kiwi / 624 posts
@Mrs. K: this is totally backwards, but I actually gave my first more attention than the baby (probably why the transition to having a sibling wasn’t a huge shock) I felt guilty for it when he was a few months older and I felt like I barely knew him and I got upset about it a few times, but it has evened out since then. But, this is why it worked out that way: he was an easy baby, both mine were, both my kids nurse for 5-10 minutes per feeding, tops (it’s very odd), and he was up all night and would only sleep with me holding him so the attention evened out that way. But the division of attention is a hard thing to deal with emotionally.
For breastfeeding my milk came in maybe a day earlier or half a day, but much more gradually and it was nice. But I also think that’s because my first didn’t really wake up to nurse at night vs. my second so with my first I woke up on morning 3 with huge rock hard boobs, and with kid #2 I could just tell because my boobs got bigger and I noticed the change of more liquid coming out. I had an unplanned c-section the first go around and then a vbac which was a better experience for me. Overall I have had two good breastfeeding experiences and nursed as long as I wanted, which was 13 months and 15 months.
apricot / 469 posts
Fortunately my family lives super close as well. My husband helps on weekend a lot but during the week he has night shift and has to sleep during the day. My 2 year old I think senses something is different in the house cause he has been more all over the place then normal.
I've been actually trying to cut out dairy and meat cause they make me feel like poop and make me tired. I need to watch my weight this pregnancy. The meat part isnt hard right now cause meat is so gross to me beside salmon. We will see how long I stick to it. I have terrible discipline when it comes to food but so far I've done okay.
apricot / 308 posts
@cake2017: Yes, my mom has been a huge blessing for us. She takes such good care of DS and cooks food for him for the week while she is here. She even helps cook and clean for us too. I really don't know what we would have done without her. This last year with DH at home looking for work has been challenging enough so having support from my mom has been wonderful.
That's amazing that you were able to take such an extended mat leave! You must have an amazing employer I was able to take 4 months and it didn't feel long enough but it is what it is and I tell myself that some have it much harder.
Have you guys thought about how you will share the news with family?
apricot / 308 posts
@Petitduck: I imagine that I will also feel guilty until I can find some balance. I already felt the guilt when I got my BFP but reminded myself that DS will be so grateful to have a sibling in the long run. Mom guilt is real! It's like no matter what we do or how much we do for our babies, there is always this guilt that creeps up from time to time.
I actually JUST stopped BFing DS a few weeks ago, shortly before I found out I was pregnant. I had a very long and difficult labor with him (pushed for 8 hours and was in labor for 32 hours) so I was hooked up to an IV and epidural for quite some time which I think contributed to the fact that my milk didn't come until around day 10. I am hoping it comes in sooner this time around.
apricot / 308 posts
@cyoung: I am with you on watching my diet- I was borderline diabetic with DS so I'm trying to be careful with foods that have a high glycemic index. Hang in there!
kiwi / 624 posts
@Mrs. K: wow, day 10!! I’d be losing my
Mind. Good for you for keeping going.
I always feel guilty about something parent-related.
Anyone else have a sore lower back? My back alternates between sore or like a mild burning feeling and has for the past week nearly. It’s frustrating and slightly disconcerting. I have tried icing and heating and it doesn’t help a lot. Ice seems to help more. I’m trying to focus on proper posture and bending from my knees to see if that helps...
apricot / 308 posts
@Petitduck: I had a lot of lower back soreness/aching with DS. This time around I’m feeling more ligament pain if I pick up DS too much and just general soreness in my abdomen area at the end of the day.
I feel like my first appointment is a lifetime away. I thought I’d be too busy with DS to give it much thought but the days are passing slowly and I’m anxious to confirm heartbeat. I’ve been googling miscarriage rates, silent miscarriage rates etc 🤦♀️ I need to stop... I feel like a crazy person!
persimmon / 1082 posts
@Mrs. K: That’s wonderful!!!! We have no idea how we will share the news haha. Did you do it in a special or creative way?
