olive / 62 posts
I decided I want to go on a date this weekend, if only to have something to plan for. What would you do when you're this uncomfortable though? We can go out to eat, but I can only fit so much in my stomach right now. I don't want to do anything active because walking around means baby is pounding on my cervix with its big head. Even a movie sounds mediocre because there aren't very many positions that are comfortable and I'm not sure I can sit for that long and actually enjoy it.
Ugh! What are you guys doing for end-of-pregnancy dates?
kiwi / 662 posts
@ladyfingers: That's so cool that you've been experiencing super vivid dreams! LOL to that one though, super weird. I'm sure you had a good laugh over that.
@tororojo: Funny you ask that, I stalked the January board this morning and I think, from my brief read that there are two lonely soldiers left standing. I'm going to go wish them well right now! I find myself super thirsty too. I have to pound a glass as soon as I wake up and I always have a refillable bottle with me. Camels we are! I've been told by a few Mama's that it only gets worse when you're breastfeeding.
@JessiBee: Thanks! I definitely have to make myself do it...feels like a bit of a chore thats for sure.
@ladyfingers: Fingers crossed you go before your induction date - but congrats on having a definite 'end date'!
@Mrs. Markers: So exciting! Only 8 more sleeps, my next door neighbor is having her section that day as well. Will be thinking of you!
@photojane: Exciting! Sounds like you've definitely got something happening there, fingers crossed for you that Sadie decides to make her entrance sooner rather than later.
@Phillybaby2013: LOL I am also checking tp like a crazy person. Although I feel like I'll be awhile yet
@JessiBee: Goodness! That's an awful night, I'm sorry that happened. I hope all goes well with your appt today.
@WALLAROO: Great to hear you and the babies are doing so well! WTG on starting the house hunting with not one, but two newborns! Where do you live again? I hope you have fun starting the process, working with first time buyers is my absolute favourite! Will you share a couple newborn pics when you receive them?
@thatwife: I'm in the group that you're not far off! I think being a second time Mama is on your side too. Come out baby! I totally understand the not being into sexytime. I've struggled with it too. It just seems so awkward and well, unsexy. Or you're sooo tired or constipated etc etc. I'm going to put forth a good effort until the baby comes, I know it will be a long time after the birth and I feel badly for DH. As for end of pregnancy dates we've gone to a hockey game, going to have a family dinner/go bowling for my birthday on Friday and then off to a comedy club on Saturday with some friends. Not sure after that! Let me know what you come up with.
Has anyone decided to start a blog after their babies are born? I have been thinking a lot about it but feel very intimidated! Any Feb ladies have a blog and can offer some advice?
kiwi / 520 posts
Just got back from the doctors and im kind of frustrated/stressed. First off there was no change - still 1cm and about 40% effaced so that sucked. Then he brings up my BP and starts poking my legs commenting on my swelling. - Now, my BP has been consistently on the higher side this whole time and my legs have been swollen for months. I told him this and that I'm on my feet all day at work. I didn't have protein in my urine either. However he wants me to get blood work and a 24 urine sample to make sure and he tried to put me out of work. I got him to compromise to write me out for the rest of the week and I have to go back Friday for my test results and then again Monday night if everything is still good.
I'm afraid that regardless of my results that they will still try to induce me due to the swelling and BP combined with Baby's projected weight. I was freaking out about work but considering I called out with a note but intend to come back, it shouldn't count towards my FMLA and just be regular sick time. Everything is up in the air at this point and I don't like that.... Sorry for rambling I just didn't expect my appt to go that way.... Keep u all updated.
grapefruit / 4669 posts
@Phillybaby2013: Sorry your appointment didn't go well! I hope your bp goes down and the swelling as well...or at least I hope that they're not a big deal and that your doc is in agreement! Either way, you don't have long to go so there's a bright side!
olive / 62 posts
@lolabee: A comedy club is a great idea! I love the idea of sitting back and laughing.
