pear / 1718 posts
@Silva: Fwiw, I am having a hard time getting my little guy to nap independently (he pretty much won't now, and when I do put him down, he sleeps for about 20 minutes tops). And he won't take a paci either! It was a much different story, nap wise, a month ago.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@pwnstar: sorry you are having trouble! We had such sleep trouble with our first that When it happened again I was under the impression it must be my parenting style. Maybe it's just babies.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@Silva: not much advice but lots of commiseration. Finn won't take a paci either, and the only way I've ever been able to get him to sleep is to nurse him to sleep. At night, this can take up to two hours like we're just in bed from 9-11 with him nursing off and on until he's finally asleep enough to put in the RNP. And suddenly during the day, he just refuses to sleep other than on me. He's two months today. Maybe it is something about the age? I don't know but I had a meltdown to my DH last night because I feel like I never get any time to myself.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@Silva: Same boat over here. At 11 weeks, she just doesn't want to nap by herself usually. I help her for hours yesterday. And when I was holding her, my husband was.
pomelo / 5257 posts
Just had our two month appointment -- poor little guy screamed for his shots but he calmed down quickly when I nursed him after and is sleeping. He is now almost 24 inches long and 12 lb, 6 oz. Growing so fast!
nectarine / 2280 posts
@MrsSCB: poor little man! He's growing so nicely! We have our appt on Wednesday. I hope he's a trooper like his sister.
nectarine / 2461 posts
@Silva: I just skin to skin tree-frogged my son laying on the couch totally immobile for an hour and a half to get him to nap until I finally reached breaking point with having to pee. Put him down in his crib miraculously without waking him, he's been there 8 minutes and now I hear him starting to snuffle in there. so, you are not alone about the independent sleep at large, one thing that has REALLY helped me was moving my kid to his crib--I did this two weeks ago and it has been great. think I recall you guys are co-sleeping, are you still doing that? (and if you're co-sleeping because that's the thing that works, never mind that I brought it up!)
and about the swing, (@MrsSCB: yo!) we have a very similar deal: it doesn't work to ease him sleep or soothe fussiness. if he is sleeping in it, he'll wake up after a few minutes. The reason I kept it around is that our baby loves being in it and looking up at the rotating mobile when he's awake/alert, which is SO CUTE and is helpful for those times. and I know that "I'm awake, what are you trying to do" blank baby stare. I'm like, okay baby at least we can agree that we're both exasperated. lol?
@agold: ooof, sorry about the husband work situation. my husband also only sees the baby for a few minutes at night, it's hard. and soon enough that will be me, too but awesome that the swing has been a cure-all for you. yeah the footprint on those things is brutal, it takes up the same amount of space as our dining room table. the second that thing isn't earning its keep I'm giving it away-- somebody IRL better get knocked up
nectarine / 2461 posts
@MrsSCB: aw, the shots sound tough, but now you can take him on public transit, right? he's so big!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@MrsSCB: great sized baby!!! I can't wait to get my girl weighed and measured.
@LCTBQE: good for you for having your baby sleep in his crib!!! My girl is still in her rock and play. And now she's napping in her swing, which cradles her similarly like the RnP. I'm hoping to try out the flat halo bassinet on Wednesday night. Hey. Did you get a brazillian yet?
I've contacted a LC for help with my randomly sore nipples. Ugh. At least baby girl is happy with, and clearly benefiting from, nursing.
nectarine / 2591 posts
@Silva: 12 weeks and naps are shit. I am seriously in the weeds, I spend all day trying to get him to sleep, rinse and repeat. I honestly think I am losing my mind. It would be ok if he was happy when he is awake but he is a shrieking banshee so.....
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@AprilFool: ugh. It's so hard when you have days like that!! Feels like it won't end (even with first hand knowledge that it does in fact end!!). He screamed for an hour last night, no matter what we did. Wouldn't even nurse- which is unheard of. Today is going to be rough with back to back appointments. I need this kid to get used to the car!!!!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Silva: I'm so sorry ! Are you back working now and do you bring your baby to work with you?
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@agold: still home- I'm only going back one day a week and will build up hours slowly. I am going to go in for a few hours on Halloween:) my husband has mondays off so he will stay with the baby and big girl while I'm at my office
nectarine / 2461 posts
@AprilFool: ughh re rinse and repeat trying to get him to just stay down for a decent nap. our week 4 was like that for 7 days straight and I was losing it, too, and I'm sure we'll be back there at some point. hang in there.
@agold: I moved him from the RNP to the crib at the encouragement of a bunch of other moms, and actually he was outgrowing it, anyway--his head was about to crest the top seam and he kept kicking and seemed frustrated, like he didn't have enough room. Hope the Halo is a nice transition for you guys, let us know how it goes and no, no wax yet, I'm a monster. have my pp OB appointment this week and I kind of want her to tell me I'm all good first.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
2 month check up went well. He is about 23 inches long and weights 13lbs 8oz I think? The summary papers are in the other room...
Got all his immunizations, so far seems to be recovering fine. I was surprised but his doctor wants me to try Zantac. He thinks a lot of what I described is related to him maybe being in pain (particularly the screaming in the car, and refusing to nurse). I'm also supposed to keep a food diary in case we need to try removing dairy or soy
His doctor also confirmed what my husband suspected: he will likely need surgery for an undescended testicle. We're going to give it until his 4 month appt and then do an ultrasound.
nectarine / 2591 posts
@Silva: Will it end? I don't know... my daughter was never like this. I would of thought by 12 weeks it should be getting better but some days feel worse.
