cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@agold: @katsupgirl: he got his second dose tonight- hopefully will see some improvement in a few days. The reflux seems to be getting worse in the past week.
I haven't started shedding but I know it's coming- I think it started closer to 4 months last time and was most noticeable in the shower- I'd pull chunks out!!! I usually wear my hair up so I don't notice it during the day. I'm dreading the weird side burn/fuzzy hairline at my temples thing that happens when it all falls out. I'm planning to set aside some money for a cut and some highlights once we get ourselves through the holidays!
I'm still doing my pelvic floor PT every other week. I'm about 75% better but still have some issues. I've also been referred to a few sessions with an athletic trainer /physical therapist (so insurance covers it!) to develop and start implementing an exercise routine to build strength that will hopefully improve some of my back issues.
I'm doing postnatal yoga once a week (aiming for twice, but it hasn't happened yet) and walking for now. I'd like to start running by six months postpartum but I want to be sure My muscles are ready for it.
ETA: I was able to wear real pants to my office on Monday!!!! They are about 1 size larger than most of my pants and there was definitely some muffin top- but they were on and reasonably comfortable. I've only got 5lbs to go to my pre pregnancy weight and about 10-13 to my healthy weight
coconut / 8472 posts
@MrsSCB: I have thick, long hair that sheds a lot in general too. But all of a sudden I'm finding hair EVERYWHERE. And it was so damn long because I was over due for a cut. I finally got my hair done and cut off six inches, so hopefully even though I'll keep shedding it will be a tiny bit better.
nectarine / 2591 posts
@MrsSCB: I can tell because I stopped losing any hair during pregnancy and now it's back to normal haha
@Silva: Yay for real pants!
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
11 weeks postpartum today...and my period is back with a vengeance. Lame.
I know I'm not replying much in this thread (too busy) but I love following along with you all!
nectarine / 2591 posts
@coopsmama: Am fairly certain I ovulated earlier this week so I don't think I will be far behind you. Was 13 months last time.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@coopsmama: wow! is that typical for you?
I had some very light bleeding/spotting that lasted about a week (ended a couple weeks ago). Glad it ended or else my OB was going to do an ultrasound. I'm just kind of assuming it was random and NOT an early return of my period. I didn't get mine back until somewhere around 10 months last time.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@pregnantbee: yeah the boot camp will be great for the last five weeks of my leave because they do it like four days a week. But when I go back to work I'll only be able to do Saturday my friends who go all SAH or work part-time.
@ShootingStar: @AprilFool: maybe the hair thing will be one if those "you'll know when it happens for real" things. Like everyone says about contractions
@coopsmama: boooo! Go away, AF!
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@MrsSCB: Yeah, I don't think I can go once I return to work. Boo.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Silva: so sorry your baby's reflux was getting worse. How is it now?
@coopsmama: such a bummer about your period. I'm almost 11 weeks and haven't gotten mine but am wondering if it may start soon.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@agold: we started a new med that seems to be working well- there is a lot less scream Big! He has a cold that is making it hard for him to breathe and nurse right now though ::
nectarine / 2280 posts
@Silva: great news about the new meds! Sucks about the cold though. Good thing he's not in pain from reflux at the same time. Get healthy baby!
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@katsupgirl: ugh seriously. Babies with stuffy noses are so pathetic. Saline drops help a lot though!
pomelo / 5257 posts
It's moving day today and I'm already exhausted. We also will probably spend more on this move than we should, but it's just been so difficult getting stuff done. We ended up packing only about a third and are having the movers pack the rest (they charge the same hourly rate for packing, moving, whatever). Hopefully it'll be worth it. I've been at the new place since eight am with the baby and our cats. F is SO fussy today (he basically just started his third leap, great timing) that I almost think my husband has it easier organizing stuff and packing with the movers...
nectarine / 2280 posts
@MrsSCB: moving is one of the situations I wish I had a fast forward button for.
coconut / 8472 posts
@MrsSCB: Last time we moved it was with an 8 month old, so I feel your pain. Hope it went well!
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@MrsSCB: I hope it's going well. Moving anytime is so tough.....but with a tiny baby, too? Whole new level.
pear / 1718 posts
@MrsSCB: Good luck! We moved when my oldest was 9 months. It was stressful, but so worth it! I hope F cuts you some slack and chills out with the fussiness. And I definitely think paying for packers is a great decision.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
Pumping question for those with experience:
today is my second day away (I'm just gone on Mondays, the length of my day depends on number of sessions/other errands I have to run).
