cantaloupe / 6017 posts
Oh, forgot to add I started PT for hypertonic pelvic floor muscles this week. Still feeling sore but the provider said she can feel the muscles have relaxed some.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
Baby girl turned two months old yesterday. I can't believe it's going by so quickly. She had her shots, which definitely threw her for a loop later that day. It was so rough because she didn't eat for a good six or seven hour stretch. This, of course, was rough for me too since I was so so full. I ended up pumping and kept trying periodically. She slept on and off that whole time. And when she wasn't sleeping she was fussing. She seems back to her normal self today, so I'm grateful for that.
pomelo / 5257 posts
Glad to know I don't have the only gruntster!
@ShootingStar: Yessss whenever I've heard people say newborns are loud, I've thought, "yeah, ok, how loud can a baby be?" But he is SO LOUD, haha.
@pwnstar: lol my husband is also noisy -- when he snores, I'm like, "it's not enough that you're asleep while I'm awake, you gotta be loud about it, too?"
@LCTBQE: how old is your LO? Could it be his first leap (and do you have the wonder weeks app)? Sorry about the sleep situation, that is rough. I hope it gets better.
@Silva: I hope therapy improves things quickly!
@pregnantbee: Awww, I feel like I'm looking forward to shots because I'll feel safer being out and about, but also dreading them. My ILs are coming soon, the weekend before his two month appointment, so we recently asked them to get their TDAP. Can't be too careful!
So F slept for almost eight hours last night I'm still a terrible sleeper, though, just like before pregnancy, so I woke up a bunch of times and kept checking on him because I was worried he hadn't woken up yet! He was still just barely stirring when I got him up, but my boobs felt like they might explode. I hope this means he's getting my husband's sleep genes and not mine...
Also, the high today is 82. YAY fall weather! We're going to an outdoor one year old bday party tomorrow, and it might actually be pleasant to be outside.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@MrsSCB: I feel better taking her out and about. Just hate seeing her in pain. Go, baby boy. That's a great stretch.
It's also finally cooling off here. I may actually get to wear my new LLR leggings! Enjoy your weekend
pomelo / 5257 posts
@pregnantbee: exactly, I was so sad when I had to hold him for his blood test were you allowed to nurse him during the shots? I've heard from friends that some pedi offices are ok with that and some don't allow it. Not sure about ours.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@MrsSCB: They asked me when she last ate and then said it's better for me to nurse after. The reason was that one of the vaccines is oral and tastes bad. She said if the baby is full, they don't want the oral one. I also liked being able to nurse right after for both food and comfort.
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@Silva: this is amazing news! I'm so happy to hear that. I cant wait to reach the "digestion has matured" phase! Maybe you're seeing the benefits following the 6 week growth spurt?
@pregnantbee: i remember my daughter always slept the day away after shots. My boy had his one month shot yesterday and no effect, but this office spaces them differently so maybe he just didnt get as much.
@MrsSCB: haha I'm laughing as my boy is sleeping on me as i type and it sounds like a train chugging into the station with a conductor intermittently tooting its horn over here and wow, way to go F!! Btw i always nurse after shots, it calms them right down.
nectarine / 2280 posts
@Silva: mine is 6 weeks and I was suspecting his system was maturing. That you've noticed this at 7 weeks means there's hope ahead. I cosleep for naps and slept for 4 hours today. Boob in my mouth and it's off to dreamland.
apricot / 256 posts
@MrsSCB: we've got a major grunter too. I asked our ped about it today and she said probably gas, nothing to really worry about.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
Is anyone's baby getting super handsy while nursing? I feel like my baby's hands are always getting in her own way of latching. And I have a hard time pinning her arms down to help her latch! She's strong!
nectarine / 2280 posts
@agold: DS was like this but at almost 7 weeks he's gotten better with his hands. I'm looking forward to him becoming more purposeful with his hands.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@agold: yes! He's getting better, but for awhile he would always stick his hands between his face and my nipple and then suck on his hand That's not how it works, kid!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@katsupgirl: good to know it could get better soon! I hate for her to get frustrated.
@MrsSCB: exactly what she does, and exactly what I think to myself!
nectarine / 2461 posts
@agold: YES my baby's hands are *never* not in the way, they flail all over the place and he frequently pounds on my boob and pushes his head back. if he's wearing long sleeves I often pin his cuff between my teeth just to get him latched (need both hands usually).
