pear / 1718 posts
@Silva: I have been watching The Americans. Lots of guns, beatings, and sex!
coconut / 8472 posts
@pwnstar: @Silva: We've been watching Fear the Walking Dead Though when I'm home alone I've been bingeing on Beverly Hills 90210
grapefruit / 4717 posts
You ladies are all the best! I also have a fast letdown and nursing still has better and not so great days. I think she clamps down to slow the floor. It's better, though, if I pump or hand express a bit before feeding her, especially if it's been longer than 2 hrs.
She's been doing pretty well overnight, but naps are fairly random and short. Really need to get started on teaching her about formal naps
As for constantly talking to her? I do talk to her, but could prob do more. I've been more lax this time since 2nd kid. Making time for me daily to at least get a shower is key to my happiness which helps me be a better mom. She'll be ok. It's hard not to feel guilty about something at one point or another, but the "mommy police" aren't gonna come and arrest me for using my phone while LO is awake. So I'm taking the liberty to use my phone, watch tv, read, whatever while I still can at this age.
grapefruit / 4712 posts
I am still following you ladies. It's been wonderful watching your little grow. My little guy will be arriving soon. Here are some maternity shots. Thank you so much for all your support.
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@MrsRcCar: love!! I have been thinking of you! When is your due date again? Please keep us posted!
@agold: yes, i spend all day talking to my guy. He's already learned the alphabet and can count to 100 i don't watch tv, because i try not to around my 3 year old. And yea, working on no sleep is so hard... I'm doing an online class this semester and while I've kept up with the classes so far, i am fairly certain i have absorbed very little!
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@LCTBQE: we never got a swing because they are enormous, even though this time around we do have the space. And yes, nighttime burping sucks, but my little guy just got on meds for reflux, so we are really having to be diligent about burping him and keeping him up right for 20 min after. Needless to say, between the reflux and the burping, we're still getting no sleep.
grapefruit / 4712 posts
@Pirouette: I am due November 2nd. We are fairly certain he will be here long before then.
clementine / 928 posts
Hello everyone! I've been MIA for a while Glad to see you all doing well!
How old is your new LO today? 10weeks
What is your baby's super power? She is super smiley and makes a multitude of goofy faces like her mama She is a pretty independent baby and will sit by herself sometimes and just chill.
How are you feeling both physically and emotionally? Feeling pretty good. I had some issues with a staple hole getting infected and not healing and it's just now getting better. Emotionally, I'm doing well. Some days I feel overwhelmed and sad because I'm home all day and everything feels so tedious and some days I'm so happy and just enjoying not being at work. She is so so worth it all and I can't believe that she is mine
What's your favorite thing about having your LO? I love watching her grow every day! Lol, I look at her little face every time she feeds and she used to have no eyelashes! Now they are so long!
What's your biggest struggle? I would say keeping my individual identity. I haven't been able to find out how to juggle my own needs/wants with my new mom status.
For fun: what are you most looking forward to this fall? Cooler weather and holidays!
nectarine / 2461 posts
@agold: @Silva: @ShootingStar: @pwnstar: @pregnantbee: okay I've felt MUCH less guilty since reading this yesterday, thank you, ladies I've been breaking my back trying to always talk to and play with the baby when he's alert and happy and calm, but last night I put him in the RNP and made dinner and talked on the phone and it was *so nice*.
@pwnstar: ritz crumbs = lol. my nadir over here was pesto on the baby's head. and they film The Americans on my block like every freaking week--they scour Brooklyn looking for blocks that could potentially look like Washington even though it looks nothing like DC around here. I should watch it and find my house I've never seen it before--didn't realize it was violent and had sex in it, that's a viewing incentive in my book.
and I'm super late to the party on this, but finally binge-watched Stranger Things last week--so fun. Winona Ryder's still got it. Everyone else has already watched it, probably?
