grapefruit / 4717 posts
@Umberto: Teething already? Poor bs hand poor you! We're still on daytime cat naps over here. Hard to get anything done.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@T.H.O.U.: I bought one of these swaddles, too. I got one size up bc I she was going to be close to the weight limit....and I don't know if it's too big or if it's just how the swaddle works, but she can lift her arms pretty high. Went back to the Velcro swaddleme ones instead. Thoughts?
pomelo / 5257 posts
@agold: i hope sleep got better for you guys! I love the halo swaddles -- they also velcro. They have longer velcro strips than the swaddleme, so I think it's harder for my little Houdini to get his hands out. I just bought the next size up to give him a bit more leg room (small vs. newborn size).
coconut / 8472 posts
I dropped Lily off this morning for a trial run of daycare . I'm not cut out to be a SAHM, I love my job and we rely on my salary. It it's still sad and feels wrong somehow. She just seems so little still and she's so attached to me.
Plus my plans for the week went kind of haywire yesterday and I was planning on bulk cooking freezer meals this morning but I never made it to Costco and they don't open for another hour.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@ShootingStar: *hugs* I hope the day goes smoothly for both of you! I feel the same way -- I know working will be good for me and I like my job. But I'm still so sad when I think about dropping him off. I wish I could just take him with me!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@pregnantbee: yes. Since the hands can go up to like ear/chin height it also means they technically can get their hands to their face. Apparently they do shrink a lot if you dry them. So if you need it a bit smaller you could try that.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@ShootingStar: big hugs. Daycare is hard but I agree I'm not cut out to be a Sahm.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@ShootingStar: Hugs. I'm also not cut out to be a sahm, but leaving them when they're so little is still hard. Hope you can get in your Costco run and prep all those meals.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@T.H.O.U.: ok, thanks for the input. Maybe I'll try it again. I thought her ability to lift her hands to her face would still startle and wake her.
pomelo / 5257 posts
I folded up the stroller today with my iced coffee still in the cupholder. Didn't even realize it until like 10 minutes later. Not even a drop had spilled! #win
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@ShootingStar: interesting about not changing at night!! No, she doesn't poop at night. I will consider not changing her!!!
@T.H.O.U.: so I tried the woombie at like 4 am. She cried and I caved and put her in the dangerous Aden swaddled. She still cried but I got her to sleep within 10 minutes of serious rocking. I think the night was too tainted for anything to work. So I am going to start off with the woombie tonight and hope and pray that works. After her 450 wake up, she didn't fully wake again until 750. So while a bad night for her, she woke with a smile and I'm trying not to stress too much. Although i did cry once last night. I'm feeling for all you mamas with babies who wake and cry often in the middle of the night.
@MrsSCB: thanks for mentioning the velcro swaddles. If I don't change her in the middle of the night, I might consider the Velcro swaddle. I think I just need to look at it to get comfortable with it. Do you nurse your baby at night? If so, do you keep the baby swaddled or take the swaddle off?
And I just laughed about your unspilled coffee drink. That's a major win for the morning!
@ShootingStar: oh, dear mama. I'm so sorry the day for day care has come. I'll be going back to work soon enough. I actually think i am really cut out out to be a SAHM. I think I would love it. But we also rely on my salary and aren't prepared to make the lifestyle change that comes with me quitting work. I'm praying my job is as flexible and accommodating as I hope and anticipate it will be. I'm hoping yours is, too! And oh my gosh. If my Costco plans got messed up and detailed my whole day, I'd cry. I hope you can manage to have as great a day as possible! You deserve it!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@avivoca: so you inspired me to try my baby in the front and back swinging motion of the swing I have for her. (It has side to side and front to back). :she's fine in the front to back, thank god. Can you please tell me if your little swing has a good electric swinging motion?? The big swing i have has like 6 swinging settings and i put it at 5 for my girl!
watermelon / 14467 posts
@agold: It's battery powered, but I think it has a good motion. It also vibrates. We have it on the lowest speed but it has five speeds.
pear / 1718 posts
@T.H.O.U.: Thanks for the swaddle rec! I have one ordered and on the way because I think having his arms up may help my LO sleep better. *fx*
@ShootingStar: *augh* It's so hard. Every day when I pick up my oldest at daycare I look into the baby room. I still have 3 weeks of maternity leave left, and I'm already not ready. I was hoping it would be a little easier this time. But no such luck. Big hugs to you!
