Hellobee Boards


February 2018 moms!

  1. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @dominobee: I got a pair of full panel maternity jeans over the weekend, and they are *amazing*, no problem with them slipping down. I don't think it necessarily takes a huge bump to hold them up, maybe just depends on the fit...

  2. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @dominobee: I never liked the demi-panel I wore full panel starting at 15 weeks, even though my bump was tiny at that point.

  3. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    Just got the call from the genetics office (that was fast!) and the first tri screening is showing the lowest possible risk of trisomies (not that we expected any different since the NIPT came back already)

  4. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @MaryM: Woo! Great news!

  5. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @MaryM: yay! Wonderful news

  6. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @Patty86: congrats on your boy!!

  7. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @MaryM: great news!! And yay for a great scan!

  8. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    Anyone feeling that fabled second trimester "energy boost" yet? It feels AMAZING to be back to normal but I'm not sure I have an energy boost yet. I still need more sleep than I did before - about 9 hours a night, sometimes with a nap too - but I can get way more done during my waking hours. I'm no longer falling asleep at my desk and struggling to get through the day. I had my first productive day of housecleaning in two months this past Sunday and it felt amazing. But I run out of steam really quickly. Last night I ate dinner and then napped on the couch for an hour. I did get up and take a shower and read after that, but I didn't accomplish anything productive after work. This morning, however, I was up a bit early and sauteed some tofu for a salad, made said salad and a smoothie and chopped veggies to eat with hummus for a snack. So great to have the energy to prepare healthy food again!!! I also washed the dishes and then was out the door early!

  9. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @dominobee: I think the biggest difference I've seen is being able to sleep for more than 3 hours without having to get up to pee. I used to wake up between 1 and 3. Now it's more like 5 a.m.

  10. JJ2626

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @dominobee: I'm 15w3d and unfortunately don't feel much better at all. Definitely am not back to normal. Would love some extra energy! I'm still feeling queasy too, but I think it is slowly easing. I'm really hoping it goes away soon. I'm still not eating a ton and am a little worried I am not going to gain enough weight!

  11. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @JJ2626: Ugh I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you start to feel better soon!

  12. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @MaryM: I just want to share a huge congratulations. So so so happy for you and praying for this rainbow baby to be 100^ healthy 💕💕

  13. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    This just in!

    Pregnant Lady's Fat Pants No Longer Fat Pants, Wearing Regular Pants Just a Joke At This Point

  14. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @snowjewelz: Thank you!

  15. CatchAFallingStar

    nectarine / 2806 posts

    finally got to stop vaginal progesterone yesterday! I had been taking it three times a day for the last 11ish weeks. It's messy and a pain! So glad to be done with it. Anyone else?

    How's everyone feeling? I am 13 weeks now and still nauseous! I was so hoping it would be over by now. But, getting more and more excited every day.

  16. CatchAFallingStar

    nectarine / 2806 posts

    Also, what names do you all have on your lists?

  17. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @dominobee: lol! I made the mistake of wearing a somewhat fitted regular-sized dress today and have been self conscious all day!

    @CatchAFallingStar: feeling better but only the past couple of weeks (18w tomorrow). I still have moments of nausea and threw up once yesterday due to severe reflux after dinner. As for names, I will share mine on our FB page

  18. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    @dominobee: no extra energy over here yet at 14 weeks! Fatigue is easing, I don't take naps anymore (can't, due to work), but bedtime is sometimes 8, 8:30.

    @marym: always good to have double confirmation and see baby

  19. CatchAFallingStar

    nectarine / 2806 posts

    @bushelandapeck: ugh.. reflux is the worst.. I have it already and had it terribly in the third trimester last pregnancy.. TUMS TUMS TUMS!! And water with lemon helps, too.

  20. CatchAFallingStar

    nectarine / 2806 posts

    @DesertDreams88: I feel ya on the early bedtimes. I keep thinking I will get to catch up on some Netflix when DD goes to sleep. NOPE! I end up just going to sleep, too!

  21. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @CatchAFallingStar: I also shared our name (and drama) on the FB page

    I think we're mostly over it now. DH is still trying to think of a nickname (but I thought he didn't want any nicknames?) but I said let's just wait until we see the kid.

  22. CatchAFallingStar

    nectarine / 2806 posts

    Our number one name choice is Reese. But, middle names are stumping me. I want something feminine and 3 or 4 syllables. Other names on the list are:

    DD's name is Quinn Evelyn.

  23. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @CatchAFallingStar: Elizabeth is feminine and 3-4 syllables, and a classic middle name. I looove Evelyn!

    Our names are Nora Sue & Justine Patricia for two girls. Nora Sue & Michael Patrick for boy/girl. Michael and James for two boys but dropping the Patrick for a middle name. It's a long story but it's a grandparent homage and that's impossible w/ two boys bc my late mother's name is Sue and there's no male version of that. So if it's two boys we'll pick original middle names.