So far I thought of:
A SF bay cruise (this would depend on whether my mom is interested in babysitting for us)
A show at the planetarium
And there is a theatre with faux-leather seats that semi-recline kind of close by that might make a move bearable
kiwi / 662 posts
@Phillybaby2013: Oh that's not a fun appointment at all! Sorry to hear that. I hope your results come back good! Glad it doesn't count towards your FMLA. Question, what does FMLA actually stand for? Coming from a Canadian!
@thatwife: Yes, I was super excited when my friend suggested it. There will be a hypnotist there as well which I'm sure will be super entertaining! A bay cruise would be really nice. Have you been having anymore action happening?
pomelo / 5331 posts
@Phillybaby2013: Oh, I'm sorry I had a similar situation, although my doctor didn't go to such alarms with it -- the midwife I saw one week didn't go as far back on my chart as she should have to see that my BP when I first started my visits was 120s/80s, so it dipped then started coming back up again (as it does when you're pregnant). She was alarmed by my swelling, had them retake my BP, and then was like, OK you can go. I freaked out all day and night wondering if something was wrong until I finally called and talked to a different midwife who explained things better. Anyway, try to breathe and relax and take it a step at a time and don't worry yet about being induced. *hugs*
kiwi / 520 posts
@tororojo: thanks for pointing out the bright side...i'm trying to focus on that. Hopefully I'll get more news on Friday or go into labor which obviously would be the best scenario!! Haha.
@lolabee: FMLA stands for Family Medical Leave Act. It protects your job for 12 weeks for the care of yourself, a child, or a parent or other dependent. I'm not even gonna begin to tell you how jealous I am of your Canadian maternity leave. We really get ripped off in the good ole' USofA! ; )
kiwi / 520 posts
@ladyfingers: thanks for the hugs! I know they are just being cautious which isn't a bad thing it's just like why now all of a sudden are we worrying about this when it's not something new? I really don't expect anything to come from the tests but if per chance there is an issue it's better to know and get baby here sooner than later. I feel better today about it than I did last night and I jumped to conclusions with the whole induction thing. Obviously if there's a reason for it but there's still a very good chance I will go into labor on my own.
Let's get this February Babies Party started!!!!!!!!!! : )
kiwi / 662 posts
@Phillybaby2013: Interesting! I feel so badly for our southern neighbours on how all that stuff works. Not fair having to leave your LO so soon So would you get a portion of your pay for those 12 weeks? Or just a guarantee that your job will be there for you after the 12 weeks?
I am also jealous of the people that get our Canadian mat leave - totally bias but I think it's wonderful! I am self employed and solely commission based so I won't receive any pay for the time I take. That said, my job will always be there for me when I decide to start again but that doesn't guarantee I'll have any clients. Pros and cons to it all Hope you're feeling well today!
kiwi / 520 posts
@lolabee: the policy only covers your job so you have to work out your sick/vacation time as your employer allows. My work only allows you to use 6 or 8 weeks of sick time depending on a vaginal delivery vs. c-section and then you can use personal time after that. Unfortunately I have a ton of sick time and used the majority of vacation time for my wedding last year so I'll have to take 4 weeks unpaid.
I didn't realize you were self employed!! Good thing you won't lose your job but like you said pros and cons. How much time do you plan on taking off? Is your work something you can still do from home or manage without actually having to go to an office or a 9-5 type thing?
kiwi / 662 posts
@Phillybaby2013: Ok, makes sense. So literally any time any woman/man takes depends on the employers rules and regulations. I think I remember my sister in law saying that she would only qualify for 4 weeks, does everyone get 4 weeks automatically? Is there any 'standard'?
