Hellobee Boards


February 2016 moms!!

  1. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    Happy new year, ladies!! I stayed up until 2 but really regretting it now, since I wasn't able to sleep well (DH snored a lot in his drunken sleep!) and have to get up now and start my day. I'll definitely need a nap later. At least it was fun being the sober one at our party! Drunk people are funny!

    I commiserate with all of you on the crumminess of the last few weeks. I've been wanting this to be over for a while. Obviously, I know baby needs more time, but I don't know how I'm going to get through 5+ more weeks of this! Back pain, hip pain, poor sleep, upper abdominal stretching pain, peeing literally every 5 min, etc. etc. I had a good cry about it last week that I really wanted to be over. Then I felt guilty for saying that. DH was very nice and supportive. Thank goodness for him!

    I hope now that the new year is here, it feels like it comes quickly for all of us. My baby is so big that I think I'm going to go early, so that gives me a bit of hope.

  2. TemperanceBrennan

    pear / 1998 posts

    DH and I went out to eat at our go-to restaurant and watched Making a Murderer on Netflix all night while I worked on my laptop (on the couch in my pjs). It sucked that I had to work, but DH was a good sport and we enjoyed it as much as we could.

  3. Ellie

    cherry / 157 posts

    Is everyone ready for their new arrival? We haven't packed our hospital bags yet and haven't even set up a place for baby to sleep. Yikes! We finally went out today and got a bassinet (that still needs to be built).

    For the past few months I've been concentrating on work and trying to buy a new house that I completely forgot to prep for baby! Typical 2nd born child getting less attention already!

  4. fancyfunction

    grapefruit / 4085 posts

    @Ellie: I'm slowly getting things together but also have 2nd child syndrome over here! All of the gear like bassinet, car seat, stroller is being stored at my parents house so we're going to have to get that soon. I still want to get a few odds and ends to have ready too and need to finish the nursery - really just some decor and waiting on an ordered dresser to arrive.
    I just thought about a hospital bag today and I'm supposed to make an appt. at the hospital to meet with an admissions nurse - something they hadn't implemented last time I gave birth. I have faith somehow everything will come together and if it doesn't, we'll figure it out along the way!

  5. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    @Ellie: we did a lot of baby prep over the holidays, so I'm definitely feeling more ready now! Nursery is basically done, except for putting more art on the walls and we still don't have a crib mattress, but baby is going to sleep in our room for the first few months anyway. The bassinet is in our room, by my side of the bed. I keep walking into it at night when I come back from the bathroom, OUCH ; but I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually! And we installed the car seat in the car this weekend. So basically, wherever I turn, there are signs that baby is coming soon!
    Still haven't packed my hospital bag. This is a good reminder that I should do that!

    I saw my midwife this morning, and am starting to see her weekly now (can't believe we're already at that point!). She said baby is measuring right on track for 35 weeks, and she estimates it's average-sized at around 6lbs right now. So I'm less nervous about it coming sooner than expected. But I should still prepare myself for an early arrival, just in case.

    Hope you're all enjoying the new year so far!

  6. Ellie

    cherry / 157 posts

    @saboma: car seat! I forgot about that! Haha.. I'll have to get hubby to dig it out.

  7. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    I still have a few decor things to take care of in the baby's room, but it's basically all ready. DH and I tackled a number of decluttering projects over the holidays, which takes a little weight off my shoulders. I'm probably not going to pack my hospital bag or install car seats until I'm 36-37 weeks - hopefully I won't regret it!

    @saboma: Glad to hear baby is measuring right on track! Since I'm planning on an unmedicated birth, I'm nervous about ending up with a chunky baby!

    Has anyone had their group B strep test yet?

  8. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    @ms.line: Totally nervous about a big baby too! Everyone keeps commenting on how big I am, and I definitely feel huge, and babies tend to be big in my family. So I asked my midwife to check and she said it's average-sized! Hopefully that's accurate and labor won't be as hard as I'm anticipating. I'm also hoping to go unmedicated.

    Group B strep test is next week for me. Fingers crossed!

  9. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @saboma: A friend of a friend just had a 10lb5oz baby without an epi, so I'm holding out hope! People's size comments annoy me, mostly because they're so subjective - last week a neighbor noted how "small" I was, and the very next day a stranger at Panera commented that I must be due "any day now."

  10. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    @ms.line: Wow! 10lb5oz! Ouch! But yes, that does give me hope that we can do it!
    I totally agree about the size comments. People just really have no idea what a full-term pregnant lady actually looks like, so they make assumptions that it must be any day now! I've already had 3 people at work say they're surprised I came back from the holidays because they thought I would have had the baby by now. I just want to tell them: "do you realize you're essentially telling me I'm super huge? and that's not ok!" But I hold my tongue because I'm sure they mean well.
    Then when they ask how much time I have left and I say just over 4 weeks, they say "oh wow! that's a ways to go still!" Also not helpful! As if I wasn't feeling impatient already! Ugh.