@MrsSCB: That's 100% rockstar, yo.
kiwi / 595 posts
@ShootingStar: it turns out Molly has a lip and tongue tie, so thankfully for my oversupply she's still thriving. my oversupply is probably related to the fact she's not truly emptying my breasts. We've scheduled them to be fixed in two weeks.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@OldpuebloJenn: Aww, I'm sorry you're dealing with this, but hooray for answers. Hope it helps.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
Remind me of when I have to start doing a real bedtime instead of just holding/nursing him until I go to bed with him. I keep planning on it but then he acts like a six week old and just cluster feeds/ won't sleep.
coconut / 8472 posts
@Silva: Last time around 7 months we moved the last feeding to before bath, etc. I had to stop nursing a little bit before that though, so we weren't nursing to sleep any more.
kiwi / 595 posts
@AprilFool: sorry your kiddo has been defiant, but that's an interesting connection to responsibility. Coincidentally my DD1 has started making her bed this week. We've been praising that, and all other positive behavior like crazy, hoping to shift the spectrum back to positive.
@pregnantbee: sorry you've been dealing with behavioral stuff too, but yay for good preschools! And tomatoes? I've not heard that sensitivity before, wonder if other nightshade bother her, or is it the acidity? And yeah, we are just happy we have answers and hope the clipping will help!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@OldpuebloJenn: ohhhhhh .... I'm worried my girl has this!! How did you find out? Is your girl having problems?
kiwi / 595 posts
@agold: she's not really having problems- but my supply is crazy, I'm over producing to the point of pain. I've had mastitis 2x, more clogged ducts than I can count. I went to a lactation consultant to help me deal with my supply and she identified the ties. All her symptoms that I chalked up to my oversupply are actually consistent with ties- hiccups after a lot of feedings, spitting up, coughing and gasping when nursing. But I never suspected a tie since she's a chunko.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@OldpuebloJenn: oh my gosh. So I sssumed my girl has no issues but she has what you described!!! I was going to ask her doctor tomorrow about reflux!!!!! But she doesn't seem in pain. And she's gaining so much weight. My nipples hurt, which is why I looked into stuff and thought to look for lip tie. But I was thinking that if the lip tie caused her no problems and only caused me the pain, I'd rather suffer through then get her cut. But these spit up coughing issues can't be fun for her, even if she doesn't seem to be in pain. Thank you for sharing your info!! Please keep me updated and share what info you can.
grapefruit / 4712 posts
Just popping over to say baby O made his grand arrival! He is wonderful.
nectarine / 2461 posts
congratulations, such a sweet little face.
checking in from regular life! (sort of). we were able to go upstate this weekend, it was so nice to just get off the couch for a couple of days, we tried hard to maintain routine and the baby did great. sleep has been steadily getting better, and same here @pregnantbee: breastfeeding *finally* is pain-free. such a relief, isn't it? PS tomatoes?!
@agold: I'm having some swaddle issues too--our baby is *huge* and outgrew the size S summer infant swaddleme's, so I bought him the next size up. same as your husband, last night I found he'd broken his arms out and scootched down in his crib, and the fabric was all bunched up around his neck and chin--it is so scary to see that. we also have a woombie which was in the wash, I like it much better, although our baby is also only lukewarm on it don't know if I'm playing with fire here, but I'm actually thinking about trying to drop the swaddle entirely... tbd. @MrsSCB: we have a really ratty hand me down halo, too--forgot about that! gonna try, glad to hear you like it.
also @MrsSCB, did you guys buy and return the Snuggapuppy swing that T.H.O.U. and ShootingStar and I have? must be a manufacturing issue because we had to use a freaking drill to get ours to fit together. Anyway, the only thing he even really likes is the rotating mobile and the music, he usually gets upset when I turn the swing function on. curious to see if it works for your little boy when you get a decent one.