We're planning for me to take a year...we'll have to play it by ear though. My husband is also self employed, we're both Realtors, so it will kind of depend on how good of a year he's having. I am really lucky, I work with a partner who is awesome and is willing to give me the year if I wish to have it. In my absence DH will help my partner, it's too big of a work load with just one person. The plan is for me to do a lot of the behind the scenes work at home - communications and paper work. Basically keep the men organized! We'll see how it goes, I may decide to work a bit here and there. Time will tell!
kiwi / 520 posts
@WALLAROO: so happy to hear you guys are doing so well!!!!! That's so exciting about the house hunt! I really hope it's a fast and easy search for you 4. Hopefully we'll get to see some pics from the newborn shoot. The babies sound like they're growing well. Can't believe they're almost 2 weeks old already!
cantaloupe / 6164 posts
I had a pretty good appointment today. I had a NST, which went well. She wasn't moving too much until I had a huge, painful contraction & she went nuts after that. I've been having pretty regular, different contractions today. I'm not sure if they're BH or my body gearing up for the real deal. Either way, super uncomfortable! It's actually starting to get exhausting. Today is proof that I'm going to be such a sissy in active labor.
@Phillybaby2013: Sorry your appointment didn't go as expected! I'm sure it's super annoying, but I think it's good that they're being extra cautious. High BP is no joke when it comes to baby's health and delivery. Hopefully it's nothing, but either way... just think, you'll get to see your sweet baby soon!!
pomelo / 5331 posts
@photojane: Me too! There have been a few time frames where they were timeable, but then they peter our. I've definitely been more uncomfortable/in pain today than any other point in pregnancy. I have an appointment in the morning so we'll see what they say. Maybe I can convince them to strip my membranes, I don't know how much more of this on and off intense discomfort I can take!
kiwi / 733 posts
Just when I think I've caught up with this thread, I step away for a day and I'm way behind again! I guess that's a good thing...I love how active our Feb. mommies board has become recently!
@thatwife: A date is an awesome idea! What about a restaurant that does something more like tapas, where you can do a couple of small plates, rather than a huge meal? The cruise sounds awesome though, really, as long as you don't go into labor on the boat!
@lolabee: I don't want to attempt a baby blog, because I know I'd never keep up with it. I've tried a couple of times before to blog, and I haven't managed anything regular; I imagine with a baby it would be many times harder!
@Phillybaby2013: Rough appointments are the worst...I agree! Glad things are at least somewhat under control. I keep thinking that all the crazy stuff that goes on at the end of pregnancy is the baby's way of reminding us that we're about to lose control of so much of our lives as they have been, so we might as well be ready for anything!
@WALLAROO: So glad you popped in to say hi! Glad things are going well, and I can't wait to join you in new mommy-hood!
@photojane: I've decided I love that they're called non-stress tests; the one I had this week was easily the least stressful part of my day. It was first thing in the morning; I brought my cup of (decaf) coffee, and just sat and played on my phone and relaxed for a half hour!
@ladyfingers: I've had nothing close to timeable contractions, other than the few during the thunderstorm the other night. You must be getting close, right?!
My update: I have a date! As long as baby doesn't somersault out of breech, and as long as I don't go into labor earlier, I'm heading in on Feb. 11 (39+3) for a c-section. At this point, I'm (mostly) at peace with it. I love having a date on the calendar...especially one that's a few days BEFORE my due date! Until then, another ultrasound the end of this week to check my fluid levels and baby's position, then probably another NST if my fluid levels are still a bit low. It's getting real!
kiwi / 662 posts
@photojane: Glad to hear you had a good appointment. I haven't had a NST, what do they do? Hope you're able to catch some zzz's tonight.
@JessiBee: Hmmm...that is also a worry I have about blogging. It's super intimidating but I think that if I could pull it off it would be a wonderful way to keep a 'diary' of our lives. I would consider just regular journaling but I know that I wouldn't develop the pictures to put in it. Since you've blogged before, do you have any pointers?
Congrats on having a set date! You're on a legit countdown
grapefruit / 4669 posts
@JessiBee: Yaaay for a due date!
Today is the first work day in a super long time that I haven't spent on the bee, but wanted to check in with you ladies and see if any babies have popped out. It feels like the calm before a storm. Maybe the calendar will hit Feb and then BAM! BAM! BAM! constant arrivals.