  11. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @ms.line: @saboma: i have my group b test next week too.

    i get size comments too. i did last time too - always about how big i was. and DS1 was 7 lbs, 7 oz. DS2 is currently on track to be in the 7-8 lbs range, so fingers crossed that is correct! and i already weigh more at 35 weeks than i did at 40 last time. although i have gained less weight, i started at a higher weight prepregnant this time.

  12. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    how is everyone doing with names? i haven't kept track of who has a name, who is sharing what the name is, or who is still up in the air? I am obsessing over names lately! With DS1, i think we settled on a name in my second trimester, and here i am now at almost 36 weeks and we are not 100% settled on a name!

  13. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @californiadreams: We are 90% decided on a first name for a girl, with a handful of middle names in consideration. Our boy names are still distressingly up in the air, though. There aren't any that I *love,* and my favorite is way more popular than I would like, so I'm not sold on it. I keep torturing myself with all the "negatives" of the boy names we have in the running - I need to stop! (Or have a girl. )

  14. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @ms.line: lol, we are having trouble with a boy name for the same reason - the one we like is ridiculously popular (and i did not know this until after we agreed on it and i looked it up!). so frustrating. it looks like the one we are going with, but i can't shake the popularity thing yet, and the fact that it starts with the same letter as DS1 and both are 2 syllables, so i worry they are too matchy. We also need a middle name. DH says "no" or "it's okay" to everything!!!! beyond frustrating! DH also doesn't think we need a middle name at all!

  15. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    @californiadreams: we were pretty settled on both a boy and girl name early in the pregnancy, and I was glad we got that out of the way. Then I started a guessing pool for when baby was going to arrive, weight, etc. including name. And now people's guesses have made us re-think the names. So now we have long lists for each gender, and aren't thrilled with our original boy name anymore, and can't settle on one. Then we suddenly decided we really like this one boy's name, but it's my cousin's name, and it's weird in my family to use the same name as anyone. So we're really not sure. 4 weeks to decide!

  16. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @californiadreams: I've also thought about potential future LO names, and have worried I'll end up with a matchy-matchy thing. I think just sharing a first letter shouldn't be too bad, though. My cousin has an Asher, Arden, and Austin, and I've never really thought twice about it. How popular is your "super popular" name? Mine is around the 190s I think, but ideally it wouldn't be in the top 500! DH says I'm being stupid and shouldn't let it influence me... But I just don't want my LO's name to sound "trendy." Must be frustrating that your DH keeps vetoing middle names - funny that he doesn't even care about having one at all!

  17. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @saboma: So interesting, why did the baby pool make you rethink your names?? (I'm planning on doing one at my shower next Sunday.)

  18. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    @ms.line: because we liked some of them! and started putting some of them together with our middle name (we're using a family name, so not changing that one) and last name to hear what they'd sound like. Then we did the same with the one we'd chosen, and it actually didn't sound so great anymore. So back to square one...

  19. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @saboma: haha, I never anticipated getting name suggestions I actually liked!

  20. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @ms.line: haha, i would be thrilled if it wasn't in the top 100! the one we like is in the top 10! i don't want to say anymore! And I meant that DH has been vetoing first names pretty much since i started coming up with them. Even though we like this popular one, i keep suggesting others because i am not settled yet. Middle name he is no help at all except to say the one i chose didn't sound good (it was another first name contender we had both agreed on at one point, but i didn't like the nickname form of it, so i vetoed it - but it sounded nice as a middle name). Now he is saying it's fine, but i think he is saying that so I stop talking about names, lol.

  21. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @californiadreams: Ohhhh yeah committing to a top ten name would definitely be difficult for me. BUT, there are a lot of boy names that have recently appeared in the top ten that are really great names! I have no advice, but I feel your pain - this naming thing is hard!

  22. kiddosc

    grapefruit / 4278 posts

    @ms.line: Oh wow, I wouldn't consider #190 popular Our son has a top 5 name, but we both loved it. He's 3.5 and has never had another kid with his name in his class, and there's only one other person on HB that has a son with his name that I know of. I think your DH might be right on this one.

    We picked out a name for baby girl, Avery Mae. Mae is my grandmother's middle name (and it turns out DH's grandmother's middle name too, though he didn't know that). Avery is also pretty high on the popularity list right now... but I've never been too worried about that. If I like a name, I like it.

  23. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @kiddosc: Haha, yeah, you're probably right... our girl name isn't even in the top 1000, so maybe the 190s just *seem* high.

    Avery Mae is so sweet! It's great you have a family connection on both sides, and I actually don't know any Averys!

  24. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    @kiddosc: that's a very pretty name! Well done for having chosen!

  25. kiddosc

    grapefruit / 4278 posts

    @saboma: @saboma: Thank you!

  26. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @kiddosc: i love Avery Mae! i have not met any Avery's in person, only seen them on TV, lol. what is your son's name? I like your attitude about not caring how popular it is. I am trying to come terms with the name we are likely going with essentially being the top name from 2015 (depending which list i look on).

  27. kiddosc

    grapefruit / 4278 posts

    @californiadreams: His name is Ethan. Super common, but I actually don't know any in real life.

  28. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @kiddosc: i love that name! it was one of my top picks, but DH said no! but that's because it sounds weird when he pronounced it with a French accent. I liked a lot of E names for some reason, like Elliot and Evan also.

