Hellobee Boards


February 2018 moms!

  1. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @dominobee: a couple weeks before we found out we were pregnant, DH's godmother rubbed my belly to see if we were! I made sure to ask for wine at dinner that night. The worst thing was that I had just had a miscarriage & would've been about 13 weeks. My belly didn't completely go down. 😒

    @bushelandapeck: ugh! I totally feel you. Only a few close friends, my parents & siblings, & FIL were aware we went into the hospital. I asked my friends and family that we only wanted parents & my siblings to visit on the first day. My parents & siblings obliged but FIL was in the hospital with his gf & DH's godparents right after church (DD was born a little over an hr before they arrived) & I just arrived in the post partum room from my c-section. Needless to say I was totally out of it & DD was in the NICU where I also sent DH to make sure she was alright. When DH came into the room with DD, they quickly brought her to me so she could start nursing getting used to my scent. When FIL arrived with the entourage, I was slightly upset, but thankfully my nurse was amazing and told them they needed to wait outside while we had some time as a family of 3. During that time, I texted my siblings & told them I wanted them to bring my parents to see us cuz I was upset that DH's godparents got to see DD before they did. Since I know when my c-section will be, I'm contemplating whether or not to even tell everyone when we plan to go in. And just let family & friends know a few hours after the birth (with the exception of my parents who will be watching DD).

  2. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @Tionn3: DH was joking that he was going to have a cigar once the baby is born. Ironic because he's never enjoyed nicotine but I fight my desire to smoke when others around me are smoking. I was like "I'm going to be the one who deserves a cigar, not you!" Also whiskey is my favorite. Haha, you can send him my way!

    @JJ2626: I think I'll end up going the direct route. About a week ago my MIL said something along the lines of "If I'm annoying you, please let me know." And the thing is, she IS annoying, like a lot of the time. She's the car passenger who reads the signs the whole time. She's constantly telling me how many steps she walked (like do you really need validation on that?). She'll sometimes yell REALLY loudly right next to your face - or worse, do a super loud whistle! Just not like always very aware of how what she says and does affects others, I guess. Also she's vegan which is fine and very noble of her but it also makes it hard to cook for her sometimes. She doesn't even eat honey! I feel like a jerk writing all this but I know this is a safe space to vent! Anyway, I'm just going to have to tell her that it's annoying when she touches/talks to my belly. I think the reason she brought it up was because I was complaining about MY mom who's been second-guessing a lot of my decisions (which room to use as a nursery, using cloth diapers, etc.).

    @bushelandapeck @marym: I hadn't even considered limiting how many people visit us in the hospital. I am okay with immediate family and close friends as long as they don't linger too long. And as far as people hanging out after we go home, I guess I'd just want them to call first and let me know they're coming. MIL has a habit of dropping by randomly which I'm not a huge fan of, and will be even less of a fan once the babies are here, I'm sure.

    Also... round ligament paaaainnn! Ouch!

  3. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @lazypanda: I just don't understand people who don't check in before they visit someone in the hospital.

    My SIL was seeing a specialty OB near me for a couple of her kids, so I was the only person really near by when they were born (I'm about an hour and a half from where they and the rest of the family live)

    Even still I made sure to text them and tell them to let me know if it was ok to come after work, and to let me know what kind of food they wanted me to bring with me.

    Being in the hospital is just the LAST time I really want to deal with having to see people unexpectedly! Especially for something having to do with so many private areas of the body.

  4. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @MaryM: How are you feeling? Is the cramping/constipation gone? I'm having a similar feeling now... sort of vague cramping but it could be gastrointestinal, hard to tell.

  5. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @dominobee: It's been mostly better, but is still there occasionally.

    Try eating giant dill pickles (or 3 spears if you can't find the big ones). That and a lot of water has been helping.

    And someone pointed out that the small intestine meets the large intestine on the right side, and sure enough, that's where a lot of my pain has been.

    My urine culture came back clean, so I'm guessing that's what it was from. I was technically allowed to take a lower dose of progesterone this week, but the pharmacy sent me larger shots, so I think it could have been the result of too much progesterone (it slows down smooth muscles). And I've upped my fruit intake and that seems to help too.

