grapefruit / 4045 posts
@MrsSCB: thanks for mentioning that. I've been meaning to get one.
@LCTBQE: feeding every three hours sounds great. I still feed on demand and feel like every two hours is fair game. Although, I'm generally feeding her 8 times a day, including the middle of the night feed, so it's got to be more spaced out than that.
Just had two month shots here. I now have a very sleepy but also very crying baby. how long did your babies cry after their shots???? Days?
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@AprilFool: regarding the lip tie...did you see an ENT for it? How did it help with breast feeding? My baby'S doctor confirmed she has upper lip tie. It only hurts my nipples. But I'm wondering if it's causing her reflux-like issues???
grape / 75 posts
@agold: Our shots were at around 10am, she was grumpy and a bit grizzly most of the day (but not terrible) and then slept like normal overnight, and was totally fine the next morning
nectarine / 2591 posts
@agold: I didn't see an ENT just because that's not how it's done here. I saw a LC and a GP who specialises in ties and they both diagnosed it and then referred us to a dentist who clipped both with the laser. The lip tie would be causing the reflux issues, they take in more air because they can't latch properly, which is why you are still having pain.
pear / 1718 posts
@agold: He cried for a few minutes after his shots. And then of course during the car ride home. And then he was okay, but definitely was sleepier than normal. The well visits with shots are always hard. Just in different ways (as they get older). Hugs mama!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@AprilFool: gosh. If that's the case - that lip tie is causing the reflux issues - I'd rather have thr tie clipped than have her be on adult medicine for some length of time. I'm really going to pursue this tie issue more now. Thanks.
nectarine / 2461 posts
boo's getting his 2-month shots tomorrow afternoon and I'm not dreading it, actually really looking forward to him being immunized so we can take him out more.
and I know I'm late to the party on this conversation, but naps are absolute *garbage* lately. I look for tired cues, try not to go longer than an hour or 75 minutes, swaddle and shush and try to lull him to sleep, everything's groovy, and bang, he's wide awake and full-on screaming 8 minutes after I put him in the crib, repeat three or four more times until I give up, and it goes on ALL. DAY. is this typical, or particularly fusspot difficult?
@agold: I was nursing every 1.5-2 hours and our pediatrician told me to do 2.5-3 minimum to get him hungrier and used to having a complete meal instead of incessant snacking, her logic was this would help give my nipples a break and get him used to going longer without food so he'd sleep longer stretches. But, she also said 7-8 sessions in a 24-hour period, which you're already doing
@pwnstar: sounds like he did great how's life over there? are you going back to work soon?
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
For those looking for a routine or struggling with naps. Here is what we roughly do. This is just her natural schedule that she fell into. If I follow it she does pretty well. And we still have days that just go haywire.
6am feed in bed
7am mom gets up
8am Baby is up and we leave to take Big sister to school
9am Cora nap (short 30min) sometimes as late as 9:30
10 am quick short feeding
11-2 nap
2-2:30 feeding
4-6 pm nap (sometimes a quick feed before)
6:30 nurse
7:30 nurse and bed
12:30 am wake up sometimes
2:30 am wake up always
pomelo / 5257 posts
@LCTBQE: I tried for three hours to get F to nap yesterday. So no advice but I feel your pain!
nectarine / 2591 posts
@agold: No worries, and honestly, clipping the tie sounds like a bigger deal than it is. The dentist took her and less than 5 mins later she was back in my arms, not crying and breastfeeding was a total breeze from there.
@LCTBQE: That sounds like where we were last week. I managed to get him to take a long nap on me at some point and things got better from there. Naps are still a crap shoot but some is better than none! I would start trying before the hour and see what happens.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@T.H.O.U.: Thanks, that is helpful! Are you always home for naps, or are some of them on the go (in the carseat or whatever)? I feel like F's morning nap is often on the go and I've been wondering if that's as "good" as a nap at home...
Anyone else feel like your brain is mush these days? I've started keeping a running list on a notepad on the counter, because to-dos will pop in my head and then immediately leave if I don't write them down. It has the weirdest assortment of tasks on it right now:
Get car inspected
Take out bathroom trash
Clean stove
Freeze bananas
nectarine / 2591 posts
@MrsSCB: J will not nap on the go. He sleeps max 20 mins at a time if we are out and about. It's a major part of our nap issues. And yes my brain is total mush!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@MrsSCB: Cora usually naps great on the go and often that long nap is while I meet friends for lunch. Tuesday though we were on Togo and it was 20 min naps. Wednesday we were home and it wasn't any better
pomelo / 5257 posts
@AprilFool: @T.H.O.U.: F has gone back and forth with the on the go naps -- they were good for awhile, then he was NOT into them and would just be awake and fussy if we tried to go anywhere, now he'll nap in his carseat better than at home. Maybe some day we will get good naps out and at home? A girl can dream
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@MrsSCB: at home our naps are in the swing or short in her crib.
grape / 75 posts
@agold: I'm generally pretty good but this week is definitely presenting some challenges! What about you guys? Did the post-needle crying continue long?
