pomelo / 5257 posts
@Silva: I'm sorry, I feel your pain. I wish I had a solution. I still can't really put the baby down anywhere without him screaming almost immediately, and he basically wants to eat constantly all night long. I'm so tired
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@MrsSCB: it's really tough. My daughter was a bad sleeper but just becUse she woke up a lot- she's always go right back to sleep. This is way harder.
nectarine / 2591 posts
@T.H.O.U.: I give gas drops at every feed
WWYD - I was getting one really good stretch of sleep at night but J seems to of shifted it to the afternoon, taking a 4 hour nap. Would you wake him? I really need the night sleep back
nectarine / 2280 posts
Popping in from the September board since I ended up with an August baby. @MrsSCB: our Babies were born on the same day!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@AprilFool: yes. I would limit to 2-3 he naps during the day.
nectarine / 2461 posts
I get to come join y'all here !!! Baby is not even 18 hours old yet so gonna let the dust settle, but so happy to see everyone on the other side. And it is phenomenal to be not pregnant anymore.
nectarine / 2280 posts
@pregnantbee: @AprilFool: @MrsSCB: thanks!
@LCTBQE: thanks! I agree with you on being not pregnant!
pear / 1718 posts
@AprilFool: Yes, I would wake him. Bathe him if I had to! So that I could shift the sleep back to night.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
Hi girls. Just got home with baby girl Emma Grace, my perfect beautiful dark haired princess born on Thursday morning. 36 hours of labor, 21 without epidural. Super slow to dilate. Then from a 5 to go time in like an hour or something. 4 pushes and she was out. 4th degree tear. Extremely disturbing projectile bleeding incident. Manual placenta removal. Projectile vomit. Ummm.. Lots of other nasty stuff. Needless to say, I did not wear the cute labor and delivery gown i bought. Everyone here was so right about everything.
But baby girl is so perfect. She's sleeping right now.
Sucking on a pacifier.
Hasn't wanted to eat since 3.5 hours ago.
She cluster fed for 4 hours this morning in the hospital before we left. Cluster feeding started last night. She has an amazing latch. I can hand express colostrum.
But I'm near having a meltdown!!! should she be feeding right now? I keep trying and she doesn't want it. She's happy with her pacifier, but was it wrong for us to let her have one? (Hospital staff gave her one during some tests; she loved it.
So I don't even have strenghth or time to write more. I'm going to try to read back on this thread to see what you all said about feeding but I'll take any advice. I'm sitting here in my own 6 inch deep diaper, feeling like I'm going to be a breast feeding failure. She's peacefully sleeping in a breast feeding ready position. My boob is out and I keep trying to tease her with colostrum. At the hospital she would have never turned this down. Help!!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@agold: congratulations!! Sounds like quite the story!
I would limit paci use but I don't think it's terrible to let her have one. How long since her last feeding?
Even now at 2 weeks, we have had sleepy says and fussy days. Today she's just been really sleepy and we have to wake her up and bother her with a long cold diaper change before she will feed.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@agold: so glad to hear from you, I've been thinking of you all weekend!! Congratulations on your sweet daughter.
So I try to get my baby to nurse every two hours during the day early on, mostly because his night sleep is crap. early on there were some super sleepy days, I would change his diaper to wake him up and then get him to nurse that way.
Neither of my children has been interested in pacifiers, despite me trying about 8 brands in desperation. I wouldn't worry about the paci, but maybe try to wake her up more frequently for nursing?
The website Kellymom is my go to for all breastfeeding questions!
Eta: wait, she had hair??!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@T.H.O.U.: I just took the pacifier out of her mouth. She's still sleeping. phew. She was an instant thumb sucker so I'm thinking some kind of soothing is going to be necessary at some point since I don't want it to be my boob. Ouch!
Mean mommy makes her work at the boob. Otherwise she'll sleep, nibble and eat in a long slow pattern.
It's been maybe close to 4 hours since her last marathon feed. She slept for close to 4 hours last night too.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@Silva: she has tons of hair!! So my OB said no hair. And two nurses at the hospital said no hair. I will always remember the point during labor before i was told to push and her head was apparently clearly visible. Everyone was so surprised, saying, "she has LOTS of dark hair!"
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@T.H.O.U.: I tried to wake her up and bother her with a diaper change. She was awake and certainly bothered and wanted nothing to do with the boob. I'm just waking here ready. Every time she turns towards me, I shove my boob on her mouth. Hoping she'll take it soon.
pear / 1718 posts
@agold: You can also try skin to skin to encourage her to nurse. I wouldnt worry about the paci. And some days she will be sleepier than others. I'm sorry that you had a long, complicated delivery. But I am so glad your LO is finally here and you're on the other side of pregnancy/delivery. Congratulations!
kiwi / 595 posts
@agold: id take away the paci and let her use you, for a few days. That way she'll be more likely to feed on demand than just self soothe with the paci.
Eta: pay attention to her wet and dirty diapers- as long as she's voiding well, she's getting what she needs from you, regardless of schedule!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@agold: yea some babies aren't bothered by nipple confusion but it sounds like she might be. I would limit paci use (we only use when in the car and I can't get to her for example).
grapefruit / 4045 posts
She's feeding!! Hooray! 38 minutes on right side done. Now feeding on the left. Such a relief.
Next question. Will it always feel like razor blades slicing my nipplles??