I left at 8:45- tried to feed him at 8:30 but he just nursed through one let down on one side and wasn't that interested (he's had a cold so nursing is a little hard). I pumped at about 10:45 for 8 minutes and got 3 ounces. This was just one let down- I stopped after that. Should I keep going for a full 15 minutes each time? Am I going to get another let down?
unfortunately my next pumping session won't be for awhile- I might have time after my last session, but I have a shuttle ride picking me up like 20 minutes after it ends (our car is in the shop). so it might end up being like 4 hours between pumping...
Last week I was gone for about 4 1/2 hours and he drank 3 ounces (he refused the bottle until about half an hour before I came home) and I pumped about 5 1/2 ounces total while I was gone (in two sessions).
Does this all sound okay? I don't know what I"m doing...
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
also my husband just texted and he's only eaten 1.5 ounces since I left. Ugh this is so stressful. I feel bad for my husband and bad for the baby and bad for the toddler! And now I can't even enjoy my work because I'm feeling guilty
pomelo / 5257 posts
@katsupgirl: @ShootingStar: @pregnantbee: @pwnstar: thanks, we survived! Though I think I got about four hours of sleep last night. Oh, was the baby fussy, you may wonder? NO. He was sleeping away, but one of our cats spent all night marching around the house yowling at the top of his lungs. I hope he gets over that quickly.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@MrsSCB: congrats on the move! its the worst. Also, I kind of HATE my cat now that he wakes the baby up with some regularity. I often have to lock him in the bathroom during nap time because he goes to the bedroom door and meows loudly whenever the baby is in their sleeping.
pear / 1718 posts
@Silva: It sounds like you're doing fine! Fwiw, I very rarely ever got a second letdown while pumping, although I will be the first to say that others may have a completely different experience. If it was me, I would take the 3oz (and 10 minutes) and call it good. I don't think more time is always better (I say that as someone who did not benefit from extra time spent pumping for my first--and the tiny extra bit I would get for an extra 5-10 minutes was not worth the scheduling stress it caused. But again, that's just me!). I would do two sessions (like you are) for approx. 10 minutes. Eta:This is in light of the fact that it's only 1 day a week. If it were a five day a week process, I would pump for about 5 minutes after milk stops (but not longer than 20 minutes for each session).
Your LO will get better at taking a bottle. Maybe you can just do an after action review at the END of the day, that way you're not preoccupied and stressed about whether your LO is taking a bottle during your work day (stress does not help pumping either). He will be okay for a few hours. I'm so sorry--I know how hard this is! I go back to work FT starting next Wednesday! So my time is coming. I'm trying to keep my shit together until then. So many hugs to you!
AFM, I am trying to figure out an elimination diet. I have cut out dairy, soy, wheat, and eggs, and am hoping to see more improvement over the next week. I'm a week into eliminating, and have def seen improvement, but I may also need to eliminate all nuts too (and I live for my apple with peanut butter for my evening snack!).
coconut / 8472 posts
@Silva: I've had the same dilemmas with pumping. Sometimes I like to just pump for 10 minutes and call it. Other times, like when I pump before bed, I try to get myself as empty as possible so I pump until the milk stops. I don't usually get a second letdown, but I totally did at my first pump at work this morning.
I think for keeping up milk supply it's important to empty yourself as much as possible. So if you're pumping a lot (which it doesn't sound like you are) you want to pump until the milk stops. If you're just pumping because you're missing a feed, probably going for 10 minutes and getting 3oz is good enough to call it done.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@ShootingStar: @pwnstar: thanks for being so nice about me whining about my one day of pumping .... I ended up getting 8 ounces in three sessions (baby was asleep when I came home so I pumped a little for comfort then). He only took the 1.5 ounces in all day
Next week I think will be gone from like 10 to 6:30 so hopefully he will eat a little more then. It did feel great to be back at work I have to say
@pwnstar: what's the elimination diet for?
pear / 1718 posts
@Silva: It looks like my little guy has some food sensitivities (based on his behavior, but mostly his diapers--green, mucousy, almosy all of them are super watery (diarrhea), and occasionally spots of blood. So I am eliminating the most common of the top 8 food allergens in the hopes that it will ease his tummy troubles. I have already seen some improvement, so I will keep this up for at least a month to see if it continues to improve.