@LCTBQE: Naps are a losing battle, I feel like I spend the entire day fighting her to go to sleep. It's exhausting and I must admit there have been some tears of frustration on my part!
I can't be the only one who drives the long route to get everywhere just to lengthen her car naps as much as possible
pomelo / 5257 posts
@Umberto: If we want to go somewhere, it's best if he's asleep when we get there, otherwise he'll be super fussy. So longer drives are totally better. There's a restaurant with two locations, and we went to the one farther from us last week hoping he'd be more likely to fall asleep on the way
nectarine / 2591 posts
@Umberto: I left half hour early for an appt yesterday hoping he would sleep in the car. He fell asleep 10 mins before we got there and woke as soon as I pulled up
grape / 75 posts
@AprilFool: Don't you just want to smack your head on the steering wheel when that happens??
kiwi / 595 posts
Thanks so much to all of you (I'm on mobile so hard to tag all of you) re: Molly's tongue tie. We opted to leave the lip alone for now, and we drove to Phoenix on Thursday to see THE tongue tie guy. I talked a good game and thought it's no big deal (cause it isn't), an easy procedure (which it is), but when it came time to do it I felt really anxious and second guessed myself. The first few hours were hard, but the second time she nursed there was a HUGE difference. I nursed her sister for 3+ years with no issues, and we didn't have any major issues with Molly, she's gaining great, etc. so I didn't recognize how much the tie was effecting us. but now that we clipped her tie and she can make a solid seal on my breasts, our sessions are lasting a bit longer, but she's nursing less often . Like 8x in 24 hours, rather than 12-14x. She's sleeping better, and we are already off Tylenol but I'm still giving her arnica for swelling. She doesn't even mind the exercises and stretching if the wound (which keeps it from reattaching). I can already tell a difference in my breasts too. Since she's nursing longer she's actually emptying me, and since she's not popping on as much, less demand to me, and I'm not engorged for the first time since August. All this to say- thanks for your support! And I'm so pleased we did it and got the results we did. (and now to catch up on all of your posts!)
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@OldpuebloJenn: Hooray! That's wonderful news! I hope it just keeps getting better from here.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@OldpuebloJenn: it sounds like it all worked out great. Were you able to hold your baby when it was cut? Was your baby able to nurse very soon after? How long did she seem to be in pain? And how many times a day do you need to press on her cut site? My girl had an appointment in two weeks.
kiwi / 595 posts
@agold: we didn't hold her during the procedure, nor were we allowed in with her, but we were apart for 7 minutes. She nursed immediately after. I'd say she was in pain just after, maybe- but they do a local anesthetic, so probably not. We stayed up on her meds for the first 5 doses, and since, we've played it by ear. But the dr said we want her to use and explore her mouth, so if she seems fussy we've not been hesitant to give it. During waking hours, we do exercises and wound stretching every 3 hours.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@OldpuebloJenn: oh god. That's awful you couldnt be with her. Do you know why that is? Could you hear her screaming? Maybe it's better to not be there to witness the procedure. I bet it looks horrible. Ugh. Poor babies. Did she. It's okay when you did it immediately after the procedure? And how long will you have to do exercises and whatnot?
kiwi / 595 posts
@agold: we couldn't be with her for safety reasons. A nurse had to restrain her, as they do with all babies, and that can't be easy to see. We couldn't hear her, and I listened! I did hear when she was being brought back to us. She cried hard for maybe 5 minutes.
It actually looks amazing. Today it's white-ish, which is normal. But the incision looks like a diamond. It's clean and looks good. We waited six hours before starting the exercises and I'll keep it up for 6 weeks.
Here's a link to our doctor showing how to do the exercises on a baby post procedure:
ETA: good luck at your appointment! Call and ask if they have a cancellation list, so maybe you can get in sooner?
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@OldpuebloJenn: thank you for all this info. Good idea about calling for a cancellation list. Interesting video link. Is that exercise just for tongue tie or is it also for lip tie?
nectarine / 2461 posts
shots were a real doozy, I have never heard my baby scream like that, and poor lil boo was a total fusspot all day afterwards. (silver lining-- he did sleep that night). and I think as of this week we have dropped the second nightly feeding! for the past few days he's sleeping 8pm-ish until a 2- or 3-am feeding, then back down until 7:30am. light at the end of the tunnel!
@Umberto: @AprilFool: I keep reading that the naps will organize themselves into 3 recognizable sessions throughout the day soon, but so far, nothing sorry you're going through it too, but reassuring that I'm not the only one spending 4 hours a day trying to get the baby down. @T.H.O.U.: your schedule is beautiful! can I ask what you do when she wakes up early and is clearly not going back down?
@MrsSCB: "take out bathroom trash" lol. some days I can barely make the bed--although we're definitely in better shape now than we were a few weeks ago.
