kiwi / 583 posts
@mdf106: Yes! I really don't understand all the pink. Both of the two things I've bought myself are blue and came from the "boys" department. I think they are really cute! I just find it so odd that it's so gendered.
kiwi / 583 posts
How is everyone doing? I can't believe it's almost time!
I had a scare at my 36 week appointment today. Baby's heart rate was too high so they monitored it for 20 minutes at the clinic, but it still didn't go down and they sent me to the hospital for further monitoring. Luckily it did go down after about an hour and they sent me home. They think it was an anxiety issue on my end. Lovely.... Hopefully this doesn't happen every time I go in now, but I'm happy baby is ok!
cherry / 215 posts
@Lahela017: oh no! How scary! I also can't believe we are in the finish line! Still so much to get done!
Do you guys have any plans yet for c sections or inductions? I went in for a sizing ultrasound last Thursday (34 weeks) because of a history of a big baby and my gestational diabetes. Baby was estimated at 5lbs 11oz, with estimated 39 week weight of 8lbs 4oz. That sounds great to me! My daughter was 8lbs 3oz at 38.5 weeks (I was induced due to preeclampsia). I was worried this boy would be huge!
My ob has already said she would be fine with inducing at 39 weeks, hopefully I will just go into labor spontaneously though. I've been having so many contractions,I feel like my body is primed and ready to go!
pomelo / 5257 posts
@Lahela017: Wow, glad they were able to monitor you and that everything was OK!
@rockinghorse: we haven't discussed specifics, but one doctor in my practice suggested at a previous appointment the possibility of inducing at 40 weeks if she's not here yet. My son was born at 40 +1 and weighed 8.5 pounds, so I think he probably doesn't want this baby to get much larger than that. I'm undecided about it....though given how over it I am now, I'd definitely consider it. I'm just hoping she comes on her own by 40 weeks!
36 weeks today. Things are going well in general, but I feel a lot more uncomfortable than I remember feeling with my son at this point...I also keep having some painful contractions that keep me up at night but then mostly go away during the day. I don't really feel like they're going anywhere. Maybe prodromal labor? That's a thing, right? Haha, I have an appointment tomorrow so we'll see where things are at!
kiwi / 583 posts
No induction discussion on my end, but I suppose we'll see if I have any further issues in the next few weeks. I'm hoping baby comes on her own in a few weeks. I am getting more and more uncomfortable though, so wouldn't mind if she comes early as long as she's healthy.... We aren't totally ready yet, but I think we have all the essentials at least.
nectarine / 2465 posts
Just about 37 weeks. At my appointment yesterday, head is engaged but I’m not really dilated. I’m not surprised, it took over the recommended amount of pitocin to go into labor with my first so I feel like my body doesn’t know how to do this on it’s own I’ll probably be induced at 41 weeks.
clementine / 828 posts
I am at the end of the month, and only 33 weeks. My OB would schedule an induction any time after 39 weeks.
Right now I am thinking to schedule an induction on my due date unless I have a need for an earlier induction. Right now, my age is the only induction factor. I have a growth ultrasound next week, and I was induced for my second due to size. He was 8 lb 7 oz at 39+1, which was smaller than he had been measuring, but big enough. So far my fundal height has been measuring on track, and it was measuring big last time. My first was 7 lb 15 oz at 39+2, when I went into labor three days before a planned induction for high bp.
cherry / 215 posts
I'm so uncomfortable! I can't move, can't breathe. My acne came back with a vengeance. Chasing after a toddler after working all day is just too much! I feel like when I hit 37 weeks next Thursday I'm going to start doing the at home induction techniques, cause damn.
