cherry / 215 posts
@mrs. eagle: I have felt congested this entire pregnancy, and last! I use Flonase nasal spray here and there, probably if I used it regularly it would actually help
My glucose tolerance test is today... If I am borderline like I was last time I'm going to ask if I can just check my sugars at home. I had to do the 3 hour last time, which sucked, plus my ob wanted me to keep checking sugars even though I passed that one. Anyone else have theirs?
kiwi / 583 posts
@rockinghorse: I have mine on Monday. Hopefully it goes well....
This is all starting to feel more real. Only 3 months to go! We signed up for some classes last weekend, and just finished our registry! Fun stuff.
clementine / 828 posts
@rockinghorse: I had mine yesterday, I should get results sometime this week. I am curious about my iron, because I have been exhausted. Work has been stressful, which has not helped with the exhaustion, and I have had a lot of colds, which I am sure also contributed. At least cold and flu season should be over by the time the baby comes.
cherry / 215 posts
@mdf106: I'm also curious about my blood counts. I was low initially, hopefully the iron I have been taking has helped!
Winter is starting to get to me here in Wisconsin... I need some sunshine!!! I had some interesting post partum anxiety and depression last time, and I'm feeling down lately. I'm sure I'm having some seasonal affective disorder or something, but I'm worried because I'm already feeling down, how will I feel after the baby comes?
kiwi / 583 posts
@rockinghorse: I have the same worries! It's been a tough couple months for me. I'm in Minnesota, and with all the ice on our roads/sidewalks I haven't been able to go on our normal daily walk or anything since I keep falling on the snow and ice. It's really rough. It doesn't help that I drive to work in the dark, and it's also dark by the time I get home either.
clementine / 828 posts
@rockinghorse: Everyone's experiences are different, but I felt really down during my first pregnancy, but I felt fine postpartum.
I have also been having a hard time, even though the weather is not too bad here. Besides feeling tired and stressed, and trying to save my pto for my maternity leave, my dog died unexpectedly.
nectarine / 2465 posts
@rockinghorse: I had mine last week and passed, I was worried because last time I was pretty close. With my first pregnancy I was taking iron and my counts were still low at this point in pregnancy. This time I’m not taking iron and my levels are fine, go figure.
Super congested this pregnancy, and my tailbone hurts SO BAD. I hope this means she’s low and will come early!
cherry / 215 posts
@MrsKRB: Oh do I feel your tailbone pain! And pubic bone pain! Today my OB said that sometimes people call it "lightning crotch", which is just lovely
@Lahela017: @mdf106: I actually ended up talking to my OB about my previous post partum experience. She was very open to getting me started on an SSRI right away in the hospital, and she said it is safe for breastfeeding. I also talked to her about part of my anxiety last time which was fear of getting a cold sore every time I was getting a zit or something, because I was so scared of giving it to the baby and killing her. She also said we can start on a prophylactic for cold sores right away in the hospital. I'm feeling a lot better after talking to her.
cherry / 215 posts
And I failed.... Off to schedule the 3 hour.... Anyone ever have GD? I should probably try to watch my diet until then and I was looking at some apps to track everything. Wondering if anyone has a suggestion. Thanks!
cherry / 116 posts
@rockinghorse: Yes I had GD with my first. It was tough but ultimately it was only 12 weeks of dieting, going for daily walks, and pricking myself an hour after meals. In hindsight it was a small price for a sweet baby. Plus, going back to carbs after the birth was the best celebration ever! That said, I'm still dreading the thought of having it again! haha.
I also have tailbone pain and omg the pelvic pain when getting out of bed or putting pants on or standing/sitting. Holy smokes. I didn't have this for the first pregnancy. Also I don't have carpal tunnel yet which I had bad last time. We'll see.
@MDF106 so sorry about your dog! I'm also stressing about PTO. I used a bunch of sick leave last week when my toddler had a 5-day fever! I was like welp, so much for that!
I had a glucose test at 15 weeks and passed. I'm supposed to go this week at 27 and I've been putting it off. My diet has been pretty bad. I'm up 30 pounds. All I want is cereal and carbs. Plus I eat turkey sandwiches all the time. My biggest craving has been these worst-for-diabetes pastries at a french place called a Kouign-amann. It's just a more sugary and buttery croissant. But I'm going to go tomorrow. And I'm guessing I won't pass...
