Hellobee Boards


August 2016 Postpartum Thread

  1. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @OldpuebloJenn: hi!! Can you remind me again what you did about your baby's blocked tear duct?? My girl has one and I always feel bad seeing her watery eye.

  2. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    @agold: breast milk and warm cloth. Just squirt her right in the eye, and follow with a warm wash cloth!

  3. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @Silva: @MrsSCB: So funny. Your IG posts of your baking came up one after another on my feed. Now I want cookies!

  4. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    I managed to pump today! I also got her down for a nap that wasn't on me, so I felt super accomplished today, lol. 9 minutes of pumping about half an hour after nursing and I got 3oz. I was pretty happy with that. Hopefully tomorrow I find another opportunity or two to pump.

    After this week I'll have a lot more free time on my hands because DH will be back at work. Not sure what I'll do in my own without him. Right now we go for walks, go shopping, run errands, etc.

  5. katsupgirl

    nectarine / 2280 posts

    @ShootingStar: 3oz in 9 minutes is so good! Way to go!

  6. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @ShootingStar: I'm impressed by 3 oz in 9 min.! Keep up the great work. I find that I make stuff to do when DH is at work. Today I spent 4 hours at the mall! Baby girl was amazing, and I discovered that Nordstrom is amazing -- they provide a really nice mother's room which felt comfortable and clean for nursing. I also have some SAHM friends or some friends who work part-time or close enough to meet up for lunch, so I've been doing that a lot, too. Baby girl so far has been a great companion.

  7. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @ShootingStar: enjoy the quiet! I find I feel much more relaxed when I'm alone. But chores don't get done. I enjoy some lazy time or just nursing and watching tv.

  8. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    I think my son is going to grow out of 3 month clothing soon!! I don't even know if I have 6 month stuff- my daughter was very petite and I feel like she kind of skipped that size!!
    Anyone familiar with H&M sizing for babies? We don't have one here but I like some of the boys stuff online and have read it runs large- should I get 2-4 month? Carters 3 month is perfect right now

  9. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @Silva: 😱 Holy crap! L is just starting to grow out of her newborn stuff and into 3m, which is making me sad. No experience with H&M though, we generally rotate between ON, Gymboree and Carters.

  10. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @pregnantbee: yes! Nordstrom has the best nursing room! I remember that from last time! That's so fun that you have sahm friends around. Totally jealous.

    @ShootingStar: that's nice he had so much time off! is your son home with you?

  11. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @Pirouette: No, we kept him in daycare full time. It's a lot easier and more relaxing that way. He's just got too much energy.

  12. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @ShootingStar: seriously! I figured as much when you said you had free time haha! My free time is spent feeding my daughter and playing with her!

  13. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    @Silva: I find that H&M runs big on their sizing, although I'm only familiar with girls clothing.

  14. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    We just planned our Thanksgiving trip back East. I'm excited, but already stressed out about the prospect about lugging two kids and all their crap through Penn Station.

  15. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @OldpuebloJenn: are you going to nyc? Or just passing through? The idea of traveling with 2 kids totally freaks me out!

  16. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @OldpuebloJenn: have fun! I'm debating driving all three the five hour drive to my moms for Halloween. Worst case though we can pull over!

  17. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    @Pirouette: we'll be in NYC for a few days. My brother and his family live north of Philly, so we are flying in there, and out of JFK. They are taking the train into the city with us to spend the day, so we'll have extra hands for kids and gear, but when we fly home, it'll just be DH and I. We will have our back up car seats, I'm tempted to just ship them home once we leave PA!

  18. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: that sounds like a fun trip! Are you doing family themed costumes?

  19. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    One of our cats scratched F yesterday I don't think he was trying to hurt him, because F just had two little scratches that barely broke the skin. I think he was being curious and batted at him. That being said, we obviously need to be better about keeping them separated. Also, the pedi definitely made me way more nervous about it than I was. I called to just ask whether we could put neosporin on it, and they had me bring him into the office. The pedi was talking about whether to treat prophylactically for cat scratch fever, but decided against it after she looked into it more. Our cat is an indoor only cat, and I've been scratched by him and had no issues. Anyway, suffice it to say, our pedi does not seem to be a cat person... On the plus side, we found out that he now weighs 9 lbs and 13 oz. So he gained over a pound in the last two weeks! I was glad to hear that because I'm always worrying whether he gets enough food.