I'm also thinking about getting the hospital bag packed this week. I generally keep it simple- an outfit for me and the baby for going home, nursing bras and tanks to wear with the hospital pants and robe while there. Probably some snacks. And bathroom stuff. Maybe the boppy too.
nectarine / 2465 posts
@rockinghorse: same here! Although I learned last time that nothing I do will get the baby to come out early so just hoping she’s ready soon! I packed my bag too, with lots of Gatorade because I remember that’s all I wanted last time!
kiwi / 583 posts
@rockinghorse: Yes.... I hit 37 weeks yesterday. I was doing so well until this past week too. Now I feel like a giant blob that can't move. I'm trying to focus on the fact that I have less than two weeks left of work before my leave starts, but that still seems so far away!!
I am going to pack my hospital bag tonight. As a first time mom, its rather frustrating. All the lists I've looked at in books or online seem like I need to bring so much stuff...
pomelo / 5257 posts
@rockinghorse: I hear you! I'm 37 weeks tomorrow and physically I am SO done, but emotionally I'm not sure I'm ready...I think once I hit 38 I'll be good to go, though. I'm wrapping up a few final things at work this week. I've also washed and organized all of her clothes, and have put her room together as much as possible. My son is still in the crib, but she won't be in it for awhile anyway. I've packed my suitcase, too, just need to add snacks and then things that I'll have to throw in because I use them daily (toiletries, Kindle, etc.)
As a side note, my son is starting a new daycare April 1, and I am SO NERVOUS. I know he's going to hate it at first, and that makes me feel terrible. But he's currently in a small in-home that we love and will send our daughter to....except now that he's 2.5, he's the oldest one by far. We want him to get to interact with more kids his age. He's pretty shy, so I just hope he can adjust after a few weeks at least. I think it'll be good in the long run, but of course I also keep second guessing
nectarine / 2465 posts
@Lahela017: you won’t need as much as you think! The hospital provides a lot!
pomelo / 5257 posts
@MrsKRB: @Lahela017: agreed, a lot of the lists have sooo much stuff but I didn’t need much. Here’s what I’ll have in my bag: clothes for me, coming home outfit for baby, a couple swaddle blankets (halo), phone charger, kindle, lanolin nipple ointment, toiletries, snacks (for after baby arrives). I think that’s pretty much it. They will have pads, the giant undies, and all of those care items for you, as well as things like diapers, wipes, blankets for the baby. Some people like to bring the boppy, I’ll prob just use hospital pillows until we get home.
clementine / 828 posts
@rockinghorse: I am feeling not great, and I am only 34 weeks. I have felt some irregular contractions, which makes me nervous, I really don't want to go into labor before 37 weeks.
@Lahela017: You don't need too much stuff. Stuff I found useful was a going home outfit for the baby, a going home outfit for me, toiletries for me, tablet, charger, phone, lanolin. Things I found useful for my second, but did not have for my first, were my brest friend pillow, slippers, and more clothes for me to wear at the hospital. I did bring a bunch of clothes for myself because I did not know what would fit, and wanted something not clearly maternity, I felt more human de-emphasizing my still very large belly. I felt pretty good after my second delivery and felt better in real (lounge) clothes, especially when my older son visited. I think I packed a swaddle sacks the second time (I can't swaddle with a regular blanket), but the hospital actually gave me one in the welcome pack. My hospital had snacks readily available, and you could order snack items with your meal, so I did not need snacks. I plan to pack a bag at around 37 weeks, but a lot of it will include things that I will need.
nectarine / 2465 posts
@mdf106: I can't swaddle in a blanket in either!
The 2 things I'm bringing this time that I didn't last time is a swaddler (so I don't have to keep asking the nurse to do it for me!) and a bathing suit top, because my nipples hurt SO bad when I wanted to take a shower.
kiwi / 583 posts
Thanks for all the tips ladies!! It's good to hear I don't need as much as the internet was making me feel like I had to pack, and to hear from some real people! I'll have to get my bag packed tonight.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@mdf106: @MrsKRB: Lol, yessss, this is exactly why I'm bringing a couple swaddle blankets. When we got home from the hospital and started using those, it was SO much easier!
cherry / 215 posts
Well my ob checked me today at my 36 week appointment... No dilation, 50% effaced. Also got swabbed for group b strep- fingers crossed for negative!
kiwi / 583 posts
@rockinghorse: I had my test for group b strep at my appointment last week, but haven't heard anything yet... I guess I'll just wait until my next appointment and ask. According to google though, it should have only taken 24-48 hours to get results....