I have congestion/cold right now and I'm also low on energy. I don't like being pregnant in the winter! I'm so tired and it's hard to get outside when it's raining (I live in rainy WA). Bleh.
nectarine / 2465 posts
@rockinghorse: just saw this, sorry! I highly recommend the book ‘real food for gestational diabetes.’ Try increasing the fat in your diet while decreasing some carbs: like eggs and avocado for breakfast, meat and veggies for lunch and dinner with smaller portions of rice or potatoes. I like myfitnesspal to track food, it’s super easy and has a large database of foods/recipes.
coffee bean / 38 posts
@rockinghorse - how did your three hour test go? I took mine last week and I failed. It's the first time that I've failed the glucose test and I meet with a dietician this Thursday to go over a few things. I'm so nervous about pricking my fingers - I've read a few things about gestational diabetes after being diagnosed. My numbers were in the normal range for fasting, two and three hours after. The first hour my numbers were 7 over the normal.
@mrskrb - I am so over being so stuffy! I've been taking flonase for weeks and it has help somewhat. I had tailbone and pelvic pain and was referred to a chiropractor. It helped a lot. This is the first week that I've had less pain doing everyday things.
Have any of you bees started getting things ready for your sweet babies? This baby was unplanned and a complete surprise so I feel like I'm still in a daze. I did start a Target registry last week so I'd have an idea of what we need to purchase in the next few weeks. I'm also planning on telling my workplace about my pregnancy soon. Can you tell it still has not set in?
coffee bean / 38 posts
@plainpistachio - What monitor and lancets did you use? I'm feeling overwhelmed at the variety of options. Plus I'm not looking forward to pricking my fingers everyday. Did you get used to the finger pricks after a while?
kiwi / 583 posts
@mrs. eagle: You haven't told your work yet? I'm very impressed you've been able to hide it so far!!
I'm feeling very unprepared at this point. This is our first, and I don't think it's really "hit" us yet. We haven't bought anything yet. We have classes starting in a couple weeks and my shower next month. I think it will really start to sink in then.
clementine / 828 posts
@mrs. eagle: I have done very little, but I think with this being my third I am not too worried. The only big thing we have to buy is an infant carseat, because ours expired. We do need to get stuff down from the attic and get it washed, and set up the crib (in our room). I have told work (at this point every random stranger knows that I am pregnant...) but I need to call up the leave of absence company to get my leave finalized.
I am not feeling great, and have been having trouble sleeping at night. I have had stomach issues of all varieties, some trouble breathing lying down, and discomfort standing and walking, especially walking fast (I am normally a fast walker). My second trimester has been much worse this time.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@Lahela017: I bet you'll get a lot of stuff at your shower! Honestly, especially in the early days, you don't need much. For the first few months of my son's life, we didn't even have a second bedroom for him. And then he kept sleeping in our room until he was about six months old, even after we moved. I don't think we even bought a crib until just before six months! We haven't done much for this one either. We have a bedroom, but it has a bunch of stuff in it that we need to clear out. We'd been using it to store stuff for awhile...and my son is still in the crib, so trying to decide whether to just buy a new one. I'm not inclined to move him if we don't HAVE to. I like him contained, haha.
I saw some concerns about iron, and I did find out after my GD test that while I don't have GD, I do have anemia. I feel kind of bad that I didn't explore that possibility earlier. Reading the symptoms now, I have a lot of them, but I had just been chalking it up to pregnancy with a toddler. My doctor has me starting daily Vitron-C vitamins in addition to the prenatals I've been taking.
I also have an ultrasound in just under two weeks, because my doctor thinks I'm not gaining enough weight. I was kind of freaked out about that first, but I've calmed down to thinking it's just being super extra cautious. It's a reason to have another ultrasound covered, so it'll be nice to take another look and hopefully see that things are OK.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@mdf106: Do you take unisom at all? I've found that taking half a tablet at night really helps me get back to sleep. Nothing helps me actually sleep through the night, ha. This time around definitely seems harder, I feel you there. My reflux is back with a vengeance, so I've started taking Zantac in the evening, which helps a lot.
kiwi / 583 posts
I hear you all on the not sleeping. I've been getting up every hour for the past couple weeks. It's horrible. I'm really struggling to work. I think I would at least feel better if there were a reason, like having to go to the bathroom, but I don't. I just don't understand. I tried unisom and benadryl but neither seemed to do anything for me. Hopefully this is a phase that will soon pass so I can get at least a couple hours of sleep.
