vacation before it kicks in). I haven't talked to HR yet though, and don't plan on if for another month or so, but it might be hard to hide for much longer... We'll see how long I can hold off though.
nectarine / 2465 posts
@MrsSCB: When did you get your blood taken? My results took 8 days total, so hopefully you get yours soon! That's terrible that you have to use your sick time up. I get 6 weeks STD, I think its 75 or 80% pay, and then I'm saving up my pto time. I work in a hospital, so that means I have to work all the holidays, but oh well!
clementine / 828 posts
@MrsKRB: Fantastic news!
@MrsSCB: I have not talked to anyone yet (I am only 10 weeks), but I should get 9 weeks of paid maternity leave. I am hoping to save up 3 weeks of pto to get to 12 weeks paid. I have only been here about a year this month, but I have tried to avoid taking time off to save it for maternity leave. It is so much better than my previous job, where I had no pto at all (paid on commission). For my first pregnancy I had no pay during maternitye leave, and for my second I had a separate short term disability policy, but it paid less than half pay for 6 weeks. I was only able to take 6 weeks both times, because I am the sole income earner (my husband is a SAHD). So, I am excited to take 12 weeks this time.
cherry / 215 posts
@mdf106: Same here, sister. I took 6 weeks of maternity leave for my first, and then my boss let me be half time for the next 6 weeks. I actually kinda liked that! (Or maybe that is just what I'm telling myself since I'm going to have to do the same again) But it is possible I will be in a transition to a new job at that time since I'm graduating in December with my Nurse Practitioner, and I'm being told that April may be when all my credentialing first goes through, so that is when I will first be able to work as an NP. So who knows what that would mean for maternity leave! Perhaps I could have timed this all better
pomelo / 5257 posts
@Lahela017: We are so behind on this as a country, it's really frustrating! I actually haven't told my boss yet, but I just wanted to get a general idea of what my options were before talking to her. Probably will tell in the next couple of weeks, I suppose. I always feel like that's an awkward convo for some reason, haha.
@MrsKRB: They took it last Thursday, and they told me the max (hopefully) is two weeks. The company, Progenity, said 7-10 days, so I'm hoping it's closer to that!
@mdf106: Yes, I've been trying to save up what I can as well. I so wish I could just take an occasional day off, though, I could use a mental health day! Or a few, haha. I'm glad you'll be able to get more time off this time around.
@rockinghorse: congrats on your upcoming graduation, that's exciting!
clementine / 828 posts
@rockinghorse: Congratulations! That is a fabulous accomplishment! Not to be a downer, but I found the short maternity leave much harder the second time. The first time, I spent all my at home time with the baby (except for whatever sleep time I could muster). However, the second time, if I spent my evening nursing the baby, I had almost no time with my oldest. I went back to work "full time" after 6 weeks both times, though. Full time at that job was more like 50+ hours a week, but I worked more like 40 for at least the first six week back.
@MrsSCB: I have been sick all week (just a cold) but it would have been so nice to take a day off. I found that I am always nervous about the conversation, but it always goes better than I expect. I don't plan to wait too long, because I am already having trouble finding things to wear to work. I generally have monthly meetings with my boss, which would be the perfect time to disclose my pregnancy, but they are poorly timed at 11 weeks (too early) and 15 weeks (I doubt I can reasonably keep it secret until then, especially with it being my third pregnancy).
cherry / 215 posts
@MrsSCB: Such an awkward conversation for me with basically everyone! I hate it so much! I actually asked my friends at work if they would just tell people so I wouldn't have to... And it is easier for me as a nurse since I work with so many women who tend to get excited about pregnancy. And in theory I am trying to save up my PTO, but ya, took a mental health day today... Mama needs it.
