clementine / 973 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: wow! Those are blazing positive! How many dpo were you when you took these? Mine are WAY fainter than those!
clementine / 973 posts
@Chuckles: are you a teacher!? Noticed you were off for summer. I teach 3rd Grade, so I have been able to obsess at home as well!
pear / 1677 posts
@Jessiemuller88: I have no clue, which is why I'm anxious for my dating scan this Thurs. I wasn't tracking anything...we were trying for so long without success that I just said "oh well" and then I get a freaking positive. So....I'm pretty sure I had to be past 14dpo. Because with my chemical last year, I had a BFP on 12dpo and it was super duper faint - so that's really all I can compare with!
persimmon / 1385 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: Does your LMP give you any clues, or are you not regular? Your FRER looks like mine this morning, 16 dpo.
pear / 1677 posts
@BadgerMom: I'm completely irregular. I was even on Femara for a few cycles until my doc didn't want to do it anymore and I quit too. My LMP was 4/30, prior to that was Jan. I credit keto to re-starting my period, so I was excited about that. Then here we are!
I've definitely taken more tests since - my wondfo test lines are waaaay darker than the control, and my last FRER was also darker than the control.
This was two days after my first FRER.
clementine / 973 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: what a great surprise!! I know you can’t wait until Thursday! I called my OB today and couldn’t get in until July 25th. It’s going to be a long 5.5 weeks!
pear / 1677 posts
@Jessiemuller88: I’ve heard of some women not being seen until 12-15 weeks. I would lose my mind!
pea / 24 posts
@Jessiemuller88: Wow, July 25, what an excruciating wait! I would be so nuts waiting for that. Admittedly, I was surprised that my OB saw me at 6 weeks, though I think we all thought I'd be at least 7. With my first, they saw me around 8-9 weeks!
kiwi / 548 posts
Had my appointment and we have a little bean!! HB was 114 which is perfect for 6 weeks. Gah, I’m extremely relieved and excited now!!! I go back in two weeks for the “pregnancy confirmation” appointment which is normally when they would have scheduled me if it wasn’t for our past.
kiwi / 548 posts
@zojirushi: welcome! Cheers to being due date buddies!
@Jessiemuller88: welcome!! My wondfos were also super light and seemed like they took forever to even come close to a frer. So much that I ordered more 2 days before I ended up taking a digital test and now I have all these extra tests! 🤷♀️
@Mrs. Oreo: that is really awesome how you stopped tracking and then it happened for you! I’m not sure I would have the will power to stop tracking so that would never happen for me! Haha
pea / 24 posts
@LabradorLover: Okay, is that what it's called? I was told today that he needed to see me again in 2 weeks to confirm his EDD and I worried but I'm glad to hear that I'm not alone! Awesome to have a due date buddy for now!
pear / 1697 posts
@LabradorLover: Any update?
Nevermind -- page just refreshed for me when I posted and I see you already updated!
persimmon / 1385 posts
@LabradorLover: Yay!!!! I’m so glad you had a great appointment.
I hoping my ob will take me early for an ultrasound. It’s encouraging to know some of you have gone in on the early side. DH leaves for vacation the Tuesday before I turn 8 weeks (Saturday) then I leave to meet him the following Tuesday. I really don’t want to go to my first appointment alone. I tried to call last Thursday but my ob is out of the office until tomorrow so we’ll see.
clementine / 973 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: oh my! I would totally lose my mind! I’m going on 3 trips in July, so hopefully the time will pass quickly.
@ZOJIRUSHI: with my first they saw me at 6 weeks, and I remember he looked like a little oval
@LABRADORLOVER: I’m so happy your appointment went well. What a relief to hear the heartbeat! I think Wondfo are just less sensitive, so I’m trying to now worry about it. I did buy 2 more FRER, so hopefully those are darker over the next few days!
pear / 1677 posts
@LabradorLover: yay for little bean!!! I didn’t think I could stop tracking either but it was my New Years resolution LOL! And the only one I stuck with
clementine / 973 posts
I’m feeling a little anxious and worried this morning. I woke up eager to test, just knowing my lines would be darker, and they are the same as yesterday, if not lighter what do you ladies think!
persimmon / 1385 posts
@Jessiemuller88: Sometimes it’s hard to tell when the tests are only a day apart, the lines may not change much. I think you will know more if you test tomorrow. Good luck!!!