Anyone plan to update on the way to the hospital/in between contractions, just to check in and let us know what's happening? I think I'll try to!
Had our breastfeeding class last night and I'm both consoled and intimidated. I feel much more confident about latching and how to hold LO, but considering how many people have trouble with BF I'm thinking I may still be naive about it. Got a lot of good info, though! There are 10ish lactation consultants at our hospital who make daily rounds, and the nursing staff helps you start breastfeeding right after delivery, so I think it'll be a supportive environment. Had an OB appt today and my cervix is softer but still closed. Still crossing my fingers for a Feb. baby...have started chanting "open, open, open" to my cervix, which DH thinks is weird. Have gained over 40 lbs according to the doc's scale...pretty sure I weigh the same or more as DH? Yikes!
pomegranate / 3872 posts
Crazy day for me! I went for an appointment this AM and my blood pressure was through the roof! The sent me right over to L&D for bloodwork and monitoring (I think they did an NST) and thank goodness everything seems ok for now! For a while there I though I'd be leaving with a baby! I have to do a 24 hour urine collection (fun!) and go in more often to monitor my BP but they think it's just stress/nerves (i've definitely had a crazy week.) I hope that's it because I want 2 more weeks for me and the little babe! It doesn't help that all over the room I was in were posters about not inducing early and giving your baby the whole 40 weeks - I was reading all the reasons like, WTH? It's not like I'm here because I want them to take the baby out early for no reason! They need better poster placement for sure
ETA: I'm still only 1 cm at 38 weeks so I know we are not ready!
kiwi / 520 posts
@photojane: how are ur contractions doing? Any developments?
@ladyfingers: saw you had your membranes stripped today... How are you feeling??
@JessiBee: Woohoo you have a date! The official countdown has begun. Of course we're still hoping for a last minute flip but atleast you'll have some time to mentally prepare yourself.
@tororojo: good to hear you had a good appointment and that you enjoyed your BF class! I too have been chanting at my cervix to open. Haha. And if it's not too hectic I do think ill try to update on here when the time comes. I know how much I love reading other people's labor updates and waiting to see pics of the newest arrivals.
@JerricaBenton: ahh! The BP got you too?! I'm super happy that everything so far looks good for you and baby. Let's keep that kid cooking! I don't know if you started it yet but I should have asked for 2 jugs for the 24hr urine bc i filled it by 1245 last night. Crazy preggo bladder. I didn't know what to do but since I'm so close to my due date I didn't want to stress over it so I just let it go and stopped then. Oh well.
Lost another big piece of plug today... Hoping for some good news at my appt tomorrow. Don't know if they'll have my blood work/urine test results back but we'll see. Not that I'm dying to go back to work but sitting on the couch is already getting old.
pomegranate / 3872 posts
@Phillybaby2013: Yes - they did give me two jugs! I had to do one before for thyroid stuff and definitely missed my last few pees because the jug was full - oh well! Hopefully both of our results are good!
pomelo / 5331 posts
@JessiBee: you have a date! And right when you just will not be able to stand being pregnant anymore (I was 39+3 yesterday lol).
@lolabee: what about doing something like a written journal combined with that groovebook photo app reviewed in Hellobee the other day?
@tororojo: I'm going to try my best to update! That's great about your breastfeeding class - I think it's like anything else, like childbirth or taking care of a kid - you can learn some basic mechanics and then the rest is individual trial and error. You ca never know until you do it but I think you're off to a great start! Better than me who has basically saved some hb threads and read a handful of articles on kellymom.
@JerricaBenton: oh man, sounds like a crazy day! Fingers crossed for a good test!
@Phillybaby2013: yeah I'm doing ok. I had a lot of strong cramping and lots of bleeding after - I actually had to call because there were a couple of clots! - but then everything slowed down and now I just feel gross and funky. Baby is doing great, and I'm super especially grateful now that I'm off work a tad early. I got to leave after lunch today which was great because I was gripping my chair for even the few hours I was there. I don't have a great pain threshold!
