Hellobee Boards


February 2020 Mamas

  1. jomarma

    coffee bean / 28 posts

    @Sams Mom: just intake.
    Still no symptoms! Just exhaustion! I’m trying to remind myself that I didn’t have symptoms until 7 weeks last time and I shouldn’t be wishing to feel sick but...

  2. dinosaurgiraffefox

    pea / 9 posts

    @graceandjoy: I’m sure I’ll still be a March mama, I went over 40 weeks and was induced with all 3 of the others I’ve also had to have a d&c for a missed miscarriage so I feel like my body just doesn’t like to let go.

    So far I only have sore nipples and a nauseous feeling here and there, like I have to burp but it won’t come out. Pretty tired too but still managed to play softball last night in hot weather, I was surprised I got through it!

    I just called and scheduled my appointments: my intake with a nurse is 7/30 and first official one is 8/14 although I’m pretty sure I’m going to reschedule it because I wanted a certain provider and for some reason didn’t speak up on the phone. I’m going to go later tonight to do my first beta and progesterone level. I’m nervous because my progesterone is always very very low and the suppositories are not a good time. They usually pull me in for an ultrasound once hcg is high enough so that’ll probably be in 2-3 weeks!

  3. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @dinosaurgiraffefox: Wow, I can't believe you played! Hoping for good numbers

  4. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    Anyone get a ton of apparent fertile CM in early pregnancy? I didn't even know I was pregnant at this point in my last pregnancy, and didn't really pay attention to CM anyways.

  5. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @Sams Mom: I randomly had some the other day, but I also had an appointment last Wed so I don't know if it was from all the probing....?

  6. chereshae

    coffee bean / 26 posts

    Cautiously dipping my toes into this board! I hear this is where the March mamas are hanging out?

    Location: Ottawa, ON
    EDD: March 11, 2020
    How far along: 3 weeks 6 days
    First child? #2 - DS, B, is 3
    First doctor appointment: None yet - have to call my GP and my fertility clinic (was scheduled to redo my HSG and start fertility meds next month)
    Any symptoms so far? Not much? Maybe a little tired, but that's kind of expected chasing around a toddler... It was actually the *absence* of symptoms that made me test at 11dpo (yesterday!) - I normally cramp like a mother from ovulation until CD2 or 3. This cycle, almost nothing.
    Who have you told: SO and the dentist, lol! Had a dentist appointment this morning and I was due for xrays. "Yeah... about that..."

  7. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @chereshae: Welcome!! I think the Jan thread currently is the most active, and there aren't AS many Feb/Mar mama's yet so we're kinda all hanging out here too!

    Due Date Roll Call

    2/12: MAMAJ (#2)
    2/15: GRACEANDJOY (#3)
    2/21: EEBOLLEH (#2)
    3/4: JOMARMA (#2)
    3/6: SAMS MOM (#2)
    3/11: CHERESHAE (#2)

    So far we have no FTM here!

  8. jomarma

    coffee bean / 28 posts

    Still no symptoms here, feeling fine, still testing because I'm a nut. My first appointment will be on 7/26 so long way to go!

    I have only told my husband, my dentist, you all, and our son's daycare. I'm thinking of talking to my boss this week, because I'm a teacher and I'm already worried about working with 2 little ones. Talking to my son's daycare, it looks like we'd be paying around $4350 a month for two full-time children (!!!) and I don't make that much each month! Kinda freaking out and not sure what to do... don't really want to be a stay at home mom full-time, but not sure a part-time option would be available to me.

  9. chereshae

    coffee bean / 26 posts

    @graceandjoy: Thanks! I'll poke my head in there too.

  10. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @chereshae: btw, it's awesome that you don't even need to take fertility meds now!

    @jomarma: Ugh I am sorry, finance is such a stress. We managed to not have to put 2 full-time at the same time; my little one goes half days. Now oldest is going to Kindergarten so #2 will switch to full time this Sept. So now I've just prolonged an expensive daycare bill for another 4+ years I thought I only have 2 more years to go!

  11. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @jomarma: our first appointment is on the same day!

  12. jomarma

    coffee bean / 28 posts

    @graceandjoy: I know! We knew if we had a baby this year, we'd have one year overlap where it would be extra expensive. When our oldest is 4, he can go to the preschool where I work where I get a tuition reduction, so he'd be around $7000 for the entire year! I'm just not sure how we're going to handle this year where they both need expensive daycare. I can take a year off, but that'd be very expensive too, and I'm not sure I can handle a toddler and an infant by myself for a year. I'm on summer break with my toddler now and super surprised how much attention he takes compared to last summer! #hesallovertheplace

  13. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @jomarma: I feel you. It's just expensive all around! We're going to make it work; basically the "free" money I was about to save from my 1st not being in daycare, now is just going to be my maternity leave savings. And we won't be able to do any big trips or vacations, but that's okay!

  14. Eebolleh

    cherry / 117 posts

    @graceandjoy: yup, childcare is so expensive. I live in Canada but I’m considered a “contractor” so I am not eligible for Mat leave. Sooo I just take time off without pay. I am super lucky that my boss is flexible and I was able to return part time but money will be tighter this time around. I love spending time with my babies but we need the income as well! It’s a balance for sure.

  15. Phillybaby2013

    kiwi / 520 posts

    Can I play? 3rd cycle after a chemical. Started TTC in January after having my IUD removed in Dec.

    Location: suburbs of Phila, PA
    EDD: March 9, 2020
    How far along: 4w 2d
    First child? 3rd! B is 6 and C is 4
    First doctor appointment: waiting for a call back from my Dr.
    Any symptoms so far? Sore boobs and nausea off and on. Pretty mild so far.
    Who have you told: DH, my parents, mommy group from DS2 and my coworker.

