Hellobee Boards


February 2014 Babies!

  1. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @theknest: that's great to hear and sometimes kids don't understand that you can't be rough with the Los but he'll get better soon and that is not too bad of a sleep schedule

  2. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    How about another check in?

    Can you all BELIEVE that the February 2015 board will be popping up soon? Where did time go? I'm coming up on my BFP anniversary in just a month.

    Anyways: T is almost 11 weeks old. Breastfeeding is awesome! I can nurse without the Boppy, although I've found that sometimes I like to go back to it. I can't recline but I don't have to hold my arms up so much. I go back and forth. I'm just glad that we DONT need it anymore. We've also mastered side a
    lying. Usually every day after work T and I go cuddle in bed and nurse for a while. Mama gets to relax and we get to catch up on bonding that we missed during the day.

    Pumping is going well. No supply issues so far. He takes a bottle well at the babysitters. He also LOVES his main babysitter. We lovingly call her his "Mamaw" even though they're not related. He stays with DH's family one day a week. They alternate taking care of him. He lights up when he sees them. So that makes me feel good.

    He sleeps through the night in his own room and crib. That's nice! Although we do have to get up a couple of times to give him his paci to put him back to sleep. Last night we didn't have to but most nights we do. No big deal. We do struggle with daytime naps though.

    He smiles and observes everything. We are just loving life right now!

  3. citymouse

    persimmon / 1116 posts

    @Danizaur: So happy BF is going so well!! So wonderful!

  4. citymouse

    persimmon / 1116 posts


    We are struggling in a few areas... sleeping and eating. He was doing really well at night, sleeping through like 7-7. Then this week he started waking again, and last night it was every two hours. I started a thread--I think its maybe the 4 Mo Sleep Regression come early, and maybe even a Wonder Week. Eating is tough because he has mild reflux and we have to force him to finish bottles. We have to walk around and distract him so he will eat. He is trying to hard to be a cat napper and snacker. NOPE. Ain't happening kid.

    Good things: Lots of smiles, coos, and even laughing!! He is doing really well with his head control. I think he will be able to sit up in the next month or so. His core is so strong! He also likes standing up and bouncing his legs while we gently hold and stabilize him. No rolling yet. We limit tummy time because of his reflux so I think that will be a while before he masters it.

    I am still struggling with PPD and PPA, but its more good than bad. I want to start toning up. I am super squishy!! I want to focus on my legs/butt, abs, and my arms!

  5. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    @citymouse: Boo for reflux!! I'm glad he's holding his head up well!! T hates tummy time so I'm worried about him sitting up and stuff. He holds his head up well but for some reason I'm so nervous that he's not going to be able to move forward. It just seems impossible that he can go from laying like a little log to sitting up, rolling, and having complete head control! Lol. I'm being irrational but I worry about it all the time.

  6. SweetMamaM

    pear / 1743 posts

    @citymouse: we're in the same boat as you with night sleeps. He was sleeping right through and now we're having at least one wake most nights. I just don't think my milk is keeping him full enough to sleep though.

    Other than that, we're doing pretty well here. I still feel like it has been a massive adjustment for me, becoming a mother. I haven't had PPA or PPD as such, but I don't think the adjustment has been as easy for me as some others. I am noticing a little bit of my previous anxiety issues creeping in and so I am keeping an eye on that.

    CJ just lights up my world. Today he had a complete meltdown when I was putting him to bed for a nap (Lord knows why) and I ended up lying on our bed with him giving him a cuddle to settle him down. As he finally stopped crying I said "oh buddy, I'm sorry you got so sad. We're still friends though, aye?" and he just gave me the biggest smile then snuggled into me.

    He's very tall but very lean... He hasn't had his 8-10 week visit yet (even though he's 11 weeks) so I'm hoping that he's still gaining weight on his own little growth curve. I want to avoid supplementing him with formula until he's at least three months (which isn't that far away - eek) but if he needs it, he needs it. I don't think I'd be so worried if he hadn't had his feeding issues at the start, if he didn't take so long to eat, if we didn't have to use the shields. It is what it is though.

    We're lucky to have two awesome coffee groups that we attend, one from our antenatal class and one that's mixed-age. It's been really good for me to get out to others' houses with him, especially seeing I'm pretty apprehensive about taking him out in public. My antenatal mums have even offered to make our next meeting at a cafe opposite one of the mum's houses to help me get over my fear of taking CJ out for meals. Very blessed.