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@LCTBQE: I think they are easily over stimulated at this age. Maybe it's simply my justification, but I think quiet is pretty important for them too! My MIL is always up in babies faces with baby talk and silly faces and it sends me over the edge.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@LCTBQE: I haven't watched that yet, have heard good things. I'm only on the second season of justified, which i love
nectarine / 2461 posts
@Silva: oooh I've been meaning to watch that, too! thanks for the reminder. and yes to the over-stimulation, I know you're right--usually when I talk to him or look at him it's super gentle and quiet, but still promptly getting over the "I'm a lazy parent" feelings. Yesterday I took him out in the solly wrap to do some errands and stayed out too long, and he *freaked out* (very unlike him, he really doesn't cry at home, ever) I think from overstimulation and it took 3 hours to get past the episode. lesson learned. and jeez, that MIL behavior would drive me nuts, too, especially with a newborn.
nectarine / 2461 posts
@MrsRcCar: you look great! it's nice to hear from you--exciting that you're due so soon. I think I remember from around town that your first two babies were fairly early, is that why you expect him in October?
@Pirouette: oh my gosh, didn't realize you were dealing with reflux are the meds helping yet, or do they have to build up in his system? are you joking about taking a class?! I can barely return an email.
@pregnantbee: yep, exactly re--baby jaw clamping down to slow the fire hose let down flow. poor lil things, but jesus christ, it hurts. when I break the latch to try for a better one, my nipple will be pancaked flat, which is like, at least I know I'm not crazy sorry to hear you're in it, too. oh! also wondering, what do you mean by "doing pretty well overnight"?
I wish there was some sort of guide to refer to showing average stretches of night time sleeping by week. right now (just at 4 weeks) he's still waking about every 2-3 hours. bleh.
in the same vein of guilty-terrible-mamas: anybody else 3 months behind on their thank you notes?
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@LCTBQE: it's hard to avoid the overstimulation with the second- it feels like my biggest worry right now. We drag him alone to so many busy places. He's always being worn but it's still a lot.
Justified is so good- if you like cop shows it's definitely worth watching!!
grapefruit / 4712 posts
@LCTBQE: yes my other two boys arrived early as well. I am sure this little guy will be joining us pretty soon.
nectarine / 2461 posts
@Silva: it does sound hard to avoid with a toddler! but you've got the veteran mama experience to balance it out
and good to know you think 2-3 hours is standard. we are still having some nights where he's up every 90 minutes and I'm doing 4 feedings in a night; I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby, and wondering if my gauge to rush in and comfort him/nurse is just way too sensitive. going to try a harder hand with letting him self-soothe.
@pregnantbee: word
@MrsRcCar: keep us posted!
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@LCTBQE: haha nope! I am seriously taking a class, and absorbing so little of the information. It's probably a poor decision on my part, but I want to finish up the program, and at least I'm not working right now! And don't worry, i also can't manage to respond to emails... That seems so hard right now. Re the reflux, the meds seem to be helping in that he seems less agitated, but we're still not sleeping, since he caught my other lo's cold so it's hard to tell what's from the cold and what's from the reflux. Ugh. Between 2.5-3 hours is still the longest stretch we get at night
nectarine / 2461 posts
@Pirouette: aw, I can't imagine a newborn with a cold, that must be very tough--is the nose frida your friend these days? and OMG, you are more ambitious than I... love my job/career but I am in full-on IDGAF mode here. good for you, I'm sure you're retaining more than you realize! one thing you're not alone on is the no sleep issue. boo is 4w2d and I can count on one hand the number of times he's slept longer than 3 hours at night, and most nights the best stretch I get is 2. a very seasoned mother of 4 who I trust completely told me today (after a night of 90-minutes sleeping/30 minutes nursing ALL night) to try letting my boo fuss it out for 3-4 minutes to see if he can self-soothe back to sleep, as he definitely doesn't need the milk from a health perspective. does that sound right to you/yall? I think I've been pretty quick to rush to him when he's fussing thus far.
@MrsSCB: @agold: @umberto: anyone else having a confidence crisis?
@agold: ha, I've also been thinking about this since I got brave enough to touch my own body to see if my two tears had healed, which was like a week ago, and they have. are you healed yet? I know you had a really rough go of it
I'm still a lil tender but the stitches are long gone and for sure the wound has closed. think I'm going to pay a visit to my lady maybe next weekend; when are you going?
pear / 1718 posts
@LCTBQE: I would second a few minutes of fussing. I would also recommend timing it on your phone . . . it's amazing to see how long a minute feels when your baby is fussing/crying! I try to wait a couple minutes, and then try to settle him by placing a hand on his chest before I pick him up.