Getting so worked up he won't nurse is common here, I have to give him a bottle of pumped milk to calm him usually. Also, we are probably looking at surgery for an undescended testicle too.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@AprilFool: sounds like colic brutal. It will get better.... someday. Does he have GERD symptoms? My daughter was a super easy baby.
My husband, the pediatrician, and our doctor are like "no big deal" about the surgery but I'm kind of freaked out about it. I just read a few posts and it sounds like most kids are back to normal after a couple days.
nectarine / 2591 posts
@Silva: That is good to know about the surgery, I haven't really looked into it yet, I know it's important but it still scares me. He doesn't really have GERD symptoms aside from a few common ones I think all babies could have, even when he won't breastfeed he will take a bottle (in fact I think he would prefer to be bottle fed in general) so really the only symptoms are gas and chewing on his hands.
pomelo / 5257 posts
We just found out we were approved for renting a house! It'll be the first time we're living in a house vs. an apartment. It's not super updated, but it's been well-maintained and has a lot of charm (originally built in the 1930s). It's also in an amazing neighborhood -- walking distance to restaurants, groceries and a really nice park/playground, a six-minute drive to daycare and a 10-minute drive to my work. I'm excited! But a little scared to move with a baby
nectarine / 2280 posts
@MrsSCB: congrats! I suspect moving with a not yet mobile baby won't be so bad. And if baby is taking reliable naps you'll have time to pack. Good luck with the move!!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@MrsSCB: congrats on the house!!!!
I'm taking family pictures tomorrow with my husband and our baby. He just said, "is it common to do pictures with a two month old? She can't do many poses if she can't hold her head up." Ugh. So true. Is this a dumb idea, girls??? I just wanted an nice Christmas card photo.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@agold: Don't know about about photos at 2 months. The good part is that it will be easy for her to stay in one place. You'll probably be holding her in the photos, which isn't a bad thing.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@agold: it's a good time! We actually just did a quick session because I wanted a good photo of the five of us.
nectarine / 2280 posts
@agold: I just did pics on Saturday. Its really just another newborn shoot at this age but I wanted fall photos for a holiday card. Plus I always do them this time for DD's birthday. It will be nice to have the whole family since you have an addition. Exciting times call for pictures!!!
coconut / 8472 posts
@agold: I think any time is good for family photos! Just have realistic expectations for whatever age and you're fine.
nectarine / 2591 posts
@MrsSCB: Congrats on your house! Sounds amazing Moving won't be too bad yet since LO will stay in one spot for you haha
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@katsupgirl: @T.H.O.U.: I'm glad I'm not the only one! What kind of poses did you do? And what did you dress your babies in? I got my girl an adorable grey sweater romper. Sweater arms and open bare legs. But it's going to be like 95 degrees tomorrow!
nectarine / 2280 posts
@agold: 95!!! That's crazy hot! We took pictures in our backyard and we weren't that creative.
The session was mostly about my 4 yr old.
Here's what my little smush face wore. It was a little cooler in my neck of the woods.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@katsupgirl: that's adorable! I wish it was cooler at my house! I thought it would be! .
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
I am probably late to the party but I've been enjoying the one bad mother podcast- I'm listening to some early episodes (like 39, 40, etc) when both hosts had just had their second babies. It's been really helpful in reminding me that it's just hard right now!
We started Zantac on Tuesday and my kid is a different baby. He rarely cries (except in the car, still working on that), his body is more relaxed, he nursed less, he smiles all the time and just chills out wherever you put him. He's also been napping sometimes in his swing (not on me!!!).
He's like a different baby. I wasn't planning on trying he meds because he was gaining weight fine but his doctor pushed it and said he sounded like he was in pain. Oops.
nectarine / 2280 posts
We had our 2 month visit this week. He only had a slight fever from the shots. DD also got shots too. He's 13 lbs 23 inches. Growing nicely! Snug in 3 month stuff and fitting 6 month stuff comfortably.
I can't get enough of the smiles and laughs! He's a little charmer. He loves holding onto his own hands.
nectarine / 2280 posts
@Silva: glad the meds are helping so much. It's so hard to know what's going on with them at this stage.
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@Silva: yay! I'm so glad the zantac is helping! It's definitely helped my boy, he is no longer in pain! I'm hoping we can wean him from it soon, but of course I'm worried he'll relapse. Impossible to tell if the meds are helping or he's outgrown it.
@katsupgirl: adorable!
@agold: a 2 month shoot is a good idea... I'm traumatized by pro photos since we did my daughter's first shoot at 6 months in central park and she was so aware of everything it was a total disaster (she hated grass, hated all the people, scared of pigeons, didn't like the camera, etc.) so good to get one in before they develop preferences
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@Silva: I'm so happy the meds are helpful! I can't believe how much of a difference it seems to make.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@katsupgirl: how long did the fever last after the shots? And your baby sounds like a good size! And yikes! Maybe I should take out the 3 month clothes soon. She has so many hand me downs, she will never wear them all. So sad.
And pictures when as good as they could have! Emma did pretty well. It wasn't as hot as I thought. We wore the second dress I bought once I heard it was going to be hot. She never put on the shoes. And just had a little basic bow since this dress was a last minute thing. But I think the pictures will really be nice!
@Pirouette: thanks for telling me that about your 6 month pictures. Makes me feel not so bad about dragging a 2 month old out for pictures.
nectarine / 2280 posts
@agold: I think maybe half a day. I noticed it when i was getting DD ready for school and it was gone by the time she came home.
Is E still in newborn clothes?
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
With this chunk at over 14lbs we are looking at 6m clothes for fall
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