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@agold: have you seen a LC to help you get a good latch? It won't feel like that forever. You may be more sensitive being a FTm. But if it hurts beyond the first 10-30 seconds you may not have a good latch. You should unlatch and try again. It's crazy how much you need to try to cram into their mouths. Sandwich your breast so as much as you can goes in the mouth. Use your other hand to guide the head toward the Breast and force it to latch on deep. Sorry if you're doing all these things or know all this.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
How are the other STM or third time moms doing? Did you survive the weekend? We woke up early Saturday and took the kids to the playground. It was still cool so the baby wasn't too hot. But she did poop out her diaper so we had to use all our wipes and change of clothes from the diaper bag to get cleaned up.
Tip: make sure you have some plastic bags in your diaper bag for dirty diapers or dirty clothes!
I also need to add an extra shirt to keep in my van in case I need a quick change too.
nectarine / 2591 posts
@agold: Congratulations. Very classic name. It won't always feel like razorblades but it might for a few weeks. It does get better!!
@T.H.O.U.: @Silva: Ok I will wake
@pwnstar: A bath is a great idea!
@T.H.O.U.: DD spent Sat night with her grandparents and I tried to go bed early but LO had other plans.
I didn't need to wake him yesterday. He had really fussy day and barely slept so there was no need. No improvement last night
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@agold: What @T.H.O.U.: said. Honestly at 4w out, it still hurts me more often than I think it should at this point. 2 LCs and my doula haven't been able to help. So I'm waiting. Nursing through the pain and waiting for her to get bigger so that she can hopefully latch better. Best rule: don't quit on your worst day. It gets better.
nectarine / 2591 posts
P.s I desperately need to wash my hair and had to go out in public today!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@T.H.O.U.: all of the nurses were trained in lactation. I was told baby has a great latch. I'm hoping the nipple pain passes. But I'm so happy when she feeds that I can smile through the temporary pain.
2:25 am and I'm waiting for her to want to feed again. I keep trying. First night home with her. Husband rocked her from 10 to midnight while I slept. Now I'm rocking her since midnight, hoping she'll want to feed soon. love her little face so much!!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@pregnantbee: @AprilFool: thank you for such encouraging words!! Honestly, I do want to quit. I wonder if formula would fix her odd eating schedule.
nectarine / 2280 posts
@T.H.O.U.: we haven't ventured out much. I guess our first family of four trip was to the doctor. Little Miss Miss went to her gymnastics class on Saturday and I went to the hair salon. Little Man stayed home with my mom.
Great tip about extra clothes for mom! I also have to remember to update my diaper bag. When we went to the doctor he pooped and I realized I had no diaper or anything for him in the bag.
apricot / 442 posts
@agold: Congrats on your baby girl and what a beautiful name! Congrats on surviving labor too, it really is rough, painful, and can be a life threatening experience (and that's why we are probably stopping with 2). My first labor was difficult and not what I had imagined so I totally relate. Make sure you take pain meds and stool softener (you will need it) and really just take the first month to focus on healing. I had a third degree tear with my first and because of it I pretty much lived in bed with the kiddo that first month, I watched so much tv and read a few books on kindle, and we lived on takeout! It gets better and easier with time, so hang in there, and try to just enjoy your little baby as much as you can:)
apricot / 442 posts
@agold: they say the 20th feeding is the hardest and most painful, and then it gets easier (like a week later). second time breastfeeding and it still felt like my nipples had been skinned and then pinched so hard every time he latched (felt like daggars in my boobs), but three weeks in and we are good to go.
apricot / 442 posts
@T.H.O.U.: We are surviving and only due to our 2.5 yr old going to preschool! We cut her days down to M-Th mornings, and that's when I get to shower and eat and just have baby time. Weekends are exhausting and DH has to take her out for special outings otherwise she gets cabin fever.
Also I am so glad I listened to everyone and left her at school! The 16 hours a week she is at school have been so helpful in my getting some rest and peace (she is loud loud loud) this time around.
apricot / 442 posts
@T.H.O.U.: I forgot all about the blow outs!! I remember DD blowing out once at a target and needing to use like 5 diapers because when I thought she was done she would poop even more... I forgot how much these little babies can go!
nectarine / 2280 posts
@MrsBeluga: do you find LO1 is extra loud or intentionally loud. My DD is generally loud but she's now decided to make high pitched screechy noises. A little bit on purpose to wake up her brother.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@MrsBeluga: thank you for responding. I was looking on HelloBee for anything about serious tears and couldn't find much. I am currently sitting in a very comfy glider with baby for the last 4 hours and am essentially in pain down there. I need a new ice pack but won't wake up my husband and don't want to wake the baby. How long did it take for your tear to heal? Is it back to normal?
And thanks for the encouragement regarding sore nipples.
So it's been a ridiculous amount of hours again since baby last fed. I keep trying every time she moves or seems to wake a little but she doesn't want it. If only she was in a bassinet and I could get some sleep!
cherry / 215 posts
@agold: Congratulations and also so sorry! Tears are so painful and nursing troubles so frustrating. Keep trying like you are and soon your milk will come in and that may help. Do you have lansinoh cream or little frozen gel packs for your boobs? Both of those things helped me through that terribly painful stretch with my first.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@mossyslane: thank you for your nice words. I have a nipple cream called mother-something. I do have gel pads!! Thank you for reminding me!! And I was also told to squeeze some colostrum out and rub that on my nipples, so I've been doing that too. Hope not all helps!!
Baby girl still hasn't eaten again. This is crazy.
Does anyone think that bottle feeding with formula would solve these feeding issues??
pear / 1718 posts
@agold: You're going to have to wake her up to get her to eat. Change her, leave her just in her diaper, bathe her--blow air on her if you have to. But it sounds like she's super sleepy and you're going to have to help her wake up. Eta: if you can't get her to eat in the next hour or so, call your Ped.
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