@ShootingStar: how did the trial run go? ugh, can't believe it's already winding down. anyway, hope she was okay. same boat as you, we need my salary and I feel like I've worked too hard to get my career going to hang it up right now but still so depressing to think of leaving the babies. I wish my office had an in-house day care. bah.
@OldpuebloJenn: ugh I am sorry you've had so many issues! seem to be evening out a bit finally, but I also had oversupply, and I guess it's better than undersupply, but not by much. way to go getting to the bottom of the issue though I hope the clipping helps, keep us posted. who would have thought!
coconut / 8472 posts
@LCTBQE: She did pretty good yesterday. She only slept about 20 minutes so she was kind of a mess when I got her home. She did eat though, which I was really worried about. I think I confused them though - I was trying to explain that EBF babies need about 1-1.5 ounces per hour. They then fed her 1.5oz every hour, lol.
On the plus side she slept the entire afternoon and still slept great last night.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@MrsRcCar: What a beautiful boy. Congratulations! So happy for you.
nectarine / 2461 posts
@ShootingStar: aw, that's great--sounds like a best-case scenario and good practice taking a bottle from someone else, I guess! are you using the same place you sent your son, or are they new? ETA *PRAISE BE* to not getting her night sleep messed up
pomelo / 5257 posts
@agold: I do keep him swaddled when I feed I think it wakes him up too much to unswaddle. I also swaddle him before his last feeding at night, because I nurse to sleep. So swaddle, then he (eventually) falls asleep, then place in RNP.
@LCTBQE: YES the snugapuppy! Glad it wasn't just me...I tried every hole and screw combo and none worked. At least Target didn't give me shit trying to return it, because I couldn't even fit all the parts back in the box...Also I did find the halos stay on a little better because of the additional velcro. With just those little patches on the swaddlemes, they seem so much easier to wriggle out of for a wiggly baby. And sounds like you had a great trip! We drove about an hour to go to a pumpkin patch/farm on Friday, which is the farthest we've traveled with him. It went well!
@MrsRcCar: Congrats, he's beautiful!
So I nursed in public for the first time on Friday...I felt a little awkward, but I don't think other people really noticed. It was at a restaurant. I think I partially feel weird, because I NEVER see other people NIP. Why am I the only one?!
pomelo / 5257 posts
OH and almost forgot my question -- F has a bad patch of dry skin between his eyebrows. Not sure what I should do about it? Gently rub with a wet cloth? Apply baby aquaphor ointment? Or the Baby Bee oil I use to massage his belly? Or just leave it alone?
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@MrsSCB: we have always used plain coconut oil as a moisturizer on our babies. Their skin is pretty amazing though- often dry patches just go away quickly on their own.
@LCTBQE: so impressed with your consistent routine, and glad its resulting in better sleep! we are still all over the place. I know I need to just commit to a routine and start doing it...but I"m super lazy. Lazy parenting is kind of my style, I'm learning. So I hold the baby and watch a bunch of Justified until I"m tired and then we both just go to sleep. not much of a routine, but I think he's starting to get used to it....its kind of like Timothy Olyphant is reading him his bedtime story, right?