Otherwise I've been sleeping all night - my pain tolerance is shit so the doctors visit took a lot out of me - and trying to rest up and hydrate in the hopes we have some forward movement in the days ahead. The doctor is predicting I pop by this weekend - I'm fully effaced and 2 cm - and I told my boss that and she was like, "oh I don't know, I walked around 3 cm for weeks" argh thanks for the input!
Is anybody else scared or nervous? I must say I was feeling fine about labor until the stretch and sweep today, and now I'm feeling like maybe I'm in over my head with this whole labor thing...
pomelo / 5791 posts
@ladyfingers: I'm totally scared and nervous! My csection is scheduled for Wednesday, but I've been cramping for a week and I'm just all around freaking out! I can't believe a person is going to come out of me.....
cantaloupe / 6164 posts
It's FEBRUARY! It's finally our turn, ladies! I have been so annoyed with cramping and contractions that I have been wishing she would just come, but this morning I looked at a bunch of birth pictures (http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/best-birth-photography-of-the-year) and it freaked me out.. haha! I don't think I'm ready to push a baby out of my whoo-ha! I can be pregnant a while longer.
@ladyfingers: How are you feeling after your sweep? Any closer to getting D on the outside? I've been doing this prodromal labor thing for two days now, and it's getting OLD, so I'm sure you're beyond ready. The past two nights I was convinced I'd be heading to the hospital in hours, but then woke up the next morning feeling fine. My body is playing mean tricks on me.
@JessiBee: I'm a total weirdo, but I actually found the NST stressful! I was having huge contractions the whole time, so it was hard to decipher her movements. I was in pain & had to pee, but couldn't move or change positions. I'm hoping to not have to do that again. Ha. Looks like we share a due date now... whoo! I'm so jealous you have an end date already... I want one!!
@lolabee: For a NST they just sit you in a recliner, and hook you up to monitors (same as in L&D), and you just click a button whenever baby moves. It tracks baby's heart rate, movement, and contractions. I didn't enjoy it, but it's supposed to be super easy and relaxed. It was kind of neat being able to see and follow along with my contractions though!
@tororojo: I think I'll probably update from the hospital since I'll probably be in labor for a while, and I'll have an epi and not be able to move. I'm hoping the epi will be so wonderful that I'll be bored.
@JerricaBenton: Yikes! Sorry about the scary appointment, but so glad you didn't have to be induced then. Cook, baby, cook! Definitely update us when you get a BP update - you're in my thoughts/prayers in the meantime.
@Phillybaby2013: No developments. My body is just being mean. Still having irregular but consistent contractions. Some are painful, some I barely feel. Baby is posterior, so I might be having this annoying prodromal labor for another week. I'm totally okay with being pregnant until my due date, but I could do without the constant contractions & discomfort! How did your appointment go today? Hopefully some good developments for you!
@ValentineMommy: Less than a week... SO SOON! I feel the same way... I'm starting to freak a little!
pomelo / 5331 posts
@photojane: Yes on the mean tricks! I was convinced this was IT on Thursday night, then it just stopped. Then again yesterday after my sweep, then nothing. I keep getting contractions 10 minutes apart but only for an hour at a time. Today I have felt perfectly fine and normal. UGH.