  7. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @Danizaur: I was just thinking about that too around this time last year was my last AF and I got my first bfp June 7. Crazy huh.
    That's great about bf and pumping and him doing good at the babysitters. Glad he's sleeping well. Noah isn't rolling yet either but holding his head up pretty good. I was just telling DH the same about the rolling thing though.

    @citymouse: aw sorry he's still having trouble with his reflux and sleeping. But I don't think the sleeping is really a problem because Noah has his nights were he might wake every 2 hrs but the majority of the times he sleeps great. On the other hand yay for the coos, smiles, and head control. There's no rolling over here yet either. I hoe things get better with the PPA and PPD and that you get to start working out soon.

    @SweetMamaM: I'm sure your milk is fine maybe it's just the times in between feedings. Aww isn't baby smiles the best! I'm glad you have a good group to meet with. Hope he doesn't need to supplement anytime soon good luck.

  8. OldEnglandMama

    cherry / 212 posts

    I've made it to the last day of my first week back at work - I survived!

    LO loves daycare, though it's the most chaotic place I've ever seen, and there's a few questionable things there that make me glad he's only there until the end of next week. I *much* prefer his permanent daycare.

    Pumping is going well and my boss continues to be super supportive. I feel very lucky. I have even managed to keep on top of the diapers (we're doing cloth).

    DH is coming home for the weekend tonight and is probably expecting chaos as it's just been me and the baby, but I'm proud to say the house is (relatively) clean and tidy.

    And, as a reward to mama, LO slept through the night last night! It's only the second time he's done it. (By "sttn" I mean 6 hours straight - long may it continue!)

    I very much doubt this successful, organised, mama will continue to exist, but I can live in hope. I'm just relieved that all the disasters I envisioned haven't happened during my first week.

    At LO's 2 month appointment a couple of weeks ago he was 14lb 4oz and 25 inches long. He's a beast! (A very cute beast.)

    Hope everyone else is doing well. I think we need picture updates again soon

  9. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @OldEnglandMama: that's a great update and I'm glad you and LO are doing fine and I hope he does give you plenty more night where he sttn

  10. ElbieKay

    pomegranate / 3231 posts

    Successful postpartum shopping trip today! My dad hung out with the baby while I shopped for 2.5 hours between feedings. I spent a stupid amount of money but got a ton of stuff, and everything was on sale. I'm so glad I get to move on from my maternity wardrobe. This will make it so much easier to go back to work next week.

    Last week we finally got a glider! Once I got past my nursing pain and could stop pumping at night, I started inadvertently co-bedding with T because I didn't have a comfortable place to nurse. So, I would side-lay in bed with him and fall asleep by mistake. Now I have successfully nursed him in the glider and put him back in his crib for three nights in a row. This is better for both my back and my marriage! And I no longer have to worry about forming a co-sleeping habit with my baby who is perfectly fine sleeping in his own crib.

    T's nanny started on a part time basis two weeks ago. We have had lots of time to get comfortable. I have spent a bunch of time with her and also left them alone together several times. So far she seems great.

    I feel ready to go back to work though I hope I am not too exhausted by everything. Everything has felt great ever since nursing got easier for me. I hope the next transition goes well too.

    Oh, and my 11-week-old weighs 15lb 11oz and can already roll from back to side (and vice versa). He has also figured out how to rotate on his back, and I often find that he is turned around in the crib in the morning!

  11. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @ElbieKay: glad to hear things are going well with everything. I love my glider. I hope going baby to work is easy on you Wow 15 lbs everybody babies on here and IRL make me fill like Noah is so small last week at 13 weeks he was 11lbs 14oz. That's great about the rolling Noah still isn't rolling he just turns to his side and stop but he does the whole rotating thing too it's funny to me to go in his room in the mornings and find him spanned around

  12. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    So the 2015 February mamas board has started wow it been almost a year since we all conceived our beautiful babies

  13. IcebergMom

    persimmon / 1295 posts

    @Honeygold89: I just saw that other board too and thought the same thing!!

    Hope everyone's doing well! Xoxo

  14. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @IcebergMom: aww look your beautiful girls they look a look alike with their features. Those cute cheeks. I was looking back and June 7th last year was the day I got my it's only a couple of days away.

