blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts
I feel like all I do is whine, but . . . I am soooo ready to not be pregnant. And I know I can't even wish I would go into labor because it's too early, but the idea of being pregnant for five more weeks sounds unbearable. I am hot, giant, my right rib cage is killing me, and there is not enough ice on the planet to satisfy my ice cravings. Putting my (admittedly giant-35 lbs) toddler in his crib is like an Olympic event and carrying him feels like a marathon. Thank goodness my big kids don't need quite as much physical care at their age. I just feel over it all. I want my sweet baby girl to be here and be snuggling in my arms instead of me wetting my pants every time I sneeze. The end.
@peachykeen: Yikes! Glad they were able to stop your contractions. I bet your DD was worn out today! We could barely get our kids out of bed this morning with just staying up late for fireworks and no crazy hospital adventures!
@Torchwood: Congrats on this big milestone! And you're almost to 34 weeks, which always made me feel better from a NICU/health perspective.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@peachykeen: oh my goodness! I hope the next couple weeks are quiet for you.
@torchwood: what an exciting milestone!
@Mrs. Blue: whine away. I'm right there with you. I'm big. I'm uncomfortable. I'm emotional. I'm so over it! I just want my baby. I don't know if this is my last pregnancy so I'm trying to enjoy it... but it's hard.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Mrs. Blue: I think i've had that exact whine to DH! I'm so over being pregnant.. DD was an april baby and I can sincerely say I hate summer pregnancy. It's too hot, I'm always sweating!
pear / 1563 posts
@Mrs. Blue: I hear you! The 7 weeks I have left sounds like an eternity. My SPD pain is really kicking up and shortness of breath is driving me crazy. I don't think I had the breathing issue with my daughter at all, if i did I don't remember...
pear / 1563 posts
@Mrs. Pickle: this is our last pg (if I have anything to do with it!) and I feel bad wishing away the end bc I loved pregnancy with my daughter, but I'm so over it
pear / 1788 posts
@Mrs. Blue: yup, over it. 6 more weeks sounds like torture, but it's my last pregnancy, so I'll try to enjoy it.
Our A/C died for about 2 hours last night and it got so hot so fast inside I was packing to go to a hotel. DH managed to fix it before bed, thankfully. It was 97 yesterday and is 98 currently. I need my A/C!
pear / 1648 posts
@Mrs. Microscope: Oh my gosh I feel for you! I am so heat-sensitive this pregnancy I am dying if the AC is set anything above 74. I even feel hot at 74 sometimes. Hope the AC holds out for you!
And to commiserate with the rest of you, I am also so over being pregnant and even 2 more weeks sounds too long (but I'll take it to make sure baby is ready!)
Had my 35 week ultrasound this AM and baby is estimated 6 lb 15 oz already - she's on track to be a big 37-weeker just like her big sister Getting my 2nd and last round of steroid shots next week to make sure her lungs are ready if we have to deliver earlier. I think the next couple weeks should pass relatively quickly, but my anxiety sure is running high not knowing what to expect!
cherry / 136 posts
@Mrs. Blue: I am 36 weeks and also so over it, this is very very likely my last pg and I don't even care. I am not someone who enjoys pregnancy and am ready to have my body and life back, at least somewhat given I plan to nurse.
Had my 36 week apt yesterday and am 1cm and she said baby's head was super low. No effacement yet so who knows when things will happen but have been having a lot of BH recently. If I don't go before tentatively planning an elective induction on the 28th which is only 3 more weeks but feels like it will be soooo long.
blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts
@Mrs. Pickle: @Banana330: @Revel: @Mrs. Microscope: @peachykeen: @KNS: I'm glad I'm not alone in my misery! My husband is the best but if he tries to sneak the thermostat up one more time, we may have to see a marriage counselor!
coffee bean / 42 posts
I feel you all on the heat! It was about 10 degrees cooler than normal today and I had SO much more energy.
We found out yesterday that our baby girl has a very rare anomaly with the umbilical vein that means I will be induced at 37 weeks, beginning of August. There is a small risk of fetal demise associated with it so it will be an anxious 4 week countdown for us. It's been a complete whirlwind with emergency ultrasounds in the last 24 hrs etc. but baby still looking perfect and healthy. Fingers crossed the next few weeks are smooth sailing. My homework is to count kicks like crazy...
blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts
@coddergirl: That must be really scary! I'm guessing you'll be having a lot more ultrasounds, etc. for the next few weeks. Hopefully that will give you at least small bouts with less worry.
