Hellobee Boards


AUGUST 2019 Moms

  1. cake2017

    persimmon / 1082 posts

    @cyoung: That’s wonderful!!!! I can’t wait for our first appointment!!!!

  2. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @cyoung: great! I told you you were due earlier, doesn’t it feel nice to “skip ahead”? Lol

  3. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    I realize I forgot to post a picture of my blob, so here he/she is

  4. smuckers

    apricot / 390 posts

    Welp, guess I belong here!

    • Where are you located?: Northern New England
    • EDD: Not a clue
    • How far along are you?: Not a clue, Dr says probably under 5 weeks
    • Is this your 1st child?: Nope, 2nd
    • When is your 1st doctor appointment?: January 3rd
    • Any symptoms so far?: Dry skin/itchy legs, tired, nauseous on and off
    • Who have you told?: Hellobee, DH, my mom, a few people at work (we thought it was ectopic at first, so told them just in case of either a medical event or necessary PTO), and 2 BFFs. All of these people are people who I wouldn't mind telling if I had a miscarriage.

  5. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    🤰August 2019 🤰

    • Cyoung - Aug 3
    • MenagerieMama - Aug 12
    • Lazb - Aug 13
    • DillionLion - Aug 14
    • NDEPET - Aug 17
    • Cake2017 - Aug 19
    • Smuckers - Aug ?

    Good luck and have a Happy & Healthy next 9 mos!

    @Lazb: That little "peanut" still tickles me pink!

    @Smuckers: Welcome on THIS board! 😉 (Not like you haven't received a million "congratulations" from me already, right? 🤣)

  6. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    My bloat bump is kicking in to high gear. At 6w1d I thought “wow, my stomach is looking pretty flat, usually it’s sticking out by now” and today at 6w3d, it’s full on bloat baby.

  7. cyoung

    apricot / 469 posts

    I finally got the tiny baby hand! I'm 8 weeks today. I started having some brown discharge again but I'm thinking that'll just be my norm this pregnancy

  8. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    Ugh, I was just diagnosed with the flu 😷 my uterus is so achy, definitely not helping things

  9. MenagerieMama

    pear / 1547 posts

    @cyoung: cute! What app is that? I feel like I’m tired of the regular baby is a poppyseed, etc ones.
    @LAZB: oh no! That’s terrible! Did you start tamiflu? Eek. We all got our flu shots but that’s always a fear of mine!

  10. cyoung

    apricot / 469 posts

    @MenagerieMama: it's called ovia. It's my favorite pregnancy app.

    We are telling the in laws today. Then tomorrow announcing tell everyone else

  11. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @cyoung: I like that app
    @MenagerieMama: Walgreens messes up my rx, but I should be able to get tamiflu this morning. Wish I got it last night though! I didn’t get my flu shot this year, I wanted to, but I had to take steroids a couple of times for my back, and you can’t get a flu shot for a couple of weeks after. By the time I could, I forgot 😩

  12. cake2017

    persimmon / 1082 posts

    @cyoung: I really enjoy ovia. I used it to keep track of my irregular periods etc.

  13. cake2017

    persimmon / 1082 posts

    @LAZB: I hope you feel and get better quickly! Flu just sucks and being pregnant... ugh!! So sorry to hear that.

  14. smuckers

    apricot / 390 posts

    It is impossible that I am showing, but also it is real life that my pants are having trouble buttoning. THE BLOAT IS SO REAL. I don't remember this (this early, anyway) from the first time around. Wearing jeans that are a size too big to compensate for now, except it's STILL tight around my front but just needs to be pulled up every 5 minutes or my bum will be out.

    Also, falling asleep on the couch at 9:30 is basically my jam.

  15. cake2017

    persimmon / 1082 posts

    @smuckers: My pants are a little snug. I’m approximately 6 weeks ish. I hope it’s just bloating for me lol.

  16. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @smuckers: I don’t wear pants, just leggings 🤣 and I have a legit bloat bump. Actually, I don’t right now because I’ve barely eaten anything the past couple of days, but I did, and sure I will again when the eating resumes.

  17. cyoung

    apricot / 469 posts

    My bloat is bad too. I look a fee months pregnant already. Also I've told everyone. People are excited. this is the pic I used to announce on social media

  18. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    Updating here because I like to be able to look back in 5 years lol. Went for another ultrasound and baby is now measuring a day ahead instead of a day behind (7+2) with a heart rate of 113. Get to go again next week and then I’ll graduate from the re.

  19. cyoung

    apricot / 469 posts

    @LAZB: awesome! Thats so exciting!!

    We are big gonna do sneak peak!! Its a early gender test and its 99.6 percent accurate. They say of its wrong you get a full refund. You can get it at 9 weeks!! I just ordered it cause I'll be 9 weeks this saterday and wont get it till the 3rd of January on my birthday. We really want another girl! But in the end we are happy with whatever.