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@LCTBQE: haha i am pretty sure we give him a few minutes since we're so tired we don't even wake up right away. this never worked with my daughter, who only woke when she was hungry and was a great sleeper. This guy wakes less out of hunger and more out of discomfort (reflux, cold, etc) so it's a tougher call... But it also is much more difficult to deal with because i can't just stick a boob in the problem (i mean, i do anyway, but it doesn't always help). I'm at a loss as to what we'll do if this doesn't improve when the cold is gone and he's been on the meds a while.
And yes, the nose frida is my bff... My daughter thinks it's the funniest thing she's ever seen!
coconut / 8472 posts
@LCTBQE: Definitely let him fuss/cry a bit. I can kinda gauge right now when she's about to cross from fussing to meltdown.
pomelo / 5257 posts
Had my follow up appointment and everything looked healed/stitches are gone. I was cleared for sex...though I'm still not sure I'm quite ready for much action down there Also cleared for exercise, aside from heavy core work. I had her feel for diastasis, she said just very minor one-finger separation and suggested waiting another sixish weeks before hitting hard on the abs. Fine with me! In case anyone else has also been wondering about that
@LCTBQE: I was the same as you, always grabbing him at first fuss. But I started waiting a little and sometimes he will settle. I mean not if he's full on crying, but if it's some grunt-whimpering then I just listen to see where he's going and yes to crises of confidence... I'm always asking DH, "should we do this or that?" And he says, "I don't know..." And I'm like, "me either!" I think a lot of this is really trial and error, haha.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@LCTBQE: the one thing I would say is that yes at this point they need the milk from a health perspective.
STTN is technically defined as 5-8hours of sleep. But for a normal night of say 8pm-8am that still means 1-2 feedings.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@LCTBQE: I need one bad. But I haven't even looked or touched down there!! I've been thinking of asking for a "full" wax or whatever it is that is one step below a Brazilian. Finding the time to go is another issue since I don't leave the baby yet. Ugh. She's eating soooo much and so often right now. I think she's already 10 pounds! I need to step up my pumping game!
grape / 75 posts
@LCTBQE: Yes to crisis in confidence this week! She kept refusing bottles and I freaked out that I'd never be able to go anywhere, should've tried sooner, what the hell am I doing, etc etc...The next day she took a bottle!
DH and I seem to google everything. I was having a meltdown to mum re:bottles and she said "stop reading so much, trust your instincts." I don't have any instincts! This stuff doesn't come naturally to me!
And yes, we let her snuffle (but not really fuss) during the night, but also now that we have a routine I know roughly when she'll need food (eg, 1am she'll usually self soothe, but 6am she's always hungry).
pomelo / 5257 posts
Speaking of nighttime your LOs grunt hardcore? F makes super loud grunty noises, pretty much only between like 4 and and 7 a.m. He'll do it every few minutes. I'm sure because he's gassy. I'm always debating if I should pick him up? It kind of seems like he's still sleeping (how?! Lol), and he doesn't cry. But it's very loud sand incessant during that time period (definitely keeps me from sleeping!) Is he ok grunting away, or should I be holding him? I think he'll still be doing it even if I hold him.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@MrsSCB: I'm no dr but I'd prob just let him grunt away. He'd be awake and crying if he really needs you.
coconut / 8472 posts
@MrsSCB: Oh yes, tons of grunting early in the morning. I used to see people here say their newborns were loud so they moved them to their own room and I didn't get it until now. Don't worry, it's normal .
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@MrsSCB: He keeps me up all night with it! I actually had been assuming he was awake and i only started thinking this morning he might be sleep grunting! it's SO loud and obnoxious, it didn't even occur to me to see if his eyes are open. We gave him the paci last night and it seemed to help a little, and my ped this morning said it can help push out gas, so I'm guessing that's what's going on? She also said it's just something he has to outgrow. My daughter was so quiet, i was not prepared for this! for us though, i think (hope!) it's worse right now because of the reflux and cold and that it will improve soon. otherwise, he's gonna start sleeping outside
pear / 1718 posts
@MrsSCB: My little guy is noisy ALL DAY. We seriously call him the baby pterodactyl . . . Between my newborn and my DH, ZOMGTHENOISEMAKEITSTOP.
kiwi / 595 posts
@pwnstar: haha! Last night I went to sleep with the 4yo because between DH snoring and baby grunts I was about to lose it!