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Lahela017: my doctor's office doesn't contact you if your group b negative, only if you're positive.
pomelo / 5257 posts
After my 37 week appointment yesterday, I'm feeling pretty strongly about scheduling an induction for right at 40 weeks. I have no interest in going overdue, and I'm at least starting to dilate and whatnot (2.5 cm yesterday, from 1.5 the week before). Also, it would be so nice to be able to plan for when we need family to come care for our son! They live close by, but I'd rather be able to warn them in advance than have to call suddenly.
clementine / 828 posts
@MrsSCB: This baby is measuring quite large (6 lb 7 oz at 34+3, bigger than my sister's full term baby!). Between that an my previous 8.5 pound baby, I will probably be induced at the latest at 40 weeks, quite possible in week 39. I was induced for my second, and it went really smoothly, much easier than my first delivery, and it was nice not to worry about childcare.
nectarine / 2465 posts
@MrsSCB: you’re so lucky! 38 weeks here and barely 1cm. You probably won’t even need to be induced!
cherry / 116 posts
Blah the struggle is real. Even when I feel like I got good sleep, I still walk around like a swollen tired zombie around work. It's kind of a running joke about how checked out I am, lol. I officially can't wear my wedding ring anymore. Family and friends keep inviting us to things which I appreciate, but I'm like sorry, if it involves wearing pants and sitting in a car for more than 5 minutes to get there, I'm OUT. My husband is super busy at work and my toddler just got over what I think was his 3rd cough virus in a row and he needs speech therapy for a mild delay. I'm not packed for the hospital, I can't find the infant car seat, and I'm nagging on my husband to do all these things. I'm like, I'm almost 37 weeks, this is happening, let's do this! OH and I need to find a minute to do my taxes! Ugh! I had a complete metabolic panel blood test which showed raised blood sugars, which is scary because I had diabetes last pregnancy and passed it this pregnancy, so if I've been walking around undiagnosed, I have not been eating well! Poor baby! So I need to start daily pricks again and that means going and refilling test strip Rx, which is a whole thing. I honestly could go on and on here lol. There's these trees that will cost $12k to remove from our yard and my son's daycare is closing this summer and I haven't found a replacement. Ok I'm going to stop there for my sanity. That was kind of theraputic, haha. In positive news, Amy Schumer's special on netflix is a lot about being pregnant, so everyone should enjoy that. My husband and my son are great to be around and I love spending time with them. If I can get some stuff done this weekend, maybe I'll feel better. I love reading how everyone else is doing. Hoping the next few weeks zoom by for everyone!
pomelo / 5257 posts
@mdf106: I'm glad to hear you had a smooth induction! With my son being 8.5 lbs. at 40 +1, I'm not really inclined to go overdue, lol. And the planner in me likes the scheduling aspect for sure.
@MrsKRB: I hope she comes on her own! If she's like my first, I'll get something on the calendar and then she'll come the next day haha.
@Plainpistachio: I hear you, I also feel like a zombie at work. And I'm so tired of the stupid commute also haven't done our taxes...I'm scared to, because I've heard some horror stories of owing way more than usual. Prob better to get it over with I guess... And planning to watch the Amy Schumer special on Saturday! I've heard it's great. My husband is going to a basketball game, so after bed time I'm looking forward to watching that with some takeout. Ahhhh, living my best life
cherry / 215 posts
Aaaaaannnnddd.... I have been admitted. Hopefully just overnight. Long story short (ish) I had a long day at work, and just assumed that I felt crappy because I was running my butt off (I'm a nurse, so kinda the usual). I finally sat down towards the end of my shift, and did a bit of a self assessment. Mild headache and just blah. Had another nurse check my BP a couple times, all over 140/90-100. Went to L and D, pressures got better, lab work all good except for the urinalysis showed protein. So I bought myself an overnight stay and a steroid shot in my ass. I'm 36+1, so hopefully they will let me go home in the morning and not decide to induce. Although, I know this is bad and I shouldn't even think it, but I wouldn't mind having a smaller baby AS LONG AS HE IS HEALTHY OF COURSE!!!! If they do let me go home I will have to come back for another ass shot either tomorrow night or the following morning. I'll keep you guys posted.
