persimmon / 1385 posts
@pinkarmadillo: Yep me too. DH will ask what I want to watch on TV, and I tell him I really don't care I'm just going to fall asleep anyway.
kiwi / 548 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: Glad to hear your OB agreed and that you don't have anymore bleeding! Good luck at your appointment!
@BadgerMom: Yay for a great beta!
@Jessiemuller88: any updates yet???
clementine / 973 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: I went and had my blood drawn and should get results tomorrow, but I’m feeling super devestated at the moment. I didn’t have any more FRER to take with fmu, so I stopped and picked up a pack after my appointment. I took one after a 2.5 hour hold, and it’s lighter than yesterday. I think I’m having a CP...
persimmon / 1385 posts
@Jessiemuller88: Oh no, I'm so sorry. I think there's still a little hope since the lighter test isn't FMU.
persimmon / 1385 posts
FYI for everyone, if the page is not refreshing you can trick it by going up to your address bar and changing the page number.
For example, change the last number to 3 instead of 2 here:
pear / 1677 posts
@Jessiemuller88: oh man, I’m hoping it’s because it’s not FMU either. *hugs*
kiwi / 548 posts
@Jessiemuller88: I’m so bummed to read this but still holding out hope for you!
pea / 24 posts
@Jessiemuller88: Thinking of you! Hopefully it's not a CP but if it is we are all here for you!
pear / 1677 posts
Baby bear has a heart beat of 111 today, but measuring at 6 weeks 1 day (expected to be 7w3d). Trying not to be worried about it, but I can’t help it! Will be going back in 2 weeks for another US and OB visit.
persimmon / 1385 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: Yay for a heartbeat! Where does the 7w3d come from? Your LMP?
pear / 1677 posts
@BadgerMom: yes, that’s based off LMP, which is why they expressed concern about measuring behind. But I reminded that I am totally irregular so the nurse said i could have ovulated late. I’m trying not to worry because at least there’s a heartbeat!
persimmon / 1385 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: Yeah that’s what I was thinking. Who the heck knows when you ovulated. And the fact that your FRERS got darker and the first one wasn’t a complete blazer makes me thing you weren’t *that* far along.
pear / 1677 posts
@BadgerMom: right. now the next two weeks are gonna feel like a lifetime again... based on how far along I am, my EDD would be 2/13 though!
clementine / 973 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: try not to worry! Like you said, no one knows when you ovulated, and a heartbeat is GREAT news!
I really appreciate all yalls support, but things aren’t looking good for me. Betas came back: HCG: 13 and Progesterone: 12.7
Doctor wants to do another draw tomorrow and said I could just be super early, but I know what’s happening took a FRER this morning, and it was as faint as yesterday’s. Looks like this may be the end of the road for this pregnancy.
pear / 1677 posts
@Jessiemuller88: I’m so sorry about this. That’s an all too familiar feeling. Take care of yourself and feel what you need to feel. I’m rooting for you so hard!!
persimmon / 1495 posts
@Jessiemuller88: So sorry to hear this. CP's really suck. Hopefully next month is your month!
kiwi / 548 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: aww it is so cute! I really cannot believe these teeny, tiny things turn into babies!! I hope you just ovulated late and great to have a heartbeat!! I was so afraid of not having one when I went in on Monday and can't tell you the relief I had when I could see that little flicker. Hopefully the next few weeks fly by for both of us!
@Jessiemuller88: I'm so sorry, we are all here for you.
clementine / 973 posts
Thanks ladies. AF showed up today, so I’m officially out. I hope you all have a healthy and happy 9 months. Wishing you the best
pea / 24 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: I feel very much like I'm in a similar place as you - I also felt like I was about a week further along than I ended up being - really hard not to worry, but my OB assured me there was no reason to worry and a lot could change in 2 weeks. But these 2 weeks of waiting is like a freaking eternity!
persimmon / 1259 posts
Cautiously joining...
Location: Eastern Iowa
EDD: February 24
First child? Second
Symptoms? Cramping, nipple tenderness, suuuppppper tired
Thoughts/feelings/fears? This is 100% unexpected. It took two years and a round of IVF to get DD (she is now 2.5) and we weren't sure we even wanted a second. Two months ago, I removed the Mirena due to some other side effects and we were currently in the process of scheduling DH's vasectomy. But we really weren't counting on the ability to get pregnant this time around. I think I'm still in shock. I'm definitely a little scared because it's been hard to manage my anxiety over the past nine months or so. But I'm coming around and am excited for DD to be a big sister.
persimmon / 1495 posts
@Miss Sarah: Welcome! That sounds like quite a surprise!
I'm 6w3d now, so I've hit that spot where I'm dying to get to my first ultrasound (7/5) to make sure everything is okay before I get more attached to this pregnancy. I'm still having some cramping, but it's less than it was last week. But my boobs are still sore. I haven't really had any nausea yet, but I had very little morning sickness with my first, so I'm trying not to read anything into it and just be thankful.
kiwi / 548 posts
@Miss Sarah: Welcome and congrats!! It is definitely crazy how life works sometimes!!