I have to admit too that I'm really freaked out about something. This is kind of a long story and probably TMI but I need to get it out there. I've had a recurring thing called a Bartholin's cyst for the past 5 years. I've had it flare up twice and abscess twice. The first time it got infected was 5 years ago and my doctor at the time lanced and drained it but didn't provide an effective treatment otherwise, so the cyst persisted for about a year before finally becoming infected again. This time I happened to get a great doctor at a great ER who treated it properly, but the treatment resulted in my not being able to sit, stand, walk, or even move without intense pain. For 3 weeks. Ever since then, though, I haven't had it at all. It flared up a little before our wedding, but then went away. It's been the furthest thing from my mind, and then yesterday, the doctor commented that I have a Bartholin's cyst. This is probably a good time to mention that these cysts are down in your lady area, right next to the opening to your vagina. I haven't noticed it, but now that he's mentioned it, I'm so aware of it. It's nowhere near as large as it's been in the past -- just maybe slightly swollen compared to the right side, but maybe not, so it's hard for me to gauge. But now I'm terrified and convinced that it's going to become infected and I'll have to give birth with this thing. I keep thinking it hurts, thinking I can feel it, when I suspect that if he hadn't said anything, I wouldn't feel anything. I'm just so freaked out, because I can't adequately convey just how painful these things become when they're infected. Antibiotics don't do anything -- you need to have it lanced and drained, which is in and of itself incredibly traumatic. He said it's no big deal and it's not infected (duh, I'd know), and if they need to lance it they'll do it after labor when I'm all numb anyway. But still.
I know it's largely psychosomatic, but it's sucking all the excitement and anticipation out of me, The insane thing is there's nothing you can really do about it -- it doesn't appear and abscess out of lack of cleanliness, or anything you're doing or not doing. It just does, or doesn't. I do think stress plays a role, at least for me, so I'm trying to calm down. But I can't conceive of giving birth and going through recovery from both labor and that.
So anyway, any calming thoughts you can send would be much appreciated. I'm sure it will be fine, but I'm just so worried. And I don't want my stress to impact my labor or the baby.
OK, thanks for letting me vent. Sorry that was so long!!
grapefruit / 4669 posts
@ladyfingers: Yikes, that is a tough one! I have seen you post about it before and it sounds like a really horrible/not fun thing to have on your lady parts. (as opposed to the fun kind of thing to have on your lady parts?) I think at this point, all you can do is try to relax (at least you're done with work, yay!) and look on the bright side. Maybe even sneak a donut if you have to; they're like a total cure all for pregnancy and we won't tell your doctor. And you can lift hand weights after so your blood sugar comes down. I'm a bad influence. If they have to lance it after labor, at least you'll be high on the best drugs ever! (epidural + endorphins?! way better than morphine) And worst case scenario, would they do a c-section so as to not agitate your lady parts with labor and birth? Not that you want one, but in a case of medical necessity it's nice that there is the option for a plan b, ya know? I hope it won't be an issue, and with the baby very likely coming so soon, maybe there won't even be time for anything to flare up. And if it happens after, at least you're already in the hospital with access to great care and doctors and meds.
kiwi / 520 posts
@photojane: sorry your dealing with this prodromal labor thing! It sounds terrible. Hopefully it turns the corner soon into the real deal!
@ladyfingers: glad your doing better but wish baby D would get the hint!!
Just got back from Dr's... BP was super high probably due to me being nervous but Dr. checked me and basically said they're gonna induce me Monday night and deliver Tuesday. He didn't say I had pre-e or anything which is good, he just doesn't like my pressure and swelling and said it's better to induce at this point since I'm at the end anyway. We're still hoping I go into labor on my own this weekend but I have a date Monday at 8pm at L&D. He did say I'm 1-2 cm just not really that effaced.
I cried for a minute in the office but it is what it is at this point. It's not the road I thought I'd be taking but whatever is best for Baby.
pomelo / 5331 posts
@tororojo: They typically don't recommend a c-section unless the cyst is so large that it's obstructing the vaginal area. I wouldn't want to opt for a c-section in that case anyway -- I think that would make the recovery even harder in a way, ya know? Since c-section recovery is so much harder anyway.
Also, mmm, doughnuts.
pomelo / 5331 posts
@Phillybaby2013: Aw, I'm so sorry But it's exciting to have an end date and ultimately what is best for you and baby. I'll be pulling for you to go before then!
kiwi / 662 posts
@tororojo: I think I will try and give a couple updates, see how it goes! I hate looking at the scale too. Good for you for getting on the BF classes. I think I may try and hit up a La Leche one on the 13th. A friend of mine who just had her baby said the things she has found the hardest is everyone has a different opinion on how to breastfeed properly, even every nurse coming in and out of their room. Glad to be forewarned about that!