@mdf106: And ya, I can't imagine how different it is with a second. Going back full time at 6 weeks, damn girl, you are a rock star! Too bad it is necessary still in this day and age. Just have to elect representatives that will work towards changing it! Make sure you all register to vote and go in November! OK, off the soap box
pomelo / 5257 posts
Starting to get a little impatient for my NIPT results! It'll be two weeks on Thursday, so they're still within the time frame they gave me. I was just hoping it would be shorter, lol. Also still trying to work out how my husband and I can find out the gender together, since they said they'll be calling me. I may end up asking if we can pick it up from their office on a piece of paper? Not super convenient, but my husband works from home so he could prob stop by at some point during the day.
nectarine / 2465 posts
@MrsSCB: waiting is the worst!! At least you know you are almost there and you will know any day. When they call you can you have them call again and leave a message with the sex? Or maybe send you an email?
nectarine / 2465 posts
Almost 15 weeks and I have a crazy spurt of energy, unfortunately this lasts all night too
pomelo / 5257 posts
@MrsKRB: Iāve thought about asking them to call back and leave a you think thatās too high maintenance? Iām afraid theyāll be like, āugh, this lady...šā lol!
PS: glad to hear some energy has returned, but sorry about the sleep issues! I had terrible insomnia with my son, it was the worst.
nectarine / 2465 posts
@MrsSCB: I donāt think so! Iām sure youāre not the first couple who wants to find out together, so I bet theyāve done it before!
pomelo / 5257 posts
@MrsKRB: Still nothing today Definitely going to call tomorrow. Maybe first thing in the morning, haha.
nectarine / 2465 posts
@MrsSCB: hereās to hoping they have the results and just havenāt gotten around to calling you!
pomelo / 5257 posts
I called and it turns out that they had already tried to contact me, but it didn't go through or something. They thought maybe they had the wrong number, but when they read it to me it was correct. Not sure what's up with that....but anyway, the tests came back normal/low-risk, and it's a girl!! We are SO surprised and excited! I thought for sure it was going to be another boy. The delay probably worked out for the best anyway, because my husband and I both work from home on Thursdays. I was able to put it on speakerphone so we could find out together, and I'm so glad we did!
kiwi / 583 posts
@MrsSCB: Congratulations!! How exciting, I can't wait until we get to find out!
pomelo / 5257 posts
@Lahela017: @MrsKRB: thank you!! I just made a dinner reservation for us, my parents and my sister/her bf on the 20th so we can tell them all together! I was hoping to this weekend, but my husbandās going out of town last minute. Rude! Lol
pomelo / 5257 posts
Hi! Just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. We told our families about the baby in the last couple of weeks, and everyone is very excited. Now just anxiously anticipating my 16-week appointment on Thursday
clementine / 828 posts
@MrsSCB: After a good appointment last week with a strong beat, at 12 weeks, I announced my pregnancy at work. I am starting to show, even though I am only 13 weeks, which is ridiculous, so I think I made the right move. I have had a little spotting, which is making me nervous, but my doctor assured me the amount I have had is not problematic.
cherry / 116 posts
@MrsSCB: Yay! We've been telling everyone in the last few weeks. Though we haven't gone public on social media yet. I have a 15 week appointment tomorrow but I'm not necessarily excited since there's no ultrasound and instead a pap. At my 12 week ultrasound there was a very strong indication that it's another boy for us! That could always change at the more clear 20-week scan, but I doubt it! We're excited and surprised to have only boys.
Is anyone else still super tired? I came here to check in because I started getting so tired at work and was struggling. I remember having more energy by now last time. My two year old keeps waking up super early, so I can't tell if it's just that!
nectarine / 2465 posts
@mdf106: Iām 16 weeks and also clearly popped that strangers congratulate me. Iām nervous for whatās to come! Haha.
@Plainpistachio: I have more energy than I did in the first tri, but less energy than I had with my first daughter!
pomelo / 5257 posts
@mdf106: Iām sure the spotting is nerve wracking, but Iām glad the doctor isnāt worried! And Iām getting anxious to announce at workāI was planning to at my weekly 1:1 last Friday, but then my boss was out. So hopefully this Friday will work, because time is flying!
