cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@katsupgirl: @ShootingStar: my husband had to work this morning and I'm trying really hard to maintain our weekly rhythm for my daughter who has been through a lot of transitions lately. I was rewarded by the baby taking a solo 2+ hour nap during big sisters quiet time!!!! (Of course I ran around cleaning like a mad woman instead o relaxing.... But I kind of feel like superwoman now so it was worth it )
pomelo / 5257 posts
We had photos taken today and F was sooooo fussy and basically cried the whole time. I'm hoping we got a few ok shots at least. I felt pretty flustered and a little embarrassed that I wasn't better at calming him. I guess a newborn photographer is used to it...I hope. She actually isn't charging us the remaining balance for the photos, which is nice because it wasn't her fault he was not having it! But that's how rough it was
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@agold: i think so, although he still needs to be burped way more than my daughter ever did, and he's not giving us any long stretches at night (during the day he'd probably sleep in it all day if i let him though!) we did have a successful nap today in the bassinet though! My plan for now is to reverse course and have him nap in the bassinet during the day more so he gets used to it, since he's so sleepy during the day anyway
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Pirouette: napping in the bassinet is a great idea!!!
@MrsSCB: do not beat yourself up over your baby being fussy during the pictures. I had a friend (good but sort of new photographer) come to my to take newborn photos. Baby girl did great for two poses, but then was a mess for the remainder, which caused my own first-time-mom anxiety to flare up. I was a total mess!! The whole thing stressed me out big time. So I then decided to book a session with a true baby photographer professional. Just a few days later, the pro photographer took baby from me when we walked into the studio and I didn't hear a peep from Emma for the two hours we were there. And the pro photog did several different poses and outfit changes with her. So I really think it's the photographers job to keep the babies calm and some are just better about it than others. No way is it our fault as the mom.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@MrsSCB: Baby girl was super fussy through most of her photoshoot. I can't believe how long the photographer was at our house to keep trying to get the shots we all wanted. The photographer is used to it. Don't give it another thought. I hope you got a couple good shots.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@agold: @pregnantbee: thanks, I'm glad it wasn't just us -- I still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing a lot of the time!
nectarine / 2591 posts
@MrsSCB: It only take a split second to get a good photo. LO was a star during his but the 3 year old was not having it during sibling shots and we ended up with some beautiful photos. And this is #2 and I really don't know what I am doing, he is so different to #1 and none of my tricks work so don't feel bad.
@OldpuebloJenn: Such small odds!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
Newborn sleep ugh. We are back to less than 2 hour stretches. WTF.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@T.H.O.U.: I'm sorry. It's so tough, especially when you have to be on with kiddos during the day. With my first I'd just stay in bed until noon and it never felt that bad.
I feel kind of drunk and keep spilling things.
This is a random analogy that might not mean anything to you unless your brain works like mine but sometimes when I'm waiting for a phone call I just have to keep reminding myself "it could be any minute" or else I freak out wondering when. Every night I hopefully thin "maybe tonight I won't wake up for three hours
kiwi / 595 posts
Two big milestones here- DH went back to work yesterday. Boo. DD1 isn't in school on Mondays so it was girls day- we did really well! But both DH and I were fried at the end of the day- me home with two kiddos and him being back at work after 3 weeks off!
Second- DD2 slept in her bassinet all night (woke to eat 3x)! I've been holding her most nights so to be able to set her in her bassinet for the whole night was like a dream!
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@T.H.O.U.: feeling your pain so so tired over here!
@Silva: this is the hardest part - with my first, I could sleep in for her morning nap! this time, i have to get up with my first, and she's ready to go go go.
@OldpuebloJenn: yayayay for the bassinet success!!! i was so spoiled with my first in that DH worked from home my entire mat leave. this time he barely took any time off and it suuuuucks and yes, he's so so tired, because he's not sleeping either. I actually worry about him driving to and from work right now!
as for me, baby had a checkup today, he's growing really well. she is having me give gas drops with a little warm water from a bottle before bed to see if it helps him settle with the nighttime gas.
BTW, has anyone who is BFing introduced a bottle yet? I'm SO nervous about it, since my first really never took one, and I will be going back to work whether he takes it or not I am targeting 4 weeks for the first bottle.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@Pirouette: we've given bottles three times, the first at three weeks exactly. He had no issues taking it, but I think it made his gas worse. We are struggling with nighttime gas in general also. And he still wanted to nurse for a bit after, so he does prefer direct from the tap, haha. We used the Dr. Brown's bottles.
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@MrsSCB: yea, I'm a little worried it will make his gas worse (if that's possible at this point!) but i figure if we give it during the daytime at first, it will be less disruptive. The bottle was such a source of stress with my first, I'm totally dreading this process. I have 5 different bottles to try (4 of which my first never took and one she took briefly), so we'll see how it goes.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@T.H.O.U.: I swear my baby was putting me through sleep deprivation torture with constant feeding wake ups last night!