  20. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    @MrsSCB: cat wound are notorious for infection, but I'm sure he will be fine! My daughter was bitten by the cat this week and there was much debate among the pediatricians about antibiotics. We decided not to because of the location of the bite.

    Just survived my first full on screaming on the floor of the grocery store tantrum. Of course it happened while I was wearing the baby in the sling so I couldn't really pick her up and haul her out. Ugggh I need a drink.

  21. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @Silva: Ah, sorry about the bite, these cats are stinkers. Luckily the scratches are healing well already. Babies' skin heals so quickly (like the scratches he manages to give himself with his razor nails haha). The pedi suggested declawing the cat, which surprised me. Our vet refuses to even do that. I'd send him to my parents before anything like that, but hopefully this will just be a one-time thing.

    The tantrum sounds stressful -- I get stressed when the baby just cries in public! I'm sure juggling the two compounds it. You definitely deserve a drink.

  22. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @OldpuebloJenn: sounds like a nice trip! I hope it's more fun than stressful penn really shouldn't be that bad, depending on time of day, etc. At least it's a short train ride too!

  23. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    Hi everyone! Thought it would be fun to do a little update.

    How old is your new LO today?
    What is your baby's super power?
    How are you feeling both physically and emotionally?
    What's your favorite thing about having your LO?
    What's your biggest struggle?
    For fun: what are you most looking forward to this fall?

  24. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    How old is your new LO today? 7w1d Can't believe it, as time is flying.

    What is your baby's super power? She really only cries when she needs something. This is amazing because my first used to cry for hours straight every day for no reason.

    How are you feeling both physically and emotionally? Generally great on both accounts. I feel really lucky to have had an easy recovery. Finally getting the hang of breastfeeding so there have been a lot more better days than painful days. Mentally, I'm also doing well. I love my baby girl so much that there just aren't words.

    What's your favorite thing about having your LO? Number 1 is watching my 4yo boy interact with her. Melts my heart every time. 2 is watching my husband with her. 3 is getting so many baby snuggles.

    What's your biggest struggle? Being "on" and available whenever she wants to eat. It's still so much easier to breastfeed than it is to pump and have my husband give a bottle. It's also just harder in general to leave the house with her. One of the hardest things, though, is finding quality time with my son alone (and then also husband alone) since I spend so much time with the baby.

    For fun: what are you most looking forward to this fall? Going to the pumpkin patch! When DS was little, we hollowed out a huge pumpkin and put him in it. Definitely want to do that again. Also looking forward to Halloween as a family of 4. Oh and cooler weather clothes.

  25. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    How old is your new LO today?
    1 month!

    What is your baby's super power?
    Is eating all day a super power? LOL.

    How are you feeling both physically and emotionally?
    I'm feeling pretty good. I've been having a pretty good recovery physically. I over did it a little yesterday, but generally I feel 1000x better than when I was pregnant. Emotionally I'm pretty good too. Sad that DH's leave ends on Monday, but we've had a really good time these last few weeks.

    What's your favorite thing about having your LO?
    I feel like our family is complete. It's great knowing and feeling like the four of us is it. I also just love having a girl.

    What's your biggest struggle?
    Patience with DS is definitely the toughest. I feel like he's become super high energy all of a sudden. I worry he's going to hurt the baby, plus I just can't deal anymore with him running around the house yelling. Second biggest struggle is dealing with Lily's constant need to eat when she's awake. Sometimes I feel like I can't even get 5 minutes to myself.

    For fun: what are you most looking forward to this fall?
    Halloween! We just bought costumes for both kids. DS is obsessed with Toy Story so we got him a Woody costume and DD will be Jessie.

  26. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    How old is your new LO today? 1 month and 3 days

    What is your baby's super power? Hmm. Falling asleep nursing but then waking whenever you put her down.