    I'm still nowhere near regular, but it's more of an every other day thing than an every 3 day thing.

  6. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @MaryM: Every three days, eek! I'm pretty regular. Mine feels like last day of period cramps and less like the round ligament sharp pains I've had. Could just be overall uterus stretching. It has to stretch a lot more quickly with twins, I suppose. I look real real pregnant this week!

  7. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @dominobee: Yeah. Mine were sort of dull long lasting cramps. Sometimes around my right ovary, sometimes right in the crease at the bottom of my belly. It wasn't as bad as period cramps, but it certainly didn't feel good.

    If you're going regularly, it's probably just stretching. If you're not going regularly, try taking a colace at night and see if that helps. I mostly got concerned when I was up to two a day for multiple days and it wasn't doing anything

  8. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @MaryM: I'm frighteningly regular, LOL

  9. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @dominobee: I think that's part of why I got so worried. I have celiac so I'm used to being super regular (or worse) and the only time I've been constipated in the past was after surgeries while on pain killers. And nothing like this! I was almost tempted to just eat some bread and get it over with.

  10. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @MaryM: LOL! Don't do it!

  11. Tionn3

    kiwi / 680 posts

    OMG I hate Kaiser sometimes. I had cleared it with my OB that I could get the second trimester screening done after August 28th, and since it was a week before my next appointment I could go to the walk in nurse clinic to get the form. So I did that today, and the nurse gave me the hardest time getting the form. I was so mad. I tried to explain that I was coming in early because they couldn't measure the NT because the baby moved too much and so I never got any preliminary results, and because the Dr. said I could. It also wasn't that early I'll be 16 weeks on Thursday and I was measuring 2 days ahead at the NT. It was like she was trying to talk me out of it and she already had half the form completed. She also filled out the form wrong! They were supposed to use my measurements from the NT scan for the gestational age but she used my initial ultrasound. UGH!

  12. JJ2626

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @Tionn3: That's weird! I had my 2nd trimester screen at like 15w3d at Kaiser and it was fine. I did get the form at my doc appt though so maybe that's why. As long as you got the form-you should be good. I guess that nurse just sucks! Where are you located?

  13. Tionn3

    kiwi / 680 posts

    @JJ2626: I'm in San Diego! I feel like it was just because I had an appointment scheduled for next week and I would get it then, and she kept saying over and over " this should be done at 16 weeks" and it's like, yeah I'm basically 16 weeks, and for sure on Thursday, and I was measuring 2 days ahead at the NT. I feel like they're not taking this seriously. The fact that they couldn't get the NT measurement during the ultrasound also has me super anxious. I feel like I wouldn't be freaking out as much as I am now if I was able to get preliminary results. I was pissed they didn't offer a rescan, and they insisted on scheduling me at 13 weeks instead of 12 making it so I couldn't have even gotten a rescan if I wanted to.

  14. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @Tionn3: That really stinks that they're giving you such a hard time!

    DH has Kaiser and it would be cheaper if I got it too, but I can't imagine giving up the freedom to chose my providers.

  15. Tionn3

    kiwi / 680 posts

    @MaryM: I work at a hospital and sometimes wish I had just chosen the policy that would have allowed me to get care from where I work. It would have made things so much easier, and I feel like I could've gotten things done easier too. It was so much more expensive though.

  16. Tionn3

    kiwi / 680 posts

    @JJ2626: The worst part was that they told me that sometimes it can take 3-4 weeks to get results back. That seems unethically and irresponsibly long. That means If I get it drawn tomorrow (which is before my appointment next week when they wanted me to wait till) I won't get results till 19 or 20 weeks. I don't even think I could get an amnio after 20 weeks. If I wait till next week it pushes it to 20 or 21 weeks. This whole thing just baffles me, and I have to wonder by NIPT isn't just offered to everyone! Regardless of how old you are. It is so much easier and accurate.

  17. JJ2626

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @MaryM @Tionn3: I work for Kaiser so don't really have a choice. There can definitely be frustrations but never getting a bill is pretty awesome. Plus, they generally do provide high quality care and their integrated model is, I believe, where health care needs to go.

  18. JJ2626

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @Tionn3: Ok, that is crazy it takes so long! Have you talked to a genetic counselor about that and your options re: amnio? I have heard NIPT isn't as accurate in younger women but agree it should be offered.