@JerricaBenton: Sorry to hear about your appointment. That would be stressful! Was DH with you?
@Phillybaby2013: I am sorry to hear about your appt today. Congrats on an 'end date' though! I will cross my fingers for you to go into labor on your own during the weekend, thinking of you!
@ladyfingers: WOOHOO!! Fully effaced! I am still feeling ok about labor and delivery...ask me again when it starts! I am really sorry to hear about the cyst, sounds very painful. I hope it doesn't cause any issues for you during labor and delivery. Sending positive thoughts your way!
@photojane: Interesting, I guess my doc won't be doing them if I haven't had one yet. I'm sorry you're experiencing prodromal labor, can't be any fun
Today is my birthday! My wish is to have our fresh baby in my arms sometime this month Fingers crossed the baby is somewhat timely.
pomegranate / 3872 posts
@ladyfingers: @photojane: @lolabee: Thank you! I've been feeling fine the whole time and I tested my BP at home a few times and it was pretty good so I'm hoping it's just stress I have an appointment on Saturday so I'm going to focus on being zen, haha. I just don't want her to have to be born so early just because of me! She's not ready! I'm also sooo not excited about the physical aspects of being induced although I know if they decided it was necessary then it would be the right choice. My husband wasn't at my appointment but he came and met me at the hospital as soon as I called. Thank goodness too, because I was a nervous wreck not to mention bored as anything laying there for hours!
@Phillybaby2013: Good luck! I'm sorry it's not what you wanted but we have to trust that we're doing the right thing for ourselves and our babies. At least you're so close to your due date!
@ladyfingers: I'm a stress-ball (hello - blood pressure!) so I totally get focusing on something fairly minor that you feel is 'taking away' from your excitement. All I can say as an outsider is that it sounds like your doctor is totally prepared to take care of it if need be and maybe you can just try and let it go and focus on something positive. I assume things are going to be wacky in the nether regions after birth for a while anyway so maybe you can just treat it and it won't seem as bad as before - and of course maybe it won't get infected at all! Especially if your doctors and nurses know about it and can be extra careful through the process.
pomegranate / 3983 posts
Happy February ladies!
I am again super super behind, but have been trying to minimize computer time to knock things off my to-do list. I think after this weekend, with some help from DH, I will be almost ready. Meanwhile I saw old doctor for the last time and new doctor again. Looks like this kiddo will be well over 7 lbs but fluid levels and all that good stuff is still looking good. For some reason he flipped to posterior a couple of days ago, so now I'm focused on encouraging him to flip back (so not cool when all I want is to lounge on the couch).
@WALLAROO: So glad to hear that things are going well! And kudos on the house search with the little ones in tow!!!
@JessiBee: If you definitely end up going in for the C-section, I would just recommend that you set-up an area in your house where you can camp out with the baby for the first week or two without having to get up too much. Other than that, yay for having a date!
@TOROROJO: At my last appointment, the doctor was saying I could have the baby anytime between now and March and I was like: "no, not March!" Keeping my fingers crossed that we all get to have these babies this month!
@JERRICABENTON: I wouldn't worry too much if you're already 38 weeks! Baby's lungs are probably in good shape to meet his mommy! Happy to hear hospital visit was ok in the end.
@Lolabee: I started a blog half-way through my first pregnancy (but had been blogging elsewhere beforehand). Before LO1 was born, I was writing 5 days a week, afterwards I cut down to 3, but I do it totally for myself. If it's not something you want to do, then you probably won't keep up with it. I think you have to find your voice and think about what you want to actually post about. Mine is un-abashedly about my kid/myself, about 50% just documenting things in our life I want to remember and 50% writing about topics other people might find useful. I don't have any ambitions to "grow" my blog though so that might change your motivations/subjects.
