pomelo / 5129 posts
I have the nicest coworkers in the world. I got through the day (and an all staff meeting) with no one asking if I'm pregnant.
Or maybe they just think I've really let myself go..,
kiwi / 549 posts
These are so cute! I am just bloated!
@bushelandapeck: how are you able to work out? I can barely stay upright!
pomelo / 5720 posts
@JJ2626: It actually makes me feel better most of the time. I wasn't as active for a few weeks but I'm trying to get back into it. I've found that staying fit during pregnancy helps so much with weight gain and post partum recovery. I try to make it a priority.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
You all look so cute!
At 15 weeks I feel like I'm still in that awkward in between stage. I've mostly been wearing flowy cardigans and scarfs (I need both to hide it!), as otherwise I feel like people would be staring trying to figure out if I was pregnant or if "I've really let myself go" (to quote @MaryM: )
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: I just add it in afterwards on my computer in Picasa, I don't usually like doing much photo work on my phone. The font is DJB Scruffy Angel and it's a free download.
@periwinklebee: I hate this awkward stage! I felt like my loose clothes weren't doing a great job of hiding it like 50% of the time, like in the evenings or if I sat down or got distracted from "sucking in." I used to wear Spanx daily before getting pregnant but I don't want it to impact the baby.
@MaryM: cute dress!! and great co-workers
@bushelandapeck: I would have *no idea* if I saw you in person. Great job on the working out! Theoretically in my head I'd like to work out, but in a week I'll be standing / walking around for mostly 8 hrs a day so that's enough for me.
pomelo / 5129 posts
@JJ2626: I'm really mostly bloated. I'm on a ton of progesterone and HCG shots, so I think a lot of it is fluid. And other grossness... I have been the opposite of regular...
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@bushelandapeck: @DesertDreams88: @MaryM: looking good, ladies!!
pomegranate / 3045 posts
Post-workout selfie here, too I don't have a full-length mirror at home, so I guess this will have to do! Ha.
Still mostly bloat at this point, but I feel large already. 10w3d.
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@DesertDreams88: aww, little seed! We've been calling ours Poppy Seed.
pomelo / 5720 posts
@theotherstark: I don't have a full length mirror either! I keep saying I'm going to buy one then never do. Almost every bump pic I've ever taken has been in a bathroom. Lol
pomelo / 5129 posts
@bushelandapeck: @theotherstark: We have a full length mirror in our master bedroom, but because of where DH's dresser ended up, it's totally unusable. I'm not sure why we don't move it to a bathroom or something
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@bushelandapeck: ha, I always took it in my work bathroom for my son, and I guess will have to use the studio now. So all my bump shots will be in workout clothes Oh well. I keep saying I'll buy a mirror too, and am too lazy.
@MaryM: ha, you should totally move it! For the bump shots
nectarine / 2808 posts
Can't believe I already have a belly! Didn't have one until about 20 weeks+ with DD.
persimmon / 1364 posts
I want to play but I don't have much of a bump yet. I just look like I'm eating too much ice cream (which is also true). I'm 11+5.
persimmon / 1364 posts
Ok I came home and took a better picture that actually shows a bump.
pomegranate / 3045 posts
Yesterday at 13w. Just realized the bow sort of hides the bump from this angle. Oh well
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@Meowkers: definitely a bump!! and I'm sure it's more noticeable now.
@CatchAFallingStar: @bushelandapeck: looking good, ladies!
pomelo / 5720 posts
@CatchAFallingStar: @theotherstark: cute!! Love that we are all starting to look pregnant and not just feel pregnant. Haha.
pomelo / 5720 posts
@dominobee: love the twin bump!! My sister and I were pregnant at the same time when she was pregnant with twins. I'll try to find a pic. We were 7 weeks apart but she ended up delivering 3.5 weeks after I did.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
I feel ridiculously large. Also I know week 12 is a plum, not a peach, but I actually took this pic more like 13 weeks so shhhh. I want to stick with every 4 weeks!
pomelo / 5720 posts
@DesertDreams88: adorable!! I've been doing every 4 weeks too. I just can't seem to get it together more often than that!
pear / 1553 posts
@DesertDreams88: With flutters and your size are you sure you're not further along?! I'm 13w2d with twins and much smaller, even though I had a substantial belly to start with. And I can't WAIT to feel flutters!
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@dominobee: it's my third pregnancy (though my first only last 7 weeks) and PCOS tend to lead to abdominal weight and swelling. I also have diastasis recti from my 2nd pregnancy so no ab muscles = showing early. And I think the early flutters is so crazy but I felt baby at 17 weeks last time, and usually people feel about 4 weeks earlier so I'm right in that range (13w now). I think it's easier to detect when you know what it's supposed to feel like. You should feel something soon I bet!
pear / 1553 posts
@DesertDreams88: I just looked up diastasis recti, I had never heard of that before. Has that affected your life in any other ways?
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@dominobee: I looked early-pregnant all the time, even though I was under my pre-pregnancy weight. I had to give up my yoga class because most of the poses done there would worsen it, not fix it. I could have modified a bunch but between nursing and $$, there were more reasons to not go.
But ultimately it hasn't been too bad, and I'm thankful to have carried my previous baby full term (trying to take that "tiger stripes" mentality). I didn't do physical therapy to fix the DR bc my OB retired (so no easy referral) and I was hoping to get pregnant again soon anyway.
I am 80% decided that whenever DH and I feel "done" with kids, I will have surgery to fix it, since that's the best, most lasting way. Insurance currently doesn't cover it, though.
pear / 1553 posts
Bump update! 14 weeks on the nose with twins. Second trimester, YAYYYYY!!!!
pomelo / 5720 posts
@dominobee: @theotherstark: so cute guys!!! Congrats on the second trimester milestone!
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