@OldpuebloJenn: that's great!!! wonderful update. sounds like the procedure was tough to submit her to, but I'm glad the chain reaction is working out and serving both of you so well
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
Unfortunately the Zantac has stopped working despite going up a dose. We're going to try a PPI medication this week probably. I remember thinking with my daughter "I don't understand how parents of babies with colic get by!!" Well, now I know. One day at a time. He's sleeping terribly at night again (probably because he's in pain).
Naps have been better- he takes the first nap in the swing an hour after waking and usually is down for an hour. An hour after that I've been trying for another swing nap but sometimes it's really short so I wear him to lengthen it. Another longer nap in the front pack in the late afternoon
We've been trying to commit to a bedtime routine but so far it's not working. He wakes up screaming bloody murder after 45 minutes in the rock and play and we can't get him to settle after that for like an hour or so. I usually get him back in but it rarely lasts longer than half an hour and then I bring him to bed with me. A typical night is 10-1, 1-3, then awake fussing about and dozing until about 5, sleep until 7:30/8 depending on when my husband leaves and we have to get up for the day
pomelo / 5257 posts
@LCTBQE: still haven't taken it out But I did vote and freeze the bananas, so yay progress!
grape / 75 posts
@LCTBQE: Naps hugely improved a few days ago. They're still only 45-ish mins but now I can put her down drowsy and she usually goes to sleep herself. She even settles herself if she wakes up sooky mid-nap. Probably just a fluke but I'll take it. I really hope yours get better soon too!
On the flip side, she's refusing bottles again and I have no idea why. Babies change the rules constantly!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Silva: I am so sorry the Zantac stopped forking for your baby! have you tried the new medicine yet? I hate the thought of any little baby being in pain.
@OldpuebloJenn: since you have had your baby's lip tie clipped, have you noticed an improvement in your baby's spitting up and other reflux-like issues?
grapefruit / 4045 posts
The doctor doesn't think my baby's upper lip tie needs to be cut now!! Phew. Now the lactation consultant is coming Friday and maybe she will help with latch and positioning and whatnot. Gosh, I love getting peace of mind.
nectarine / 2280 posts
@OldpuebloJenn: how's baby doing? Does she tolerate the exercises?
@Silva: did you try the new medicine? I was curious what your routine was like.
@Umberto: babies have no respect! Always changing right when you think you have something figured out.
@agold: hope the LC gives you some answers/tips.
Ladies, how's your hair? I'm pretty sure I'm shedding and starting to experience postpartum hair loss.
kiwi / 595 posts
@agold: we've had a few days of less spit up, but I ate cabbage the other day, so we've been in spitup overdrive! Glad the dr gave a clear answer, good luck with the LC!
@katsupgirl: she's doing well actually loves the exercises?! See pic! When I stretch the wound she whimpers a bit, but I think she'll be an early teether, she loves my fingers in her mouth!
nectarine / 2591 posts
@agold: Good news
@katsupgirl: Falling out!
@OldpuebloJenn: That smile! J loves chewing on my hand too
nectarine / 2280 posts
@OldpuebloJenn: so cute! She definitely doesn't mind one bit.
@AprilFool: ugh! Pregnancy giveth and pregnancy taketh away. The one thing I liked from pregnancy was how great my hair looked. Doesn't help that baby boy is grabbing and pulling it out too.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@agold: Glad it doesn't need to be cut! I hope the LC gives you good tips.
@katsupgirl: I can't tell with the hair, but I have pretty thick hair and always shed a lot. Maybe that means it's not happening yet, because it's not obvious? I told my husband recently that a lot of women start losing hair postpartum and he was like, "How will you be able to tell?" lol he's used to my shedding I guess
I went to a baby boot camp class today, basically an exercise class where you can bring your baby. A couple of my friends have been going (they have a one year old and a four month old). It was a good workout, I think I'll go again! F was good, too. I was nervous, but he slept basically until the end of the hour. But the other babies there fussed and cried a bit, so it made me feel less anxious about him doing it in future classes. Nice to be able to exercise without needing childcare!
In other news, we're moving this Sunday and haven't done anything yet, so I'm kind of terrified. I did hire movers today. But we haven't packed at all yet...luckily we have a smallish one-bedroom so hopefully won't be too bad. And we have a three day overlap between our leases.
ETA: Also, I've discovered this week that I can extend naps by feeding him just a bit if he starts fussing and then rest my hand on his chest for a few minutes. Today he started fussing after an hour, so I slipped in and nursed him and did the hand resting. He's still sleeping and it's been two more hours!
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@katsupgirl: 3mo postpartum and shedding like crazy. There's hair everywhere. Doesn't help that it is so overgrown. I'm trying to figure out what to do with it then I'll get it cut.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@MrsSCB: Wow! I'll have to try that for naps. And re hair: you'll know. When I run my hands through my hair, maybe 5-7 strands come out, and I've had to clean out my brush way more than usual. Oh and I'm doing a similar exercise class. It's been great, and I've met some nice moms with similarly aged kids. It's only once a week, and I definitely have a hard time motivating without the class. Wish it were another day per week.
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