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@pwnstar: Hahaha! We called my son pterodactyl when he was a newborn. So screechy!
nectarine / 2461 posts
@pregnantbee: @pwnstar: @Pirouette: @OldpuebloJenn: @MrsSCB: @shootingstar: ha, yes to the dino grunting-- we've been calling ours baby velociraptor. it is so alien and weird sounding
@Pirouette: that sounds rough, lady I really hope the meds help--maybe your ped will have a follow-up idea if they're not as effective as you hope? and yeah, agree with your daughter on the nose frida, it is pretty undignified. I've had to use ours a few times and kind of can't believe how well it works. also, it's winter
at least we don't have to commute, amirite?
@T.H.O.U.: yeah, I hear you that they need the nutrition from a couple of feedings at night at this stage, but he is going nuts to feed every 90 minutes, which is 4-5 feedings per night, which is bleh. 2 feedings sounds wonderful--one day!
@MrsSCB: @Umberto: @ShootingStar: @pwnstar: @Pirouette: thanks for your thoughts/experience on letting them snuffle for a few minutes, ladies. It has worked a few times I got super optimistic thinking that it would resolve our insane 90-minute nighttime intervals, but I'm just throwing in the towel on this week completely. baby has REFUSED to sleep basically since monday morning, he won't go down for naps even and I think we're just in a bad, bad over-tired rut. he's yawning like mad and basically fussing non-stop, and I'm exhausted from the effort of trying to talk him off the ledge. plus, I haven't slept longer than 60 minutes in days. hoping it's a phase and not a disposition of crap sleeping revealing itself--he was so good up until this week. Has anyone else been through this, either this time or in the past with an older baby? Everything I've read seems to say that it all changes and gets better around 6 weeks--true, or only sometimes true?
@Umberto: yes, EXACTLY what you said about the "instincts"! I stupidly thought I'd actually have them, too-- nope. and the bottle situation is such a perfect example of the mind-fuck of things not working until suddenly they work. but great that you got her on it, I hope that gives you a little relief. Also, how old is Anna now? her night schedule sounds heavenly
nectarine / 2461 posts
@agold: yap, I was so sore that I was afraid to check out the situation, but I'm healed now. are you feeling better at least with sitting/walking around? sorry I forgot, is emma taking a bottle yet? my husband is giving the boy one bottle a day, and I've gone for a couple of walks with friends on weekends--it's been *so* nice just to be out of the house for a couple hours. you should try it
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@LCTBQE: haha yes, it's nice that i only have to go outside (or put on clothes for that matter!) if i want to. and yes, it does get better...i think it's too early to know if you have a bad sleeper, that comes later - it's all random at this age. my daughter started sleeping 11 hour (!) stretches at 4 weeks, but stopped at 4 months and didn't start again until after a year. so you just never know! hang in there though, it is so so tough not sleeping. it's so hard feeling like you want to keep trying different things to make a difference, but all that really helps is time. I keep repeating that to myself, because I have a hard time with it. oh and i'm going to message you shortly - have a random question.
So my husband decided last night to give me an awesome gift - 6.5 hours of sleep! he took baby downstairs and slept on the couch and bottle fed him all night from midnight until my daughter woke me up at 6:30. given that i'm used to sleeping in ridiculously short increments, i crashed hard, and didn't even wake to pump. I'm hoping this won't affect my supply too badly, he took 7 ounces and i skipped 2 feedings.
but with both my kids sick this week, i was feeling run down and hopefully this will help me avoid getting sick too.
nectarine / 2461 posts
@Pirouette: OMG 6.5 hours=GLORIOUS. you must feel like a queen (even if you were bursting when you woke up!) FX you don't get sick just as everyone else is getting better.
I read what you just wrote like 4 times in a row; it is so, so reassuring. Thank you I think I was panicking a little thinking that there was something that I could be doing to make this period a little more sufferable, but I'll try to chill out and work on being patient
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
things have definitely improved over here, he was 7 weeks yesterday. Although Wednesday was probably his fussiest day yet, in general he is sleeping longer and his digestive system has matured. He isn't bothered by nursing lying down usually, is less refluxy and less gassy. Last night his first stretch was almost four hours, followed by some 2.5 and 3 hour stretches. The real treat was I just put my boob in his mouth and we didn't really have to wake up all the way (still cosleeping). He didn't poop all night (a miracle) and was fine in the diaper we put on at bedtime so I didn't have to change diapers!
Who knows what tonight will bring. I'm trying to get him to nap by himself but it's not working. He will only sleep being worn or lying next to me I need some space!
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