apricot / 308 posts
@cake2017: I found an idea online where someone printed each letter of the word “baby” and framed them then wrapped them up for family members to open at the same time. I really wanted to do that but we were going to stay at my sister’s house for the Christmas holiday and we weren’t going to be able to convince my sister and BIL that I couldn’t drink because of “antibiotics” until I could get everyone together at the same time. We ended up just telling my mom in person, my dad over the phone and my sister and BIL when we got to their home. We did try to reveal to my mom by hanging an extra stocking on the mantle but she didn’t catch on
apricot / 469 posts
I didnt do anything special. I actually told my mom cause I was bleeding and I was thinking I was miscarrying in the beginning. It turned out to be okay. She told dad and dad told my grandma and well everyone found out. I told facebook after we told my husbands family. I didnt do anything special or cute cause I stink at keeping secrets.
apricot / 390 posts
Oh my goodness, I didn't log on for the weekend and I feel like I missed all of the conversations!
@cake2017: It sounds like your LO and my DD are about the same age; DD just turned 19 months last Friday!
I'm also a little nervous about going from 1 to 2... My DH stays home and I just don't know how he'll manage with 2 kids. He will, of course, he'll adjust, but I'm still nervous about it.
@Mrs. K: We did an NIPT last time even though I was only 28 because technically I'm "high-risk" (though they didn't even offer the option of telling us the gender, hm). I'm 20 now, so we'll probably do another one this time. (General note: high risk = plus-sized).
@cyoung: We didn't do anything special either. My parents already knew because we thought it might be ectopic and I wanted a quick sitter available in case of emergency, and I just told my brother/SIL via text (they have been dealing with secondary infertility for 5+ years, so wanted to tell her early and give her space to react however she needs to react in the moment). DH isn't ready to tell his family yet.
persimmon / 1082 posts
@smuckers: I think it’s a nice age gap but I am still nervous haha.
Yeah we haven’t shared with anyone. I’m anxious to have my first doc appointment and wished I made it sooner than a week away!
apricot / 390 posts
@cake2017: I expect we'll probably nervous right up until it's happening. And then we'll still be nervous. Perfect world I wanted a 2.5-3 year age gap, but just over 2 years will still be nice Is your LO a boy or a girl? Asking only because I'm already getting the people I've told saying "DO YOU WANT A BOY" since I already have a girl. For the record, the answer is I don't care at all. I always knew I really wanted a girl some day, so when I got on in DD, I'm set. If the 2nd is a boy, cool, then we get to raise a boy and a girl. If it's a girl, cool, then we get to raise SISTERS.
apricot / 308 posts
@smuckers: I bet you and I could relate on a lot with our husbands at home with our babies....
apricot / 390 posts
@Mrs. K: I didn't know your husband was a SAHD too! I'm SURE that we could swap stories.
ETA Stories as in texts that read "poo-splosion. gave her a shower. no pjs lefts so I winged it."
apricot / 308 posts
@smuckers: precisely! Having DH at home with DS has been such a blessing. This last year has been filled with many highs, and plenty of lows with having a husband at home with a baby. I’m sure you can relate. I wish I had someone like you around when I went back to work after maternity leave! We could have been good moral support for one another
apricot / 469 posts
We did sneak peak for fun this pregnancy to find out the gender early. We are gonna take the results with a grain of salt just in case its wrong but I should get my results back Friday or next Monday
pomegranate / 3904 posts
Another ultrasound today, measuring perfectly at 8w2d and HB of 161. So glad the HB picked up! We are telling our kids today
apricot / 390 posts
@DillonLion: Good luck!
@LAZB: Yay! That's so exciting! How old are your kids?
@cyoung: That seems very interesting I hope it works for you!
Does anyone else have any large ticket items that will need to happen before baby? A big one sticking out in my mind is that we'll need to get me a new car. I currently drive a Mazda3 compact, which is zippy, reliable, and the PERFECT commuter car... with the smallest backseat known to man. Like, literally we can't fit in DD's (rear-facing) convertible carseat literally anywhere other than the middle seat, and even then we can't actually sit in the front seat without it touching the seats. It will be impossible to fit in another car seat into this car.
I'm going to be sad to lose my lovely, reliable car, but I am kind of pumped for having a car with SPACE. Like, maybe I can put a carseat behind my seat! Maybe it will have 4WD (we live in Northern New England and, yeah, we need 4WD). We've resisted getting a new car up until now because techincally we owe more on it than we'll likely get in trade in. But, once we're out of the first trimester we will have run out of time to make it happen.