  20. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    EDD: August 6th
    • How far along are you?: 8+3
    • Is this your 1st child?: Third.
    • When is your 1st doctor appointment?: had an ultrasound today and have an appointment on Jan. 10th
    • Any symptoms so far?: varying degrees of nausea, cramps, some random bleeding cases, burning back pain, super tired.
    • Who have you told?: hubby and parents...and dentist! (Lol. Because I was supposed to get X-rays).

    I’m still a bit nervous and don’t feel very pregnant, but seeing and hearing the heartbeat today and being told things were okay for now has made me feel a bit better.

  21. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    🤰August 2019 🤰

    • Cyoung - Aug 3
    • Petitduck - Aug 6
    • MenagerieMama - Aug 12
    • Lazb - Aug 13
    • DillionLion - Aug 14
    • NDEPET - Aug 17
    • Cake2017 - Aug 19
    • Smuckers - Aug ?

    Good luck and have a Happy & Healthy next 9 mos!

  22. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @Petitduck: I’m so happy for this update! Glad you hopped on over here!

  23. Mrs. K

    apricot / 308 posts

    • EDD: August 29th
    • How far along are you?: 5 + 1
    • Is this your 1st child?: Second
    • When is your 1st doctor appointment?: Jan 15
    • Any symptoms so far?: Not much and the symptoms I do have so far have been very mild- crampy, bloating, tender breasts. I am, however, hungrier and thirstier than usual which is new this time being that it’s still so early.
    • Who have you told?: The hubs, parents, sister and coworkers (I work around some hazardous chemicals)

    So far I’m just anxious to get to my first appointment to confirm heartbeat. I’m excited and also a little nervous about a second child and what life will look like next year but couldn’t be happier to be pregnant with this little bean!

  24. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    🤰August 2019 🤰

    • Cyoung - Aug 3
    • Petitduck - Aug 6
    • MenagerieMama - Aug 12
    • Lazb - Aug 13
    • DillionLion - Aug 14
    • NDEPET - Aug 17
    • Cake2017 - Aug 19
    • Mrs. K - Aug 29
    • Smuckers - Aug ?

    Good luck and have a Happy & Healthy next 9 mos!

  25. Mrs. K

    apricot / 308 posts

    Have any of you ladies had a similar experience where you had/have mild to no symptoms and a successful pregnancy? I don’t remember when exactly my symptoms really kicked in with DS but that fact that mine this time around have been so mild thus far makes me nervous!

  26. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    @LAZB: :). Thanks!

    @Mrs. K: with my first I had basically no symptoms at all. I just had some wild bloating around 6 weeks in. No sore boobs, no nausea. Everything was hunky dorey. Second time around nothing except a bit of nausea and spitting on and off for a few weeks. This time I have had nausea on and off and other little things that I don’t think are necessarily normal pregnancy symptoms. I’d take limited symptoms even though it feels weird over wild ones. Don’t know how old your first is, but two is pretty fun and cute. Also wild at times. :). I got pregnant with my second shortly after my first turned one.

  27. Mrs. K

    apricot / 308 posts

    @Petitduck: that’s really reassuring to hear! Thank you for sharing your experience. All I remember from being pregnant with
    DS was major bloat around 12 weeks but I don’t remember when it started... also had some nausea weeks 6-8. Trying so hard to not read into anything unless I have obvious miscarriage signs but it’s so hard to relax when there are no labs, ultrasounds or symptoms to prove one way or another. DS just turned 1 in October and is a ball of energy so I can’t wait for him to have a playmate!

  28. cake2017

    persimmon / 1082 posts

    It seems like most of you have more than one child? I’m very nervous and excited to expand our family but lately feeling like I’m not going to be able to handle a bouncy toddler and infant. Maybe it’s my emotions? How do you do it with feeling tired, nauseated and fatigue? I know this will pass but trying to figure out what I can do to have more energy!?

  29. cyoung

    apricot / 469 posts

    @Mrs. K: yeah I didnt feel pregnant with my daughter. I had no symptoms. This one I hardly have any besides being tired and food aversions to meat.

  30. cyoung

    apricot / 469 posts

    @cake2017: take a good prenatal. It will definitely help. Also give yourself a lot of grace. There maybe days where you just have to have a movie day so momma can rest. Also get hubby to help a lot. I have to do these things cause I'm so dead tired this time around. I have a 2 year old and a 1 year old and man it's hard this time.

  31. Mrs. K

    apricot / 308 posts

    @cake2017: I totally understand where you’re coming from. I’m not sure exactly what our life will look like once there’s another baby in the picture but I’m hoping to move closer to family in the next 9 months so we will have more helping hands around.