The last couple days have been so weird. I've never really had BH contractions with my other pregnancies and I've never gone into labor. Yesterday, I was generally uncomfortable and had quite a few BH but they were very sporadic. I slept awful last night and then today I had more BH than yesterday until this afternoon. Around 5:30 I started timing them. I was having 10-12 every two hours, which I know per my OB's instructions, means I should have called, but I also know my body has zero history of even thinking of going into labor (36 weeks with twins and 12 hours of pitocin and I never dilated at all and never went into labor at 41 weeks with a 9+ lbs. baby). I waited it out and after a few hours it slowed down from every 8-10 minutes to every 15 minutes and then finally went away. It kind of freaked me out, though. They weren't unbearable by any means, but they were definitely highly uncomfortable at the peak of the contraction.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@Mrs. Blue: I've had lots of BH with both pregnancies. There is never a peak or any pain like a true contraction. My entire stomach just gets rock hard. It kind of sounds like you might have been having some real contractions!
pear / 1648 posts
@coddergirl: I'm sorry you received worrying news - the end of pregnancy is stressful enough already! Are you on the weekly NST/ultrasound plan now? That's helped the weeks go by faster for me lately (and helped quell my anxiety a bit). I hope the next few weeks pass quickly and quietly for you!
@Mrs. Blue: Since I've been home from the hospital I'm periodically still having lots of contractions as well - I definitely didn't have this many with DD1! I asked the doctor at my last appointment when I should get concerned (because they were 3 min apart when I was hooked up to the monitors at the hospital!) and he said as long as my water hasn't broken, no bloody show, and the contractions aren't too painful that I can stay at home. Mine are just uncomfortable so far, though some are stronger than others. It's so hard trying to decide what's normal and what's worrying!!
I wouldn't mind if all these contractions did soften my cervix a little for my induction - I was not favorable at all for my 36.5 week induction last pregnancy and it lasted >48 hours.
pear / 1788 posts
@Mrs. Blue: I've been having lots the last few days too. This time I feel like I have had more "partial" bh, like one side of my uterus contracts, and other stays soft. It's not always the same part, the contracting part does change, and I do get full contractions too, so I'm not worried. But it's weird for sure! I keep dreaming that I don't make it to my 39+3 induction date. We shall see!
@coddergirl: hang in there! Fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly. Sounds like you are getting great care and baby girl is in good hands.
pear / 1563 posts
@coddergirl: I hope the rest of your pregnancy passes uneventfully, I can only imagine how nerve wracking that news makes the end. Sounds like you have good care and a plan in place, so that's the best you can do!
@Mrs. Blue: I am in the same boat this time, like PP, way more BH this time, sometime 10 or so in 2 hrs, and these long stretches where my belly will just get hard. I've been checked at L&D once but i still don't feel like I have a good sense of when I need to be seen. I'm looking forward to hitting 34, and then really 36 weeks for the point when baby would be in good shape and also when my practice would not try to stop labor so I don't feel like I have to be so on my toes about it.
coffee bean / 42 posts
Induction date scheduled for Aug 3 - jumping from the end of the month to the start! On a 3 week countdown (can't believe it)...
pear / 1648 posts
Adding @coddergirl: induction - let me know if there are more updates. We're getting very close to baby time now!
July 29 - PetitDuck (#2)
Aug 2 - KNS (#2)
Aug 7 - MamaFern (#2), LittleJoy (#2)
Aug 9 - MrsD2442 (#1)
Aug 10 - Mrs. Blush (#1), PeachyKeen (#2)
Aug 11 - Cole (#2) , Sunset840 (#2)
Aug 14 - Lilac (#1)
Aug 15 - Mrs. Blue (#4)
Aug 16 - MommySLP (#3) , SapphireSun (#2)
Aug 17 - Nolababy (#2), Mrs.Pinecone316 (#2)
Aug 18 - Pmerr (#2) , sparklemama (#2)
Aug 19 - Rachebon (#2) , MrsBrewer (#2)
Aug 21 - Torchwood (#2)
Aug 22 - Mrs. Microscope (#2)
Aug 25 - Revel (#2) , PhillyDogLover (#1), Mrs. Pickle (#2)
Aug 29 - CodderGirl (#2)
Aug 30 - sojellybean (#2) , Lmpeavley (#1)
Sep 2 - cheesetomywhine (#4)
Scheduled C-sections & inductions:
July 21 - PeachyKeen
Aug 3 - CodderGirl
Aug 8 - Mrs. Blue
Aug 30 - Banana330
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
I'm so jealous of those of you due at the beginning of the month! It's almost mid July. I'll bet some babies start coming soon. How crazy is that?!
coconut / 8854 posts
@Mrs. Pickle: Agreed! I'm due the 19th, and it seems soooooo far away still!!!
pear / 1788 posts
@Mrs. Pickle: so jealous! I start internal checks next week at 35 weeks (they think I'm going to go early) and get my gbs test done too. I should have no more than 5 weeks left if I make it to induction! So close yet so far!
cherry / 100 posts
@Mrs. Pickle: add me to the jealous list! I'm even mentally trying to prepare for a September baby, which seems so far away!