    Including my beautiful test progression so far. My goal is a dye stealer, then I'll stop. I'm an obsessive POASer can you tell?

  16. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @Eebolleh: My last 2 leaves were unpaid as well, it was rough! This time supposedly I am getting up to 55%... We will see cuz I’ll really need it 😅

    @Phillybaby2013: Welcome and hello fellow 3rd time mama! That’s a beautiful line right there!

  17. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @Sams Mom: Just jumping in to say congratulations! So happy for you, lady! I hope the next couple weeks go quickly for you!

    And congrats to all the Feb mamas!

  18. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    Feb & Mar Due Date Roll Call

    2/12: MAMAJ (#2)
    2/15: GRACEANDJOY (#3)
    2/21: EEBOLLEH (#2)
    3/4: JOMARMA (#2)
    3/6: SAMS MOM (#2)
    3/9: PHILLYBABY2013 (#3)
    3/11: CHERESHAE (#2)

  19. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @karenbme: THANK YOU lady!!! I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. Like I'm not temping anymore, I won't be starting OPKs in the next day or 2... It's weird, but so good.

  20. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    I just made myself puke? while cleaning my ears out? I barely poked a spot in my ear and I instantly puked. What. The. Heck!?

  21. chereshae

    coffee bean / 26 posts

    Mamas, any tips for fake drinking/masking the fact that you're not drinking? I'm at a weekend getaway as we speak with some girlfriends and drinking is obviously on the menu. Only 4 weeks and not ready to spill the beans just yet

  22. Eebolleh

    cherry / 117 posts

    @chereshae: I’ve heard you can talk to a bartender ahead of time and only get your drinks through them. Ask for one drink and keep “getting one more”. Just let the bartender know it’s a virgin and give him a big tip at the beginning.

  23. Eebolleh

    cherry / 117 posts

    @chereshae: sorry I realize it’s sunday night and your weekend is over. Did you spill the beans or keep it a secret?

  24. chereshae

    coffee bean / 26 posts

    @Eebolleh: Yeah, managed to keep things under wraps. Thanks!

  25. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @Sams Mom: That is such a weird trigger!

    @chereshae: I'm glad you were able to! I'm not a big drinker so it would never raise a red flag to someone (tho I feel like people that want to be suspicious, will be either way haha)

    My 2.5 old was sick for 5 days straight and I didn't sleep for 4 nights. That was really not fun while being 8 weeks pregnant. And everyone was like aww I am sorry and I wish I could tell them why it's been even MORE exhausting!

  26. dinosaurgiraffefox

    pea / 9 posts

    Hi, I just wanted to pop in and say that unfortunately I already lost the pregnancy. I found out the results from my first blood draw and although they said they were great, I knew they were too low for the dates. I took some more tests and they got lighter and lighter and I started bleeding on Independence Day.

    Hoping all the best for everyone else, have a happy and healthy 9 months

  27. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @dinosaurgiraffefox: I am so so sorry for your loss

  28. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @dinosaurgiraffefox: o man, I'm sorry

  29. Phillybaby2013

    kiwi / 520 posts

    @dinosaurgiraffefox: I'm so sorry.

  30. Eebolleh

    cherry / 117 posts

    @dinosaurgiraffefox: I’m so sorry!!! Sending love

  31. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    Feb & Mar Due Date Roll Call

    2/12: MAMAJ (#2)
    2/15: GRACEANDJOY (#3)
    2/21: EEBOLLEH (#2)
    3/4: JOMARMA (#2)
    3/6: SAMS MOM (#2)
    3/9: PHILLYBABY2013 (#3)
    3/11: CHERESHAE (#2)

    Keeping our angel baby (& mama) in our

    8 weeks (almost 9) and app keeps saying the placenta is picking up some of the hormone production so I should start to feel better... NOT! Also my two are taking turns getting really sick (boo summer viruses), so I'm literally hanging on by a thread these days.

    Anyone have appointments coming up? My next one is 7/26 for bloodwork, not sure if there's a scan.

  32. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @graceandjoy: counting down to the 26th also. That will be all the first appointments for me (intake, U/S, & OB)

  33. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @Sams Mom: Getting there! So close yet so far!

  34. Eebolleh

    cherry / 117 posts

    @Sams Mom: I have an appointment on the 16th. I guess I’ll find out more then! My doctor kept saying “we will decide what to do after that scan”. Soooooo I think she feels like it’s a miscarriage/blighted ovum. The waiting game sucks! If it isn’t viable I really want to move on.

  35. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @Eebolleh: Whaaat that's not nice!

  36. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @Eebolleh: that's not cool! My dating scan with my first was coded as something about checking a non viable pregnancy, it freaked me out, but I guess it's common coding for the initial scan.

  37. Eebolleh

    cherry / 117 posts

    @Sams Mom: well she kept saying that we would decide after the results of this test. I was in at 6 weeks and they couldn’t find a fetal pole. I am hoping hoping hoping they find a fetus on Tuesday! @graceandjoy:

  38. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @Eebolleh: I went in at 6 weeks 4 days I think and just made it to see/hear hb; but I know 6 weeks is iffy! With my first I think there was nothing at 6 weeks.

  39. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    We're a quiet bunch.

  40. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @Sams Mom: I get lost b/c I'd post in the Jan thread thinking it's this thread, vice versa, lol!

    Also feeling pretty sick everyday, just trying to make it through the work day. Plus my two kids were sick back to back, each for like 5-6 days, so it's been an absolute mess over in this house. I just want all of us to feel better and actually enjoy summer together, our last summer as a family of 4!

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