@Pirouette: I will be introducing a bottle soon. I'm aiming for 4 weeks but am so nervous about pumping!! Please tell me if you have a game plan!!!!!!!!
pomelo / 5257 posts
@Pirouette: good luck, I hope it proves easier this time around! How have the gas drops been working? What kind were recommended? F has been impossible to get back to sleep in the middle of the night due to gas so I'm wondering what might help
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@agold: i can tell you what worked with my first! She used to take a pretty long morning nap, so after her first morning feed, i'd pump both sides (she took one side per feeding). I did this probably every day from around 3 weeks on, so i had a nice stash built up by the time i went back to work. And then i pumped if she ever got a bottle. Then when i returned to work, i briefly pumped 4x a day, then 3, then around 6 months i reduced to 2. Dont stress about how much you make early on - it will increase over time. And if you have any issues with your supply, continue to pump a few extra minutes after milk stops coming out. And drink lots of water!
@MrsSCB: we are starting tonight so I'll let you know how it goes! We are using mylicon dissolved in an ounce of warm water
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@OldpuebloJenn: Winning all around!
@Pirouette: Glad baby is growing well I hope the ped's advice helps with the nighttime gas. We introduced at bottle at 3w because I'll need her to take one when I go back to work. We give one every couple days...which reminds me that we should prob try one today since it's been awhile.
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@pregnantbee: thanks! When do you go back? I'm going back at 10 weeks so figured 6 weeks would be enough practice, but who knows. I guess i could do 3 weeks instead, but id love for him to show some improvement with gas first (he's 3 weeks on Thursday)
coconut / 8472 posts
We tried formula a couple times, once before my milk came in and once when the cluster feeding was just killing me. It was a disaster both times. No matter how slowly DH went or how much burping he did, she spit up massive amounts for hours.
L is 4 weeks today so I probably need to start pumping and feeding bottles. With DS we were supplementing a little at the beginning so he regularly got bottles. And I never built up a stash because I had thrush for weeks.
I'm not sure when to pump or do bottles though. L is a constant eater/comfort nurser. If we just sit at home she cat naps and wants to eat constantly. We go out every day so we can get her to sleep in the car seat or the carrier. So if I'm home I don't get much of a break where it makes sense to pump. And I'd like to do a bottle at night, but again it's hours of feeding her and then she goes down like a champ. We get a 4-5 hour stretch at the beginning (then after that it goes to hell) and I don't want to mess with it.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@Pirouette: I'd def consider starting at closer to 3 than 4 just in case. I'm not returning until Jan, but I don't want to take any chances. Also on the off chance we may ever get a babysitter, it would be nice to be able to be out longer than 2 hrs
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@ShootingStar: that's how my first was and it made it hard to pump... Coupled with it being your second kid (so more going on generally) i imagine it's nearly impossible! Can you pump when she first goes down for that long stretch?
@pregnantbee: well we just gave him the gas drops in a bottle with water, and he did take a bit! He was like what am i drinking?! But hopefully a good sign bottle wise! Also, so jealous you are off till jan! And yea, i'm targeting our 5 year anniversary in October for a date night
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@Pirouette: That sounds promising re bottle! Starting about now, the rest of my leave is unpaid FMLA and then I'll be asking for a little more unpaid time so I don't have to return in December.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Pirouette: thank you so very much for sharing your plan!!!!! So you started pumping at three weeks.... When did you introduce one bottle a day? And how many ounces did you put into the bottle. Thank you so much!! And just today I am starting to worry about supply. I feel like my baby is sucking me dry!
@pregnantbee: when did you start pumping and how frequently? And how many ounces do you put into the bottle?
@Pirouette: we have been giving my girl little remedies gas drops from the dropper and it seems to help!!
cherry / 215 posts
@Pirouette: Good luck with the bottle! By any chance, is this one of the five you have?
My first baby was bottle resistant and LOVED these and this baby does too, but the milk has to be extra warm. ...
@agold: Pumping can be so intimidating! Once you start, though, you'll get into a rythym and it will just be a part of your day. I've done the same routine both times and it's worked really well--right around 5 weeks, I start pumping every morning instead of the first feed of the day (like whatever feed happens between 6a-7:30a) and have my husband feed her a bottle then. That is when I have the most milk, so I'm able to make enough for a bottle for the next day plus at least a bit extra to freeze. For the first time you do that, you'll obviously have to already have some milk ready, so maybe the day before, try to pump after the first feed of the day and see how much you can get. Right now (she is 2 months), we give a 4 oz bottle and she usually drinks almost all of it.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@Pirouette: that's almost my same exact "plan"! I've got about 20 oz frozen so far just from pumping 2 oz at a time mornings here and there.