@Plainpistachio: I am SO TIRED. I donāt remember this at all from my first pregnancy. And Iām 16 weeks tomorrow, and so far no improvement
kiwi / 583 posts
I hit 16 weeks on Monday and have my appointment on Friday. I'm still pretty nervous about it since I can't feel baby yet. After that appointment we are going to announce to everyone.
We won't find out gender until my 20 week scan the day before Thanksgiving. I think it will be fun to be able to tell my family then when we see them.
I'm still pretty tired too. Better than the first trimester, but still not feeling normal by any means.
cherry / 215 posts
@Plainpistachio: we don't put our pregnancies on social media at all because we lost a baby late in pregnancy before we had dd and I get too worried about that. We tell everyone in person early though, because those are the people we would need if something happened anyways. But let's face it, there is just no right way to do it for everyone. It makes me wonder if we should send out announcements to family, or just send out texts, because my aunt kinda found out through the grapevine and I feel bad I didn't tell her myself.
@MrsKRB: I'm very clearly pregnant in regular clothes as well, but in my scrubs at work I can tell people are like "I can't tell if she is getting fat or pregnant so I'm just not going to say anything". The people I work with every day know, but there is some staff I don't see that often. For some reason I love those looks and find them highly entertaining. I am also not giving them any hints, just smiling
kiwi / 583 posts
How is everyone doing this week?
I had my 16 week appointment last week, which went well. I finally got all my test results back too, and everything came back as low risk, so we're pretty happy about that. I have yet to announce at work, but I think I'll try to do it before the end of the week. It just seems like such an awkward conversation.
Just waiting now until our 20 ultrasound in three weeks, when we can find out gender!
nectarine / 2465 posts
@Lahela017: we have our anatomy scan on Monday, I already know the gender but Iām so excited to see her little face! Besides telling my boss and a couple close coworkers, Iāve just been letting everyone find out for their self when they see my belly. Iām impressed youāre able to hold out this long! Lol
kiwi / 583 posts
@MrsKRB: I'm jealous you're having your scan so soon! We have to wait until 20 weeks, but I'm happy we are getting it in before Thanksgiving at least!
And it's been tricky not telling coworkers and my boss yet. I'm really running out of clothes to wear that don't make it super obvious, and it's been hard coming up with reasons for why I'm not going out for happy hour or trivia at the tap room after work. DH and I just weren't ready to share though. We wanted to get test results back, but now there is no excuse, so I'll have a chat with my boss tomorrow. I would today, but it's a coworker's last day and I don't want to overshadow that.
nectarine / 2465 posts
@Lahela017: I will be almost 19 weeks at my scan so Iām a little ahead of you
pomelo / 5257 posts
@Lahela017: Had my 16 week appointment last week, too! It went well, heart beat was 148. I did another blood test, this one related to spina bifida, and all was normal. I told my boss and the person I supervise in the past week. Not sure how to tell everyone else though. It is totally awkward. We have a department-wide meeting next week, and I'm nervous my boss is going to get me to announce it there or something, lol.
Or maybe I'll just be like @MrsKRB: and let people notice on their own. It's not super obvious yet unless I wear tight clothes, but I'm sure it will be soon.
nectarine / 2465 posts
@MrsSCB: itās awkard, how do you even bring it up in conversation? Hi how are you? By the way Iām pregnant, haha.
clementine / 828 posts
@Lahela017: I am amazed you hid it until 16 weeks, but I show early. I feel so much more comfortable now that I can wear maternity clothes and I don't have to hide it.
I am due at the end of the month (14 weeks now) so I won't have my anatomy scan until mid-December. I don't know the sex yet, but I am most excited to hopefully find out that everything is going well.
@MrsSCB: I just told select people who need to know, bosses and my assistant. I did say that it wasn't secret, hoping that word would spread. I have never made a big announcement to my whole office, just told people as needed for work coverage, or if it came up in conversation. Today we had a department meeting, and I was nervous someone would mention it, but they didn't. Eventually everyone will figure it out.
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