  29. kiddosc

    grapefruit / 4278 posts

    @californiadreams: DH has an odd requirement that we name our kids with a name we'd use, so they wouldn't primarily be called by a nickname. Like we couldn't name him Lucas and call him Luke. Which I thought was particularly weird since DH goes by his middle name, lol.

  30. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @kiddosc: haha. I was actually trying to find a name like that too. I didn't think of it with my first DS, but over time i realized i really like that there is no nickname for his name (Louis, pronounced Louie). And funny, i really wanted to name DS2 Lucas at one point! But i was a bit turned off by Luke! and i felt it was too close in spelling to Louis.

  31. kiddosc

    grapefruit / 4278 posts

    @californiadreams: Oooh yea, I think Louis and Lucas are kind of close. It's really hard to find a name for #2 that you like and sounds nice with the name for #1! I saw your other thread though and I really like the name you're considering and don't think it's too close to Louis at all. And even though it's so popular,I don't know any of those in real life either

  32. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @kiddosc: thanks for the input! i was so hesitant/nervous to share the name in my other thread and have everyone turn me off it, but i think it helped in the end!

  33. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    @californiadreams: @kiddosc: I'm the same way about wanting a name that doesn't easily have a nickname. I don't know why, but I don't like nicknames; if I choose a name for my child, I want that to be the name they go by. I know you can't help what they get called outside of the home, but I can try! So we're trying to go with names that aren't easily shortened.

    @californiadreams: And we're also trying to find names that work in both French and English, since I'm French and so is all my family; and it's possible we'll move to France at some point. I guess this should limit our options and make it easier...but it hasn't so far! I really like Ethan too, but agree that it doesn't sound great in French...so it's out for us. And my brother's name is Louis, it's a great name!

  34. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    Too funny, my DH and I love nicknames! Nickname-able names account for probably 80% of the names we're considering. I think I like the versatility of being able to present yourself as either an Oscar or an Ozzy, a Marguerite or a Greta, etc.

  35. red_seattle

    kiwi / 549 posts

    I haven't checked in on this thread for a while, but I'll jump in now. We're almost ready for Baby C (she has a name, but we don't share kids' names online. Let's just say she shares a name with the mother on a popular period drama, but the name had been decided as our girl name long before that show began.) We're in the process of moving into my husband's grandpa's house, so we're packing our house, cleaning out decades of things at the new house, getting ready for the baby, and oh yeah, I'm taking the bar exam a week after Baby C arrives. We're absolutely swamped!!!! So, her room isn't decorated, but we have stuff set up & in it. We have just about everything we need to replace purchased. But all her things are at the house we're moving into-- here's hoping the rest of our household will all be moved over (not just her things) when she arrives!!

  36. TemperanceBrennan

    pear / 1998 posts

    @ms.line: 10lb5oz! I'm hoping to go past my due date, but hopefully not with that big of a baby!

    @californiadreams: We have names 95% nailed down, but since this is my first and we are team green, it is still really hard to picture these names on MY baby.

    @saboma: I kind of want to do a betting pool for baby names now, but I don't necessarily want them swaying our decision.

    @kiddosc: I love Avery! It goes great with your son's name. It's funny your DH has that requirement. I grew up with a non-nicknameable first name and I always wanted a nick-name (or at least an option for one). But now our girl name isn't easily nick-named.

    @californiadreams: Louis is our boy name! But pronounced Lew-iss with Louie as a nickname.

    We are wavering on the boy middle name. We definitely want to use a family name and were set on using my grandfather's name. But now I think I might want to use our dads' name. (They have the same one but go by different nicknames). Since they are both still alive and my grandfather isn't, I think it might mean more. Also, I would use my grandfather's name as a first name if we have two boys, but if we don't have another/any boys I don't want to miss the opportunity to use it.

    If it makes anyone feel better, the most popular names of our generation were many times more popular overall than the most popular names of our kid's generation.

    @red_seattle: If it is the name I think it is, I LOVE it! Hoping everything goes smoothly with your move!

  37. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @red_seattle: You're taking the bar a week postpartum?! Rock on, mama!!

  38. red_seattle

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @ms.line: I am! When my midwife said "you can't take the bar exam right after having a baby" I said "I have to, and so I will." It'll be tough, but this isn't my first kid, I know what I'm in for in terms of recovery. Hopefully Baby C will arrive on the "fully baked but still early" side of things though. I really want to get breast feeding established before the exam, and my biggest worry is whether a week will give us enough time to do that.

  39. fancyfunction

    grapefruit / 4085 posts

    @saboma: I'm with you! Everyone always asks if we call M by a nickname and my answer is no. I'm sure her friends will but that's not in my control.

    We've had baby's name since the day we found out he's a boy.
    I even bought a PB stocking on sale for next Xmas - ha! Everyone's been trying to guess but we're not sharing til he's born.

  40. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    @fancyfunction: We're definitely not sharing either. I don't want to hear people's negative opinions on the name we've chosen and love. But they wouldn't dare tell us, after the baby is born, that we chose a terrible name!

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