    How are you feeling both physically and emotionally? Physically good and ready to be active. But also hitting a wall being tired and its catching up to me. So I have to rest when I can. Emotionally good but again tired.

    What's your favorite thing about having your LO? Feeling like our family is complete.

    What's your biggest struggle? Trying to figure out if she has reflux or not.

    For fun: what are you most looking forward to this fall? Trip to see my family for Halloween!

  27. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    How old is your new LO today? One month today!

    What is your baby's super power? He holds his head up pretty well, and has practically since birth. Also, not a super power per se, but he does this thing after he sneezes sometimes where he lets out a really loud contented sigh noise, and it is so adorable. DH and I wait for it after every sneeze now.

    How are you feeling both physically and emotionally? Physically feeling pretty good, can't wait to start exercising again! I'm going to hold off until I get cleared at my six-week appointment, other than walking, but I am really looking forward to it. Emotionally, I'm doing well. I had some rough baby blues the first two weeks, but I feel a lot better these days. I'm still stressed about my husband's job situation, but otherwise much improved from the beginning.

    What's your favorite thing about having your LO? Breastfeeding has been a lot harder and emotionally draining than I expected, especially given how much this guy likes to eat. BUT, that being said, I love the feeling I get when he's contently eating and I look down and he's looking back up at me. So sweet I also loooove seeing my DH cuddle with him, so I can't wait for more bonding between the two of them as he gets older!

    What's your biggest struggle? Like @ShootingStar, if he's awake, it seems like he wants to eat. On the plus side, if he cries I can pretty much always immediately pacify him. But I'd like to be able to put him down more, and I know my DH would like to hold him more, so hopefully this improves. I'd also like to try to get out more, but I get anxious when he cries in public so that's a bit hard right now. Oh, also gas. Which likes to crop up mostly at 4 a.m....

    For fun: what are you most looking forward to this fall? Like @pregnantbee, also going to the pumpkin patch! DH and I are dorks and have gone out to a pumpkin farm every year together without kids...and we always said it would be so much more fun with kids. So we're pretty excited!

  28. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @MrsSCB: do you guys baby wear? DH has his own Beco Gemini and he's started wearing her whenever we go out (which is ever day otherwise she'all eat non-stop). It's a win-win for both of us - I get a break from having 24 hours a day, and he gets the chance to hold her and bond.

  29. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    How old is your new LO today? 3 weeks 2 days

    What is your baby's super power? Nighttime gas, seriously... I'd have to say he has some special powers to produce that much gas only at night

    How are you feeling both physically and emotionally? Physically, i feel really good, and kinda frustrated to still be so restricted for another 3 weeks from exercise, lifting my daughter, etc. But i know it's not worth risking anything with the healing process. Emotionally I'm good, except when I'm up with my gas monster for hours at 3am...then I'm slightly emotional and ragey

    What's your favorite thing about having your LO? Not being pregnant anymore! Haha kidding... Definitely seeing my daughter play with him is the highlight of my life right now.

    What's your biggest struggle? Again, the gas. My older kid ate nonstop as a newborn but then slept so well at night. This guy is so different, and i'm so so tired from lack of sleep. I cant nap, so im functioning on dangerously little sleep.

    For fun: what are you most looking forward to this fall? Apple picking! And being able to go midweek so it's not total chaos at the orchard

  30. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @ShootingStar: We have a k'tan in my husband's size and a Lillebaby, but haven't used them much. He tried the Lillebaby and felt like he was squishing the baby...but that was a couple weeks ago and F is definitely sturdier now at close to 10 lbs. I think it may be time to try again. We have a wine bar around the corner from our place, and I have this dream of walking over there for a drink at some point with one of us wearing the baby

  31. katsupgirl

    nectarine / 2280 posts

    How old is your new LO today? 1 month today!

    What is your baby's super power? Tooting/pooping. It's explosive.

    How are you feeling both physically and emotionally? Physically I feel pretty good. I pick up my 3 year old even though I shouldnt. Emotionally? I feel overwhelmed a lot of the time.

    What's your favorite thing about having your LO? Seeing his big sister interact with him. I'm on defense with her a lot but she's just super excited to have him as part of her family.