As much as I love bread and cheese, the saddest part is not being able to use the stash I have already pumped. All that work for nothing.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@pwnstar: that's tough I'm sorry. I hope it helps.
My sons neon green and mucousy poops changed to normal after a few days on reflux meds. We think it's because he was nursing too frequently and getting too much foremilk.
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@Silva: i agree with pwnstar - i think everyone is different, but since you're only once a week, I'd just stop when the flow stops. My daughter never took a bottle and it was soooo stressful. I'm sorry you're going through it. It has to be even harder being only once a week because it's hard to get into a groove. Hang in there mama!
Fwiw i am having the opposite problem... My boy is taking 18-20 ounces in the 10 hours I'm gone looks like we'll be adding in formula soon. I can't keep up.
@pwnstar: that sucks i hope you figure it out soon!
coconut / 8472 posts
So my boss' boss had the most annoying comment today about Lily. It was the first time I'd seen her since I started back at work this week. She asked to see a picture and I pulled out one that I thought was really cute from a couple days ago. She then says something about her not being skinny like most newborns and then goes, "It's great to see she's eating well." So basically she called my baby fat. WTF.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@ShootingStar: ugh I'm sorry but I'm sure they didn't mean anything negative
nectarine / 2280 posts
@ShootingStar: that was pretty rude. She wouldn't get to see any more pictures. She can keep those comments to herself.
nectarine / 2591 posts
@ShootingStar: Same thing happened with my hairdresser yesterday! I showed her a pic and she said she loves roly poly babies. Dude! he's 50%, not that roly poly. He didn't even have his double chin in the picture
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Pirouette: I worry my baby is going FYI end up drinking so many ounces of milk when she's with my mom. Do you know why your baby is drinking so much? How many more ounces/bottles is that than you anticipated?
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@ShootingStar: chunky babies are the best! Nothing worse than a skinny baby. Ugh. Dumb comment. My baby girl is a total chunker! It looks like she is eating good and healthy. Who doesn't want a healthy looking baby? And it's not like we can be feeding our babies candy or anything!
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@agold: it's possible my expectations were off, but i had read to expect them to take 1-1.5 ounces for every hour I'm gone. I'm gone 10 hours and he takes 18-20, so almost 2 for every hour. But he's a total pig. I come home and he still nurses like crazy and eats overnight, so it's not like they are overfeeding him, he's just a piggy! Doubled his birth weight at like 2 months. Considering he was 12th percentile at birth, this is a good thing, since hes still only around 25th-30th.
coconut / 8472 posts
@Pirouette: I've been having a lot of debate about what to feed DD too. She's at daycare 10 hours so I sent her with 14 ounces - 3oz every 2 hours, then a last bottle at 4 with 2oz. (The last bottle is smaller because I can feed her at 5:30). But the teachers asked for more, hoping it would help her sleep better and be more calm. Sending another 4 ounces (1 ounce in each of the 4 bigger bottles) seemed kinda crazy, so yesterday I did 3.5 in 4 bottles, and still 2 in the last one. She did ok with that, we'll have to see how it goes. I produce a lot and she doesn't eat over night usually, so I don't want to short change her. At the same time, when you read 1-1.5 ounces per hour, you don't really want daycare feeding way more than that, especially if you can't cover it with daily pumping.
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@ShootingStar: exactly! For me, I'm not as concerned about overfeeding since he still wakes to eat and i wouldn't mind if he didn't haha. But it just seems weird for him to eat so much more than the recommended amounts. We also limit his last bottle to 2 oz...if not, he'd probably be taking like 24 oz in the 10 hours! And then he eats and eats at night and still wakes up twice for feedings overnight. But given my daughter never took a bottle and never went above 10th %, I'm trying to enjoy it while it lasts, even if it means adding in formula
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@ShootingStar: if she's not eating a lot over night you may want to look more at a 24 hour oz count instead of the 1-1.5 per hour.
coconut / 8472 posts
@T.H.O.U.: Yeah I was just thinking that today and mentally adding up how much she's eating over the course of the day.
nectarine / 2591 posts
@ShootingStar: Jack has 4oz bottles. Sometimes I find a smaller bottle actually makes him drink more since he never gets totally full.
coconut / 8472 posts
@AprilFool: How many do you give and how often? In looking at her sheet, it turns out for the last two days she still only took 14oz, which is what I started off with. She doesn't seem to want the 2oz bottle at 4 when the other bottles are larger.
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