pear / 1718 posts
@pregnantbee: Thank you so much for sharing this! I will probably watch this a few more times before this LO arrives . . . a shallow latch almost destroyed my BFing relationship with my first.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@pwnstar: Sure! After I posted that she decided to be up and scream the whole time. Practically no sleep last night, yesterday, or the day before. Couldn't get her to eat at all. I thought it was bc I won't let her mutilate the nipples anymore and was about to let her chomp. Husband swooped in and swaddled her and now she's quiet.
coconut / 8472 posts
@pregnantbee: Do you have a strong letdown? A day or 2 after my milk came in, DS wouldn't nurse at all, and I was freaking out. I had to resort to a bottle for an entire day. I contacted an LC and she it was likely overactive letdown and suggested I express some first. In my case I think I was waiting too long to feed him too. I was really bad at breastfeeding for a while, lol.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@ShootingStar: I don't think so? But, man last night and this morning were rough. She's finally nursing as I type but the latch isn't great. Just wanted her to eat already.
We have newborn and family pics this morning. I'm gonna look SO well rested.
coconut / 8472 posts
@pregnantbee: Can you go to a breastfeeding support group or have someone come to you? You could probably drive yourself crazy trying to troubleshoot on your own.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@ShootingStar: I can go to a group next Wed. Could prob get an outpatient consult too. Thought I could handle it. Will figure it out.
nectarine / 2591 posts
@pregnantbee: I am also guilty of letting him nurse with a bad latch to get it done, especially in the middle of the night. Hope your photos go well!
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
Hi everyone! We came home yesterday afternoon and so far things are going pretty well. My husbands office gave him this whole week off, and my mom has been coming over a lot, so right now there is a lot of help.
Baby did pretty well our first night at home, a couple one hour and two hour stretches and then we fell asleep with him in our bed and he slept from 2:30-6:15! We are trying hard not to co-bed this time because it was so hard for us with my daughter, but it was nice to get the extra rest last night.
My milk cAme in really fast, less than 48 hours after birth and in pretty engorged today. He's a sleepy guy so I have to wake him to nurse and try all kinds of tricks to keep him from snooZing before he's done a good feed.
My daughter is a little overwhelmed with all the changes in routine and the chaos, but so far she has been great with him. Giving her lots of helping jobs seems to work well.
I'm healing well. I feel a little better each day. No tears, but pushing was more intense this time since I didn't have time to labor him down at all- they had me start pushing at like 9.5cm and just moved the cervix out of the way. He was also a full pound bigger than his sister! So I was pretty swollen and my body was just sore in general from labor. Trying to take it easy but I'm not the best at that.
Right now my big concern is pooping. I went a little at the hospital and have been taking stool softener but no luck yet. My moms bringing me prune juice this afternoon, hopefully that will do the trick.
Hope others are doing well!!
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@Silva: Welcome home! Sounds like things are generally going well so far. I highly recommend prune juice. Just don't smell before or while drinking.
Giving helping jobs to our 4 yo also seems to be heloing for now. He's been acting out a little, which I'm assuming is normal. I'm sad that I just can't give him as much attention as I used to.
It's hard to remember to slow down and take it easy!
Hang in there and thanks for the update!
cherry / 215 posts
@Silva: @pregnantbee: Yes, definitely hear you on the older sibling being overwhelmed. We are doing well but I think parenting my 4yo amidst it all is probably the hardest part, which I didn't expect. My baby's sleep is still all over the place and totally unpredictable--some days it feels like she only sleeps and eats and others she is awake a lot--fussy sometimes, calm and alert other times. So much sweetness and love but oh, wow, two kids is a lot more than one!
pear / 1718 posts
Hi all! I've been wanting to update, but tbh, this c/s recovery is really kicking my butt. The worst part is being bigger now pp than I was pregnant (body wise--my belly is somewhat smaller). There is so much effing swelling from all the IV fluids/meds they pushed. It's seriously depressing. I knew it would be a tough recovery, but nobody prepared me for this.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@pwnstar: I'm sorry, that sounds rough. Big hugs to you ️ I hope things start to improve quickly.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@pwnstar: Hugs. The swelling is the worst. Mine was mostly in my feet, but it still didn't feel good. The good news is that it's all temporary and you will feel more like yourself. xo
cherry / 215 posts
@pwnstar: Ugg, so sorry. That must be so hard on top of taking care of the baby. Hope you're finding even small ways to treat yourself in this time?
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@pwnstar: I'm sorry recovery isn't going well. It makes it so hard to get to know the baby. Do you have help when you get home?
pear / 1718 posts
@MrsSCB: @pregnantbee: @mossyslane: @Silva: Thanks. I do have help. It's just hard to recognize myself. My little guy is quite the charmer! Thankfully things are going great with him and my DD. Nights are hardest with all of the sitting up and such. I know it will get better, but it's so hard to be patient.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@pregnantbee: thanks! This is night #2 and she's much more alert!
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
How's everyone doing?
A has been cluster feeding for days. He nurses at least every hour. At night I usually get one 3 hour stretch, and then some 2s. He's got some trouble with gas- often needs to be burped after nursing, which is new for me. He's sleeping in our bed, which works well for me but is hard for my husband who has trouble falling asleep when the baby is there. Not really sustainable, but trying to tell myself we are in survival mode.
I'm still a little sore, and definitely tearyat times. It's easy to feel overwhelmed, I tried to make a to do list yesterday of "goals" and got like two things accomplished.
My mom has been an incredible help, we'd be drowning without her. And my husband has Been doing a lot with my daughter.