  19. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @JJ2626: I have a love hate relationship with it too. DH got food poisoning the day before our wedding, but he doesn't throw up so he presented with what appeared to be appendicitis. They ended up watching a small cyst they spotted on his kidney in a scan, and a year later had early cancer removed. I'm not sure if that would have been caught and followed as closely if he'd visited a regular ER.

  20. Tionn3

    kiwi / 680 posts

    @JJ2626: For the most part I have been pretty happy with Kaiser. The nurse said it could take that long because it is through the California Prenatal Testing Program, so it's a department of public health program. All the specimens get sent to some other place outside Kaiser. If Kaiser did the test themselves I would probably get results in 3 days. I will talk to the midwife on Tuesday next week and see what my options are. To make things even more tricky, I have an anterior placenta, so having an amnio is more tricky for me to begin with =/.

  21. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    Any updates?

    February Mamas

    1/25: Bushelandapeck (#3 )
    2/4: Ladydi (#2)
    2/5: Honeydew (#2)
    2/6: DCrumlish29 (#2)
    2/8: JJ2626 (#1)
    2/9: Meowkers (#2 )
    2/8: Illumina (#2)
    2/13: skiierchck99 (#1)
    2/14: Tionn3 (#1), Drea1016 (#2)
    2/15: Lazypanda (#2 )
    2/18: Theotherstark (#2), beachlilly (#1 )
    2/19: dominobee (#1 & 2), skate13 (#1)
    2/20: DesertDreams88 (#2 )
    2/22: jodyblair (#3 )
    2/23: magnoliamama42 (#2), GooseBee (#2)
    2/25: MaryM ( )
    2/26: Freelikewater (#1)
    2/27: CatchAFallingStar (#2 ), petitenoisette (#2)
    3/5: Patty86 (#2 )
    3/6: Ergggg (#2)


    9/5: Bushelandapeck (AS), Tionn3
    9/12: skiierchck99 (AS)
    9/13: dominobee
    9/18: dominobee
    9/21: JJ2626 (AS), theotherstark
    9/25: theotherstark (AS)
    10/2: dominobee (AS)

  22. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    Got an ultrasound yesterday and baby J is doing well. 15 weeks along. Schedule the anatomy scan for 18w 3d, or 19w (dr calculation vs mine). I feel like that's REALLY early but OB seemed totally unfazed.... what about you all? She just wanted it done with my next 4 week appt (they do the anatomy scan there).

  23. petitenoisette

    pear / 1521 posts

    We were on vaca last week so I was a bit MIA. I start back at school next Tuesday and I am weirdly happy about returning to work and normal routines. My MS is mostly gone besides getting sick still in the am if I don't wake up/eat early enough. I am feeling very anxious about telling everyone at work - I've actually been more worried about something going wrong now that I'm in the 2nd trimester which is annoying! I have my next appointment the afternoon after my first day and really wish it were beforehand so I could have some greater peace of mind but oh well. I think I clearly look pregnant and I'd rather just tell my whole dept at our first day meetings.

    @theotherstark: I realized this a while ago but forgot to mention it, my due date is actually 2/27!

    @DesertDreams88: my anatomy scan is right at 18 weeks. I think the acceptable range is 18-22 weeks. Earlier is better in my opinion in case anything were to turn up.

  24. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @DesertDreams88: doesn't seem early at all - mine is scheduled for 19 w, and my dr. said they prefer to do it between 18-20 weeks. Glad your appt went well yesterday!

    @petitenoisette: got it!

  25. Tionn3

    kiwi / 680 posts

    @DesertDreams88: I think the anatomy scan is typically done between 18 and 20 weeks, so it sounds right on schedule for you.

  26. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    Anyone have a recommendation for maternity leggings, particularly for SHORT people? All the full length leggings are way too long for me - I'm 5'3". Target's selection is pathetic. I saw this tag on the brand and was like "sure as long as that belly's not attached to a short person!"

  27. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @DesertDreams88: I assume we'll schedule my anatomy scan tomorrow. My next 4 wk appointment would be at 18.5 weeks. But I'm not sure if my OB does the anatomy scan, or if he sends patients to a lab like he does for the NT. If he sends me to a lab, I might try to see him at 18, then do the anatomy scan at 19, then follow up with him at 20.