clementine / 828 posts
@MrsSCB: I take unisom, which I think helps some. Usually I am having a physical issue that makes it hard for me to fall back asleep. My job requires a lot of concentration, so it has been rough.
cherry / 215 posts
@mrs. eagle: Awww, we are GD buddies I guess! I was a total freak the first couple of days, but testing my sugars and figuring out what works and what doesn't has helped. (I cannot eat Kraft Macaroni and Cheese surprise, surprise) I have the Freestyle system that I am using 4 times daily, I sometimes have to sit there for a minute to convince myself to deploy the lancet, but it has been ok. There is also some new Freestyle system where you have a sensor on your arm for 2 weeks and you just wave the meter in front of it. I was thinking about seeing if I could have that covered by insurance since I am testing so frequently.
We have a ton of work to do to get ready still. I want the room painted, but I am hoping to wait for a bit of a mild day (ha ha, I live in Wisconsin) so we can air it out a bit. Might not get that wish. I also have some prints of my Grandfather's that I want to have re-framed for the room. Plus we have a ton of purging to do, as well as going through DD's old clothes to see what we have that is gender neutral. Plus I am studying for my Nurse Practitioner boards. So ya, it will be a little before stuff actually gets done. I also started a registry on Amazon and Target for discounts and to keep track of what we need.
@mdf106: I have also been feeling pretty crappy.... short of breath, walking slow because I always seem to have a pain somewhere or another, waking up every hour to HEAVE my body over to lay on the other side. And then sometimes, at least a few times per week, I just can't fall back asleep, so I will be up for 1-3 hours in the middle of the night... I feel kinda bad sometimes because some pregnant women are just so active and running and exercising and doing high intensity workouts, and I just slowly meander around. Oh well, everyone is different and built different. I am short with a short torso, and everyone thinks I am due in the next week because of how big my bump is, so whatever.
@MrsSCB: I had some pretty good anemia with the initial pregnancy lab work, and then with the initial GD screen I still had it, but it was way better. I was taking my iron 1-2 times per day, so apparently that helped. I have been really bad lately though, probably not helping my shortness of breath
clementine / 828 posts
@MrsSCB: I had no trouble moving my kids out of their cribs, but I lock them in their room, so they don't get free reign. Well, I don't lock my 5 year old in anymore. My first I moved out at 28 months so I could have the crib available for my first.
@rockinghorse: I also have a short torso, and my bump is enormous. We are planning on setting up the crib in our room for at least six months, so we have not started setting up a nursery. My husband and I are not totally in agreement on the bedroom arrangement. Either way, I tend to minimal decorate the bedrooms (the kids and ours) and focus my decorating on the common areas where we spend more time awake.
My OB's office called and said that my iron level was fine, but my online results listed it as slightly low (32.0, where 32.3-35.6 is the normal range).
I actually had too reasonably good nights sleep in a row, so maybe things are improving.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@rockinghorse: I'm glad the anemia improved! I do feel like the extra iron might be helping my exhaustion a bit. Or maybe it's just a placebo effect, but whatever, it feels real
@mdf106: It's reassuring to hear that the transition out of the crib wasn't too bad! I'm honestly scared, haha. But we'll all adjust eventually I know.
I'm feeling really annoyed right now, because I was just looking more closely at the 2019 insurance plan. And apparently, due to a deductible that's twice as high and more coinsurance, it will now cost an estimated $1300 more, minimum, to have this baby in April than it would have in December. COOL. The American health care system is so great
kiwi / 583 posts
@MrsSCB: woah! that's super annoying. Our insurance resets at the end of April, so we will still be within our same insurance year which is really nice. I'm interested to see how much it goes up though when we have to switch to the family plan...
pomelo / 5257 posts
@Lahela017: That's good timing! I hope it doesn't go up too much. My son is on my husband's work plan, because mine isn't terrible for one person, but if you add someone it gets way more expensive.
cherry / 116 posts
@mrs. eagle: Sorry, just now seeing this. I used the VerioIQ one touch. It's whatever they gave me on my insurance. It seemed to work fine. I did get used to the finger pricks in no time, but some pricks would sting more than others depending at where I pricked. I preferred the spots on the side of my fingers, just outside of my fingernails between the nail and the fingerprint. In particular, the middle finger hurt the least, but after 4 pricks per day, I'd get tiny little scab spots and have to move on to other fingers. How's it been going for you? Also... How have you been able to not tell work yet?! I've got a melon on my stomach that would be a little insane to hide at this point, haha.