@ladyfingers: @photojane: @thatwife: @Phillybaby2013: Let's get this party started! Counting on one you ladies!!!
pomegranate / 3872 posts
@Baby Boy Mom: Thank you! I know everything will be ok if she has to be born now but it's just not what I planned! LOL as if we can plan these things, right? And when I was in the hospital staring at these posters about how 'even just 2 weeks before your due date...brain, lungs, future school performance blah blah' and I was almost crying! I know I know - I need to get over it Good luck getting those 'to-dos' done! It is a great feeling to cross things off your list!
pomegranate / 3983 posts
@JerricaBenton: definitely boo to hospital posters! You're totally right, there's no planning to be done, all we can do is try our best to get ourselves ready and then just go with the flow! Thanks, I'm hoping it's as productive as I envision.
kiwi / 733 posts
@tororojo: Agreed: after my breastfeeding class at the hospital, I feel like there's tons of support and no reason I can't do it...and yet...so many people have trouble that it has to be more complicated than they let on!
@JerricaBenton: Sending relaxing vibes your way! Out of curiosity, on a 24-hour urine monitoring, do you have to take the jug to work, too? Awkward?
@Phillybaby2013: Part of me is no longer hoping for a last minute flip. I think I've finally wrapped my head around the c-section (as much as I can), and having a definite end date is a pretty awesome thing right now....especially with a family history of going well past due date! But as long as she comes out healthy, I won't worry about a week one way or the other.
@ladyfingers: So looking forward to hearing some exciting news SOON!! Also, it sounds like your doctors are paying attention to the cyst and know what to do with it, so put it on the list of things you can't control...and therefore aren't worth your energy worrying about! Yes, easier said than done...
@ValentineMommy: Let us know how the c-section goes...and if you have any advice for me; mine is scheduled about 5 days after yours!
@photojane: I had another NST today, and this one was more stressful. Baby was pretty much sleeping, so they had me keep shifting and drinking and eating to try to wake her. By the end I told them that if she didn't wake up soon, they had to unhook me to let me use the bathroom and then we'd try again!
@Phillybaby2013: Try to enjoy a last weekend full of spicy food (and other spicy things to induce?) and long walks! Either way, looking forward to hearing news from you in a few days, too!!
@lolabee: Happy birthday!!
@Baby Boy Mom: Super-behind seems to be my way right now, too. We have a ranch, so the only thing not on the main floor is laundry, and I'm happy to have DH in charge of that for (at least) a few weeks! I'll make sure to set up a comfy area for me on both ends of the house (not that it's so big), to minimize moving.
I had another ultrasound and NST today. Baby is definitely still breech, with one foot up by her head and the other one down. My fluid is still a little low. Not so much that they're worried about it, but enough that I get twice-per-week NSTs until baby's arrival. Scary enough, that's only two more. Happy February...let's make it a great month!
pomegranate / 3983 posts
@JessiBee: A ranch is awesome! We're in a townhouse (3 stories) so I basically had DH running up and down all day bringing me food/water/doing laundry etc. It comes with the dad territory
pomegranate / 3872 posts
@JessiBee: Thank you! Luckily I work from home (my husband and I own a business) so I didn't have to worry about it but honestly I think I'd just have to take off of work if I had to go into an office. You get this giant orange jug and you have to pee in a cup or a fancy 'potty' with a funnel they give you if you prefer lol, and then pour it into the jug. Oh and the jug has to be refrigerated or kept on ice. Awkward to say the least in an office!
pomelo / 5331 posts
Ok ladies I'm like 99.9% certain my water broke so we're waiting for dh's dad to get here to watch the dog and then heading to the hospital! I've had a couple of fucking monster contractions so I'm fairly sure that combined with the liquid pouring out if me is a sign
pomelo / 5331 posts
Sorry about the swearing but seriously ow. Think I'm having back labor.
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