    @cyoung: It’s crazy how every pregnancy is different and how the presence or absence of symptoms equates to nothing! I’m starting to have a little more bloat and I swear I’m already rockin a bump but my husband says it’s my gut 😂🤷‍♀️

    Will any of you ladies be having the NIPT? I’m 35 this time around so I’m fairly certain my doctor will be ordering around 10 weeks. Also, any hopes of boy or girl? Or team green?

  32. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    @cake2017: go to bed as early as you can. That is pretty much the only thing that helps me feel okay.

    @Mrs. K: I’ll do it around 12 weeks. We’re team green again and have been for both of our other kids. We have one of each. This will be our last baby and I’d love another girl, but don’t care too much. And your kids will be almost exactly the same age gap as my first two. It’s kind of nice that way because the first never remembers being the only.

  33. cake2017

    persimmon / 1082 posts

    @cyoung: Thanks! Yes, I’m taking a great prenatal from my OB that I had with LO1 and I am trying to eat healthy just can’t get past these food aversions, smells and thoughts of food lol

  34. cake2017

    persimmon / 1082 posts

    @Petitduck: Yes! I’ve actually made that a goal. I’m lying down and knocked out around 830pm :). This nausea is kicking me in the butt and i feel awful@Mrs. K: Our first appointment is in 2 weeks so i should find out what they want. DH wants another boy! I’ll take whatever lol but alittle girl would be nice too! He’s all about the boys haha. As we all want- a nice healthy baby!

  35. Mrs. K

    apricot / 308 posts

    @Petitduck: what was the biggest adjust, would you say, after LO2 was born? I kind of imagine that my husband and I will just have to divide and conquer 😂 I can’t wait for DS to have a playmate ❤️ Is your oldest a girl or boy? Did it take a long time for your first to notice or care about the second one?

    @cake2017: will you have help with your kids once LO2 is born? I think the only thing that gives me peace of mind is knowing I’ll have my mom nearby to help. Hoping your aversions and nausea don’t last long!

  36. cake2017

    persimmon / 1082 posts

    @Mrs. K: My mom has helped with lO1 and will be going back home soon. However, I’m hoping and praying we will get help once two comes. We have big families and for the most part they are nearby. I plan to take a long maternity leave with this one too so that will help. What about you? Do you have help?

  37. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    @Mrs. K: The biggest adjustment was probably that I couldn’t do everything myself anymore. Bedtime was my hardest adjustment because that was fussy cluster feeding time and my husband travels for work. It was nice when they finally got on a matching bedtime schedule...at just past a year old. Haha. It’s nice to throw them both into bed just after 7 now.

    My first is a girl and was very accepting of her little brother. She noticed him more probably a few months in. But I was lucky that it was actually a really easy process. I think I just have a very chill first kid (my second is a lot different). I will say that it does make entertaining both kids easier when they have someone to stare at or poke. And now they have someone who steals toys...mostly the younger from the older.

  38. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    I want to eat more food! Christmas was disappointing because my stomach capacity is 1/3 of what it was it seems (that happened to me with my second pregnancy too). And I’m never hungry after about 2 pm. My tummy just stays full. I have got some serious bloat right now

  39. Mrs. K

    apricot / 308 posts

    @cake2017: How old is your first? That’s great that you have family nearby to help. It’s been been huge for us to have my mom who comes to help us a couple days a week. She lives a little over an hour away and drives in on Monday nights and leaves Wednesday’s around noon. DH is a stay at home dad as he is in between jobs so having my mom to come and help him keeps him sane! Our plan is to hopefully find new jobs closer to my parents in the next 9 months and relocate so my mom can help more regularly. Ideally I’d love to be able to cut to part time and have my mom watch the new one and maybe do part time day care for DS? How much time will you be able to take for your mat leave?

    @petitduck: I bow down to parents who do it on their own! That’s incredible that you were able to take care of TWO, ALONE! 👏 I always feel a bit guilty of how much I look forward to his bedtime but it is so nice to have a few hours to myself before we get up and do the whole routine again. Lately I’ve been waking up extra early in the mornings (not sure why I can’t sleep past 5:30am) so I get to enjoy my coffee before DS gets up. Cherished minutes! Hope your stomach starts making more room for you so you can enjoy more food again

    Some other random thoughts and questions:

    Did you feel guilty when you had baby #2 and had to divide your energy/couldn’t give as much time to the first?

    If you nursed your first, did you find that your milk came in faster with #2? Did you have a more positive experience the second time around?

  40. cake2017

    persimmon / 1082 posts

    @Mrs. K: LO is about to be 19 months. I took off 6.5mo this with my first and hope to do about 5 months with this one. My family has been so helpful and supportive. No one knows LO2 is on the way so that will be a huge surprise! We are waiting to get through the first trimester to share. So once we share I am sure they will be willing to help us in any way. That’s great that your mom does that. I tell ya, it’s been a blessing to have my mom here! Good call to move closer to family- it’s always nice to have some help if possible! Just how we feel and it’s been great. I’m still anxious about having another but I have to trust it will all work out!

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