Good news! My 2-hour test was negative! What's more: My 2 hour glucose was LOWER than my fasting level! It was actually flagged "low"! I stopped at a coffee shop to get food 15 mins after my 2-hour test and I started getting low blood sugar shakes and I was ravenous! I thought, huh, what's my 2 hour reading going to be if I'm feeling low blood sugary right now?? Sure enough... low! I almost don't know how to handle it. I was completely convinced that I'd get it again. Also I'm worried my weight will keep skyrocketing since I'm up 35 pounds already (just like last time, though the diabetes diet slowed the gain way down).
I got an ear infection last week and now I can barely hear out my left ear. I'm gonna join the flonase club and try to unplug this Eustachian tube. I've also had some struggles with sleep. Mostly just being wiiiide awake in the middle of the night for no reason. I also struggle to take full breaths, especially after eating. Plus the pelvic pain makes it hard for me to want to get out for walks or movement. I teach a workout class once a week though, so maybe that's helping me a little.
kiwi / 583 posts
@Plainpistachio: Wow! You're still teaching an exercise class! Way to go!!
I'm getting more and more uncomfortable, so I've been getting lazy about exercise. It doesn't help that it's super cold here, and our road is ice covered, so I don't feel very safe going for a walk. I'm trying to use the old treadmill we have in the basement, and a prenatal yoga dvd I bought, but I'm not using them as frequently as I should...
cherry / 116 posts
@Lahela017: Haha, well I did it up until 37 weeks last time, so I figure I have no reason to give it up yet this time. Plus I pushed the first kid out in 20 minutes, so clearly it was doing something for my pelvic floor and abs lol.
coffee bean / 38 posts
@LAHELA017 - Thankfully I work alone about 90% of the time so I haven't daily interaction with my co-workers. We told everyone last week though, so it's out in the open now. I've been told numerous times since then that I "don't look pregnant" and that I carry my babies high. I have a long torso and often wear flowy shirts so that has helped conceal this pregnancy very well.
@rockinghorse - How have you been with testing? I agree that mac and cheese is the worst. I tried Annie's mac and cheese and I had a higher number than when I ate pizza. Go figure. I'm still trying to get the hang out poking myself. My girls help by pressing the lancet and often want to take turns helping me test.
@mrsscb - I agree with you about American healthcare. Our insurance changed this year and our deductible is higher than in previous years, and our co-pays have increased as well.
pomelo / 5257 posts
It's really been hitting me how soon these babies will be here! I feel like we still have so much to do. The baby's room, which has basically been a storage area since we moved last August, has a bunch of stuff in it that will hopefully be moved out in the next couple of weeks. But then we have to paint one wall (an accent wall from the previous owners--plan is to just paint the same color as the other three). I need to sort through my son's clothes for the newborn/0-3 months stuff and wash it and new stuff, we'll need to move the changing table out of my son's room and get a new dresser set up for him, we have a hospital tour at the beginning of March and a sprinkle that my sister is throwing, I guess I need to think about packing a hospital bag....Whew, I'm tired just thinking about all of it! How about you all? Anyone else feel super unprepared?
ETA: the baby won't actually be IN her room for months after she's born, so I guess it's not THAT much of a rush. Also my son is still in the crib that we plan to use, haha. But we lived in a one-bedroom place when he was born, so I didn't even have a space to decorate. I was a little sad about that, so I'm hoping I'll be able to get hers all set up in the next month, just for fun!
nectarine / 2465 posts
@MrsSCB: is t it crazy how fast 2nd pregnancies are?? I remencervwith my first, I had everything done by this point! I hardly even think about this one I’m almost at weekly ob appointments which is freaking nuts!
kiwi / 583 posts
I have about 6 weeks to go! I feel pretty unprepared... I did freeze a couple meals last weekend, so that made me feel super accomplished at least. We still haven't bought much since we are waiting until after the baby shower. We have our first shower this weekend, but hardly anything is bought off our registry... I have a feeling we are going to end up with tons of clothes. If that's the case I might just buy off everything off our registry soon rather than waiting until the last shower because I need to get the room set up...