pear / 1677 posts
@Jessiemuller88: I totally agree with @BadgerMom! They do look the same to me though.
cherry / 237 posts
Location: Mississippi
EDD: February 18th
First child? No, we have a little girl turning three in August
Symptoms? No appetite but no food aversions
Thoughts/feelings/fears? I'm most excited about my little one becoming a big sister and I'm most fearful about how to juggle being a mom of two!
pear / 1677 posts
My horny ass had relations with DH this morning and ever since then, I've been wiping light pink every time I use the bathroom. I'm trying not to freak out especially since I know sex doesn't cause miscarriage, but still. GAH!!!
persimmon / 1385 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: More than likely just a sensitive cervix, but I'd be right there with ya freaking out!
pear / 1677 posts
@BadgerMom: I called my OB's office for a nurse to call me back. Some reassurance on their end would be nice, but this gives flashbacks last year when I had my chemical and I was spotting right after DH and I had sex also. I'm trying hard not to smack him LOL.
kiwi / 548 posts
@bhbee: @Mrs. Oreo: @BadgerMom: @lilyofthewest: Thank you!! I am so relieved and excited now!!! Total attitude change from yesterday.
@zojirushi: Yes, I think normally we would have gone in at 8 weeks as our dating ultrasound but since I basically begged, they took me earlier. I wouldn't worry about it at all as it seems like the normal to me!
@pinkarmadillo: welcome!!
@Jessiemuller88: I wouldn't worry too much. The lines are very close on the frers and keep in mind, yesterdays has time to dry and probably get a little darker than when you initially took it yesterday. I would say tomorrows should be darker and will keep my fingers crossed that it is!
kiwi / 548 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: I agree with @BadgerMom, probably just your cervix. My first pregnancy we did an IUI and the lady bumped my cervix and I spotted for 4 days. I know it is hard not to worry, but i'm sure it is nothing! Hopefully the doctor gets back to you quickly.
cherry / 237 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: I took a spin class while thirteen weeks with my first and I had some bright pink bleeding from that. It terrified me so I went to get checked. I'm glad you called your OB for peace of mind!
clementine / 973 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: I think it’s perfectky safe to have sex while preggers, and that has totally happened to me before. I wasn’t pregnant but had spotting after sex. I wouldn’t worry. Your little bean is perfectly safe!
clementine / 973 posts
Thanks ladies! It’s so nice to be able to ask questions like these. My husband thinks I am losing my mind and banned me from buying more FRER. I called my OB and asked for blood confirmation, so I’m going tomorrow morning! At least I will have peace of mind.
persimmon / 1385 posts
@Jessiemuller88: Good idea! I'm glad they could get you in ASAP.
I'm still waiting for my OB to call me back so I can go in for betas. I'm not going to be able to concentrate on anything until those come back.
clementine / 973 posts
@BadgerMom: I know, I was very surprised they responded so quickly! I hope your OB calls you back soon! I feel like it’s all I can think about too.
pear / 1677 posts
Thanks for the reassurance, ladies! My OB’s nurse said the same thing and no other signs of bleeding the rest of the day. *whew*
Although, yesterday was such a lazy day for me - baby bear is sucking the life out of me and DH thinks it’s funny to joke that we probably have twins. I was in bed 80% of the day watching Netflix/Hulu/Amazon, had no appetite (but was hungry!), and just overall BLAH. Tomorrow’s appointment can’t come soon enough!!
@Jessiemuller88: Good luck on your betas today! Are you gonna do another FRER before then?
persimmon / 1385 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: Enjoy being a useless slug! I’m already finding out it’s not so easy this second time around.
Had my betas drawn yesterday after work. Came back at 813. According to betabase that’s a bit over average for 18 dpo, so fingers crossed they increase accordingly.
pear / 1677 posts
@BadgerMom: I’m being a total slug at work. And I’m a nurse so that’s not ideal
Yay for your betas! Sending good vibes for a good increase!!
cherry / 237 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: I've been struggling with being physically hungry but no appetite too. It's hard for me because I eat six meals a day and they are scheduled, weighed and prepped. I've been doing it for ages and I find myself wanting to skip meals/snacks and not finishing them. No aversions yet though!
@BadgerMom: so much harder this time! I've been going to bed right after our little one does and passing out.
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