We did a bottle with an ounce or two while we were driving on our trip. She took it well but she definitely gulped a lot so I don't think it's a great idea for the gas right now.
The gas drops definitely make it easier for her to pass gas! but she still has the spit up issues. I think the actual gas drops are all the same active ingredient. I've been dropping right into her mouth.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@agold: also FYI you can totally start to just pump and get the hang of that first before starting with the bottle.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@agold: I started pumping around 3 weeks and maybe pump every couple days. I want to try more of a schedule to build up my stash. It's better to start small, so we tried an ounce first. You can always add more but it's ruined if you over fill and baby doesn't drink it all.
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@pregnantbee: yea my leave is all unpaid so i can't afford too much time off
@agold: we didn't do a bottle every day until i was back at work, which I think was a mistake. I think this time we'll do it around 6 weeks or so to make sure he's on the bottle before i go back. One thing I'd definitely recommend is to store milk in very small amounts to start. We wasted a ton of milk defrosting like 3 oz at a time and my stubborn girl wouldn't drink it, and once defrosted, you have to use it asap or toss it. Your girl may only take like .5 to an ounce when she's getting used to the bottle at first! Also, don't worry, the cluster feeding builds your supply! I'm sure you're gonna be just fine
@mossyslane: yes! That one was our runner up haha. As in she took that one a few times before refusing it. She didn't take the others at all (medela, born free, tomee tippee) but our winner was the mOmma bottle, which she took for a few weeks before refusing it. So that was the one we started with for the gas drops and he took it tonight. Well see how he does with milk though.
@T.H.O.U.: i honestly don't know why the ped said to give it through a bottle... Wouldn't the dropper be much easier? I'm glad to hear they have been helping you! And yes, i think they are all the same... I bought the cvs brand.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@T.H.O.U.: 20 oz already? Nice! I have to be more systematic to build my stash.
pear / 1718 posts
Y'all are all making me think I should really get on with building my stash. *sigh* I think my supply is better this time, but still, pumping sucks.
My little man has gained THREE pounds since birth. (Almost 3.5!) My first gained so slowly, and she's still small (she weighs 33lbs now-she just turned 4), so this came as a total surprise to me.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@pwnstar: Wha? That's amazing! Clearly whatever you're doing is working. Keep up the good work.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@pwnstar: awesome! We just had our one month check up and she's 12 lbs!
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
I just started thinking about pumping too I don't need much of a stash, but I'd like to be able to have some freedom sometime soon!!
We are dealing with a nasty and persistent diaper rash. It's been around for over two weeks. I've stopped using cloth and we were doing a thick layer of triple paste for a week but it hasn't noticed improved. Now we are trying just Vaseline and I'm going to let him be naked as much as I can tomorrow. Poor guy. I think he has very sensitive skin (he gets contact rashes constantly) like his dad, and because he poops a little every time he toots (which is a lot) it's hard to keep him fully clean.
Our pediatrician called yesterday because we had an issue with our daughter and he wanted to follow up so I asked him about the reflux. He said I could try figuring out how to get him to eat a little less frequently since he has been nursing almost all the time. I tried that today- we were basically in the pattern of eating every two hours, awake for about 45 min, then an hour nap. He ate a little more frequently in the evening. He does seem to have been less burpy and in less pain from it so far today- could be coincidence of course! I'm still hoping for improvement with time, my husband is starting to really push trying Zantac.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
Oh and I'm definitely leaking urine. Finally stopped bleeding and noticed it. PT here I come
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Silva: I'm so sorry. That's a lot to have going on. I hope they everything clears up soon for you and your boy.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@Silva: oh no. Rashes stink. I love the red butt paste with extra zinc. Or coconut oil as a preventative once it's cleared up.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
We actually got a second stretch of sleep
9pm-midnight (3 hrs) nursed
1-3am (2 hrs) burped
3-4 am (1 hour while I was holding)
4-5 am nursing with hiccups
Hopefully I go sleep again from 5-7!
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@pwnstar: wow!!! I'm so impressed! From another small baby momma, i know how gratifying that is! My almost 3 year old is only 25lbs. My boy lost 7oz after birth and is up 1lb 6oz from his low point, and i thought that was good! But 3lbs is amazing!
@Silva: my ped said the same about less frequent feeding. She said to stop waking him from his naps (which we were doing to help him eat more but also to get day/night straightened out.
So the gas drops may have helped! He did a 2 hr stretch, then a 3hr stretch, then a 2.5 hr stretch last night, and never seemed like he was in pain! Here's hoping this helps again tonight!
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