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@LCTBQE: it still cracks me up when he is cluster feeding/angry/overtired and just bangs on my boob with his fist. So desperate zombie baby
nectarine / 2461 posts
@Silva: yes, zombie baby is the weirdest-- it's kind of funny but in the beginning I thought it was unnerving!
@MrsSCB: ha, yeah we're also no stranger to the decoy baby thumb-as-nipple
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@LCTBQE: good tip on using your teeth!!! I need both hands too.
@Silva: desperate zombie baby has me cracking up!
@katsupgirl: hi! It's going better. Thank you for asking! I try to pump once in the morning. I consolidate what I pump from both boobs and hav gotten 4 to 5 ounces into one bag to frees each morning for the past few days. Before, I was freezing two small bags - one from each boob - each day. Does consolidating the two sound like an oaky thing to do? Today I only got 3 ounces so I want to pump again tonight. But baby is fussy today and eating almost every hour!
I should wake up after her 530 am feeding and pump after that time. Instead, I sleep until 8 of whenever she wakes up for her next feeding. And then I have a hard time trying to find s window to pump in the morning. I'm trying to figure it all out!
grape / 75 posts
Anyone's bub getting a flat spot on their head? Anna's is pretty mild but I'm stressing about it a little. She hates tummy time (but we keep trying!) and trying to move her head to the other side when sleeping is pointless because she moves it straight back. Is it the sort of thing that can fix itself or do you just aim for it not to get worse?
nectarine / 2280 posts
@agold: that's what I do. I pump a little and then consolidate when I have enough. I think I did 3-4 oz bags when I froze the milk. You are building up a nice stash already.
Finding time to pump is the hardest especially when baby isn't predictable. Oh goodness I could never wake up early to pump If I didnt have to. I'm so lazy.
I hope the fussy period passes quickly!
nectarine / 2461 posts
***breakthroughs from today***
I finally got the baby to take a paci! thought he hated them but actually he just hated the Avent Soothie. I got a set of MAM pacis and he's into it. and this is incredible, *miles* more effective than my Dohm white noise machine.
I literally sighed from relief like 40 times today.
@agold: re baby hands: all it really does is buy you three-quarters of a second while you stretch out their sleeve
@Umberto: no flat spot so far but your baby is the oldest one here, right? we have done lots of tummy time, but almost always lying down with him on our chests, which he puts up with much better than being on the floor (it still counts ) and I think the flat head thing has to be pretty intense for it to be worrisome, but I'm sure you'll talk to your ped about it. my nephew had to wear a baby helmet for a few months but his skull was really noticeably flat on one side (from being breech, not from sleeping on his back). maybe you could wear her more, too, just to get her head off a surface?
pear / 1718 posts
@LCTBQE: I am going to try MAM and NUK. My oldest loved Soothies, but no such luck with this baby!
I pumped for the first time today. Just ten minutes and got a little over 3 oz. I'll take it! I would have been lucky to get that with my first after 20 minutes (after a feed that is). But. Pumping. Again. *sigh* Hopefully I will get to keep whatever stash I happen to accumulate--last time I got thrush and had to toss everything and wasn't able to replenish it because I had to go back to work. So I always felt like I was behind the eight ball in that regard.
We're doing okay with sleep. It's definitely harder to put him down for naps (I am typing this on my phone standing up while he sleeps in the carrier), and nighttime is decent (usually about 3 hour stretches). We had a good night last night. But it came about in a somewhat unorthodox manner. He broke out of his swaddle 4 times while I was trying to put him down. Out of frustration, I brought him into bed with me (I usually only do this after the second wake up). The next thing I know, it's 5 am and we both had gotten almost 5.5 hours.
We have our 2 month checkup next week. WUT. It has gone by so quickly.
Hope everyone is doing well!
coconut / 8472 posts
@LCTBQE: Yay, glad things are going better!
@pwnstar: I had the same problem last time with thrush that lasted forever and no stash. I was also so underwater last time I couldn't figure out when to pump.
Things are going ok over here. She sleeps great at night, and is usually relatively easy to put in the swing for naps. But today and yesterday have been a lot rougher. And every day is still an all evening cluster feeding session.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@pwnstar: yes, naps are rough lately! We just entered the second leap so maybe that's messing with things? I usually get a good one in the morning because I go for a long walk and he falls asleep in the stroller. We used to get a long afternoon nap, though, and that's not really been happening. He falls asleep nursing and I wait 20 minutes to put him down, like usual, but he keeps waking as soon as he's down
My ILs are visiting this weekend. I'm kind of anxious about it. They're great, but I'm just not in the mood for visitors, you know?
nectarine / 2280 posts
@pwnstar: doing okay over here. Baby boy seems so much bigger and less fragile. Congrats on the pumping!