33 week appt today was great with no surprises. I go back on the 3rd for a growth scan and GBS test. On the to do list still: Get a pump, wash crib sheets, clothes and diapers, rearrange nursery (used to be DD's room), pack hospital bag, get car seat out of the attic and try and stay cool!
DH to do list: finish bathroom remodel, listen to me whine and try to say the right thing when I complain about how big I feel.
cherry / 107 posts
hey all! hope everyone is feeling well our week long road trip last week went well without any complications on my end! had my gbs test today and am 37 weeks on Sunday- Crazy.
I wanted to throw out the idea of starting a private group on FB if anyone is interested. My previous birth month moms did that as people started having their kiddos and now two and a half years in, they are some of the greatest people I have never actually met in person! Let me know your thoughts! I'm fine staying here too, just wanted to see if anyone was interested in it.
pear / 1788 posts
@sunset840: me too! I love my fb group ladies from DD, we all post regularly. Count me in!
pear / 1586 posts
@sunset840: I would join if you don't mind a potential September mum in the group!
blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts
@sunset840: I'm in, although I don't get on FB a whole lot anymore. I'd love to keep up with everyone, though.
cherry / 107 posts
ok I made an email if you're interested in the FB group email me your email or name and I can then add you to the group
also a girl I went to high school with who had a due date two days after me had her baby yesterday, no complications or anything just early and now I'm on HIGH alert lol
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@sunset840: email sent! And that's crazy. I'm still too early to not have any complications if I go into labor. I'll be happy to go into labor after 37 weeks! I'm 34 weeks today.
pear / 1648 posts
Less than a week from induction and I'm still struggling with names... We've technically "picked" one and even put an initial on her wall last week but I don't think either of us are very confident about it. Naming DD1 was so much easier - I think we were pretty much settled on her name by 22 weeks!
And it's also weird that DD1 (almost 3) doesn't have a name for her sister yet, but I don't want to tell her until we're more sure...
blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts
@peachykeen: dude, one week! That is crazy! I think my 3 weeks sounds crazy. We're struggling with names, too. We have a couple that are okay, just nothing that really has hit a cord.
pear / 1788 posts
Officially over it. Hot, tired, everything hurts, ugh. And I have probably 2-4 weeks left.
Any updates? Let's distract each other!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@Mrs. Microscope: no updates here! Next week I have two appointments. I'm 34+4 and definitely over it!
pear / 1648 posts
Had my last OB visit/NST today and found out I'm GBS-negative (woohoo!) with a totally closed cervix. Got my records and paperwork for my induction and told to call Thursday evening to find out when to go in. Given the no dilation and my experience with DD1's induction, I'm expecting DD2's birthday to be Saturday
I'm pretty sure I remember them giving me antibiotics every 4 hours during my 2-day induction last time, so the GBS result is a happy surprise. Now if only I could get some rest over the next few days... The insomnia and waking up every couple hours to pee is really catching up with me this week!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Mrs. Microscope: yup over it.. and I have 6 weeks to go. I can't fathom how this kid can get bigger.. I feel like i'm at max capacity here!
cherry / 136 posts
38 weeks tomorrow and have an OB visit. I am GBS positive this time around which I don't feel like is a huge deal. Last time I ended up with a bunch of infections postpartum and was on a bunch of antibiotics for weeks on end so can't be worse...
I am 99% sure that I started losing big parts of my mucus plug on the weekend but I know that it doesn't necessarily mean anything. I am so curious what progress there will be at my apt tomorrow, last week I was 1cm and slightly effaced.
pear / 1648 posts
@KNS: GBS+ is definitely no big deal - you'll just get 1 dose of IV antibiotics assuming your labor is spontaneous. The only reason it was annoying for me with DD1 was because it was a 50-hour induction and they had to give me a new dose I think every 4 hours - that's a lot of penicillin!
And exciting about your mucus plug! Any sign of labor would be exciting to me right now. With both babies I have been completely unfavorable for induction at 36+4 (when I went in for induction for DD1, and I'm 36+4 again today). I was dreaming about getting to experience spontaneous labor with this pregnancy, but I'm also glad to not let the pre-e get completely out of control. Recovery was rough last time around!
Maybe you'll be the first unscheduled August birth for us!
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