    Since we lost a baby at 22 weeks he said he'll see me more often around that time. And it won't help that it'll be her birthday in a month.

  28. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    I guess I just thought it was more supposed to be at 20 weeks, and that if it was too early things wouldn't be measuring accurately, maybe that's leftover in my brain from the NT scan. My former OB wanted the NT scan and the anatomy scan done on the later side of the range.

  29. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    @MaryM: I remember your anniversary month very clearly since we were due around the same time and then my cousin lost a child (also due at the same time) through preterm birth loss about 3-4 weeks after your loss I was talking to a friend about how I've been memorizing psalm 23, both bc LO has a board book with it but also pregnancy is the main thing that reminds me most of the fragility of life.

  30. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @MaryM: Will be thinking of you as you approach these milestones, can't imagine how tough it must be

    @DesertDreams88: I also had my anatomy scan at 18 weeks.

    Can I vent for a moment? Anyone else have colleagues make comments about your pregnant body and feel uncomfortable about it, even though you know they mean well? Today at lunch I had a male colleague in his 70s clearly look carefully at my bump and then say "oh, good, I see you're making progress." Ugh, like I'm getting bigger? I work in a pretty formal office, where there are almost no women, and if a colleague lost weight or something analogous, it's not like someone would ever comment about it.

  31. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @periwinklebee: That's a really odd comment!

    I've had a couple colleagues comment that I'm glowing (which I think is bull, but whatever). But I think commenting on your size is totally inappropriate. In any setting.

  32. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @MaryM: Ugh, yeah, ick. I tell myself to take these things in stride and just assume it's part of working with older men, like maybe what's appropriate to say has changed more than I appreciate in recent years. I guess people are thinking it anyway, and I'm sure it's only going to get worse as I get further along

  33. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @dominobee: I'm 5'4" and had a couple from Gap that fit well.

    @periwinklebee: uh....totally weird and inappropriate comment. Mostly mine have been that they didn't realize I was pregnant or thought I just gained weight. I mean, I'm glad you didn't say that to me but you could've kept it to yourself now too!

  34. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    OB appointment went well, but was weird! It was the first time I've seen this doctor and not gotten an ultrasound. Baby's big enough for doppler, so I was taken to a room I've never been in before that didn't have screens.

    @DesertDreams88: My doctor suggested I wait until at least 19.5 weeks for the anatomy scan because if you go too early, sometimes they can't see the whole heart well enough.

    I go back in two weeks for the AFP test for spina bifida, have to schedule my anatomy scan in five weeks at a radiology lab, and then see my doctor the following week. It seems crazy we're already at the point of scheduling an anatomy scan!

  35. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @bushelandapeck: Ugh, maybe I'm just a boring person, but I feel like especially in a work setting the standard response is the best. Someone says they're pregnant, it's simple to respond appropriately, just say "congratulations!". And definitely not "oh, I thought you were gaining weight."

    @MaryM: Glad your appt went well!

  36. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @periwinklebee: Wow ruuuuuude. The only coworkers who have said anything to me are my closest work friends. One was like "I feel like in a week you suddenly look pregnant!" And the other said I was glowing. Both women, not mad. But old man talking about your "progress?" Ewww!

  37. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @MaryM: that is so hard. We're all here for you as you go through these tough milestones

  38. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @periwinklebee: I'm weird, but these sorts of comments never bother me. Haha. I just kind of look at it as someone trying to relate or whatnot, and let it go. I've found that most people mean well, even if they don't always now what or how to say things. Especially the older men Sorry you're having to deal with it, though - it's tough working with older people, men especially, when they make random or weird comments!

  39. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @MaryM: glad your appointment went well!! yep, seems crazy that we're already coming up to anatomy scans! Exciting!

  40. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @MaryM: so glad your appointment went well! I can't believe it's time for anatomy scans either! I'll be 19w5d at the time of mine. I had asked if I needed to move it up since they changed my due date but they said anytime between 18-20w is fine.

    I think I officially "popped" today! I look visibly pregnant, even in the morning, even through baggier shirts.

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