Just set up my psychology today profile again and reached out to a few colleagues so hopefully I can get some appointments scheduled soon. Need the money for the holidays!!!
nectarine / 2461 posts
@MrsSCB: the dry patch is called Seborrheic Dermatitis (ETA according to some book I have... who knows), my son had it bad in the same spot from 2-5 weeks (he also had accompanying pretty bad infant acne at that time). our ped told us to just put lotion on it and otherwise leave it alone--it did go away pretty quickly. good luck finding a better swing. my husband was muttering and cursing the entire time he wedged that thing together, it was kind of funny because he seemed so dad-like I still haven't nursed in public, the best I've done is in front of friends. maybe it seems like no one else is doing it because you go to places that aren't overrun with families?? and awesome that you made it out of the house, too! I had this fantasy that mat leave would be this awesome staycation, but instead it's frazzled cabin fever, right?
nectarine / 2461 posts
@Silva: good for you for dipping a toe back into work life (like with enthusiasm instead of dread, ha). I would do lazy parenting too if it worked for us! if I try to wear the baby in the house, he fusses, and if I try to hold him for too long without jiggling him and walking him, he fusses... I think he gets bored? and if co-sleeping had worked to get him to sleep, I would have done that too--I love that you have a style and it works for you anyway even though it's completely boring to run the house like the marine corps, I had a HUGE breakthrough, last night the baby slept 8 straight hours--longest he's slept since he was born.
ETA i could stand timothy olyphant reading me bedtime stories
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@LCTBQE: can you please tell me what your baby': routine is??? My baby takes a morning so around 9 am for as long as I can get her to. Rest of the day is naps where I can get them. And she goes to sleep after her night feed which is aroinf 630 or 730 and then eats once around 3 am before waking at 7am. So basically I don't know how I will ever leave the house in the evening. And still no Brazilian yet. I think next week for sure. It needs to happen.
@ShootingStar: I'm glad the test run at day care went well. Funny about the tiny bottle feeds.
@MrsSCB: thanks for letting me know that your keep your baby swaddled during the night feeds. I think I will try that too. And so sorry about your baby'S dry spot. I don't know anything about that right now.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@Silva: @LCTBQE: Thanks! I'm glad mine's not the only scaly baby, haha. So weird that it's just on the forehead, but at this point I'm sure it's more cosmetic than anything, and he obviously doesn't care. Babies are delightfully un-self-consious
@LCTBQE: frazzled cabin fever is so accurate! This is actually my first week of mat leave alone. My husband started his new job on Monday. And I'm already like, "Soooo....what do I do with my time?" I have some friends who go to a boot camp exercise class for moms where you can bring your baby. So I think I might give that a try. And I plan to take advantage of any SAHM friends for company during the day, haha.
nectarine / 2280 posts
@MrsRcCar: congratulations!
@Silva: you are not alone in the lazy parenting dept. I recently implemented a bedtime routine for my 4 year old. I'm just going with the flow with the 10 week old.
pomelo / 5257 posts
Oh another thing I just thought of -- if you don't have a playmat thingy with the arch of dangly toys over it (whatever that's called, lol), you should totally try one! Finn will seriously lie on it batting at toys and staring at his reflection for like 20+ minutes. It's awesome. I sometimes do an exercise routine or eat a meal while he does it.
nectarine / 2461 posts
@agold: that is almost exactly my routine, too! but before I started being insane about feeding schedule and bedtime routine, he would sleep for 1.5-2 hour blocks of time at night, so for me, the single 3am feed is a miracle. I just plan to not leave the house at all for the time being, but honestly now that I'm able to sleep longer than an hour at a time, I don't care. only thing I'm doing that you're not is feeding every 3 hours during the day, and a tank-up bottle feed at bedtime.
@MrsSCB: yeah, the dry patch and acne were really bothering me just because of vanity, whoops. his skin is still not amazing, but it mostly cleared up. I feel so bad that it's my hormones causing all the problems! and congratulations on your husband's new job! new house, new job, new baby... it's all coming together down there
nectarine / 2591 posts
@MrsRcCar: Congratulations!
@OldpuebloJenn: Glad you have an answer. LO#1 had a tongue and lip tie clipped and it was the best thing we did for breastfeeding. Happy to answer any questions
@LCTBQE: Leaving the house just results in chaos over here!
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