My daughter starts summer camp in the mornings at her new preschool next week, so I'm trying to get ready for that. Her world has just been totally turned upside down and I feel so sad when I think about how overwhelming it must all be. But she's handling it really well so far.
pear / 1718 posts
@Silva: I think you're looking at this all wrong. And by that I mean you made a to-do list and then accomplished two things on the list??? #WINNING Seriously. That is amazing!
My little guy is a frequent nurser too. He cluster fed while we were still in the hospital! He is pretty consistently eating every 2-3 hours including 15-20 minutes of nursing each side. One boob is faring better than the other, but we are surviving. He actually had two almost 3 hour stretches last night which is a huge accomplishment. Even with the almost hour in between the stretches to nurse and change him, I'll take it!
My DD has been an absolute rockstar. She adores her baby brother, and while I expect some bumps in the road along the way, I am amazed by how quickly she has adapted. I, too, feel guilty sometimes about how much this baby has/will change her life. But that's only when I focus on what she could potentially lose. I forget too easily all that she has to gain.
My biggest struggle has been my recovery. It's happening a lot slower than I expected--which is just silly and unrealistic. I am not even 7 days out from my c/s and yet I expect to feel/look like I had never had one. The hardest part--other than the pain--is the residual swelling that is likely to hang around for at least another week (or two!). I am reminding myself to be patient and trying not to be discouraged. Because really, I am probably doing better than I realize.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@pwnstar: well, one of my accomplishments was to shower.... We probably both need to surrender to the "survival mode" and give ourselves some forgiveness. It's a big deal!
pear / 1718 posts
@Silva: Deal! And, fwiw, the fact that you prioritized a shower for yourself is freaking awesome.
nectarine / 2591 posts
@Silva: We are the same as you, J is a very gassy baby and impossible to burp, opposite of my daughter. He is also sleeping in our bed, I never wanted to but it's just so much easier. Well done on showering!
@pwnstar: My recovery this time has been pretty easy so I forget that I have just through something major and push myself a bit too hard.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
My milk came in around day 3. I thought it would help with gas and mucus but not really
pomelo / 5257 posts
Cluster feeding is no joke. I don't think I got any sleep at all last night -- every time I'd try to put him down after feeding, he would be crying a minute later. Of course now that it's morning he's sleeping away perfectly peacefully! The hospital also makes it pretty impossible to sleep because people are constantly coming in and out. Add in construction next door that starts hammering away at about 5:30 am and there's no hope I'm glad to be going home today, but also kind of terrified because I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. And everything he does, I think, "is that normal? Is that ok?"
pomelo / 5257 posts
@T.H.O.U.: thanks, I'm interested to see what happens feeding-wise tonight. I think they should space out more once my milk comes in, so I really hope that's soon!
nectarine / 2591 posts
@MrsSCB: Our first night was like that (with LO#1 it was night 2 & 3) and then each night got better from there
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@MrsSCB: It's really hard! And dealing with it at the hospital is no fun especially with all the interruptions to check you, check the baby, give you meds, etc. It gets better when you get home and it all evens out more.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@MrsSCB: hope it goes better. We are about two hours between feedings
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
And then one night the baby sleeps from 12:30 to 4 and you feel like you could run a marathon
I'm still incapable of getting him to sleep anywhere but next to me in bed or in the sling/my arms. I can sometimes transfer him or get up out of bed and he will stay... But it's definitely not how I was hoping things would go the second time around.
Tonight we are going to try swaddle, paci and rocking to get him in the cosleeper. Even if he is just there for the first 2 hour stretch it would be a huge win!
clementine / 928 posts
1 month here! Baby is still napping like a rockstar and can go 4 hours between feeds during the day and 4.5 at night. We've been to the pediatrician a few times though because she has had a few episodes where I guess she spits up milk/acid and it's actually choked her where her eyes bug out and she can't breathe It's so scary! It's mostly happening in her car seat and we figure it might be her neck position at the time of spit up so I readjusted the infant insert so she isn't crooking her neck too far forward. We will also be trying prilosec for a bit and feeding less but more often. Hopefully, that helps along with the more gentle formula we've just started her on.
Because of the scary episodes, I've been having her sleep in her rock n play next to me in the guest room or living room at night just in case, but we had recently moved her rock n play into her room to get her accustomed to the scenery. She has been doing really well with that and sleeping about 4.5 hours (so technically 1 wake up between 10pm and 7am).
She's having some issues coordinating her suck, swallow, breathe reflex so I'm sure some of her spit up/reflux will subside when she stops sucking down her bottle so fast lol. Some days are better than others but hopefully she figures it out soon, I'm sure it's a wait it out kind of thing.
Still in NB clothing and diapers! She smiles a bit at us and had her first giggle the other day not sure if it was intentional but super heart melting nonetheless
She's such a good baby and we are so in awe of her!
coconut / 8472 posts
I had an LC come to the house today to help with our feeding challenges. She was great and gave me a lot of useful tips.
On a totally different subject, is it weird that my 8lb baby is swimming in NB? DS weighed slightly less and I don't remember clothes being this big on him.
clementine / 928 posts
@ShootingStar: maybe different body shapes? My LO is almost 8lbs at almost 5 weeks and is still swimming in some NB clothing. She's tall and thin though!
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@ShootingStar: I wonder if it depends on brand? Baby girl is now around 21.75" and almost to 9 lbs. She is stretching an Old Navy sleeper to the max.
How was the LC visit? Hope it's getting better.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@ShootingStar: yes I would think it depends on the brand. Even at 10 lbs she's in NB charters pants. Because I think regardless of weight their length is all pretty much the same.
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