  24. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @CatchAFallingStar: my middle niece shares this name and here middle name is Bliss. It's a family name but I like how it sounds. My oldest niece is Evelyn

  25. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    I'm "that" pregnant lady.

    I'm pretty sure I'm constipated. But heading to the OB to make sure. I've had such bad cramps since I woke up to pee early this morning

  26. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    They measured my cervix just in case and everything looks fine. It's either a bladder infection, constipation, or just growing pains

  27. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    Anyone else already thinking about the things you'll do once not pregnant anymore? There's a bar near my house with a great karaoke night and I didn't expect to miss it this much! And obviously I can't do karaoke sober LOL.

  28. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @MaryM: so glad everything is okay!! I definitely get BH contractions already, especially when I'm dehydrated.
    @dominobee: I am dreaming of a big glass of wine and wearing my regular clothes all the time. I had a sip of DHs tonight and wished I could have a whole glass!

  29. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @bushelandapeck: it's constant pain, so I don't think it's BH. Any time I stand up it hurts to straighten up!

    Had a dinner full of veggies and cranberry juice and pickles. Hoping something works itself out!

  30. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @MaryM: aw man, that sounds painful and uncomfortable. Glad everything looked okay!! I hope it clears soon and you feel better.

    I actually fell on my butt this weekend so I had to go in today to get checked out, too. Thankfully, baby's heart sounded good, and my dr. was very unconcerned. The dr. who was on call when it happened freaked me out! I've continued to feel movement this week, so I figured all was fine, but still good to get the reassurance.

  31. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @dominobee: aw man! I was surrounded by drunk friends at a reunion this past weekend, and I was the only one throwing up ha. I thought that was a bit unfair.

    Btw, you should totally do it sober; everyone else will be drunk so it doesn't matter anyway!

  32. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @MaryM: Hope everything works itself out and it turns out to be no big deal.

    Over here - holy round ligament pain! The last few days it's really been ramping up. Guess it's happening a bit earlier because of twins. Man it sucks! I hope it isn't like this for the whole second trimester. What have you guys done for RLP in your past pregnancies?

  33. Meowkers

    persimmon / 1364 posts

    @dominobee: urgh round ligament pain is horrible. I don't think there is anything you can really do besides get up really slowly and hold your stomach when you sneeze, cough, and get up. I noticed it much earlier with my second pregnancy.

  34. Meowkers

    persimmon / 1364 posts

    So I'm exactly 16 weeks today and I finally had to put a rubber band on my pants button to make them fit this morning. I've been trying to avoid going through my bag of pregnancy clothes but i guess it's time to dust off the maternity jeans.

  35. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @Meowkers: Ok I'm glad this is normal. I was beginning to be worried! At first it was just sharp pains here and there but now it's like a constant dull cramp (like last day of period) accentuated by a sharp pain when I move too quickly.

  36. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @dominobee: the constant dull cramp is what I've been having too. Not sure if it's all RLP or possibly still partly constipation. But it's certainly not fun!

  37. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    Just went to Target and bought a pair of maternity jeans and a few tops. What a game changer! I look legit pregnant but I also look good, instead of awkwardly squeezing into clothes that don't quite fit.

    Having my first real craving of the second trimester: Caesar dressing. Maybe I need protein (cheese) or omegas (anchovies)? Whatever it is, I bought ingredients for a salad and I can't wait to eat one!

    Final Target anecdote: The lady checking out in front of me was pregnant and then when it was my turn the cashier was like "everybody's pregnant" and I was like "do I look pregnant?" And real quick she said "no!" And I was like "well I am I just wasn't sure if I looked it." And she was like "oh thank god!" She said recently she'd said something similar to a woman who said she wasn't pregnant so she thought she'd screwed up again! We had a laugh about it, LOL.

  38. Meowkers

    persimmon / 1364 posts

    @dominobee: does Target have their new maternity line out in stores already? Last time I was there they had discontinued the LIZ Lange line but had not rolled out anything new.

    I'm still in that dreadful in between phase where I don't have enough bump to fill out maternity clothes but my belly is starting to protrude in my regular clothes. I look like I've been hiting the cake and ice cream pretty hard.

  39. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @Meowkers: Hmm I think so? The shorts I bought last time are now in clearance. There's nothing super fall or wintery yet though.

  40. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @Meowkers: Mine did.

    And I was happy that some of it is still the same (like the essential tanks I loved).

    Pants-wise, I'm still very much the same. The demi pants work, but I think I'm far from the full panel ones. Either that or I need the next size smaller, which would suck since I never wore the stuff I have for a full pregnancy so it would sort of be a waste.

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