    Me and Noah are great he finally rolled over for the first time this morning

  15. theknest

    apricot / 453 posts

    I agree, seems impossible that there could be a Feb 2015 board but it obviously is!

    We are doing great. I love this age - cute, chunky, immobile baby that's past the newborn fussiness.

  16. lavender

    grapefruit / 4554 posts

    A Feb 2015 board already? Wow time really does fly!

    A little update about R: she has her 4 month wellness visit on Friday. 4 months! She had a sick visit last week and she's up to 14 pounds. Always happy, smiling and cooing. She can almost roll over, she is soo close.

    Sleep is going good, she started STTN about 4 weeks ago, going down around 7ish and waking around 6-7 am.. I've lucked out, but the last two nights she has gotten up for the day at 4:45.

  17. MrsKoala

    cantaloupe / 6869 posts

    Read everyone's update on my phone and loved them all but I always find it so daunting to do a long post on it instead of a computer with a keyboard.

    N's 4 month appointment is next Monday so we will see how he's growing then. I'm guessing he's at least 14 lbs by now since our last weight check he was 13 lbs 6 oz at the beginning of May. He's a tall and skinny guy, though.

    He's been fussy a lot lately, which I attribute to the wonder week hell that we are in and a need to adjust his reflux meds. Still breastfeeding. My supply dipped a bit so I'm trying to make up for it by pumping on the weekends. We'll see how long we make it. Especially since he has twice gone on a nursing strike.

    Sleep is generally good. He's in his crib now and has been there for about 6 weeks. I think we are in the 4 month sleep regression since he went from STTN to 2 wake ups at least. Last night, he only had 1 wake up. We will see whether that was a fluke or not.

    He has rolled over tummy to back but not the other way. He did it twice and now is not the least bit interested in doing it again. He now seems to think he can crawl when we do tummy time. It's funny to watch because he will scoot himself forward with a lot of butt wiggling.

    Generally, he's a happy guy and we are so excited about being at this stage of development in the summer when we can really enjoy the good weather!

  18. IcebergMom

    persimmon / 1295 posts

    @Honeygold89: rolling over! oh my goodness. i think i need to put Sadie on the floor more often for practice. with a busy 2 year old though running around i usually have Sadie in the swing or the bouncy chair!

    @MrsKoala: Rolling too?! Awesome. And STTN! Good job Momma. Sadie spent her first night in the crib last night. Went great!!

    Glad everyone's doing well.

  19. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @theknest: glad you all are doing good

    @lavender: wow she sleeps great Noah goes to sleep around 9 and wakes up for a change around 3 and then again around 5 or 6 to eat but both times he goes right back to sleep afterwards.

    @MrsKoala: glad to hear you're still bf. I am too and sometimes my milk drops but I just pick back up pumping more and it comes back up. Noah rolls from back to tummy and every since yesterday morning he's been doing it even though sometimes he get stuck and don't make it all the way over. It's funny to see them try to crawl, Noah does it too but he looks like he's doing the worm the way he lifts his legs up lol. I hope N sleep good for you again.

    @IcebergMom: I honestly haven't been doing it much lately myself since my classes started but yesterday morning he got up and I wasn't sleepy so I did tummy time with him and then laid him on his back it okay on his mat and out of nowhere he rolled to his stomach. The only downside is that this morning I had to go in twice to roll him back over to his back because he rolled to his tummy and from what I think he started panicking.

    Noah's 4 month appt is on the 16th but at last check the beginning of May he was 11lbs 14oz so only 2oz away from t 12lbs. He's been in his crib since the end of April and sleeps pretty good only waking up sometimes when he wet or to eat for about 5 minutes and fall right back to sleep bf is going good still and over all we doing great! We'll be going on our first trip next weekend to my family reunion in Georgia it's a 2-3 hr drive so I hope he does well it's only for the weekend

  20. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    I missed everyone's updates this last time!! Glad everyone is doing well. I can't believe our 2015 counterparts are already here as well. My baby has existed for over a year already!! Craziness. I'm so glad I took every step with you all.

    Here's our 4 month update! T turned 4 months old today. Breastfeeding is still going great! He has days where he just wants to be difficult but that's our only problem. We're still EBF and will be til 6 months. I'm proud we made it this far and I feel confident we can make it til at least a year.