@Chuckles: The waiting is the worst! I was sort of feeling the same way, wondering if I was really pregnant before my first scan because I didn't really have any symptoms either. My last pregnancy, my boobs hurt from week 3 and on. This time, they are just barely starting to hurt now but nothing like before. I was worried because I wasn't having any morning sickness either...regretting that now because it hit week 6 and while it isn't too bad, I can't wait for it to be over. I had morning sickness from week 7-14 last time so hoping it only last 7 weeks or, if i'm lucky, maybe less!
persimmon / 1495 posts
Really unimpressed with the level of knowledge of the nurses at my new OB practice. My son's best friend at school has Fifth's Disease, which is common in kids, super contagious, and can be very dangerous for the fetus in the first half of pregnancy if a pregnant woman gets it, even if it's no big deal for kids. So I called the nurse today to ask if there's anything I should do, and she clearly had no idea. Twice she was like, I can look that up. And then came back to the conversation with info that was clearly from some internet search (that I already know). Ugh. I guess I'll just wait and see if he gets it and then panic. It's one of those viruses that is only contagious before you have symptoms, so there's nothing we can do about it now basically.
persimmon / 1385 posts
@Miss Sarah: Welcome!
@Chuckles: Ugh, that totally sucks. It's probably not something they see often so I can see her not knowing what to tell you on the spot, but I would think she would at least talk to the doctor about it?!
I scheduled my first US appointment for Monday. I'll be 6w2d. My last pregnancy the OB did the first ultrasound informally in the office. This time I go to radiology where they will do a more in depth initial ultrasound. I'm not sure what to expect, but fingers crossed everything is progressing well.
pear / 1677 posts
@Miss Sarah: Welcome!!!
@Chuckles: My 8 week scan is right after yours. Doesn't it feel like lightyears away?!
@BadgerMom: Good luck on Monday! Keep us updated!!
I've been totally MIA because baby has been kicking my ass. The nausea, vomiting, and fatigue were full force since my last scan! DH has definitely been understanding about me not being able to make dinner, so he's been making us frozen cauliflower crust pizzas I'm hoping this goes away soon, because I'd like to be out and about this summer without rushing to a bathroom to hurl.
kiwi / 548 posts
@BadgerMom: I have an ultrasound on Monday (tomorrow), too! I’ll be 8 weeks 2 days. I’m so excited!!
Nausea hasn’t been too bad so far for me but the whole exhaustion thing has definitely set in! It’s kicking my butt!
persimmon / 1495 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: and @labradorlover: These appointments take forever to get here! My first ultrasound is on Thursday and I've been having a ton of anxiety about being able to hear a heartbeat. Also, my SIL just told us today that she's pregnant with her second. It's super exciting because I think they were trying for a long time, but now I'm more anxious for things to work out for both of us since our due dates will be fairly close together.
I've been feeling pretty good, mostly just more tired than usual. I've been going back and forth between food just not sounding good and being extra hungry, but I haven't really been nauseous. I'm excited to hear how your scans go this week!
persimmon / 1259 posts
@Chuckles: and @labradorlover: My symptoms have been similar. SUPER tired; I want a nap every day! And I haven't hit full on nausea, but I have lost my appetite here and there. It's worse at dinner time. I wake up fine and hungry and can eat all day, but at dinner, food sounds gross. And then I'm starving before bed! I'm only 6 weeks today though, so I'm bracing myself for an amp up of symptoms in the coming week. With my first, I was terribly nauseous off and on from about 8-11 weeks, but never vomited. Totally lived on pretzels and almonds a few days though. I'm anticipating a similar pregnancy since I'm not feeling anything too crazy yet. Boobs hurt a lot too!
My first appointment isn't until July 23rd! UGH! But, my sister works at the OG/GYN group and might try to sneak me in for a V-scan next week. She said after 7 weeks, the heart beat will usually show up on it.
persimmon / 1495 posts
@Miss Sarah: so jealous that your sister can maybe get you in for a scan!
I forgot to add that I am only 7w3d and practically need maternity shorts already. Between the bloat and already having a pooch from DS, I am holding my jeans closed with a hair elastic or wearing only my stretchiest skirts and shorts. It's ridiculous.
persimmon / 1259 posts
@LabradorLover: @BadgerMom: Anxious to hear about your ultrasounds! Hoping all looks good for you both!
@Chuckles: My bloating is so bad, especially at the end of the day. Tight clothing increases my nausea, so I busted out maternity shorts today. 6w1d...
kiwi / 548 posts
Here is our little bean! Measuring right on schedule and a heartbeat of 176! Found out we can do the MaterniT21 blood test at 10+ weeks so not too much longer until we know what Baby M is! I’m so in love
persimmon / 1385 posts
@LabradorLover: Yay!!! I’m so glad everything went well!!!
Just got out of our scan. Saw a heartbeat and the little blob is measuring right on time (6w2d).
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