We had the hospital tour last weekend, and that reminded me I really need to pack a hospital bag and get the car seats installed in the next couple weeks. wow!!
clementine / 828 posts
@MrsSCB: We haven't done very much. We don't plan on setting up the nursery until closer to using it, when the baby is at least 6 months. We tend to be light on decorating the bedrooms (the kids' and our own) because we don't spend that much awake time in them, and focus on the common areas. When I had my first we were in a two bedroom, but the second bedroom was not a suitable nursery, so we did not set one up then. We are not even decided on whether to have my older two share a room. We do have some things we have to do, including buy a new infant carseat, set up the crib in our room, and get baby stuff from the attic.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@MrsKRB: Sooo much faster! My cousin just said this weekend that she felt like my pregnancy was going by quickly. My aunt (her mom) was like, "Well, it probably doesn't feel that way to her!" And I said, " does feel way faster than the first time," lol.
@Lahela017: yeah, I'm also thinking about waiting until after my sprinkle to buy anything. I actually told my sister to tell people not to bring gifts, but knowing my family they might anyway lol.
@mdf106: Ooh, good reminder--I bought a new infant seat when there was a good sale recently, but have not even taken it out of the box!
cherry / 215 posts
@Lahela017: I had to do exactly that the first time around. People love buying clothes! I'm impressed with the freezer meals! Do you have a website or anything you use for those recipes?
@MrsKRB: second pregnancies are so fast! And I don't care as much this time around either about having everything perfectly ready. I know things will change no matter what.
@mrs. eagle: testing has been ok. The hardest part for me is remembering to do it! Plus I know my sugars are ok if I eat like I should, so I give myself permission to skip at times. And I only check my fasting every couple of days because I've never had a high one yet.
@MrsSCB: we also have painting and last minute set up to accomplish, but like you said, baby won't be in there for a while so there is really no hurry. We did buy the paint though!
kiwi / 583 posts
@rockinghorse: Yes, so many clothes, and all pink.... I really want gender neutral stuff so we can re-use it for a 2nd baby at some point, but oh well. I actually got somewhat discouraged when I looked at the baby clothing section myself; it seems like everything is pink or is blue and says something like sweet boy or little girl on it even. So strange. As adults we don't all wear pink....
And I don't have any great freezer recipes. I'd love to see if others do. I frozen a lasagna and some muffins so far. My mom is coming to visit next weekend, so I'm hoping she'll help out with a couple more things, otherwise we'll probably just end up stocking up on pasta & pasta sauce, and some frozen trader joe's meals.... better than take-out at least?
How is everyone feeling at this point? I'm pretty well, but very tired. I had my 34 week appointment this morning and my blood pressure is slowly, but surely increasing at each visit. Not high enough to do anything yet, but they are going to keep an eye on it. That worries me....
cherry / 215 posts
@Lahela017: I felt the same way! I had a girl first time around, and now I'm having a boy. Just went through all my daughter's clothes today to grab the handful of gender neutral items I could find... I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that bought her anything gender neutral.
I'm at 33 weeks this week. I have been ok with blood pressure so far, I did have preeclampsia the first time around though. I'm getting a growth ultrasound next week though because I'm measuring big, along with the gestational diabetes. I feel like crap though, tired and short of breath.
I should really try to prepare a bit with meals.. maybe I'll start nesting and get some energy to do it!
clementine / 828 posts
@Lahela017: I am feeling okay. I had a cold that turned into a likely bacterial infection, which took me out of commission for several weeks. I have also had a lot of digestive issues and pelvic pain, besides general tiredness.
With my first pregnancy I had blood pressure issues, mostly mild but increasing a bit at the end. It fortunately never progressed to pre-eclampsia or high enough to need medication, but I did have a lot of monitoring towards the end, and my ob wanted to induce me before 40 weeks. This pregnancy I have not had any issues, but I will need a lot of monitoring at the end because of my age (39).
I tend to prefer more gender neutral clothes, without messages, but not too boring, which is hard to find. I will be having a third boy, so I can hand everything down. I do tend to like blue clothes, but I wear a lot of blue myself, and would have no problem dressing a baby girl in blue. I also tend to favor bright colors rather than pastels. I got a lot of hand me down baby clothes for my first, which I have mostly used, even though it is not entirely my taste.
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