    We hit a sleep regression at 3.5 months but it seems to be getting better, although he only STTN half the time compared to all the time before the regression. We start him out in his crib and then bring him to ours to nurse and sleep after his MOTN wake up. He usually just has one. Im not missing much sleep since he co sleeps partially.

    He loves to scream and shout and can roll belly to back! He's hitting all of his milestones and is a little ham. Still enjoying motherhood. Things have seemed to go pretty smoothly for us so far. He has his 4 month appointment (and shots ) on Friday. I can't wait to find out how much he's grown.

  21. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @Danizaur: great update how did T check up go?

  22. OldEnglandMama

    cherry / 212 posts

    4 month update:

    Arlo is now virtually 17lb! (16 lb 15.5oz) He's a whopping 2'3" tall. He's doing great. Still loves boobies immensely, and has no problem taking bottles at daycare - any brand, warm or cold, mama's milk only. He hates to nap because he hates to miss anything but he rarely gets upset - just looks really really tired while smiling Nights are good. He still feeds but it's dream feeds, and with the cosleeper next to the bed we're both waking up relatively refreshed.

    We survived our solo trip to Germany (2 planes, 7 trains). He was the best travel companion - so much easier than his Type A daddy, hehe.

    He's hitting all his milestones just fine. He loves to sit now, but still falls backward. Holding him in a standing position results in lots of stamping, shouting and laughing - he did this most of the 8 hour flight home. (Luckily it was more endearing than the screaming children so people were very accommodating.) He can take his pacifier out, wave it around, and put it back in. It's truly amazing to watch, and he does it with such dramatic flair. Super cute. I feel like he's going through an explosion of growth and new skills right now.

    I still hate working and leaving him, but I can see the good that daycare is doing.

    This month we will fly to Michigan so he can meet his great-grandma. I consider this more of a challenge than Germany because I have to wrangle DH too (and I can't very well strap *him* in the stroller - as tempting as that is :P)

  23. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @OldEnglandMama: yay that's great to hear. Glad it us going well. Doesn't it just amaze you how much they are doing already I kept telling DH I have no clue where my newborn has went next Sunday (13th) my baby will be 5 months and that's funny strapped your DH down it might work lol

  24. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    Our board is way too quiet! I know I've been busy with T and I'm sure you ladies are too. I'm ready to hear some updates! I keep up with a lot of you on Instagram but I'm interested in seeing how everyone is doing.

    Here's T's 5 month update.

    Breastfeeding is going good still. We are pros but are still using a nipple shield. I'm sure I can ditch it now but when I come home from work or it's in the middle of the night, trying to coax T to nurse without it is the last thing on my mind. Boob in mouth and that's that. Lol

    We started solids at 5 months exactly. We wanted to wait until 6 months but he wasn't satisfied at daycare so we started with veggie purees. He loves them! I have went from pumping enough and more at work to only getting just enough half the time. I'm really concerned and worried.

    He's hitting all of his milestones but doesn't seem to be close to sitting up or is not doing much more than raising his head and chest when he's on his belly. I'm not concerned because crawling and getting on hands and knees and sitting up is normal to start up to 7 months. And he usually doesn't try things, he just does them. Haha!

    He's technically STTN. We finally have bedtime SOLVED and he goes to bed around 6:30 or 7 and usually sleeps til 5 when he wakes up for a dream snack and then falls back asleep with me and wakes up for another nursing session and up for the day at 6:30. Sometimes he wakes up earlier and doesn't want to go back to sleep, but we deal.

    He's 14 pounds as of his last check up but I'm sure he's more now. He's the sweetest little guy and is a charmer. I couldn't ask for a better baby. All smiles and has the sweetest personality. He's definitely a mama's boy, but he LOVES playing with Daddy.

    We are blessed! I can't believe we are approaching the 6 month mark!! I was reading over our labor watch and announcements in our thread and that felt like it was just yesterday. We are already halfway to first birthdays.

    Why couldn't pregnancy go by this fast?? Lol
    Looking forward to updates!

  25. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @Danizaur: you forgot to mention how handsome he is
    I with you too I tell DH all the time it seem like I was just in labor last week

  26. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts


  27. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    It really is amazing how fast 6 months has gone by me and DH have already started talking about possible birthday plans for Noah. He turns 6 months on the 13th so we're only six months away!