Naps are inconsistent. I get a good stretch if we cosleep or he's being held. Sometimes I get a really good nap when I put him in the dock-a-tot.
@MrsSCB: that 20 minute wait can seem like forever!
Funny story: I thought he had really green poops but it turns out they just looked green because of my fluorescent green living room where the changing table is. I changed him in the bedroom where I have more natural light and the room isn't green and neither was the poop.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@pwnstar: I've tried mam and soothie and both are a no go. The soothie works maybe 1 out of 10 times to calm him down/keep him asleep but he spits it out again pretty quickly. Maybe I should try another kind...
This kid hates the car seat. He didn't get the memo that he is not a first born, and life can't revolve around his schedule. He gets so sweaty and screams anytime we go anywhere. We live 40 minutes from town and he will cry the whole way.
Also struggling with naps at 8 weeks. I've noticed he can see and focus on more so I think he's just super alert to the world right now
pomelo / 5257 posts
@katsupgirl: Seriously. I always think, "OK, probably it's been like 10 minutes." And then I look at the clock...and it's been two.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@Silva: sorry about the carseat. F likes it OK if we're moving, but if we stop, forget it. Unfortunately there are tons of stoplights and lots of traffic around us. And people at drive thrus love us lol. Same with the stroller -- moving calms him down, but don't stop!
pear / 1718 posts
@Silva: @MrsSCB: The car seat . . . For the most part we do okay when the car's moving, but when it stops *yikes*. Afternoon pickups are tough (my oldest is in full time preschool), especially when he hasn't gotten a solid afternoon nap.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
Oh, naps. I wish we all got more rest, but at least we're in it together? I haven't really been attempting getting her to have good quality crib naps. Once it worked....the next day was terrible. She's sleeping on me now which may be a problem since I have to pick up my son from school soon. Nighttime is ok but varies.
@MrsSCB: I feel like nursing in public takes forever. I'm generally uncomfortable bc I'm not home, don't have my pillow, and am too hot or cold. So I'm dealing with a sliding baby. One minute feels like 25
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@pwnstar: 5.5 hours, nice! We use a sleep sack instead of a swaddle, because i simply cant deal with that nonsense in the middle of the night. We don't get 5.5 hour stretches though
@katsupgirl: that is hilarious about the lighting!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
Hi all! I'm still around but busy. It's easier to keep her out and about instead of being stuck at home.
MRSWHIT1 (Born 7/11) - 2 Months, 27 Days
Thismustbetheplace (#2 born 7/28) - 2 Months, 10 Days
APRILFOOL (#2 Jack born 7/22) - 2 Months, 16 Days
Umberto (#1 born 7/29) - 2 Months, 9 Days
TeawithPaloma (#2 Dominic born 8/5) - 2 Months, 3 Days
dcw6411 (#3 Luke born 7/21 ) - 2 Months, 17 Days
pregnantbee (#2 born 7/29) - 2 Months, 9 Days
Mossyslane (#2 born 7/13) - 2 Months, 25 Days
AANDMKLOVER (#3 Wes born 7/12) - 2 Months, 26 Days
MrsBeluga (#2 born 8/5) - 2 Months, 3 Days
Coffeemom (#2 born 7/12) - 2 Months, 26 Days
mrschickpea (#1 Anya born 7/18) - 2 Months, 20 Days
silva (#2 born 8/11) - 1 Months, 27 Days
coopsmama (#3 born 8/18) - 1 Months, 20 Days
Glitter (#2 Juliet born 7/31 ) - 2 Months, 7 Days
oldpuebloJenn (#2 born 8/23) - 1 Months, 15 Days
MrsSCB (#1 born 8/17) - 1 Months, 21 Days
T.H.O.U. (#3 born 8/14) - 1 Months, 24
pwnstar (#2 born 8/11) - 1 Months, 27 Days
stratosphere (#2 born 8/16) - 1 Months, 22 Days
shootingstar (#2 born 8/16) - 1 Months, 22 Days
agold (#1 born 8/26) - 1 Months, 12 Days
LCTBQE (#1 born 8/28) - 1 Months, 10 Days
mrskerch (#1 born 8/27) - 1 Months, 11 Days
clairhuxtable (#2 born 8/22) - 1 Months, 16 Days
pirouette (#2 born 8/25) - 1 Months, 13 Days
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@T.H.O.U.: thanks for updating the list!!