That having been said,
ETA: That having been said, **any recommendations?
apricot / 469 posts
@LAZB: yah!! That's good!!
@smuckers: we need a nee car as well. Our car will NOT fit 3 babies. We are getting a van.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@smuckers: dd will be 4 next month and ds just turned 2
@cyoung: thanks!
We don’t need a new car, but will probably be buying a new house. We want to move into a new school district anyway, so a bigger house will just go along with it.
kiwi / 624 posts
@DillonLion: hope it went well!
@LAZB: yay! Let us know how they react. We won’t tell ours or anyone else until after the NT scan.
apricot / 308 posts
@smuckers: We are also thinking we need to get a new car. Haven’t given it a ton of thought but will probably start researching more once we are past the first trimester. It would be ideal if we could figure out our job/living situation before investing in a big ticket item.
@lazb: that’s wonderful news!! Very happy for you! Let us know how your kids react when you share the good news
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@DillonLion: awesome, congratulations! You may want to edit your personal information out of the pic
pomegranate / 3904 posts
We told the kids and hey are so excited! Well, my daughter is, my son doesn’t really get what’s going on lol
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
First appt went perfectly! My LMP puts me at exactly 8 weeks and baby measured exactly 8 weeks today too Heartbeat was 168
apricot / 469 posts
@DillonLion: awesome!! Its so nice when you get to see the baby.
@LAZB: yeah I "told" my kids but they are 1 and 2 and didnt understand lol but thats okay.
apricot / 390 posts
Ultrasound went well! Exactly 8 weeks along, due date is August 15. FHB was 164 bpm.
pea / 7 posts
• Where are you located?: Suburbs of Chicago
• EDD: August 25
• How far along are you?: 6 weeks 4 days
• Is this your 1st child?: second
• When is your 1st doctor appointment?:haven’t scheduled yet but had an early ultrasound today
• Any symptoms so far?:super tired, nauseous, breast pain
• Who have you told?:DH and a handful of friends
I’m so anxious! We had zero issues with DD and saw a great heartbeat of 145 today but I’m still obsessing
grapefruit / 4144 posts
🤰August 2019 🤰
• Cyoung - Aug 3
• Petitduck - Aug 6
• MenagerieMama - Aug 12
• Lazb - Aug 13
• DillionLion - Aug 14
• Smuckers - Aug 15
• NDEPET - Aug 17
• Cake2017 - Aug 19
• Doodle - Aug 25
• Mrs. K - Aug 29
Good luck and have a Happy & Healthy next 9 mos!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@smuckers: Voila! Updated.
(I'm staying neutral on the board and not being an intrusive creepy-peeper since I don't belong here but I'm still trying to keep the board updated for all of you ladies ... Tough gig. )
pear / 1812 posts
• Where are you located?: Dallas TX
• EDD: August 21 (my oldests birthday!!!)
• How far along are you?: 7 weeks +1
• Is this your 1st child?: Third! DD is 5 and DS is 3
• When is your 1st doctor appointment?: The 17th. It will put me at 9 weeks.
• Any symptoms so far?:super tired, barely nauseous, breast pain, insomnia, and so effing gassy.
• Who have you told?:DH and a couple close friends.
This one was a surprise. We had just started talking vasectomy. I had always wanted 3 but he didn't and I had finally come to terms with it... Then we got WAY too drunk at his works holiday party and, well, here we are
grapefruit / 4144 posts
🤰August 2019 🤰
• Cyoung - Aug 3
• Petitduck - Aug 6
• MenagerieMama - Aug 12
• Lazb - Aug 13
• DillionLion - Aug 14
• Smuckers - Aug 15
• NDEPET - Aug 17
• Cake2017 - Aug 19
• Mrs. Hedgehog - Aug 21
• Doodle - Aug 25
• Mrs. K - Aug 29
Good luck and have a Happy & Healthy next 9 mos!
pear / 1547 posts
Finally had my ultrasound today! My dates are off by 5 days (so my due date will likely be later) and I had a couple tiny subchorionic hemorrhages. But baby looked great!
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