Side note, I am pretty sure I am in the same L and D room I had my daughter in, and I feel a little bit like I have PTSD being in here. Feeling super anxious about this whole thing. Can't they just take the baby out with magic so I don't have to do the whole labor thing?
nectarine / 2465 posts
@rockinghorse: hope you’re doing ok!! its so much weirder the second time around becaus you know what to expect!
cherry / 215 posts
@MrsKRB: so weird! I felt a ton more relaxed by morning, so hopefully that will continue.
My pressures were borderline all night, but the headache went away. They let me go home as long as I swore to follow up tomorrow morning for the second shot and to get reassessed, along with strict instructions to come back if I have any symptoms start up again. They said I now officially have preeclampsia and will probably get induced right at 37 which is Thursday. They also don't want me to go back to work, but I don't want to waste leave before I have the baby. I'll figure out more tomorrow after my appointment I guess.
I'm supposed to take it easy, but I have so much to do!
nectarine / 2465 posts
@rockinghorse: wow!! Nothing like thinking you have three weeks to now less then a week! Crazy! Good luck!!
AFM, pretty sure I lost my mucus plug (or part of it) this morning and I’ve been feeling off all day. I never had any signs of labor with my first who was induced at 41w, so I’m trying not to get my hopes up!
kiwi / 583 posts
@rockinghorse: wow! I hope you are doing ok, thinking of you!
I’m 38 weeks now, and ready to get this show on the road. I’m trying to focus on the fact that it’s my last week of work, and planning a couple fun things for myself to do the following week if baby isn’t here yet: haircut, sit at a coffee shop with a book, etc.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@rockinghorse: oh wow, sounds like baby will be here so soon! Hope you’re feeling ok
I’ve been having the worst (what I assume is) prodromal labor. It’s mostly overnight, so I’m just exhausted all the time. Last night I had a period of time with contractions close to five min apart, but I drank some water and changed how I was lying down and they died down. I feel like I’ll have no idea when it’s the real deal now...
cherry / 215 posts
@Lahela017: that sounds perfect! That way you can't be too disappointed if the baby doesn't come right away!
@MrsSCB: ugh, pregnant is not for wimps. These contractions now are no joke.
clementine / 828 posts
@rockinghorse: I hope you are doing okay.
@MrsSCB: That sounds awful. Even though this is my third, I have no confidence in detecting whether I am in labor. My non-productive contractions feel the same as my productive contractions, although I suppose the productive ones don't stop. With my second pregnancy, I had contractions close to every five minutes (also overnight) but the stopped, and I ended up being induced five days later.
clementine / 828 posts
@rockinghorse: I hope everything is going smoothly if you are being induced today.
kiwi / 583 posts
@rockinghorse: Thinking of you!!
My ob said I could have my membranes sweeped Monday at my 39 week appointment. Have any of you ladies had that done before, and is it worth it at 39 weeks? I thought it would be something they would offer at my 40 week appointment.
nectarine / 2465 posts
@Lahela017: I had it done at 39 and 40 weeks for my first pregnancy and it didn’t do anything. My sister had it done at 40 weeks and her water broke a day or two later. Honestly I think if your body is ready it will work but if it’s not showing any labor signs it won’t do anything.
I had my 39 week appointment today and no changes I was so sure my body was doing something, but I’m also convinced it doesn’t know how to go into labor by itself.
cherry / 215 posts
Hi guys! Getting induced... 2 cm dilated, favorable, so starting pitocin right away. I'll keep you posted!
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