Does anyone feel like there is no time to fit in a pumping session? The last few days, my baby has been eating for like an hour every hour!! And basically napping while doing it. So is that both a nap and feeding? And how can I pump??
pomelo / 5257 posts
@agold: I haven't pumped in forever I'm not really worried about it in terms of building up a stash, because you don't really need much stored up before returning to work. But I do think it's good to make sure they're well-versed in taking bottles...he had no problem taking one the two times we've given it to him, but it's been weeks now! I think I'll make a point to do it again this week to make sure he'll still drink from it.
coconut / 8472 posts
@agold: Don't stress about pumping! It's good to have a stash but not essential. Most days I manage to pump, but it's not looking good for today.
@MrsSCB: We have had a tough time with bottles. The first couple weeks whenever we have her one she spit everything up for hours, even though we fed her really slowly. And when we picked them up again we had lots of refusal. We got some new bottles this weekend and may have found one she'll actually take.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@ShootingStar: Yeah, part of the reason why I haven't been jumping to give a ton is that he's struggled with gas, and I felt like the bottles made it even worse. Although, the last one I gave was several weeks ago, so I suppose it's worth another try. He didn't have a problem taking it, it wasn't even very warm, but I felt like it troubled his belly a bit
nectarine / 2280 posts
@agold: How soon are you going back to work? I hate to ask since I never want to think about that. Finding time to pump is so hard sometimes. I can usually do a small 5 minute session during a nap session. I have a baby who likes sleeping while being held so sometimes I hand him off to DH to get a short 5 min pump in. An ounce here and there add up.
Right now I'm only pumping to make sure he has a bottle when I leave him for an appt. I'm going to get serious about it next month so I have a stash when I go back to work. I teach so I'm not sure how pumping will work with my schedule.
pear / 1718 posts
@agold: I have been pumping in the morning after the first big feed. I feel like my supply is better in the morning (which is typical) and it's easier to do it and get it done earlier in the day before everything goes sideways. My goal is 10 minutes every day. I have made 3 out of the last 4 days (I just started), and have been getting 3-3.5 ounces each time. I go back to work in a little over a month and am hoping to have a decent stash built up. I want to build a stash for lots of reasons, but mostly it's because I haven't decided how long I'm going to pump this time and want to give myself some flexibility in that regard. Also, my supply took a hit when I went back to work last time, so I want to be prepared for that too. My goal is to make it to 6 months (pumping) and reassess at that point. I pumped longer last time, but it caused a lot of stress and I don't want to do that to myself again. So this time, I'm going to take it week by week!
I also agree with @ShootingStar: that you don't need a big stash before you return to work! I am seriously in the camp of doing what works best for you, including supplementing. I supplemented with my first when my supply tanked, and I wish I had cut myself way (way!) more slack in that regard. I also agree with @katsupgirl: in that the ounces add up! and that even 5 minutes is awesome! What makes it more doable for me is having all the parts ready for use. That way all I have to do is hook up and pump. I clean the parts throughout the day (when I get a minute here and there) and then run the steamer/sterilizer at night so the parts have time to dry overnight. I also have multiple sets of pump parts so that I don't have to clean parts every day if I don't have time/don't feel like it. Having extra parts isn't a necessity, but having the extra parts was beyond helpful when I went back to work. I only had to wash parts once a week. (I tried to do everything possible to make pumping less of a stressor!)
nectarine / 2461 posts
everyone, are your first round of vaccinations given at 8 weeks, or sooner? our baby got a Hep B shot at his 1-month (our hospital didn't do it at birth) but I'm kind of anxious for him to get the rest of his shots.
@pwnstar: hi there, did you have any luck with the alternate brand paci's? I read your post yesterday and ordered another set of parts for my Freestyle--I've been pumping daily because we give a bottle every night, and I feel like all I do is stand at the kitchen sink and wash plastic pieces--it didn't even occur to me that ordering alt parts was an option (duh?) anyway, thank you!
Also, I've been meaning to ask you: how did you know when you got thrush? the LC I saw last month had me start taking probiotics because I'm super prone to yeast infections, and I want to be on the lookout
@ShootingStar: which bottles does your little girl like? just curious! we're using Dr Brown's, which he seems fine with, but wondering if there's something better out there before I buy the 8-oz versions.
@katsupgirl: YEAH agreed, let's never go back to work.
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