    As for Noah last checked around 5 months he was 26 1/8 in and 15lbs 2oz he next doc visit is the 18th for his 6 month check up and shots.

    We are still going strong bf with no problems. I started giving him rice cereal around 4 months and when he hit 5 months we're onto solids like purée fruits and veggies, I even tried chicken and rice the other night. He does great with his foods he loves them. We also give him baby snacks here and there. They're the sweet potato star shape kind.

    He started sitting up a little before 5 months and he been scooting a little here and there for a few weeks now. I think he'll will definitely will be crawling real soon. He now gets on all fours and rock himself like he's trying to push forward. We also got him a walker Sunday since my dad feels he should have one and even though I thought it was too early he actually surprised me and can roll backwards and forward a little.

    We already had our bedtime routine down since around 3 1/2 months but now I changed it a little, I added a solid feeding before bed like a veggie. He pretty much sleeps until 2am and I change and feed him and then he's sleep until 6 or 7am. He catnaps during the day.

    He is definitely a mama boy as well but loves when his dad comes home or walk in. He also as of Sunday has started say Dada a lot no mama yet but I'm just happy he's developing so well already.

    I still can't believe sometimes that I have a son it's just amazing being a mom but time is moving so quick though. Me and DH plan to TTC again starting in march and I just can't believe it's so close now it makes me nervous but at the same time we want to make sure Noah has a sibling to grow up with and want them close in age.

    I hope to here from the rest of you ladies I miss our thread.

  28. lavender

    grapefruit / 4554 posts

    Hi Ladies!

    Seriously, how has 6 months flown by?

    Little Miss R had her 6 month checkup this past Friday and now weighs in at 16.2 pounds (50%) and 26.5 inches long (74%). She is STTN, going down anytime between 530-7 and is up for the day anywhere between 530-7. Naps are a crapshoot tho, she's down to two naps a day and they last anywhere from 20 mins to 3 hrs.

    She's almost mastered sitting up unassisted, able to roll back to tummy and has rolled tummy to back a couple of times. She has found her voice and loves to screech at us!

    We are still nursing (only 2x per day) and she's doing good on formula. We started oatmeal at 4 months and she has been doing good on solids.

    No plans on TTC anytime soon. We are undecided on #3, our two girls are 22 months apart and we are in a good spot family-wise.

  29. MrsKoala

    cantaloupe / 6869 posts

    Love reading these updates! Hope everyone is doing well and oh my gosh, it is going by so fast!

    N turned 6 months yesterday. He is still EBF and we gave him his first solid food yesterday. He was really not into it! His face was hilarious.

    He is sleeping generally well with about one or two wakeups most nights and some miracle nights with none. I savor those days.

    He is sitting unassisted now and loves to stand and bounce. He's fascinated by animals, flowers, trees, and grass. He loves to blow raspberries and play peekaboo.

    Not sure what his weight and height are right now but we have his next appointment on Thursday. I'll update then.

    No plans to TTC any time in the future. We're thinking of waiting until N is 2 or 3 until we try again due to finances. We shall see.

  30. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @lavender: great update. Noah love to screech too he's a loud baby lol. As for TTC we're only planning on two.

    @MrsKoala: Noah was like that when he first started solids too but now he loves them just keep trying different things and not too much at one time and N will warm up to them and love them soon. Noah eats a whole jar in one feeding now

  31. SweetMamaM

    pear / 1743 posts

    Sorry ladies, I totally dropped off the face of the planet... Life sure ramps up in a big way once they hit that three month mark, right?
    CJ is almost seven months, and just had an extra WellChild visit to make sure that he was gaining weight (given our issues in the early days). He absolutely charmed the pants off the nurse and is measuring 75th percentile for height and 25th percentile for weight but tracking on the curve so that makes them happy. Makes me happy too! We're still mixed-feeding but I am starting to get to the point where his mucking around is affecting my supply... It might not be too long until he's formula fed He loves eating solids though, and is already up to two meals a day, plus a rusk while we eat dinner.
    His day sleeps can be a total crap shoot but he'll sleep through almost every night from between 8-9 until 6:30-7:30. He loves to be stimulated so days like today, when we're at home all day, can actually be way harder than going out! We go out to coffee group and to Wriggle & Rhyme class at the local library. We sometimes even go to the Mums & Bubs movie sessions - we're going with friends tomorrow to see The Giver.
    He sits independently when he can be bothered but spends most of his time on his tummy these days (still spilling) trying to get up on his knees to crawl. I can't wait until he is mobile - most people caution you but I can't wait for him to be less frustrated!
    We're not planning on TTC until Dec next year, I'm going back to work part-time casual next year and I also want some time to just enjoy his toddlerhood.