    What's your biggest struggle? Gas/reflux or whatever is making him so unhappy. Nursing was going great but now he cries when he tries to latch and it's super frustrating.

    For fun: what are you most looking forward to this fall? Going for walks now that it isn't so hot. And PIE!!! Lots of PIE!!

  32. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @pregnantbee: fun questions!

    How old is your new LO today? 3w2d

    What is your baby's super power? Making her daddy melt

    How are you feeling both physically and emotionally? I'm feeling pretty okay and hate to complain since sime girls have real problems like serious PPD. But I will say my 4th degree tear stitches still hurt. I think I've been moving around too much lately. Ouch! And I feel majorly sleep deprived. And I haven't washed my hair in a week. But euphoric stil! I love my squishy tootie baby girl so much!!!

    What's your favorite thing about having your LO? The way she fills my heart and how much me and my husband love her.

    What's your biggest struggle? Sleep. And I feel like my husband deals with her more than I do, so I worry when he goes back to work!!

    For fun: what are you most looking forward to this fall? Baby girl being a little older and tolerating the little outfits I want to put her in! And a little cooler weather.

  33. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @agold: Thanks!

  34. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    How old is your new LO today? 3w5d

    What is your baby's super power? Tooting/burping. It's impressive.

    How are you feeling both physically and emotionally? Emotionally I go up and down, but I feel like I'm coming out of the worst. Physically I'm okay, I pushed too hard this week, cause I was getting sore from not moving. But my scar was hurting more, and I'm ready for my supply to even out, my boobs are always sore.

    What's your favorite thing about having your LO? Cliche, I know, but we can hardly remember life without her. Our family is complete with her here.

    What's your biggest struggle? I'm touched out and can't love my dd1 the way she needs, let alone DH. I'm shorter than I'd like with both of them, but at least I'm aware of it, and working to improve.

    For fun: what are you most looking forward to this fall? We have a Disneyland trip coming up, our annual pumpkin patch visit and a trip for Thanksgiving. Oh, and family pictures! This fall is going to fly by more than usual!

  35. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    Can I add that I'm a also looking forward to fall for cooler weather? I'm currently sitting on our balcony while F is napping. It's 97 degrees and I'm sweating like crazy but I just want to be outside so bad!! Maybe this is a good plan to lose the last of the baby weight -- sit in the sauna...I mean outside. 😁

  36. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @MrsSCB: I desperately want cooler weather! It's 90 here and I want to go out and walk but it's too hot!

  37. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @pregnantbee: everyone wanted to tell me how much it sucked that I was pregnant in August, but I've decided that's preferable to having the baby in the late spring. At least il be able to enjoy fall weather for part of my maternity leave and not be trapped inside alllll summer!

  38. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    So what are you guys doing on maternity leave? DH is back at work tomorrow and I'm not sure what to do with myself that doesn't invoke lots of shopping, lol.

    I need to get out with her every day because it's the easiest way to get her to nap. Otherwise she wants to comfort nurse all day and gets over tired when she doesn't fall asleep.

  39. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @OldpuebloJenn: when does our supply even out? I cant remember, but i cant wait to not have to wear nursing pads anymore in constant fear of leaks!

    @MrsSCB: totally agree! The weather here has been gorgeous lately - 70s and low 80s, and i feel so happy to have survived a dreadfully hot summer while pregnant and getting to celebrate by actually enjoying maternity leave!

    @ShootingStar: well, i have my older lo too so we've been spending tons of time at the park. Do you live somewhere walkable? Maybe a trip to a coffee shop or lunch? I walk him around outside a bit since the weather is so nice. I'm not so helpful, since we've mostly been just having visitors at home, and since dh is back at work, I'm without a car. Also, I'm only 3 weeks out, and both lo and i have had 2 checkups already, so all 4 of those were big adventures out (my doc is an hour away)

  40. OldpuebloJenn

    kiwi / 595 posts

    @Pirouette: I think 6-8weeks we'll regulate. So annoying, no? I don't want to pump for relief, but so tired of the rock hard boobs and wet shirts!

    @ShootingStar: we've been trying to get once a day- target, the zoo, walking to the coffee shop, library, mall.

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