  32. OldEnglandMama

    cherry / 212 posts

    I totally forgot to do Arlo's 6 month update - whoops. Well he was almost 20lb and measured in at 28.5" (bye bye infant seat). He did really well with his vaccinations, even smiling at the nurse who did the deed. Hah.

    He now sits unassisted, stands while holding onto something (but can't pull himself up to standing). Still not crawling but I don't think it's far away.

    Food is a hit. He eats eats eats non-stop. Just before his 6-month birthday we went to a New England-bee meet-up where he attempted to steal @Adira's baby's crackers. Thieving little monkey. He's also still nursing great. I thought that maybe things would slow down as he takes on more solids but nope, he just wants both now.

    His latest trick this week is clapping. It's so cute. We say yippee! Or yay!, and off he goes, clap clap clap.

    Here he is nomming some dinner.

  33. erinpye

    pomegranate / 3706 posts

    @OldEnglandMama: he's darling!

  34. OldEnglandMama

    cherry / 212 posts

    @erinpye: Thank you! I think so but then I'm probably substantially biased

  35. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @SweetMamaM: aww he's so cute with the matching shades. Glad he's doing great.

    @OldEnglandMama: he is so cute Noah is the same when it comes to food when I try to feed him but when the daycare or his aunt (SIL) or my mom he does great. Glad he is doing great

    I love seeing my fellow feb babies update.
    I have big and unexpected news, so although Noah is only 8 months (as of yesterday) me and DH are NTNP this month and TTC starting next month. It wasn't our original plan but I found out that I will be starting nursing school around what would have been my EDD if we wait until when we planned and waiting unti after graduate won't work because I would like to find a job in it and work atleast a year before TTC and DH doesnt want to wait that long because he'll be 40 and he doesn't want to have kids in his 40's so it's like now or never so wish us luck.

  36. lavender

    grapefruit / 4554 posts

    @Honeygold89: eeek, good luck on TTC #2!

    Next week, I'll have a 9 month old. How in the world did that happen? It is seriously flying by, I just want the world to stop so I can continue to have a sweet baby girl. Big sis is loving being a sister, she likes to go over to R and give her big hugs and announces that "R is her best friend"..makes my heart melt.

    You guys, I have a crawler on my hands. Totally not prepared for that. She goes in for her 9 mth checkup next week and will report back with stats

  37. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    Sorry it's been so long guys. Like everyone else I have had a lot going on.

    Updates with my family:

    DD now age 2 is 24 lbs 8 oz and 34 inches tall. She says full phrases and loves her little brother.
    DS soon-to-be 9 months is 21 lbs 11 oz and 28 in tall. He has perfected crawling and is working on walking. He likes table food and the breast. Hates baby food.

    Both are now cloth diapered. both have allergies to disposables.

    SO and I are still not living together and not seeing it happen anytime soon. We have discussed ttc and decided in 3 years we will try again if we are married by then.

    How is everyone's birth control going if you got it. I had the IUD. Bad idea. I ended up in the hospital bleeding extensively. The IUD was expelling at 6 months and was trying to perforate my uterus. OB said no major damage done. I now have the arm implant.

    What size are your kids in? DD is in 24 mos- 2 t. DS is in 12 mos.

    Updated pics. DD first. Then DS

  38. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @lavender: thanks. That's too cute I love sisterly bonds. I thought crawling would be the best but Noah gets into everything lol. We'll all have walker next Im a little excited about that.

    @littleblessings: glad to hear the kiddies are doing good and they're both so adorable. As I'm sure u read no birth control for me since we're ttc. Noah is in 3-6 and 6-9 which is actually kind of big on him. He's only 15.65lbs but 26.3 in. So he's slim. I told his doc I was concerned but she say he's just fine so I guess he's going to be tall n slim.

  39. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    @honeygold- congrats on ttc. Hoping for your BFP to pop up soon! my oldest just turned two. I need to give my body a rest from having kids. Lol. Other than that we would be ttc too.

  40. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @littleblessings: thanks!

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